Author: lmccay
Date: Mon Apr 25 11:37:39 2016
New Revision: 1740816

Correct references to Hadoop to be Apache Hadoop on home page.


Modified: knox/site/index.html
--- knox/site/index.html (original)
+++ knox/site/index.html Mon Apr 25 11:37:39 2016
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
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-    <title>Knox Gateway &#x2013; REST API Gateway for the Hadoop 
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@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
-                  <li id="publishDate" class="pull-right">Last Published: 
+                  <li id="publishDate" class="pull-right">Last Published: 
@@ -326,9 +326,9 @@ distributed under the License is distrib
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License. --><div class="section">
-<h2><a name="REST_API_Gateway_for_the_Hadoop_Ecosystem"></a>REST API Gateway 
for the Hadoop Ecosystem</h2>
-<p>The Apache Knox Gateway is a REST API Gateway for interacting with Hadoop 
-<p>The Knox Gateway provides a single access point for all REST interactions 
with Hadoop clusters.</p>
+<h2><a name="REST_API_Gateway_for_the_Apache_Hadoop_Ecosystem"></a>REST API 
Gateway for the Apache Hadoop Ecosystem</h2>
+<p>The Apache Knox Gateway is a REST API Gateway for interacting with Apache 
Hadoop clusters.</p>
+<p>The Knox Gateway provides a single access point for all REST interactions 
with Apache Hadoop clusters.</p>
 <p>In this capacity, the Knox Gateway is able to provide valuable 
functionality to aid in the control,<br /> integration, monitoring and 
automation of critical administrative and analytical needs of the 
@@ -341,14 +341,14 @@ limitations under the License. --><div c
-<p>While there are a number of benefits for unsecured Hadoop clusters,<br /> 
the Knox Gateway also complements the kerberos secured cluster quite nicely.</p>
-<p>Coupled with proper network isolation of a Kerberos secured Hadoop 
cluster,<br /> the Knox Gateway provides the enterprise with a solution 
+<p>While there are a number of benefits for unsecured Apache Hadoop 
clusters,<br /> the Knox Gateway also complements the kerberos secured cluster 
quite nicely.</p>
+<p>Coupled with proper network isolation of a Kerberos secured Apache Hadoop 
cluster,<br /> the Knox Gateway provides the enterprise with a solution 
 <li>Integrates well with enterprise identity management solutions</li>
-<li>Protects the details of the Hadoop cluster deployment (hosts and ports are 
hidden from endusers)</li>
+<li>Protects the details of the cluster deployment (hosts and ports are hidden 
from endusers)</li>
 <li>Simplifies the number of services that clients need to interact with</li>
@@ -356,19 +356,19 @@ limitations under the License. --><div c
 <div class="section">
 <h2><a name="Overview"></a>Overview</h2>
 <p>The Knox API Gateway is designed as a reverse proxy with consideration for 
pluggability in the areas of<br /> policy enforcement, through providers and 
the backend services for which it proxies requests.</p>
-<p>Policy enforcement ranges from authentication/federation, authorization, 
audit, dispatch, hostmapping<br /> and content rewrite rules. Policy is 
enforced through a chain of providers that are defined within the topology<br 
/> deployment descriptor for each Hadoop cluster gated by Knox. The cluster 
definition is also defined<br /> within the topology deployment descriptor and 
provides the Knox Gateway with the layout of the Hadoop<br /> cluster for 
purposes of routing and translation between user facing URLs and Hadoop cluster 
-<p>Each Hadoop cluster that is protected by Knox has its set of REST APIs 
represented by a single cluster specific<br /> application context path. This 
allows the Knox Gateway to both protect multiple Hadoop clusters and present<br 
/> the REST API consumer with a single endpoint for access to all of the Hadoop 
services required, across the<br /> multiple clusters.</p>
-<p>Simply by writing a topology deployment descriptor to the topologies 
directory of the Knox installation, a<br /> new Hadoop cluster definition is 
processed, the policy enforcement providers are configured and the 
application<br /> context path is made available for use by API 
+<p>Policy enforcement ranges from authentication/federation, authorization, 
audit, dispatch, hostmapping<br /> and content rewrite rules. Policy is 
enforced through a chain of providers that are defined within the topology<br 
/> deployment descriptor for each Apache Hadoop cluster gated by Knox. The 
cluster definition is also defined<br /> within the topology deployment 
descriptor and provides the Knox Gateway with the layout of the<br /> cluster 
for purposes of routing and translation between user facing URLs and cluster 
+<p>Each Apache Hadoop cluster that is protected by Knox has its set of REST 
APIs represented by a single cluster specific<br /> application context path. 
This allows the Knox Gateway to both protect multiple clusters and present<br 
/> the REST API consumer with a single endpoint for access to all of the 
services required, across the<br /> multiple clusters.</p>
+<p>Simply by writing a topology deployment descriptor to the topologies 
directory of the Knox installation, a<br /> new Apache Hadoop cluster 
definition is processed, the policy enforcement providers are configured and 
the application<br /> context path is made available for use by API 
 <div class="section">
-<h2><a name="Supported_Hadoop_Services"></a>Supported Hadoop Services</h2>
-<p>The following Hadoop services have integrations with the Knox Gateway:</p>
+<h2><a name="Supported_Apache_Hadoop_Services"></a>Supported Apache Hadoop 
+<p>The following Apache Hadoop services have integrations with the Knox 
 <p>Ambari<br /> WebHDFS (HDFS)<br /> Templeton (HCatalog)<br /> Stargate 
(HBase)<br /> Oozie<br /> Hive/JDBC<br /> Yarn RM<br /> Storm<br /></p></div>
 <div class="section">
-<h2><a name="Supported_Hadoop_UIs"></a>Supported Hadoop UIs</h2>
+<h2><a name="Supported_Apache_Hadoop_UIs"></a>Supported Apache Hadoop UIs</h2>
 <p>Name Node UI<br /> Job History UI<br /> Oozie UI<br /> HBase UI<br /> Yarn 
UI<br /> Spark UI<br /> Ambari UI<br /> Ranger Admin Console<br /></p></div>
 <div class="section">
 <h2><a name="Configuring_Support_for_new_services_and_UIs"></a>Configuring 
Support for new services and UIs</h2>
-<p>Apache Knox provides a configuration driven method of adding new routing 
services.<br /> This enables for new Hadoop REST APIs to come on board very 
quickly and easily. It also enables<br /> users and developers to add support 
for custom REST APIs to the Knox gateway as well.<br /> This capability was 
added in release 0.6.0 and furthers the Knox commitment to extensibility and 
+<p>Apache Knox provides a configuration driven method of adding new routing 
services.<br /> This enables for new Apache Hadoop REST APIs to come on board 
very quickly and easily. It also enables<br /> users and developers to add 
support for custom REST APIs to the Knox gateway as well.<br /> This capability 
was added in release 0.6.0 and furthers the Knox commitment to extensibility 
and integration.</p></div>
 <div class="section">
 <h2><a name="Authentication"></a>Authentication</h2>
 <p>Providers with the role of authentication are responsible for collecting 
credentials presented by the API<br /> consumer, validating them and 
communicating the successful or failed authentication to the client or the<br 
/> rest of the provider chain.</p>
@@ -388,11 +388,11 @@ limitations under the License. --><div c
 <p>A simple mechanism for propagating the identity through HTTP Headers that 
specify the username and group for the<br /> authenticated user. This has been 
built with vendor usecases such as SiteMinder and IBM Tivoli Access 
 <div class="section">
 <h2><a name="KnoxSSO"></a>KnoxSSO</h2>
-<p>The KnoxSSO service is an integration service that provides a normalized 
SSO token for representing the authenticated user.<br /> This token is 
generally used for WebSSO capabilities for participating UIs and their 
consumption of the Hadoop REST APIs.<br /> KnoxSSO abstracts the actual 
identity provider integration away from participating applications so that they 
only need to<br /> be aware of the KnoxSSO cookie. The token is presented by 
the browser as a cookie and applications that are participating in<br /> the 
KnoxSSO integration are able to cryptographically validate the presented token 
and remain agnostic to the underlying<br /> SSO integration.</p></div>
+<p>The KnoxSSO service is an integration service that provides a normalized 
SSO token for representing the authenticated user.<br /> This token is 
generally used for WebSSO capabilities for participating UIs and their 
consumption of the Apache Hadoop REST APIs.<br /> KnoxSSO abstracts the actual 
identity provider integration away from participating applications so that they 
only need to<br /> be aware of the KnoxSSO cookie. The token is presented by 
the browser as a cookie and applications that are participating in<br /> the 
KnoxSSO integration are able to cryptographically validate the presented token 
and remain agnostic to the underlying<br /> SSO integration.</p></div>
 <div class="section">
 <h2><a name="Authorization"></a>Authorization</h2>
 <p>The authorization role is used by providers that make access decisions for 
the requested resources based on the<br /> effective user identity context. 
This identity context is determined by the authentication provider and the 
identity<br /> assertion provider mapping rules. Evaluation of the identity 
context&#x2019;s user and group principals against a set of<br /> access 
policies is done by the authorization provider in order to determine whether 
access should be granted to<br /> the effective user for the requested 
-<p>Out of the box, the Knox Gateway provides an ACL based authorization 
provider that evaluates rules that comprise<br /> of username, groups and ip 
addresses. These ACLs are bound to and protect resources at the service 
level.<br /> That is, they protect access to the Hadoop services themselves 
based on user, group and remote ip address.</p></div>
+<p>Out of the box, the Knox Gateway provides an ACL based authorization 
provider that evaluates rules that comprise<br /> of username, groups and ip 
addresses. These ACLs are bound to and protect resources at the service 
level.<br /> That is, they protect access to the Apache Hadoop services 
themselves based on user, group and remote ip address.</p></div>
 <div class="section">
 <h2><a name="Audit"></a>Audit</h2>
 <p>The ability to determine what actions were taken by whom during some period 
of time is provided by the auditing<br /> capabilities of the Knox Gateway. The 
facility is built on an extension of the Log4j framework and may be extended<br 
/> by replacing the out of the box implementation with another.</p></div>

Modified: knox/site/issue-tracking.html
--- knox/site/issue-tracking.html (original)
+++ knox/site/issue-tracking.html Mon Apr 25 11:37:39 2016
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Modified: knox/site/license.html
--- knox/site/license.html (original)
+++ knox/site/license.html Mon Apr 25 11:37:39 2016
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Modified: knox/site/mail-lists.html
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Modified: knox/site/project-info.html
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Modified: knox/site/team-list.html
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Modified: knox/trunk/src/site/markdown/
--- knox/trunk/src/site/markdown/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/src/site/markdown/ Mon Apr 25 11:37:39 2016
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
-REST API Gateway for the Hadoop Ecosystem
+REST API Gateway for the Apache Hadoop Ecosystem
-The Apache Knox Gateway is a REST API Gateway for interacting with Hadoop
+The Apache Knox Gateway is a REST API Gateway for interacting with Apache 
-The Knox Gateway provides a single access point for all REST interactions with 
+The Knox Gateway provides a single access point for all REST interactions with 
Apache Hadoop
 In this capacity, the Knox Gateway is able to provide valuable functionality 
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ and analytical needs of the enterprise.
 * Authorization (Service Level Authorization)
 * Auditing
-While there are a number of benefits for unsecured Hadoop clusters,<br/> the 
Knox Gateway also
+While there are a number of benefits for unsecured Apache Hadoop 
clusters,<br/> the Knox Gateway also
 complements the kerberos secured cluster quite nicely.
-Coupled with proper network isolation of a Kerberos secured Hadoop 
cluster,<br/> the Knox Gateway
+Coupled with proper network isolation of a Kerberos secured Apache Hadoop 
cluster,<br/> the Knox Gateway
 provides the enterprise with a solution that:
 * Integrates well with enterprise identity management solutions
-* Protects the details of the Hadoop cluster deployment (hosts and ports are 
hidden from endusers)
+* Protects the details of the cluster deployment (hosts and ports are hidden 
from endusers)
 * Simplifies the number of services that clients need to interact with
 ![alt text]( "Overview")
@@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ policy enforcement, through providers an
 Policy enforcement ranges from authentication/federation, authorization, 
audit, dispatch, hostmapping<br/>
 and content rewrite rules. Policy is enforced through a chain of providers 
that are defined within the topology<br/>
-deployment descriptor for each Hadoop cluster gated by Knox. The cluster 
definition is also defined<br/>
-within the topology deployment descriptor and provides the Knox Gateway with 
the layout of the Hadoop<br/>
-cluster for purposes of routing and translation between user facing URLs and 
Hadoop cluster internals.
-Each Hadoop cluster that is protected by Knox has its set of REST APIs 
represented by a single cluster specific<br/>
-application context path. This allows the Knox Gateway to both protect 
multiple Hadoop clusters and present<br/>
-the REST API consumer with a single endpoint for access to all of the Hadoop 
services required, across the<br/>
+deployment descriptor for each Apache Hadoop cluster gated by Knox. The 
cluster definition is also defined<br/>
+within the topology deployment descriptor and provides the Knox Gateway with 
the layout of the<br/>
+cluster for purposes of routing and translation between user facing URLs and 
cluster internals.
+Each Apache Hadoop cluster that is protected by Knox has its set of REST APIs 
represented by a single cluster specific<br/>
+application context path. This allows the Knox Gateway to both protect 
multiple clusters and present<br/>
+the REST API consumer with a single endpoint for access to all of the services 
required, across the<br/>
 multiple clusters.
 Simply by writing a topology deployment descriptor to the topologies directory 
of the Knox installation, a<br/>
-new Hadoop cluster definition is processed, the policy enforcement providers 
are configured and the application<br/>
+new Apache Hadoop cluster definition is processed, the policy enforcement 
providers are configured and the application<br/>
 context path is made available for use by API consumers.
-## Supported Hadoop Services
-The following Hadoop services have integrations with the Knox Gateway:
+## Supported Apache Hadoop Services
+The following Apache Hadoop services have integrations with the Knox Gateway:
 WebHDFS (HDFS)<br/>
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Hive/JDBC<br/>
 Yarn RM<br/>
-## Supported Hadoop UIs
+## Supported Apache Hadoop UIs
 Name Node UI<br/>
 Job History UI<br/>
 Oozie UI<br/>
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Ranger Admin Console<br/>
 ## Configuring Support for new services and UIs
 Apache Knox provides a configuration driven method of adding new routing 
-This enables for new Hadoop REST APIs to come on board very quickly and 
easily. It also enables<br/>
+This enables for new Apache Hadoop REST APIs to come on board very quickly and 
easily. It also enables<br/>
 users and developers to add support for custom REST APIs to the Knox gateway 
as well.<br/>
 This capability was added in release 0.6.0 and furthers the Knox commitment to 
extensibility and integration.
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ authenticated user. This has been built
 ## KnoxSSO
 The KnoxSSO service is an integration service that provides a normalized SSO 
token for representing the authenticated user.<br/>
-This token is generally used for WebSSO capabilities for participating UIs and 
their consumption of the Hadoop REST APIs.<br/>
+This token is generally used for WebSSO capabilities for participating UIs and 
their consumption of the Apache Hadoop REST APIs.<br/>
 KnoxSSO abstracts the actual identity provider integration away from 
participating applications so that they only need to<br/> 
 be aware of the KnoxSSO cookie. The token is presented by the browser as a 
cookie and applications that are participating in<br/>
 the KnoxSSO integration are able to cryptographically validate the presented 
token and remain agnostic to the underlying<br/>
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ the effective user for the requested res
 Out of the box, the Knox Gateway provides an ACL based authorization provider 
that evaluates rules that comprise<br/>
 of username, groups and ip addresses. These ACLs are bound to and protect 
resources at the service level.<br/>
-That is, they protect access to the Hadoop services themselves based on user, 
group and remote ip address.
+That is, they protect access to the Apache Hadoop services themselves based on 
user, group and remote ip address.
 ## Audit
 The ability to determine what actions were taken by whom during some period of 
time is provided by the auditing<br/>

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