Author: lmccay
Date: Sat Apr 19 19:03:18 2014
New Revision: 1588697

fixed headline levels


Modified: knox/site/books/knox-0-4-0/knox-0-4-0-new.html
--- knox/site/books/knox-0-4-0/knox-0-4-0-new.html (original)
+++ knox/site/books/knox-0-4-0/knox-0-4-0-new.html Sat Apr 19 19:03:18 2014
@@ -1924,7 +1924,7 @@ curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X DE
 </ul></div><div id="HBase"><h3><a id="HBase"></a>HBase</h3><p>TODO</p><h4><a 
id="HBase+URL+Mapping"></a>HBase URL Mapping</h4><p>TODO</p><h4><a 
id="HBase+Examples"></a>HBase Examples</h4><p>TODO</p><p>The examples below 
illustrate the set of basic operations with HBase instance using Stargate REST 
API. Use following link to get more more details about HBase/Stargate API: <a 
 Some HBase examples may not work due to enabled <a 
 Control</a>. User may not be granted for performing operations in samples. In 
order to check if Access Control is configured in the HBase instance verify 
hbase-site.xml for a presence of 
<code></code> in 
<code>hbase.coprocessor.master.classes</code> and 
<code>hbase.coprocessor.region.classes</code> properties.<br/>
 To grant the Read, Write, Create permissions to <code>guest</code> user 
execute the following command:</p>
 <pre><code>echo grant &#39;guest&#39;, &#39;RWC&#39; | hbase shell
-</code></pre><p>If you are using a cluster secured with Kerberos you will need 
to have used <code>kinit</code> to authenticate to the KDC </p></div><div 
id="HBase"><h3><a id="HBase+Stargate+Setup"></a>HBase Stargate Setup</h3><h4><a 
id="Launch+Stargate"></a>Launch Stargate</h4><p>The command below launches the 
Stargate daemon on port 60080</p>
+</code></pre><p>If you are using a cluster secured with Kerberos you will need 
to have used <code>kinit</code> to authenticate to the KDC </p><h4><a 
id="HBase+Stargate+Setup"></a>HBase Stargate Setup</h4><h4><a 
id="Launch+Stargate"></a>Launch Stargate</h4><p>The command below launches the 
Stargate daemon on port 60080</p>
 <pre><code>sudo /usr/lib/hbase/bin/ start rest -p 60080
 </code></pre><p>Port 60080 is used because it was specified in sample Hadoop 
cluster deployment 
id="Configure+Sandbox+port+mapping+for+VirtualBox"></a>Configure Sandbox port 
mapping for VirtualBox</h4>

Modified: knox/site/books/knox-0-4-0/knox-0-4-0.html
--- knox/site/books/knox-0-4-0/knox-0-4-0.html (original)
+++ knox/site/books/knox-0-4-0/knox-0-4-0.html Sat Apr 19 19:03:18 2014
@@ -1924,7 +1924,7 @@ curl -i -k -u guest:guest-password -X DE
 </ul><h3><a id="HBase"></a>HBase</h3><p>TODO</p><h4><a 
id="HBase+URL+Mapping"></a>HBase URL Mapping</h4><p>TODO</p><h4><a 
id="HBase+Examples"></a>HBase Examples</h4><p>TODO</p><p>The examples below 
illustrate the set of basic operations with HBase instance using Stargate REST 
API. Use following link to get more more details about HBase/Stargate API: <a 
 Some HBase examples may not work due to enabled <a 
 Control</a>. User may not be granted for performing operations in samples. In 
order to check if Access Control is configured in the HBase instance verify 
hbase-site.xml for a presence of 
<code></code> in 
<code>hbase.coprocessor.master.classes</code> and 
<code>hbase.coprocessor.region.classes</code> properties.<br/>To grant the 
Read, Wri
 te, Create permissions to <code>guest</code> user execute the following 
 <pre><code>echo grant &#39;guest&#39;, &#39;RWC&#39; | hbase shell
-</code></pre><p>If you are using a cluster secured with Kerberos you will need 
to have used <code>kinit</code> to authenticate to the KDC </p><h3><a 
id="HBase+Stargate+Setup"></a>HBase Stargate Setup</h3><h4><a 
id="Launch+Stargate"></a>Launch Stargate</h4><p>The command below launches the 
Stargate daemon on port 60080</p>
+</code></pre><p>If you are using a cluster secured with Kerberos you will need 
to have used <code>kinit</code> to authenticate to the KDC </p><h4><a 
id="HBase+Stargate+Setup"></a>HBase Stargate Setup</h4><h4><a 
id="Launch+Stargate"></a>Launch Stargate</h4><p>The command below launches the 
Stargate daemon on port 60080</p>
 <pre><code>sudo /usr/lib/hbase/bin/ start rest -p 60080
 </code></pre><p>Port 60080 is used because it was specified in sample Hadoop 
cluster deployment 
id="Configure+Sandbox+port+mapping+for+VirtualBox"></a>Configure Sandbox port 
mapping for VirtualBox</h4>

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.4.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.4.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.4.0/ Sat Apr 19 19:03:18 2014
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ To grant the Read, Write, Create permiss
 If you are using a cluster secured with Kerberos you will need to have used 
`kinit` to authenticate to the KDC    
-### HBase Stargate Setup ###
+#### HBase Stargate Setup ####
 #### Launch Stargate ####

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