minor, move all hll and topn related code to core-metadata

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/kylin/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/kylin/commit/daa294b6
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/kylin/tree/daa294b6
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/kylin/diff/daa294b6

Branch: refs/heads/2.x-staging
Commit: daa294b679cf857422acce9cf2c86b6c950a5b67
Parents: 5f4c581
Author: honma <ho...@ebay.com>
Authored: Wed Jan 27 22:19:00 2016 +0800
Committer: honma <ho...@ebay.com>
Committed: Wed Jan 27 22:19:00 2016 +0800

 core-common/pom.xml                             |   6 +-
 .../common/hll/HyperLogLogPlusCounter.java      | 340 -------------------
 .../kylin/common/hll/HyperLogLogPlusTable.java  | 199 -----------
 .../org/apache/kylin/common/topn/Counter.java   |  83 -----
 .../common/topn/DoubleDeltaSerializer.java      | 193 -----------
 .../kylin/common/topn/DoublyLinkedList.java     | 141 --------
 .../org/apache/kylin/common/topn/ListNode2.java |  51 ---
 .../apache/kylin/common/topn/TopNCounter.java   | 335 ------------------
 .../common/hll/HyperLogLogCounterTest.java      | 245 -------------
 .../common/topn/DoubleDeltaSerializerTest.java  |  85 -----
 .../kylin/common/topn/TopNCounterBasicTest.java | 132 -------
 .../common/topn/TopNCounterCombinationTest.java |  62 ----
 .../kylin/common/topn/TopNCounterTest.java      | 306 -----------------
 .../cube/inmemcubing/InMemCubeBuilder.java      |   4 +-
 .../org/apache/kylin/cube/util/CubingUtils.java |   2 +-
 .../apache/kylin/gridtable/UnitTestSupport.java |   2 +-
 .../gridtable/AggregationCacheMemSizeTest.java  |   2 +-
 .../metadata/measure/MeasureCodecTest.java      |  18 +-
 core-metadata/pom.xml                           |   5 +
 .../kylin/measure/hllc/HLLCAggregator.java      |   1 -
 .../kylin/measure/hllc/HLLCMeasureType.java     |   1 -
 .../kylin/measure/hllc/HLLCSerializer.java      |   1 -
 .../measure/hllc/HLLDistinctCountAggFunc.java   |   1 -
 .../measure/hllc/HyperLogLogPlusCounter.java    | 340 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../measure/hllc/HyperLogLogPlusTable.java      | 199 +++++++++++
 .../org/apache/kylin/measure/topn/Counter.java  |  83 +++++
 .../measure/topn/DoubleDeltaSerializer.java     | 193 +++++++++++
 .../kylin/measure/topn/DoublyLinkedList.java    | 141 ++++++++
 .../apache/kylin/measure/topn/ListNode2.java    |  51 +++
 .../kylin/measure/topn/TopNAggregator.java      |   1 -
 .../apache/kylin/measure/topn/TopNCounter.java  | 335 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../measure/topn/TopNCounterSerializer.java     |   3 -
 .../kylin/measure/topn/TopNMeasureType.java     |   2 -
 .../topn/TopNCounterSerializerTest.java         |   2 +-
 .../measure/hll/HyperLogLogCounterTest.java     | 245 +++++++++++++
 .../measure/topn/DoubleDeltaSerializerTest.java |  85 +++++
 .../measure/topn/TopNCounterBasicTest.java      | 131 +++++++
 .../topn/TopNCounterCombinationTest.java        |  62 ++++
 .../kylin/measure/topn/TopNCounterTest.java     | 306 +++++++++++++++++
 .../kylin/engine/mr/common/CubeStatsReader.java |   2 +-
 .../kylin/engine/mr/common/CuboidStatsUtil.java |   2 +-
 .../mr/steps/FactDistinctColumnsReducer.java    |   2 +-
 .../mr/steps/FactDistinctHiveColumnsMapper.java |   2 +-
 .../engine/mr/steps/MergeStatisticsStep.java    |   2 +-
 .../kylin/engine/mr/steps/CubeSamplingTest.java |   3 +-
 .../steps/FactDistinctColumnsReducerTest.java   |   2 +-
 .../apache/kylin/engine/spark/SparkCubing.java  |   3 +-
 .../engine/streaming/IStreamingOutput.java      |   2 +-
 .../streaming/OneOffStreamingBuilder.java       |   2 +-
 .../engine/streaming/StreamingBatchBuilder.java |   2 +-
 .../streaming/cube/StreamingCubeBuilder.java    |   2 +-
 .../invertedindex/measure/FixedHLLCodec.java    |   2 +-
 .../cardinality/ColumnCardinalityMapper.java    |   2 +-
 .../cardinality/ColumnCardinalityReducer.java   |   2 +-
 .../ColumnCardinalityReducerTest.java           |   4 +-
 .../endpoint/EndpointAggregators.java           |   2 +-
 .../hbase/steps/HBaseStreamingOutput.java       |   2 +-
 57 files changed, 2210 insertions(+), 2224 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core-common/pom.xml b/core-common/pom.xml
index 28566d6..bfdc662 100644
--- a/core-common/pom.xml
+++ b/core-common/pom.xml
@@ -109,11 +109,7 @@
         <!-- Env & Test -->
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId>
-            <artifactId>commons-math3</artifactId>
-            <scope>test</scope>
-        </dependency>

diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index ef91509..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
-package org.apache.kylin.common.hll;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.Serializable;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.charset.Charset;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import org.apache.kylin.common.util.BytesUtil;
-import com.google.common.hash.HashFunction;
-import com.google.common.hash.Hashing;
- * About compression, test on HLLC data shows
- * 
- * - LZF compression ratio is around 65%-80%, fast
- * - GZIP compression ratio is around 41%-46%, very slow
- * 
- * @author yangli9
- */
-public class HyperLogLogPlusCounter implements Serializable, 
Comparable<HyperLogLogPlusCounter> {
-    private final int p;
-    private final int m;
-    private final HashFunction hashFunc;
-    byte[] registers;
-    public HyperLogLogPlusCounter() {
-        this(10);
-    }
-    public HyperLogLogPlusCounter(int p) {
-        this(p, Hashing.murmur3_128());
-    }
-    public HyperLogLogPlusCounter(HyperLogLogPlusCounter another) {
-        this(another.p, another.hashFunc);
-        merge(another);
-    }
-    /** The larger p is, the more storage (2^p bytes), the better accuracy */
-    private HyperLogLogPlusCounter(int p, HashFunction hashFunc) {
-        this.p = p;
-        this.m = 1 << p;//(int) Math.pow(2, p);
-        this.hashFunc = hashFunc;
-        this.registers = new byte[m];
-    }
-    public void clear() {
-        byte zero = (byte) 0;
-        Arrays.fill(registers, zero);
-    }
-    public void add(int value) {
-        add(hashFunc.hashInt(value).asLong());
-    }
-    public void add(String value) {
-        add(hashFunc.hashString(value, Charset.defaultCharset()).asLong());
-    }
-    public void add(byte[] value) {
-        add(hashFunc.hashBytes(value).asLong());
-    }
-    public void add(byte[] value, int offset, int length) {
-        add(hashFunc.hashBytes(value, offset, length).asLong());
-    }
-    protected void add(long hash) {
-        int bucketMask = m - 1;
-        int bucket = (int) (hash & bucketMask);
-        int firstOnePos = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(hash | bucketMask) + 1;
-        if (firstOnePos > registers[bucket])
-            registers[bucket] = (byte) firstOnePos;
-    }
-    public void merge(HyperLogLogPlusCounter another) {
-        assert this.p == another.p;
-        assert this.hashFunc == another.hashFunc;
-        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
-            if (registers[i] < another.registers[i])
-                registers[i] = another.registers[i];
-        }
-    }
-    public long getCountEstimate() {
-        return new HLLCSnapshot(this).getCountEstimate();
-    }
-    public double getErrorRate() {
-        return 1.04 / Math.sqrt(m);
-    }
-    private int size() {
-        int size = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
-            if (registers[i] > 0)
-                size++;
-        }
-        return size;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String toString() {
-        return "" + getCountEstimate();
-    }
-    // 
-    // a memory efficient snapshot of HLL registers which can yield count
-    // estimate later
-    public static class HLLCSnapshot {
-        byte p;
-        double registerSum;
-        int zeroBuckets;
-        public HLLCSnapshot(HyperLogLogPlusCounter hllc) {
-            p = (byte) hllc.p;
-            registerSum = 0;
-            zeroBuckets = 0;
-            byte[] registers = hllc.registers;
-            for (int i = 0; i < hllc.m; i++) {
-                if (registers[i] == 0) {
-                    registerSum++;
-                    zeroBuckets++;
-                } else {
-                    registerSum += 1.0 / (1 << registers[i]);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        public long getCountEstimate() {
-            int m = (int) Math.pow(2, p);
-            double alpha = 1 / (2 * Math.log(2) * (1 + (3 * Math.log(2) - 1) / 
-            double alphaMM = alpha * m * m;
-            double estimate = alphaMM / registerSum;
-            // small cardinality adjustment
-            if (zeroBuckets >= m * 0.07) { // (reference presto's HLL impl)
-                estimate = m * Math.log(m * 1.0 / zeroBuckets);
-            } else if (HyperLogLogPlusTable.isBiasCorrection(m, estimate)) {
-                estimate = HyperLogLogPlusTable.biasCorrection(p, estimate);
-            }
-            return Math.round(estimate);
-        }
-    }
-    // 
-    public void writeRegisters(final ByteBuffer out) throws IOException {
-        final int indexLen = getRegisterIndexSize();
-        int size = size();
-        // decide output scheme -- map (3*size bytes) or array (2^p bytes)
-        byte scheme;
-        if (5 + (indexLen + 1) * size < m) // 5 is max len of vint
-            scheme = 0; // map
-        else
-            scheme = 1; // array
-        out.put(scheme);
-        if (scheme == 0) { // map scheme
-            BytesUtil.writeVInt(size, out);
-            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
-                if (registers[i] > 0) {
-                    writeUnsigned(i, indexLen, out);
-                    out.put(registers[i]);
-                }
-            }
-        } else if (scheme == 1) { // array scheme
-            out.put(registers);
-        } else
-            throw new IllegalStateException();
-    }
-    public void readRegisters(ByteBuffer in) throws IOException {
-        byte scheme = in.get();
-        if (scheme == 0) { // map scheme
-            clear();
-            int size = BytesUtil.readVInt(in);
-            if (size > m)
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("register size (" + size + 
") cannot be larger than m (" + m + ")");
-            int indexLen = getRegisterIndexSize();
-            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-                int key = readUnsigned(in, indexLen);
-                registers[key] = in.get();
-            }
-        } else if (scheme == 1) { // array scheme
-            in.get(registers);
-        } else
-            throw new IllegalStateException();
-    }
-    public int peekLength(ByteBuffer in) {
-        int mark = in.position();
-        int len;
-        byte scheme = in.get();
-        if (scheme == 0) { // map scheme
-            int size = BytesUtil.readVInt(in);
-            int indexLen = getRegisterIndexSize();
-            len = in.position() - mark + (indexLen + 1) * size;
-        } else {
-            len = in.position() - mark + m;
-        }
-        in.position(mark);
-        return len;
-    }
-    public int maxLength() {
-        return 1 + m;
-    }
-    public void writeRegistersArray(final ByteBuffer out) {
-        out.put(this.registers);
-    }
-    public void readRegistersArray(ByteBuffer in) {
-        in.get(registers, 0, m);
-    }
-    private int getRegisterIndexSize() {
-        return (p - 1) / 8 + 1; // 2 when p=16, 3 when p=17
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int hashCode() {
-        final int prime = 31;
-        int result = 1;
-        result = prime * result + ((hashFunc == null) ? 0 : 
-        result = prime * result + p;
-        result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(registers);
-        return result;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
-        if (this == obj)
-            return true;
-        if (obj == null)
-            return false;
-        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
-            return false;
-        HyperLogLogPlusCounter other = (HyperLogLogPlusCounter) obj;
-        if (hashFunc == null) {
-            if (other.hashFunc != null)
-                return false;
-        } else if (!hashFunc.equals(other.hashFunc))
-            return false;
-        if (p != other.p)
-            return false;
-        if (!Arrays.equals(registers, other.registers))
-            return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int compareTo(HyperLogLogPlusCounter o) {
-        if (o == null)
-            return 1;
-        long e1 = this.getCountEstimate();
-        long e2 = o.getCountEstimate();
-        if (e1 == e2)
-            return 0;
-        else if (e1 > e2)
-            return 1;
-        else
-            return -1;
-    }
-    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
-        dumpErrorRates();
-    }
-    static void dumpErrorRates() {
-        for (int p = 10; p <= 18; p++) {
-            double rate = new HyperLogLogPlusCounter(p).getErrorRate();
-            double er = Math.round(rate * 10000) / 100D;
-            double er2 = Math.round(rate * 2 * 10000) / 100D;
-            double er3 = Math.round(rate * 3 * 10000) / 100D;
-            long size = Math.round(Math.pow(2, p));
-            System.out.println("HLLC" + p + ",\t" + size + " bytes,\t68% err<" 
+ er + "%" + ",\t95% err<" + er2 + "%" + ",\t99.7% err<" + er3 + "%");
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     * @param num
-     * @param size
-     * @param out
-     */
-    public static void writeUnsigned(int num, int size, ByteBuffer out) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-            out.put((byte) num);
-            num >>>= 8;
-        }
-    }
-    public static int readUnsigned(ByteBuffer in, int size) {
-        int integer = 0;
-        int mask = 0xff;
-        int shift = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-            integer |= (in.get() << shift) & mask;
-            mask = mask << 8;
-            shift += 8;
-        }
-        return integer;
-    }

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