Author: vsiveton
Date: Mon Oct 22 04:26:03 2007
New Revision: 587060

o formatting
o removed commented syso and syserr
o no code change


--- maven/sandbox/trunk/jxr/maven-jxr/maven-jxr-java/src/main/antlr/javaG.g 
+++ maven/sandbox/trunk/jxr/maven-jxr/maven-jxr-java/src/main/antlr/javaG.g Mon 
Oct 22 04:26:03 2007
@@ -8,101 +8,101 @@
  * Run 'java Main <directory full of java files>'
  * Contributing authors:
- *             John Mitchell           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *             Terence Parr            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *             John Lilley                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *             Scott Stanchfield       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *             Markus Mohnen       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *      Peter Williams      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *      Allan Jacobs        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *      Steve Messick       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- *      John Pybus                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ *      John Mitchell      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ *      Terence Parr       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ *      John Lilley        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ *      Scott Stanchfield  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ *      Markus Mohnen      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ *      Peter Williams     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ *      Allan Jacobs       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ *      Steve Messick      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ *      John Pybus         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Version 1.00 December 9, 1997 -- initial release
  * Version 1.01 December 10, 1997
- *             fixed bug in octal def (0..7 not 0..8)
+ *    fixed bug in octal def (0..7 not 0..8)
  * Version 1.10 August 1998 (parrt)
- *             added tree construction
- *             fixed definition of WS,comments for mac,pc,unix newlines
- *             added unary plus
+ *    added tree construction
+ *    fixed definition of WS,comments for mac,pc,unix newlines
+ *    added unary plus
  * Version 1.11 (Nov 20, 1998)
- *             Added "shutup" option to turn off last ambig warning.
- *             Fixed inner class def to allow named class defs as statements
- *             synchronized requires compound not simple statement
- *             add [] after builtInType DOT class in primaryExpression
- *             "const" is reserved but not valid..removed from modifiers
+ *    Added "shutup" option to turn off last ambig warning.
+ *    Fixed inner class def to allow named class defs as statements
+ *    synchronized requires compound not simple statement
+ *    add [] after builtInType DOT class in primaryExpression
+ *    "const" is reserved but not valid..removed from modifiers
  * Version 1.12 (Feb 2, 1999)
- *             Changed LITERAL_xxx to xxx in tree grammar.
- *             Updated java.g to use tokens {...} now for 2.6.0 (new feature).
+ *    Changed LITERAL_xxx to xxx in tree grammar.
+ *    Updated java.g to use tokens {...} now for 2.6.0 (new feature).
  * Version 1.13 (Apr 23, 1999)
- *             Didn't have (stat)? for else clause in tree parser.
- *             Didn't gen ASTs for interface extends.  Updated tree parser too.
- *             Updated to 2.6.0.
+ *    Didn't have (stat)? for else clause in tree parser.
+ *    Didn't gen ASTs for interface extends.  Updated tree parser too.
+ *    Updated to 2.6.0.
  * Version 1.14 (Jun 20, 1999)
- *             Allowed final/abstract on local classes.
- *             Removed local interfaces from methods
- *             Put instanceof precedence where it relationalExpr
- *                     It also had expr not type as arg; fixed it.
- *             Missing ! on SEMI in classBlock
- *             fixed: (expr) + "string" was parsed incorrectly (+ as unary 
- *             fixed: didn't like Object[].class in parser or tree parser
+ *    Allowed final/abstract on local classes.
+ *    Removed local interfaces from methods
+ *    Put instanceof precedence where it relationalExpr
+ *      It also had expr not type as arg; fixed it.
+ *    Missing ! on SEMI in classBlock
+ *    fixed: (expr) + "string" was parsed incorrectly (+ as unary plus).
+ *    fixed: didn't like Object[].class in parser or tree parser
  * Version 1.15 (Jun 26, 1999)
- *             Screwed up rule with instanceof in it. :(  Fixed.
- *             Tree parser didn't like (expr).something; fixed.
- *             Allowed multiple inheritance in tree grammar. oops.
+ *    Screwed up rule with instanceof in it. :(  Fixed.
+ *    Tree parser didn't like (expr).something; fixed.
+ *    Allowed multiple inheritance in tree grammar. oops.
  * Version 1.16 (August 22, 1999)
- *             Extending an interface built a wacky tree: had extra EXTENDS.
- *             Tree grammar didn't allow multiple superinterfaces.
- *             Tree grammar didn't allow empty var initializer: {}
+ *    Extending an interface built a wacky tree: had extra EXTENDS.
+ *    Tree grammar didn't allow multiple superinterfaces.
+ *    Tree grammar didn't allow empty var initializer: {}
  * Version 1.17 (October 12, 1999)
- *             ESC lexer rule allowed 399 max not 377 max.
- *             java.tree.g didn't handle the expression of synchronized
- *             statements.
+ *    ESC lexer rule allowed 399 max not 377 max.
+ *    java.tree.g didn't handle the expression of synchronized
+ *    statements.
  * Version 1.18 (August 12, 2001)
- *             Terence updated to Java 2 Version 1.3 by
- *             observing/combining work of Allan Jacobs and Steve
- *             Messick.  Handles 1.3 src.  Summary:
- *             o  primary didn't include boolean.class kind of thing
- *             o  constructor calls parsed explicitly now:
- *                see explicitConstructorInvocation
- *             o  add strictfp modifier
- *             o  missing objBlock after new expression in tree grammar
- *             o  merged local class definition alternatives, moved after 
- *             o  fixed problem with ClassName.super.field
- *             o  reordered some alternatives to make things more efficient
- *             o  long and double constants were not differentiated from 
- *             o  whitespace rule was inefficient: matched only one char
- *             o  add an examples directory with some nasty 1.3 cases
- *             o  made use buffered IO and a Reader for Unicode 
- *             o  supports UNICODE?
- *                Using Unicode charVocabulay makes code file big, but only
- *                in the bitsets at the end. I need to make ANTLR generate
- *                unicode bitsets more efficiently.
+ *        Terence updated to Java 2 Version 1.3 by
+ *    observing/combining work of Allan Jacobs and Steve
+ *    Messick.  Handles 1.3 src.  Summary:
+ *    o  primary didn't include boolean.class kind of thing
+ *        o  constructor calls parsed explicitly now:
+ *        see explicitConstructorInvocation
+ *    o  add strictfp modifier
+ *        o  missing objBlock after new expression in tree grammar
+ *    o  merged local class definition alternatives, moved after declaration
+ *    o  fixed problem with ClassName.super.field
+ *        o  reordered some alternatives to make things more efficient
+ *    o  long and double constants were not differentiated from int/float
+ *    o  whitespace rule was inefficient: matched only one char
+ *    o  add an examples directory with some nasty 1.3 cases
+ *    o  made use buffered IO and a Reader for Unicode support
+ *    o  supports UNICODE?
+ *       Using Unicode charVocabulay makes code file big, but only
+ *       in the bitsets at the end. I need to make ANTLR generate
+ *       unicode bitsets more efficiently.
  * Version 1.19 (April 25, 2002)
- *             Terence added in nice fixes by John Pybus concerning floating
- *             constants and problems with super() calls.  John did a nice
- *             reorg of the primary/postfix expression stuff to read better
- *             and makes f.g.super() parse properly (it was METHOD_CALL not
- *             a SUPER_CTOR_CALL).  Also:
+ *    Terence added in nice fixes by John Pybus concerning floating
+ *    constants and problems with super() calls.  John did a nice
+ *    reorg of the primary/postfix expression stuff to read better
+ *    and makes f.g.super() parse properly (it was METHOD_CALL not
+ *    a SUPER_CTOR_CALL).  Also:
- *             o  "finally" clause was a root...made it a child of "try"
- *             o  Added stuff for asserts too for Java 1.4, but *commented out*
- *                as it is not backward compatible.
+ *    o  "finally" clause was a root...made it a child of "try"
+ *    o  Added stuff for asserts too for Java 1.4, but *commented out*
+ *       as it is not backward compatible.
  * Version 1.20 (October 27, 2002)
  *      Terence ended up reorging John Pybus' stuff to
  *      remove some nondeterminisms and some syntactic predicates.
  *      Note that the grammar is stricter now; e.g., this(...) must
- *     be the first statement.
+ *  be the first statement.
  *      Trinary ?: operator wasn't working as array name:
  *          (isBig ? bigDigits : digits)[i];
  *      Checked parser/tree parser on source for
  *          Resin-2.0.5, jive-2.1.1, jdk 1.3.1, Lucene, antlr 2.7.2a4,
- *         and the 110k-line jGuru server source.
+ *      and the 110k-line jGuru server source.
  * Version 1.21.2 (March, 2003)
  *      Changes by Matt Quail to support generics (as per JDK1.5/JSR14)
@@ -120,8 +120,7 @@
 /* --- Begin Xref additions --- */
-// include an ANTLR "header" so all generated code will be in
-// package org.apache.alexandria.javasrc.xref
+// include an ANTLR "header" so all generated code will be in the right package
 header {
@@ -177,65 +176,68 @@
     // We need a symbol table to track definitions
     private SymbolTable symbolTable;
     // This method decides what action to take based on the type of
     //   file we are looking at
-    public static void doFile(File f, SymbolTable symbolTable,
-            boolean doRecurse, FileListener listener)
-                              throws Exception {
+    public static void doFile( File f, SymbolTable symbolTable, boolean 
doRecurse, FileListener listener )
+        throws Exception
+    {
         // If this is a directory, walk each file/dir in that directory
-        if (f.isDirectory()) {
+        if ( f.isDirectory() )
+        {
             String files[] = f.list();
-            for(int i=0; i < files.length; i++) {
-    File next;
+            for ( int i = 0; i < files.length; i++ )
+            {
+                File next;
-    next = new File(f, files[i]);
-    if (doRecurse || !next.isDirectory())
-        doFile(next, symbolTable, doRecurse, listener);
-      }
+                next = new File( f, files[i] );
+                if ( doRecurse || !next.isDirectory() )
+                {
+                    doFile( next, symbolTable, doRecurse, listener );
+                }
+            }
         // otherwise, if this is a java file, parse it!
-        else if ((f.getName().length()>5) &&
-                f.getName().substring(f.getName().length()-5).equals(".java")) 
-      listener.notify(f.getAbsolutePath());
-            symbolTable.setFile(f);
-            // System.err.println("   "+f.getAbsolutePath());
-            parseFile(new SkipCRInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)),
-          symbolTable);
+        else if ( ( f.getName().length() > 5 ) && f.getName().substring( 
f.getName().length() - 5 ).equals( ".java" ) )
+        {
+            listener.notify( f.getAbsolutePath() );
+            symbolTable.setFile( f );
+            parseFile( new SkipCRInputStream( new FileInputStream( f ) ), 
symbolTable );
     // Here's where we do the real work...
-    public static void parseFile(InputStream s,
-                                 SymbolTable symbolTable)
-                                 throws Exception {
-        try {
+    public static void parseFile( InputStream s, SymbolTable symbolTable )
+        throws Exception
+    {
+        try
+        {
             // Create a scanner that reads from the input stream passed to us
-            JavaLexer lexer = new JavaLexer(s);
+            JavaLexer lexer = new JavaLexer( s );
-          lexer.setSymbolTable(symbolTable);
+            lexer.setSymbolTable( symbolTable );
             // Tell the scanner to create tokens of class JavaToken
+            lexer.setTokenObjectClass( 
"" );
             // Create a parser that reads from the scanner
-            JavaXref parser = new JavaXref(lexer);
+            JavaXref parser = new JavaXref( lexer );
             // Tell the parser to use the symbol table passed to us
-            parser.setSymbolTable(symbolTable);
+            parser.setSymbolTable( symbolTable );
             // start parsing at the compilationUnit rule
-        catch (Exception e) {
-            // System.err.println("parser exception: "+e);
-            e.printStackTrace();   // so we can get stack trace
+        catch ( Exception e )
+        {
+            e.printStackTrace(); // so we can get stack trace
     // Tell the parser which symbol table to use
-    public void setSymbolTable(SymbolTable symbolTable) {
+    public void setSymbolTable( SymbolTable symbolTable )
+    {
         this.symbolTable = symbolTable;
@@ -250,60 +252,77 @@
     public void popScope()
-      // System.out.println("popScope");
-      //RuntimeException ex = new RuntimeException();
-      //ex.printStackTrace();
-      symbolTable.popScope();
+        symbolTable.popScope();
+    }
+    public void endFile()
+    {
+        symbolTable.popAllScopes();
+    }
+    public void defineBlock( JavaToken tok )
+    {
+        symbolTable.defineBlock( tok );
+    }
+    public void definePackage( JavaToken t )
+    {
+        symbolTable.definePackage( t );
-    public void endFile()                  {symbolTable.popAllScopes();}
-    public void defineBlock(JavaToken tok)
+    public void defineLabel( JavaToken t )
-      // System.out.println("defineBlock");
-      symbolTable.defineBlock(tok);
+        symbolTable.defineLabel( t );
-    public void definePackage(JavaToken t) {symbolTable.definePackage(t);}
-    public void defineLabel(JavaToken t)   {symbolTable.defineLabel(t);}
-    public void useDefaultPackage()        {symbolTable.useDefaultPackage();}
-    public void reference(JavaToken t)     {symbolTable.reference(t);}
-    public void setNearestClassScope()     
-    public void endMethodHead(JavaVector exceptions) {
-        // System.out.println("endMethodHead");
-        symbolTable.endMethodHead(exceptions);
+    public void useDefaultPackage()
+    {
+        symbolTable.useDefaultPackage();
-    public DummyClass dummyClass(JavaToken theClass) {
-        // System.out.println("dummyClass");
-        return symbolTable.getDummyClass(theClass);
+    public void reference( JavaToken t )
+    {
+        symbolTable.reference( t );
+    public void setNearestClassScope()
+    {
+        symbolTable.setNearestClassScope();
+    }
-    public void defineClass(JavaToken theClass,
-                            JavaToken superClass,
-                            JavaVector interfaces) {
-        // System.out.println("defineClass");
-        symbolTable.defineClass(theClass, superClass, interfaces);
+    public void endMethodHead( JavaVector exceptions )
+    {
+        symbolTable.endMethodHead( exceptions );
-    public void defineInterface(JavaToken theInterface,
-                                JavaVector subInterfaces) {
-        // System.out.println("defineInterface");
-        symbolTable.defineInterface(theInterface, subInterfaces);
+    public DummyClass dummyClass( JavaToken theClass )
+    {
+        return symbolTable.getDummyClass( theClass );
-    public void defineVar(JavaToken theVariable, JavaToken type) {
-        // System.out.println("defineVar");
-        symbolTable.defineVar(theVariable, type);
+    public void defineClass( JavaToken theClass, JavaToken superClass, 
JavaVector interfaces )
+    {
+        symbolTable.defineClass( theClass, superClass, interfaces );
-    public void defineMethod(JavaToken theMethod, JavaToken type) {
-        // System.out.println("defineMethod");
-        symbolTable.defineMethod(theMethod, type);
+    public void defineInterface( JavaToken theInterface, JavaVector 
subInterfaces )
+    {
+        symbolTable.defineInterface( theInterface, subInterfaces );
-    public void addImport(JavaToken id, String className, String packageName) {
-        // System.out.println("addImport");
-        symbolTable.addImport(id, className, packageName);
+    public void defineVar( JavaToken theVariable, JavaToken type )
+    {
+        symbolTable.defineVar( theVariable, type );
+    }
+    public void defineMethod( JavaToken theMethod, JavaToken type )
+    {
+        symbolTable.defineMethod( theMethod, type );
+    }
+    public void addImport( JavaToken id, String className, String packageName )
+    {
+        symbolTable.addImport( id, className, packageName );
@@ -312,9 +331,9 @@
 // Compilation Unit: In Java, this is a single file.  This is the start
 //   rule for this parser
-  :    // A compilation unit starts with an optional package definition
-    (  packageDefinition
-    |  /* nothing */ {useDefaultPackage();} // XR
+  :  // A compilation unit starts with an optional package definition
+    (  packageDefinition
+    |  /* nothing */ {useDefaultPackage();} // XR
     // Next we have a series of zero or more import statements
@@ -333,7 +352,7 @@
   options {defaultErrorHandler = true;} // let ANTLR handle errors
     {JavaToken id;} // XR: define an id for the package name
-  :    p:"package"^ {#p.setType(PACKAGE_DEF);} id=identifier SEMI!
+  :  p:"package"^ {#p.setType(PACKAGE_DEF);} id=identifier SEMI!
         {definePackage(id);}  // tell the symbol table about the package
@@ -341,17 +360,17 @@
 // Import statement: import followed by a package or class name
   options {defaultErrorHandler = true;}
-  :    i:"import"^ {#i.setType(IMPORT);} identifierStar SEMI!
+  :  i:"import"^ {#i.setType(IMPORT);} identifierStar SEMI!
 // A type definition in a file is either a class or interface definition.
   options {defaultErrorHandler = true;}
-  :    m:modifiers!
+  :  m:modifiers!
     ( classDefinition[#m]
     | interfaceDefinition[#m]
-  |    SEMI!
+  |  SEMI!
 /** A declaration is the creation of a reference or primitive-type variable
@@ -359,7 +378,7 @@
     {JavaToken type;}
-  :    m:modifiers type=t:typeSpec[false] v:variableDefinitions[#m,#t,type]
+  :  m:modifiers type=t:typeSpec[false] v:variableDefinitions[#m,#t,type]
     {#declaration = #v;}
@@ -368,7 +387,7 @@
 //   this rule separate so they can easily be collected in a Vector if
 //   someone so desires
-  :    ( modifier )*
+  :  ( modifier )*
     {#modifiers = #([MODIFIERS, "MODIFIERS"], #modifiers);}
@@ -446,7 +465,7 @@
 // afterwards (which would make it an array type).
 builtInTypeSpec[boolean addImagNode] returns [JavaToken t]
-  :    t=builtInType arraySpecOpt
+  :  t=builtInType arraySpecOpt
       if ( addImagNode ) {
         #builtInTypeSpec = #(#[TYPE,"TYPE"], #builtInTypeSpec);
@@ -458,8 +477,8 @@
 // class name or a primitive (builtin) type
 type returns [JavaToken t]
-  :    t=classOrInterfaceType[false]
-  |    t=builtInType
+  :  t=classOrInterfaceType[false]
+  |  t=builtInType
 // The primitive types.
@@ -480,7 +499,7 @@
 //   and expand its name by adding dots and following IDENTS
 identifier returns [JavaToken t]
-  :    id1:IDENT {t=(JavaToken)id1;}
+  :  id1:IDENT {t=(JavaToken)id1;}
         ( DOT^
@@ -511,7 +530,7 @@
 //   the import statement
     {String className=""; String packageName="";}
-  :    id:IDENT {className=id.getText();}
+  :  id:IDENT {className=id.getText();}
     ( DOT^ id2:IDENT
              {packageName += "."+className; className = id2.getText();} )*
     ( DOT^ STAR {packageName += "."+className; className = null;} )?
@@ -532,25 +551,25 @@
 // modifiers for Java classes, interfaces, class/instance vars and methods
-  :    "private"
-  |    "public"
-  |    "protected"
-  |    "static"
-  |    "transient"
-  |    "final"
-  |    "abstract"
-  |    "native"
-  |    "threadsafe"
-  |    "synchronized"
-//     |       "const"                 // reserved word, but not valid
-  |    "volatile"
-  |    "strictfp"
+  :  "private"
+  |  "public"
+  |  "protected"
+  |  "static"
+  |  "transient"
+  |  "final"
+  |  "abstract"
+  |  "native"
+  |  "threadsafe"
+  |  "synchronized"
+//  |  "const"      // reserved word, but not valid
+  |  "volatile"
+  |  "strictfp"
 // Definition of a Java class
 classDefinition![AST modifiers]
     {JavaToken superClass=null; JavaVector interfaces=null;}
-  :    "class" id:IDENT
+  :  "class" id:IDENT
         // it _might_ have type paramaters
     // it _might_ have a superclass...
@@ -574,14 +593,14 @@
 superClassClause! returns [JavaToken t]
-  :    ( "extends" t=classOrInterfaceType[false] )?
+  :  ( "extends" t=classOrInterfaceType[false] )?
     //{#superClassClause = #(#[EXTENDS_CLAUSE,"EXTENDS_CLAUSE"],id);}
 // Definition of a Java Interface
 interfaceDefinition![AST modifiers]
     {JavaVector superInterfaces = null;}
-  :    "interface" id:IDENT // aha! an interface!
+  :  "interface" id:IDENT // aha! an interface!
         // it _might_ have type paramaters
     // it might extend some other interfaces
@@ -624,7 +643,7 @@
 // This is the body of a class.  You can have fields and extra semicolons,
 // That's about it (until you see what a field is...)
-  :    LCURLY!
+  :  LCURLY!
       ( field | SEMI! )*
     {#classBlock = #([OBJBLOCK, "OBJBLOCK"], #classBlock);}
@@ -633,7 +652,7 @@
 // An interface can extend several other interfaces...
 interfaceExtends returns [JavaVector supers]
     {JavaToken id; supers = new JavaVector();}
-  :    (
+  :  (
     e:"extends"! id=classOrInterfaceType[false] 
     ( COMMA! id=classOrInterfaceType[false]     
{supers.addElement(dummyClass(id));} )*
@@ -644,7 +663,7 @@
 // A class can implement several interfaces...
 implementsClause returns [JavaVector inters]
     {inters = new JavaVector(); JavaToken id;}
-  :    (
+  :  (
       i:"implements"! id=classOrInterfaceType[false] 
               ( COMMA! id=classOrInterfaceType[false]      
{inters.addElement(dummyClass(id));} )*
@@ -658,22 +677,22 @@
 //   need to be some semantic checks to make sure we're doing the right 
     {JavaToken type; JavaVector exceptions=null;}
-  :    // method, constructor, or variable declaration
+  :  // method, constructor, or variable declaration
-    (  h:ctorHead s:constructorBody // constructor
+    (  h:ctorHead s:constructorBody // constructor
       {#field = #(#[CTOR_DEF,"CTOR_DEF"], mods, h, s);}
-    |  cd:classDefinition[#mods]       // inner class
+    |  cd:classDefinition[#mods]       // inner class
       {#field = #cd;}
-    |  id:interfaceDefinition[#mods]   // inner interface
+    |  id:interfaceDefinition[#mods]   // inner interface
       {#field = #id;}
-    |  // A generic method has the typeParameters before the return type.
+    |  // A generic method has the typeParameters before the return type.
             // This is not allowed for variable definitions, but this 
             // allows it, a semantic check could be used if you wanted.
             (typeParameters)? type=t:typeSpec[false]  // method or variable 
-      (        method:IDENT  // the name of the method
+      (  method:IDENT  // the name of the method
                 // tell the symbol table about it.  Note that this signals that
                 // we are in a method header so we handle parameters 
@@ -699,18 +718,18 @@
-      |        v:variableDefinitions[#mods,#t,type] SEMI
-//                             {#field = #(#[VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF"], v);}
+      |  v:variableDefinitions[#mods,#t,type] SEMI
+//        {#field = #(#[VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF"], v);}
         {#field = #v;}
     // "static { ... }" class initializer
-  |    "static" s3:compoundStatement[CLASS_INIT]
+  |  "static" s3:compoundStatement[CLASS_INIT]
     {#field = #(#[STATIC_INIT,"STATIC_INIT"], s3);}
     // "{ ... }" instance initializer
-  |    s4:compoundStatement[INSTANCE_INIT]
+  |  s4:compoundStatement[INSTANCE_INIT]
     {#field = #(#[INSTANCE_INIT,"INSTANCE_INIT"], s4);}
@@ -733,10 +752,10 @@
 variableDefinitions[AST mods, AST t, JavaToken type]
-  :    variableDeclarator[getASTFactory().dupTree(mods),
+  :  variableDeclarator[getASTFactory().dupTree(mods),
-    (  COMMA!
+    (  COMMA!
@@ -748,29 +767,29 @@
  * It can also include possible initialization.
 variableDeclarator![AST mods, AST t, JavaToken type]
-  :    id:IDENT d:declaratorBrackets[t] v:varInitializer
+  :  id:IDENT d:declaratorBrackets[t] v:varInitializer
         {defineVar((JavaToken)id, type);}
     {#variableDeclarator = #(#[VARIABLE_DEF,"VARIABLE_DEF"], mods, 
#(#[TYPE,"TYPE"],d), id, v);}
 declaratorBrackets[AST typ]
-  :    {#declaratorBrackets=typ;}
+  :  {#declaratorBrackets=typ;}
     (lb:LBRACK^ {#lb.setType(ARRAY_DECLARATOR);} RBRACK!)*
-  :    ( ASSIGN^ initializer )?
+  :  ( ASSIGN^ initializer )?
 // This is an initializer used to set up an array.
-  :    lc:LCURLY^ {#lc.setType(ARRAY_INIT);}
-      (        initializer
+  :  lc:LCURLY^ {#lc.setType(ARRAY_INIT);}
+      (  initializer
           // CONFLICT: does a COMMA after an initializer start a new
           //           initializer or start the option ',' at end?
           //           ANTLR generates proper code by matching
-          //                    the comma as soon as possible.
+          //       the comma as soon as possible.
           options {
             warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
@@ -786,8 +805,8 @@
 // The two "things" that can initialize an array element are an expression
 //   and another (nested) array initializer.
-  :    expression
-  |    arrayInitializer
+  :  expression
+  |  arrayInitializer
 // This is the header of a method.  It includes the name and parameters
@@ -795,7 +814,7 @@
 //   This also watches for a list of exception classes in a "throws" clause.
     {JavaToken id; JavaVector exceptions = null;}
-  :    method:IDENT  // the name of the method
+  :  method:IDENT  // the name of the method
         {defineMethod((JavaToken)method, null);}
@@ -811,14 +830,14 @@
 // This is a list of exception classes that the method is declared to throw
 throwsClause returns [JavaVector exceptions]
     {JavaToken id; exceptions = new JavaVector();}
-  :    "throws"^ id=identifier {exceptions.addElement(dummyClass(id));}
+  :  "throws"^ id=identifier {exceptions.addElement(dummyClass(id));}
          ( COMMA! id=identifier {exceptions.addElement(dummyClass(id));} )*
 // A list of formal parameters
-  :    ( parameterDeclaration ( COMMA! parameterDeclaration )* )?
+  :  ( parameterDeclaration ( COMMA! parameterDeclaration )* )?
     {#parameterDeclarationList = #(#[PARAMETERS,"PARAMETERS"],
@@ -826,7 +845,7 @@
 // A formal parameter.
     {JavaToken type;}
-  :    pm:parameterModifier type=t:typeSpec[false] id:IDENT
+  :  pm:parameterModifier type=t:typeSpec[false] id:IDENT
     {#parameterDeclaration = #(#[PARAMETER_DEF,"PARAMETER_DEF"],
                   pm, #([TYPE,"TYPE"],pd), id);}
@@ -834,7 +853,7 @@
-  :    (f:"final")?
+  :  (f:"final")?
     {#parameterModifier = #(#[MODIFIERS,"MODIFIERS"], f);}
@@ -849,7 +868,7 @@
 //      with NEW_SCOPE as its scopeType
 compoundStatement[int scopeType]
-  :    lc:LCURLY^ {#lc.setType(SLIST);}
+  :  lc:LCURLY^ {#lc.setType(SLIST);}
             {   // based on the scopeType we are processing
                 switch(scopeType) {
                     // if it's a new block, tell the symbol table
@@ -887,31 +906,31 @@
     {int count = -1;} // used for parameter counts in method calls
   // A list of statements in curly braces -- start a new scope!
-  :    compoundStatement[NEW_SCOPE]
+  :  compoundStatement[NEW_SCOPE]
   // declarations are ambiguous with "ID DOT" relative to expression
   // statements.  Must backtrack to be sure.  Could use a semantic
   // predicate to test symbol table to see what the type was coming
   // up, but that's pretty hard without a symbol table ;)
-  |    (declaration)=> declaration SEMI!
+  |  (declaration)=> declaration SEMI!
   // An expression statement.  This could be a method call,
   // assignment statement, or any other expression evaluated for
   // side-effects.
-  |    expression SEMI!
+  |  expression SEMI!
   // class definition
-  |    m:modifiers! classDefinition[#m]
+  |  m:modifiers! classDefinition[#m]
   // Attach a label to the front of a statement
-  |    id:IDENT c:COLON^ {#c.setType(LABELED_STAT);} statement 
+  |  id:IDENT c:COLON^ {#c.setType(LABELED_STAT);} statement 
   // If-else statement
-  |    "if"^ LPAREN! expression RPAREN! statement
+  |  "if"^ LPAREN! expression RPAREN! statement
       // CONFLICT: the old "dangling-else" problem...
       //           ANTLR generates proper code matching
-      //                        as soon as possible.  Hush warning.
+      //           as soon as possible.  Hush warning.
       options {
         warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
@@ -920,55 +939,55 @@
   // For statement
-  |    "for"^
+  |  "for"^
         forInit SEMI!   // initializer
-        forCond        SEMI!   // condition test
+        forCond  SEMI!  // condition test
         forIter         // updater
       statement                     // statement to loop over
   // While statement
-  |    "while"^ LPAREN! expression RPAREN! statement
+  |  "while"^ LPAREN! expression RPAREN! statement
   // do-while statement
-  |    "do"^ statement "while"! LPAREN! expression RPAREN! SEMI!
+  |  "do"^ statement "while"! LPAREN! expression RPAREN! SEMI!
   // get out of a loop (or switch)
-  |    "break"^ (bid:IDENT {reference((JavaToken)bid);})? SEMI!
+  |  "break"^ (bid:IDENT {reference((JavaToken)bid);})? SEMI!
   // do next iteration of a loop
-  |    "continue"^ (cid:IDENT {reference((JavaToken)cid);})? SEMI!
+  |  "continue"^ (cid:IDENT {reference((JavaToken)cid);})? SEMI!
   // Return an expression
-  |    "return"^ (expression)? SEMI!
+  |  "return"^ (expression)? SEMI!
   // switch/case statement
-  |    "switch"^ LPAREN! expression RPAREN! LCURLY!
+  |  "switch"^ LPAREN! expression RPAREN! LCURLY!
       ( casesGroup )*
   // exception try-catch block
-  |    tryBlock
+  |  tryBlock
   // throw an exception
-  |    "throw"^ expression SEMI!
+  |  "throw"^ expression SEMI!
   // synchronize a statement
-  |    "synchronized"^ LPAREN! expression RPAREN! compoundStatement[NEW_SCOPE]
+  |  "synchronized"^ LPAREN! expression RPAREN! compoundStatement[NEW_SCOPE]
   // asserts (uncomment if you want 1.4 compatibility)
-  |    "assert"^ expression ( COLON! expression )? SEMI!
+  |  "assert"^ expression ( COLON! expression )? SEMI!
   // empty statement
-  |    s:SEMI {#s.setType(EMPTY_STAT);}
+  |  s:SEMI {#s.setType(EMPTY_STAT);}
-  :    (       // CONFLICT: to which case group do the statements bind?
-      //           ANTLR generates proper code: it groups the
-      //           many "case"/"default" labels together then
-      //           follows them with the statements
+  :  (  // CONFLICT: to which case group do the statements bind?
+        //           ANTLR generates proper code: it groups the
+        //           many "case"/"default" labels together then
+        //           follows them with the statements
       options {
         greedy = true;
@@ -980,11 +999,11 @@
-  :    ("case"^ expression | "default") COLON!
+  :  ("case"^ expression | "default") COLON!
-  :    (statement)*
+  :  (statement)*
     {#caseSList = #(#[SLIST,"SLIST"],#caseSList);}
@@ -992,37 +1011,37 @@
     {int count = -1;}
     // if it looks like a declaration, it is
-  :    (       (declaration)=> declaration
+  :  (  (declaration)=> declaration
     // otherwise it could be an expression list...
-    |  count=expressionList
+    |  count=expressionList
     {#forInit = #(#[FOR_INIT,"FOR_INIT"],#forInit);}
-  :    (expression)?
+  :  (expression)?
     {#forCond = #(#[FOR_CONDITION,"FOR_CONDITION"],#forCond);}
-  :    (expressionList)?
+  :  (expressionList)?
     {#forIter = #(#[FOR_ITERATOR,"FOR_ITERATOR"],#forIter);}
 // an exception handler try/catch block
-  :    "try"^ compoundStatement[NEW_SCOPE]
+  :  "try"^ compoundStatement[NEW_SCOPE]
     ( finallyClause )?
-  :    "finally"^ compoundStatement[NEW_SCOPE]
+  :  "finally"^ compoundStatement[NEW_SCOPE]
 // an exception handler
-  :    "catch"^ LPAREN! parameterDeclaration RPAREN! 
+  :  "catch"^ LPAREN! parameterDeclaration RPAREN! compoundStatement[NEW_SCOPE]
@@ -1056,13 +1075,13 @@
 // Note that the above precedence levels map to the rules below...
 // Once you have a precedence chart, writing the appropriate rules as below
-//   is usually very straightfoward
+// is usually very straightfoward
 // the mother of all expressions
-  :    assignmentExpression
+  :  assignmentExpression
     {#expression = #(#[EXPR,"EXPR"],#expression);}
@@ -1070,15 +1089,15 @@
 // This is a list of expressions.
 expressionList returns [int count]
-  :    expression (COMMA! expression {count++;})*
+  :  expression (COMMA! expression {count++;})*
     {#expressionList = #(#[ELIST,"ELIST"], expressionList);}
 // assignment expression (level 13)
-  :    conditionalExpression
-    (  (       ASSIGN^
+  :  conditionalExpression
+    (  (  ASSIGN^
             |   PLUS_ASSIGN^
             |   MINUS_ASSIGN^
             |   STAR_ASSIGN^
@@ -1098,112 +1117,112 @@
 // conditional test (level 12)
-  :    logicalOrExpression
+  :  logicalOrExpression
     ( QUESTION^ assignmentExpression COLON! conditionalExpression )?
 // logical or (||)  (level 11)
-  :    logicalAndExpression (LOR^ logicalAndExpression)*
+  :  logicalAndExpression (LOR^ logicalAndExpression)*
 // logical and (&&)  (level 10)
-  :    inclusiveOrExpression (LAND^ inclusiveOrExpression)*
+  :  inclusiveOrExpression (LAND^ inclusiveOrExpression)*
 // bitwise or non-short-circuiting or (|)  (level 9)
-  :    exclusiveOrExpression (BOR^ exclusiveOrExpression)*
+  :  exclusiveOrExpression (BOR^ exclusiveOrExpression)*
 // exclusive or (^)  (level 8)
-  :    andExpression (BXOR^ andExpression)*
+  :  andExpression (BXOR^ andExpression)*
 // bitwise or non-short-circuiting and (&)  (level 7)
-  :    equalityExpression (BAND^ equalityExpression)*
+  :  equalityExpression (BAND^ equalityExpression)*
 // equality/inequality (==/!=) (level 6)
-  :    relationalExpression ((NOT_EQUAL^ | EQUAL^) relationalExpression)*
+  :  relationalExpression ((NOT_EQUAL^ | EQUAL^) relationalExpression)*
 // boolean relational expressions (level 5)
-  :    shiftExpression
-    (  (       (       LT^
-        |      GT^
-        |      LE^
-        |      GE^
+  :  shiftExpression
+    (  (  (  LT^
+        |  GT^
+        |  LE^
+        |  GE^
-    |  "instanceof"^ typeSpec[true]
+    |  "instanceof"^ typeSpec[true]
 // bit shift expressions (level 4)
-  :    additiveExpression ((SL^ | SR^ | BSR^) additiveExpression)*
+  :  additiveExpression ((SL^ | SR^ | BSR^) additiveExpression)*
 // binary addition/subtraction (level 3)
-  :    multiplicativeExpression ((PLUS^ | MINUS^) multiplicativeExpression)*
+  :  multiplicativeExpression ((PLUS^ | MINUS^) multiplicativeExpression)*
 // multiplication/division/modulo (level 2)
-  :    unaryExpression ((STAR^ | DIV^ | MOD^ ) unaryExpression)*
+  :  unaryExpression ((STAR^ | DIV^ | MOD^ ) unaryExpression)*
-  :    INC^ unaryExpression
-  |    DEC^ unaryExpression
-  |    MINUS^ {#MINUS.setType(UNARY_MINUS);} unaryExpression
-  |    PLUS^  {#PLUS.setType(UNARY_PLUS);} unaryExpression
-  |    unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus
+  :  INC^ unaryExpression
+  |  DEC^ unaryExpression
+  |  MINUS^ {#MINUS.setType(UNARY_MINUS);} unaryExpression
+  |  PLUS^  {#PLUS.setType(UNARY_PLUS);} unaryExpression
+  |  unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus
     { JavaToken t; }
-  :    BNOT^ unaryExpression
-  |    LNOT^ unaryExpression
+  :  BNOT^ unaryExpression
+  |  LNOT^ unaryExpression
-  |    (       // subrule allows option to shut off warnings
+  |  (  // subrule allows option to shut off warnings
       options {
         // "(int" ambig with postfixExpr due to lack of sequence
         // info in linear approximate LL(k).  It's ok.  Shut up.
-    :  // If typecast is built in type, must be numeric operand
-      // Also, no reason to backtrack if type keyword like int, float...
+    :  // If typecast is built in type, must be numeric operand
+       // Also, no reason to backtrack if type keyword like int, float...
       lpb:LPAREN^ {#lpb.setType(TYPECAST);} builtInTypeSpec[true] RPAREN!
       // Have to backtrack to see if operator follows.  If no operator
       // follows, it's a typecast.  No semantic checking needed to parse.
       // if it _looks_ like a cast, it _is_ a cast; else it's a "(expr)"
-    |  (LPAREN classTypeSpec[true] RPAREN unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus)=>
+    |  (LPAREN classTypeSpec[true] RPAREN unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus)=>
       lp:LPAREN^ {#lp.setType(TYPECAST);} t=classTypeSpec[true] RPAREN!
             { reference(t); }
-    |  postfixExpression
+    |  postfixExpression
@@ -1221,7 +1240,7 @@
-      (        lp:LPAREN^ {#lp.setType(METHOD_CALL);}
+      (  lp:LPAREN^ {#lp.setType(METHOD_CALL);}
@@ -1231,14 +1250,14 @@
-    |  DOT^ "this"
+    |  DOT^ "this"
-    |  DOT^ "super"
+    |  DOT^ "super"
             (   // (new Outer()).super()  (create enclosing instance)
                 lp3:LPAREN^ argList RPAREN!
       |   DOT^ IDENT
-                (      lps:LPAREN^ {#lps.setType(METHOD_CALL);}
+                (  lps:LPAREN^ {#lps.setType(METHOD_CALL);}
@@ -1249,8 +1268,8 @@
-    |  DOT^ newExpression
-    |  lb:LBRACK^ {#lb.setType(INDEX_OP);} expression RBRACK!
+    |  DOT^ newExpression
+    |  lb:LBRACK^ {#lb.setType(INDEX_OP);} expression RBRACK!
         // if we have a reference, tell the symbol table
@@ -1262,26 +1281,26 @@
     (   // possibly add on a post-increment or post-decrement.
-            // allows INC/DEC on too much, but semantics can check
+        // allows INC/DEC on too much, but semantics can check
       in:INC^ {#in.setType(POST_INC);}
-     | de:DEC^ {#de.setType(POST_DEC);}
+     |  de:DEC^ {#de.setType(POST_DEC);}
 // the basic element of an expression
 primaryExpression returns [JavaToken t]
-  :    t=identPrimary ( options {greedy=true;} : DOT^ "class" )?
+  :  t=identPrimary ( options {greedy=true;} : DOT^ "class" )?
     |   constant
-  |    "true"
-  |    "false"
-  |    "null"
+  |  "true"
+  |  "false"
+  |  "null"
     |   t=newExpression
-  |    th:"this" {t = (JavaToken)th; setNearestClassScope();}
-  |    s:"super" {t = (JavaToken)s;}
-  |    LPAREN! assignmentExpression RPAREN!
+  |  th:"this" {t = (JavaToken)th; setNearestClassScope();}
+  |  s:"super" {t = (JavaToken)s;}
+  |  LPAREN! assignmentExpression RPAREN!
     // look for int.class and int[].class
-  |    builtInType
+  |  builtInType
     ( lbt:LBRACK^ {#lbt.setType(ARRAY_DECLARATOR);} RBRACK! )*
     DOT^ "class"
@@ -1292,14 +1311,14 @@
 identPrimary returns [JavaToken t]
     {JavaToken temp;t=null;int count=-1;}
-  :    id:IDENT {t = (JavaToken)id;}
+  :  id:IDENT {t = (JavaToken)id;}
             options {
         // .ident could match here or in postfixExpression.
         // We do want to match here.  Turn off warning.
-    :  DOT^ id2:IDENT {if (t!=null)
+    :  DOT^ id2:IDENT {if (t!=null)
                 temp = new JavaToken(t);
@@ -1313,7 +1332,7 @@
         // ARRAY_DECLARATOR here conflicts with INDEX_OP in
         // postfixExpression on LBRACK RBRACK.
         // We want to match [] here, so greedy.  This overcomes
-                // limitation of linear approximate lookahead.
+        // limitation of linear approximate lookahead.
     :   ( lp:LPAREN^ {#lp.setType(METHOD_CALL);}
@@ -1326,7 +1345,7 @@
-    |  ( options {greedy=true;} :
+    |  ( options {greedy=true;} :
               lbc:LBRACK^ {#lbc.setType(ARRAY_DECLARATOR);} RBRACK!
@@ -1383,8 +1402,8 @@
 newExpression returns [JavaToken t]
     {t=null; int count=-1;}
-  :    "new"^ t=type
-    (  LPAREN! count=argList
+  :  "new"^ t=type
+    (  LPAREN! count=argList
                     // t.setText(t.getText()+".~constructor~");
@@ -1400,20 +1419,20 @@
       //   a) [ expr ] and [ ] are not mixed
       //   b) [ expr ] and an init are not used together
-    |  newArrayDeclarator (arrayInitializer)?
+    |  newArrayDeclarator (arrayInitializer)?
 argList returns [int count]
-  :    (       count=expressionList
-    |  /*nothing*/
+  :  (  count=expressionList
+    |  /*nothing*/
       {#argList = #[ELIST,"ELIST"];}
-  :    (
+  :  (
       // CONFLICT:
       // newExpression is a primaryExpression which can be
       // followed by an array index reference.  This is ok,
@@ -1430,12 +1449,12 @@
-  :    NUM_INT
-  |    NUM_FLOAT
-  |    NUM_LONG
-  |    NUM_DOUBLE
+  :  NUM_INT
+  |  NUM_LONG
@@ -1465,93 +1484,96 @@
   protected int clStart;
   // Tell the parser which symbol table to use
-  public void setSymbolTable(SymbolTable symbolTable)
+  public void setSymbolTable( SymbolTable symbolTable )
-    this.symbolTable = symbolTable;
+      this.symbolTable = symbolTable;
-  public void defineComment(int line,int column, String text)
+  public void defineComment( int line,int column, String text )
-    symbolTable.defineComment(line,column, text);
+      symbolTable.defineComment(line,column, text);
-  public void defineLiteral(int line,int column, String text)
+  public void defineLiteral( int line, int column, String text )
-    symbolTable.defineLiteral(line,column, text);
+      symbolTable.defineLiteral( line,column, text );
   // Test the token text against the literals table
   // Override this method to perform a different literals test
-  public int testLiteralsTable(int ttype) {
-               hashString.setBuffer(text.getBuffer(), text.length());
-                Integer literalsIndex = (Integer)literals.get(hashString);
-                if (literalsIndex != null) {
symbolTable.defineKeyword(getLine(),getColumn()-text.length(), new 
-                        ttype = literalsIndex.intValue();
-                }
-                return ttype;
+  public int testLiteralsTable( int ttype )
+  {
+      hashString.setBuffer( text.getBuffer(), text.length() );
+      Integer literalsIndex = (Integer) literals.get( hashString );
+      if ( literalsIndex != null )
+      {
+          symbolTable.defineKeyword( getLine(), getColumn() - text.length(), 
new String( text.getBuffer(), 0, text
+              .length() ) );
+          ttype = literalsIndex.intValue();
+      }
+      return ttype;
 /* --- XR: End Xref additions --- */
-QUESTION               :       '?'             ;
-LPAREN                 :       '('             ;
-RPAREN                 :       ')'             ;
-LBRACK                 :       '['             ;
-RBRACK                 :       ']'             ;
-LCURLY                 :       '{'             ;
-RCURLY                 :       '}'             ;
-COLON                  :       ':'             ;
-COMMA                  :       ','             ;
-//DOT                  :       '.'             ;
-ASSIGN                 :       '='             ;
-EQUAL                  :       "=="    ;
-LNOT                   :       '!'             ;
-BNOT                   :       '~'             ;
-NOT_EQUAL              :       "!="    ;
-DIV                            :       '/'             ;
-DIV_ASSIGN             :       "/="    ;
-PLUS                   :       '+'             ;
-PLUS_ASSIGN            :       "+="    ;
-INC                            :       "++"    ;
-MINUS                  :       '-'             ;
-MINUS_ASSIGN   :       "-="    ;
-DEC                            :       "--"    ;
-STAR                   :       '*'             ;
-STAR_ASSIGN            :       "*="    ;
-MOD                            :       '%'             ;
-MOD_ASSIGN             :       "%="    ;
-SR                             :       ">>"    ;
-SR_ASSIGN              :       ">>="   ;
-BSR                            :       ">>>"   ;
-BSR_ASSIGN             :       ">>>="  ;
-GE                             :       ">="    ;
-GT                             :       ">"             ;
-SL                             :       "<<"    ;
-SL_ASSIGN              :       "<<="   ;
-LE                             :       "<="    ;
-LT                             :       '<'             ;
-BXOR                   :       '^'             ;
-BXOR_ASSIGN            :       "^="    ;
-BOR                            :       '|'             ;
-BOR_ASSIGN             :       "|="    ;
-LOR                            :       "||"    ;
-BAND                   :       '&'             ;
-BAND_ASSIGN            :       "&="    ;
-LAND                   :       "&&"    ;
-SEMI                   :       ';'             ;
+QUESTION      :  '?'    ;
+LPAREN        :  '('    ;
+RPAREN        :  ')'    ;
+LBRACK        :  '['    ;
+RBRACK        :  ']'    ;
+LCURLY        :  '{'    ;
+RCURLY        :  '}'    ;
+COLON         :  ':'    ;
+COMMA         :  ','    ;
+//DOT         :  '.'    ;
+ASSIGN        :  '='    ;
+EQUAL         :  "=="  ;
+LNOT          :  '!'    ;
+BNOT          :  '~'    ;
+NOT_EQUAL     :  "!="  ;
+DIV           :  '/'    ;
+DIV_ASSIGN    :  "/="  ;
+PLUS          :  '+'    ;
+PLUS_ASSIGN   :  "+="  ;
+INC           :  "++"  ;
+MINUS         :  '-'    ;
+MINUS_ASSIGN  :  "-="  ;
+DEC           :  "--"  ;
+STAR          :  '*'    ;
+STAR_ASSIGN   :  "*="  ;
+MOD           :  '%'    ;
+MOD_ASSIGN    :  "%="  ;
+SR            :  ">>"  ;
+SR_ASSIGN     :  ">>="  ;
+BSR           :  ">>>"  ;
+BSR_ASSIGN    :  ">>>="  ;
+GE            :  ">="  ;
+GT            :  ">"    ;
+SL            :  "<<"  ;
+SL_ASSIGN     :  "<<="  ;
+LE            :  "<="  ;
+LT            :  '<'    ;
+BXOR          :  '^'    ;
+BXOR_ASSIGN   :  "^="  ;
+BOR           :  '|'    ;
+BOR_ASSIGN    :  "|="  ;
+LOR           :  "||"  ;
+BAND          :  '&'    ;
+BAND_ASSIGN   :  "&="  ;
+LAND          :  "&&"  ;
+SEMI          :  ';'    ;
 // Whitespace -- ignored
-WS     :       (       ' '
-    |  '\t'
-    |  '\f'
+WS  :  (  ' '
+    |  '\t'
+    |  '\f'
       // handle newlines
-    |  (       options {generateAmbigWarnings=false;}
-      :        "\r\n"  // Evil DOS
-      |        '\r'    // Macintosh
-      |        '\n'    // Unix (the right way)
+    |  (  options {generateAmbigWarnings=false;}
+      :  "\r\n"  // Evil DOS
+      |  '\r'    // Macintosh
+      |  '\n'    // Unix (the right way)
       { newline(); }
@@ -1560,7 +1582,7 @@
 // Single-line comments
-  :    { clStart=getLine(); ccStart=getColumn(); } "//"
+  :  { clStart=getLine(); ccStart=getColumn(); } "//"
     {defineComment(clStart,ccStart, getText());}
@@ -1569,8 +1591,8 @@
 // multiple-line comments
-  :    { clStart=getLine(); ccStart=getColumn(); } "/*"
-    (  /*      '\r' '\n' can be matched in one alternative or by matching
+  :  { clStart=getLine(); ccStart=getColumn(); } "/*"
+    (  /*  '\r' '\n' can be matched in one alternative or by matching
         '\r' in one iteration and '\n' in another.  I am trying to
         handle any flavor of newline that comes in, but the language
         that allows both "\r\n" and "\r" and "\n" to all be valid
@@ -1582,10 +1604,10 @@
       { LA(2)!='/' }? '*'
-    |  '\r' '\n'               {newline();}
-    |  '\r'                    {newline();}
-    |  '\n'                    {newline();}
-    |  ~('*'|'\n'|'\r')
+    |  '\r' '\n'    {newline();}
+    |  '\r'         {newline();}
+    |  '\n'         {newline();}
+    |  ~('*'|'\n'|'\r')
@@ -1595,12 +1617,12 @@
 // character literals
-  :    '\'' ( ESC | ~'\'' ) '\''
+  :  '\'' ( ESC | ~'\'' ) '\''
 // string literals
-  :    { clStart=getLine(); ccStart=getColumn(); } '"'
+  :  { clStart=getLine(); ccStart=getColumn(); } '"'
@@ -1608,8 +1630,8 @@
 // escape sequence -- note that this is protected; it can only be called
-//   from another lexer rule -- it will not ever directly return a token to
-//   the parser
+// from another lexer rule -- it will not ever directly return a token to
+// the parser
 // There are various ambiguities hushed in this rule.  The optional
 // '0'...'9' digit matches should be matched here rather than letting
 // them go back to STRING_LITERAL to be matched.  ANTLR does the
@@ -1617,35 +1639,35 @@
 // the FOLLOW ambig warnings.
-  :    '\\'
-    (  'n'
-    |  'r'
-    |  't'
-    |  'b'
-    |  'f'
-    |  '"'
-    |  '\''
-    |  '\\'
-    |  '0'..'3'
+  :  '\\'
+    (  'n'
+    |  'r'
+    |  't'
+    |  'b'
+    |  'f'
+    |  '"'
+    |  '\''
+    |  '\\'
+    |  '0'..'3'
         options {
           warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
-      :        '0'..'7'
+      :  '0'..'7'
           options {
             warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
-        :      '0'..'7'
+        :  '0'..'7'
-    |  '4'..'7'
+    |  '4'..'7'
         options {
           warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
-      :        '0'..'7'
+      :  '0'..'7'
@@ -1654,15 +1676,15 @@
 // hexadecimal digit (again, note it's protected!)
-  :    ('0'..'9'|'A'..'F'|'a'..'f')
+  :  ('0'..'9'|'A'..'F'|'a'..'f')
 // a dummy rule to force vocabulary to be all characters (except special
-//   ones that ANTLR uses internally (0 to 2)
+// ones that ANTLR uses internally (0 to 2)
-  :    '\3'..'\377'
+  :  '\3'..'\377'
@@ -1671,7 +1693,7 @@
 // if it's a literal or really an identifer
   options {testLiterals=true;}
-  :    ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'$') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9'|'$')*
+  :  ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'$') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9'|'$')*
@@ -1679,7 +1701,7 @@
   {boolean isDecimal=false; Token t=null;}
     :   '.' {_ttype = DOT;}
-            (  ('0'..'9')+ (EXPONENT)? (f1:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f1;})?
+            (  ('0'..'9')+ (EXPONENT)? (f1:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f1;})?
         if (t != null && t.getText().toUpperCase().indexOf('F')>=0) {
                   _ttype = NUM_FLOAT;
@@ -1690,9 +1712,9 @@
-  |    (       '0' {isDecimal = true;} // special case for just '0'
-      (        ('x'|'X')
-        (                                                                      
                // hex
+  |  (  '0' {isDecimal = true;} // special case for just '0'
+      (  ('x'|'X')
+        ( // hex
           // the 'e'|'E' and float suffix stuff look
           // like hex digits, hence the (...)+ doesn't
           // know when to stop: ambig.  ANTLR resolves
@@ -1701,16 +1723,16 @@
           options {
-        :      HEX_DIGIT
+        :  HEX_DIGIT
-      |        ('0'..'7')+                                                     
                // octal
+      |  ('0'..'7')+                  // octal
-    |  ('1'..'9') ('0'..'9')*  {isDecimal=true;}               // non-zero 
+    |  ('1'..'9') ('0'..'9')*  {isDecimal=true;}    // non-zero decimal
-    (  ('l'|'L') { _ttype = NUM_LONG; }
+    (  ('l'|'L') { _ttype = NUM_LONG; }
     // only check to see if it's a float if looks like decimal so far
-    |  {isDecimal}?
+    |  {isDecimal}?
             (   '.' ('0'..'9')* (EXPONENT)? (f2:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f2;})?
             |   EXPONENT (f3:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f3;})?
             |   f4:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f4;}
@@ -1730,12 +1752,12 @@
 // a couple protected methods to assist in matching floating point numbers
-  :    ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+
+  :  ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+
-  :    'f'|'F'|'d'|'D'
+  :  'f'|'F'|'d'|'D'

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