Author: brianf
Date: Thu Oct 28 01:28:58 2010
New Revision: 1028162

added uk repo


 Thu Oct 28 01:28:58 2010
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ Introduction to Repositories
  build artifacts that you have not yet released.
  Remote repositories refer to any other type of repository, accessed by a 
variety of protocols such as
- <<<file://>>> and <<<http://>>>. These repositories might be a truely remote 
+ <<<file://>>> and <<<http://>>>. These repositories might be a truly remote 
  set up by a third party to provide their artifacts for downloading (for 
- {{{}}} houses Maven's central 
+ {{{}}} and 
{{{}}} house Maven's central repository).
  Other "remote" repositories may be internal repositories
  set up on a file or HTTP server within your company, used to share private 
artifacts between development teams
  and for releases.
@@ -67,22 +67,7 @@ Introduction to Repositories
  repository (or for a <<<SNAPSHOT>>>, when the remote repository contains one 
that is newer).
  By default, Maven will download from the 
{{{}central}} repository.
- To override this, you need to specify a <<<repositories>>> element as follows:
-  ...
-  <repositories>
-    <repository>
-      <id>my-internal-site</id>
-      <url>http://myserver/repo</url>
-    </repository>
-  </repositories>
-  ...
+ To override this, you need to specify a <<<mirror>>> as shown in 
{{{../mini/guide-mirror-settings.html}Using Mirrors for Repositories}}
  You can set this in your <<<settings.xml>>> file to globally use a certain 
mirror, however
  note that it is common for a project to customise the repository in their 
@@ -93,7 +78,7 @@ Introduction to Repositories
 ** Using Mirrors for the Central Repository
- Like any server, the central repository sometimes goes down. If this happens 
you can make
+ There are several official Central repositories geographically distributed. 
You can make
  changes to your <<<settings.xml>>> file to use one or more mirrors. 
Instructions for this can be
  found in the guide {{{../mini/guide-mirror-settings.html}Using Mirrors for 

Modified: maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/mini/guide-configuring-maven.apt
--- maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/mini/guide-configuring-maven.apt 
+++ maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/mini/guide-configuring-maven.apt Thu 
Oct 28 01:28:58 2010
@@ -105,39 +105,10 @@ export MAVEN_OPTS=-Dmaven.artifact.threa
   Repositories can be declared inside a project, which means that if you have 
your own custom repositories, those
   sharing your project easily get the right settings out of the box. However, 
you may want to use an alternative
-  mirror for a particular repository without changing the project files.
-  Some reasons to use a mirror are:
-   * There is a synchronized mirror on the internet that is geographically 
closer and faster
-   * You want to replace a particular repository with your own internal 
repository which you have greater control over
-   * You want to run maven-proxy to provide a local cache to a mirror and need 
to use its URL instead
-  To configure a mirror of a given repository, you provide it in your settings 
file, giving the new repository its own
-  <<<id>>> and <<<url>>>, and specify the <<<mirrorOf>>> setting that is the 
ID of the repository you are using a mirror
-  of. For example, the <<<id>>> of the main Maven repository included by 
default is <<<central>>>, so to use a Spanish
-  mirror, you would configure the following:
-  ...
-  <mirrors>
-   <mirror>
-      <id></id>
-      <name>Spanish Mirror of</name>
-      <url></url>
-      <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
-    </mirror>
-  ...
-  </mirrors>
-  ...
-  More info about mirrors is available in the 
{{{./guide-mirror-settings.html}Guide to Mirror Settings}}.
+  mirror for a particular repository without changing the project files. Refer 
to {{{./guide-mirror-settings.html} Guide to Mirror Settings}}
+  for more details.
 * Profiles
  Repository configuration can also be put into a profile. You can have multiple

Modified: maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/mini/guide-maven-evangelism.apt
--- maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/mini/guide-maven-evangelism.apt 
+++ maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/mini/guide-maven-evangelism.apt Thu 
Oct 28 01:28:58 2010
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Guide to add, improve or fix metadata in
  a POM for it or you ask the project in question to add the POM when they add 
the artifacts.
  We don't change dependencies in POMs already in the repository anymore as 
builds need to be reproducible.
- Same applies to POMs that don't exist. We can add a POM with no dependencies, 
because doing any other way
+ Same applies to POMs that don't exist. We can only add a POM with no 
dependencies, because doing any other way
  would break previous builds that were using that project.
  An alternative is to create a new version with the fixes. If the broken 
project is you can
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Guide to add, improve or fix metadata in
  be fixed or improved before getting it into the repository.
  For any other types of issues related to metadata in the repository, open an 
issue at
- {{{}JIRA MEV}} with the relevant 
information and
+ {{{}MVNCENTRAL}} with the 
relevant information and
  explain the reasons why it is an issue.
  *Important:* by default assume that we won't trust your info, so you must 
provide all links

Modified: maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/mini/guide-mirror-settings.apt
--- maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/mini/guide-mirror-settings.apt 
+++ maven/site/trunk/src/site/apt/guides/mini/guide-mirror-settings.apt Thu Oct 
28 01:28:58 2010
@@ -19,24 +19,24 @@ Using Mirrors for Repositories
     * You want to replace a particular repository with your own internal 
repository which you have greater control over
-    * You want to run maven-proxy to provide a local cache to a mirror and 
need to use its URL instead
+    * You want to run a repository manager to provide a local cache to a 
mirror and need to use its URL instead
  To configure a mirror of a given repository, you provide it in your settings 
file (<<<$\{user.home\}/.m2/settings.xml>>>),
  giving the new repository its
  own <<<id>>> and <<<url>>>, and specify the <<<mirrorOf>>> setting that is 
the ID of the repository you are using a
- mirror of. For example, the ID of the main Maven repository included by 
default is <<<central>>>, so to use
- the mirror at <ibiblio>, you would configure the following:
+ mirror of. For example, the ID of the main Maven Central US repository 
included by default is <<<central>>>, so to use
+ the European Central instance, you would configure the following:
-      <id></id>
-      <name>ibiblio Mirror of</name>
-      <url></url>
+      <id>UK</id>
+      <name>UK Central</name>
+      <url></url>
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ Using Mirrors for Repositories
  The settings descriptor documentation can be found on the 
{{{../../maven-settings/settings.html}Maven Local Settings
  Model Website}}.
- <<Note>>: The official Maven 2 repository is at 
<<<>>>. A list of known mirrors is available
- in our wiki article 
Repository}}. These
- mirrors may not have the same contents and we don't support them in any way, 
although we try to keep info in this page
- accurate.
+ <<Note>>: The official Maven 2 repository is at 
<<<>>> hosted in the US, or 
<<<>>> hosted in the UK. 
+ A list of known mirrors is available in the 
Metadata}}. These 
+mirrors may not have the same contents and we don't support them in any way.
 Using A Single Repository
@@ -143,15 +143,10 @@ Advanced Mirror Specification
-FTP Access
-  The repository is available through FTP at 
 Creating Your Own Mirror
-  The central repository requires several dozens GB and growing. Apparently, 
to save us bandwidth and you time,
-  mirroring the entire central repository is not recommended. Instead, we 
suggest to setup a
+  The central repository is over 180 GB and growing. To save us bandwidth and 
you time,
+  mirroring the entire central repository is not allowed. (Doing so will get 
you automatically banned) Instead, we suggest you setup a
   {{{../../repository-management.html}repository manager}} as a proxy.
-  If you really want to become an official mirror, email us to 
<<<>>> with your location and we'll
-  add you to the list of mirrors.
+  If you really want to become an official mirror, contact us at 
{{{}MVNCENTRAL}} with your 
location and we'll work to get you setup.

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