incubator-nifi git commit: NIFI-656: - Updating version of flume bundle that was added during release vote.

2015-07-16 Thread mcgilman
Repository: incubator-nifi Updated Branches: refs/heads/develop 5662436b9 - a3fab NIFI-656: - Updating version of flume bundle that was added during release vote. Project: Commit:

incubator-nifi git commit: NIFI-656: - Updating version of flume bundle that was added during release vote.

2015-07-16 Thread mcgilman
Repository: incubator-nifi Updated Branches: refs/heads/develop a3fab - bde107d4a NIFI-656: - Updating version of flume bundle that was added during release vote. Project: Commit:

incubator-nifi git commit: NIFI-656: - Updating version of flume bundle that was added during release vote.

2015-07-16 Thread mcgilman
Repository: incubator-nifi Updated Branches: refs/heads/develop bde107d4a - 54ad9c899 NIFI-656: - Updating version of flume bundle that was added during release vote. Project: Commit: