diff --git a/common/scala/src/main/scala/whisk/common/Scheduler.scala 
index 28d150260e..bf73ad7d66 100644
--- a/common/scala/src/main/scala/whisk/common/Scheduler.scala
+++ b/common/scala/src/main/scala/whisk/common/Scheduler.scala
@@ -22,11 +22,7 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import scala.util.Failure
 import scala.util.Success
 import scala.util.Try
-import akka.actor.Actor
-import akka.actor.ActorSystem
-import akka.actor.Cancellable
-import akka.actor.Props
+import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Cancellable, Props}
  * Scheduler utility functions to execute tasks in a repetitive way with 
controllable behavior
@@ -99,7 +95,7 @@ object Scheduler {
                          name: String = "Scheduler")(f: () => 
Future[Any])(implicit system: ActorSystem,
logging: Logging,
transid: TransactionId =
TransactionId.unknown) = {
TransactionId.unknown): ActorRef = {
     require(interval > Duration.Zero)
     system.actorOf(Props(new Worker(initialDelay, interval, false, name, f)))
diff --git 
index 14af69e4a9..753c19a36d 100644
--- a/common/scala/src/main/scala/whisk/core/connector/MessageConsumer.scala
+++ b/common/scala/src/main/scala/whisk/core/connector/MessageConsumer.scala
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ object MessageFeed {
   protected[connector] case object Idle extends FeedState
   protected[connector] case object FillingPipeline extends FeedState
   protected[connector] case object DrainingPipeline extends FeedState
+  protected[connector] case object GracefulShutdownDrain extends FeedState
   protected sealed trait FeedData
   private case object NoData extends FeedData
@@ -70,6 +71,10 @@ object MessageFeed {
   /** Steady state message, indicates capacity in downstream process to 
receive more messages. */
   object Processed
+  object GracefulShutdown
+  object Busy
   /** Indicates the fill operation has completed. */
   private case class FillCompleted(messages: Seq[(String, Int, Long, 
@@ -117,6 +122,7 @@ class MessageFeed(description: String,
   // Best practice dictates a mutable variable pointing at an immutable 
collection for this reason
   private var outstandingMessages = immutable.Queue.empty[(String, Int, Long, 
   private var handlerCapacity = maximumHandlerCapacity
+  private var fillingQueue = false
   private implicit val tid = TransactionId.dispatcher
@@ -126,6 +132,7 @@ class MessageFeed(description: String,
   when(Idle) {
     case Event(Ready, _) =>
+      fillingQueue = true
@@ -143,14 +150,19 @@ class MessageFeed(description: String,
     case Event(FillCompleted(messages), _) =>
       outstandingMessages = outstandingMessages ++ messages
+      fillingQueue = false
       if (shouldFillQueue()) {
+        fillingQueue = true
       } else {
+    case Event(GracefulShutdown, _) =>
+      goto(GracefulShutdownDrain)
     case _ => stay
@@ -158,11 +170,33 @@ class MessageFeed(description: String,
     case Event(Processed, _) =>
       if (shouldFillQueue()) {
+        fillingQueue = true
       } else stay
+    case Event(GracefulShutdown, _) =>
+      goto(GracefulShutdownDrain)
+    case _ => stay
+  }
+  when(GracefulShutdownDrain) {
+    case Event(Processed, _) =>
+      updateHandlerCapacity()
+      sendOutstandingMessages()
+      stay
+    case Event(FillCompleted(messages), _) =>
+      outstandingMessages = outstandingMessages ++ messages
+      sendOutstandingMessages()
+      stay
+    case Event(Busy, _) =>
+      stay() replying (handlerCapacity != maximumHandlerCapacity && 
outstandingMessages.nonEmpty && fillingQueue)
     case _ => stay
@@ -207,7 +241,7 @@ class MessageFeed(description: String,
     val occupancy = outstandingMessages.size
     if (occupancy > 0 && handlerCapacity > 0) {
       // Easiest way with an immutable queue to cleanly dequeue
-      // Head is the first elemeent of the queue, desugared w/ an assignment 
+      // Head is the first element of the queue, desugared w/ an assignment 
       // Tail is everything but the first element, thus mutating the 
collection variable
       val (topic, partition, offset, bytes) = outstandingMessages.head
       outstandingMessages = outstandingMessages.tail
diff --git 
index d26ebdc2f9..70a3b98855 100644
--- a/core/invoker/src/main/scala/whisk/core/containerpool/ContainerPool.scala
+++ b/core/invoker/src/main/scala/whisk/core/containerpool/ContainerPool.scala
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class ContainerPool(childFactory: ActorRefFactory => 
           val retryLogDeadline = if (isErrorLogged) {
-              s"Rescheduling Run message, too many message in the pool, 
freePoolSize: ${freePool.size}, " +
+              s"Rescheduling Run message, too many messages in the pool, 
freePoolSize: ${freePool.size}, " +
                 s"busyPoolSize: ${busyPool.size}, maxActiveContainers 
${poolConfig.maxActiveContainers}, " +
                 s"userNamespace: ${r.msg.user.namespace}, action: 
@@ -178,6 +178,9 @@ class ContainerPool(childFactory: ActorRefFactory => 
     case RescheduleJob =>
       freePool = freePool - sender()
       busyPool = busyPool - sender()
+    case Busy =>
+      sender ! (busyPool.nonEmpty)
   /** Creates a new container and updates state accordingly. */
diff --git a/core/invoker/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/Invoker.scala 
index 4a69d3cf99..32cdc4a06e 100644
--- a/core/invoker/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/Invoker.scala
+++ b/core/invoker/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/Invoker.scala
@@ -20,22 +20,18 @@ package whisk.core.invoker
 import scala.concurrent.Await
 import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import scala.concurrent.Future
-import scala.util.Failure
 import scala.util.Try
 import kamon.Kamon
 import org.apache.curator.retry.RetryUntilElapsed
 import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFrameworkFactory
 import org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.shared.SharedCount
 import akka.Done
-import akka.actor.ActorSystem
-import akka.actor.CoordinatedShutdown
+import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, CoordinatedShutdown}
 import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
 import whisk.common.AkkaLogging
-import whisk.common.Scheduler
 import whisk.core.WhiskConfig
 import whisk.core.WhiskConfig._
 import whisk.core.connector.MessagingProvider
-import whisk.core.connector.PingMessage
 import whisk.core.entity._
 import whisk.core.entity.ExecManifest
 import whisk.core.entity.InstanceId
@@ -178,15 +174,10 @@ object Invoker {
       case e: Exception => abort(s"Failed to initialize reactive invoker: 
-    Scheduler.scheduleWaitAtMost(1.seconds)(() => {
-      producer.send("health", PingMessage(invokerInstance)).andThen {
-        case Failure(t) => logger.error(this, s"failed to ping the controller: 
-      }
-    })
     val port = config.servicePort.toInt
     BasicHttpService.startHttpService(new BasicRasService {}.route, port)(
diff --git 
index 20cbbd46cd..5b0335817f 100644
--- a/core/invoker/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/InvokerReactive.scala
+++ b/core/invoker/src/main/scala/whisk/core/invoker/InvokerReactive.scala
@@ -20,12 +20,16 @@ package whisk.core.invoker
 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
 import java.time.Instant
-import akka.actor.{ActorRefFactory, ActorSystem, Props}
+import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorRefFactory, ActorSystem, Props}
 import akka.event.Logging.InfoLevel
 import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
+import akka.pattern.{after, ask, gracefulStop}
+import akka.util.Timeout
 import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException
 import pureconfig._
 import spray.json._
 import whisk.common._
 import whisk.core.{ConfigKeys, WhiskConfig}
 import whisk.core.connector._
@@ -36,10 +40,13 @@ import whisk.core.entity._
 import whisk.http.Messages
 import whisk.spi.SpiLoader
-import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
+import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
 import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
+import scala.language.postfixOps
 import DefaultJsonProtocol._
+import sun.misc.{Signal, SignalHandler}
 class InvokerReactive(
   config: WhiskConfig,
@@ -76,7 +83,6 @@ class InvokerReactive(
           "--ulimit" -> Set("nofile=1024:1024"),
           "--pids-limit" -> Set("1024")) ++ logsProvider.containerParameters)
-  sys.addShutdownHook(containerFactory.cleanup())
   /** Initialize needed databases */
   private val entityStore = WhiskEntityStore.datastore()
@@ -284,4 +290,84 @@ class InvokerReactive(
+  val healthScheduler = Scheduler.scheduleWaitAtMost(1.seconds)(() => {
+    producer.send("health", PingMessage(instance)).andThen {
+      case Failure(t) => logging.error(this, s"failed to ping the 
controller(s): $t")
+    }
+  })
+  /** Polls the pool's status and returns a future which completes once the 
pool is idle. */
+  def waitForContainerPoolIdle(pool: ActorRef): Future[Unit] = {
+    implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
+    val delay = 1.second
+    (pool ? Busy)
+      .mapTo[Boolean]
+      .flatMap {
+        case true =>
+          logging.info(this, "Container pool is not idle.")
+          after(delay, actorSystem.scheduler)(waitForContainerPoolIdle(pool))
+        case false =>
+          Future.successful(())
+      }
+      .recoverWith { case _ => after(delay, 
actorSystem.scheduler)(waitForContainerPoolIdle(pool)) }
+  }
+  /** Polls the feed's status and returns a future which completes once the 
feed is idle. */
+  def waitForActivationFeedIdle(feed: ActorRef): Future[Unit] = {
+    implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
+    val delay = 1.second
+    activationFeed ! MessageFeed.GracefulShutdown
+    (feed ? MessageFeed.Busy)
+      .mapTo[Boolean]
+      .flatMap {
+        case true =>
+          logging.info(this, "Activation feed is not idle.")
+          after(delay, actorSystem.scheduler)(waitForActivationFeedIdle(feed))
+        case false =>
+          Future.successful(())
+      }
+      .recoverWith { case _ => after(delay, 
actorSystem.scheduler)(waitForActivationFeedIdle(feed)) }
+  }
+  // Capture SIGTERM signals to gracefully shutdown the invoker. When 
gracefully shutting down, the health scheduler is
+  // shutdown preventing additional actions from being scheduler to the 
invoker, then the invoker processes its buffered
+  // messages from the activation feed, and waits for its user containers to 
finish running before the process exits.
+  Signal.handle(new Signal("TERM"), new SignalHandler() {
+    override def handle(signal: Signal) = {
+      logging.info(this, s"Starting graceful shutdown")
+      // Order is important here so futures are ran sequentially
+      val shutdowns = for {
+        _ <- gracefulStop(healthScheduler, 5.seconds)
+        _ <- waitForActivationFeedIdle(activationFeed)
+        _ <- waitForContainerPoolIdle(pool)
+      } yield {
+        logging.info(this, "Successfully shutdown health scheduler, activation 
feed, and container pool")
+      }
+      // Allow the shutdown to take a maximum of 3 times the maximum action 
runtime since the feed can be
+      // buffered and we want to allow for some grace period. If a graceful 
shutdown is not successful, the
+      // the invoker will continue running and a graceful shutdown can be 
attempted again.
+      Await.result(shutdowns, TimeLimit.MAX_DURATION * 3)
+      containerFactory.cleanup()
+      logging.info(this, "Shutting down invoker")
+      System.exit(0)
+    }
+  })
+  // Capture SIGUSR2 signals to put the invoker into drain mode. When 
draining, the health scheduler is shutdown
+  // preventing additional actions from being scheduled to the invoker 
allowing the invoker to process its current
+  // queue.
+  Signal.handle(new Signal("USR2"), new SignalHandler() {
+    override def handle(signal: Signal) = {
+      logging.info(this, "Draining invoker")
+      gracefulStop(healthScheduler, 5.seconds).recover {
+        case _ => logging.info(this, "Health communication failed to shutdown 
+      }
+    }
+  })

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