[GitHub] [pulsar] michaeljmarshall commented on pull request #12471: Optimize ThresholdShedder strategy: the low-load Broker cannot be fully utilized

2022-02-11 Thread GitBox
michaeljmarshall commented on pull request #12471: URL: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/12471#issuecomment-1036507027 Removing the `release/2.8.3` and `release/2.9.3` labels as this change will target master and probably won't be cherry picked back to stable branches because it is an

[GitHub] [pulsar] michaeljmarshall commented on pull request #12471: Optimize ThresholdShedder strategy: the low-load Broker cannot be fully utilized

2021-11-18 Thread GitBox
michaeljmarshall commented on pull request #12471: URL: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/12471#issuecomment-973218773 @lordcheng10 - instead of writing a diagram, I think it would be more productive to write tests that show how it will work and will also serve to verify your algorithm