diff --git a/python/proton/ b/python/proton/
index 6ee0d68..be8e247 100644
--- a/python/proton/
+++ b/python/proton/
@@ -30,54 +30,84 @@ The proton APIs consist of the following classes:
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-from cproton import *
-from .wrapper import Wrapper
-from . import _compat
 import logging
-import socket
-import sys
-import threading
-import uuid
-import weakref
-# This private NullHandler is required for Python 2.6,
-# when we no longer support 2.6 this replace NullHandler class definition and 
assignment with:
-#  handler = logging.NullHandler()
-class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
-  def handle(self, record):
-      pass
-  def emit(self, record):
-      pass
-  def createLock(self):
-      self.lock = None
-handler = NullHandler()
-log = logging.getLogger("proton")
-def generate_uuid():
-  return uuid.uuid4()
-# Hacks to provide Python2 <---> Python3 compatibility
-# The results are
-# |       |long|unicode|
-# |python2|long|unicode|
-# |python3| int|    str|
-  long()
-except NameError:
-  long = int
-  unicode()
-except NameError:
-  unicode = str
+from ._condition import Condition
+from ._data import UNDESCRIBED, Array, Data, Described, char, symbol, 
timestamp, ubyte, ushort, uint, ulong, \
+    byte, short, int32, float32, decimal32, decimal64, decimal128
+from ._delivery import Delivery, Disposition
+from ._endpoints import Endpoint, Connection, Session, Link, Receiver, Sender, 
+from ._events import Collector, Event, EventType, Handler
+from ._exceptions import ProtonException, MessageException, DataException, 
TransportException, \
+    SSLException, SSLUnavailable, ConnectionException, SessionException, 
LinkException, Timeout, Interrupt
+from ._message import Message, ABORTED, ACCEPTED, PENDING, REJECTED, RELEASED, 
+from ._transport import Transport, SASL, SSL, SSLDomain, SSLSessionDetails
+from ._url import Url
+__all__ = [
+    "ABORTED",
+    "ACCEPTED",
+    "PENDING",
+    "REJECTED",
+    "RELEASED",
+    "MODIFIED",
+    "SETTLED",
+    "Array",
+    "Collector",
+    "Condition",
+    "Connection",
+    "Data",
+    "DataException",
+    "Delivery",
+    "Disposition",
+    "Described",
+    "Endpoint",
+    "Event",
+    "EventType",
+    "Handler",
+    "Link",
+    "LinkException",
+    "Message",
+    "MessageException",
+    "ProtonException",
+    "Receiver",
+    "SASL",
+    "Sender",
+    "Session",
+    "SessionException",
+    "SSL",
+    "SSLDomain",
+    "SSLSessionDetails",
+    "SSLUnavailable",
+    "SSLException",
+    "Terminus",
+    "Timeout",
+    "Interrupt",
+    "Transport",
+    "TransportException",
+    "Url",
+    "char",
+    "symbol",
+    "timestamp",
+    "ulong",
+    "byte",
+    "short",
+    "int32",
+    "ubyte",
+    "ushort",
+    "uint",
+    "float32",
+    "decimal32",
+    "decimal64",
+    "decimal128"
-class Constant(object):
-  def __init__(self, name):
- = name
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return
-class ProtonException(Exception):
-  """
-  The root of the proton exception hierarchy. All proton exception
-  classes derive from this exception.
-  """
-  pass
-class Timeout(ProtonException):
-  """
-  A timeout exception indicates that a blocking operation has timed
-  out.
-  """
-  pass
-class Interrupt(ProtonException):
-  """
-  An interrupt exception indicates that a blocking operation was interrupted.
-  """
-  pass
-class MessageException(ProtonException):
-  """
-  The MessageException class is the root of the message exception
-  hierarchy. All exceptions generated by the Message class derive from
-  this exception.
-  """
-  pass
-  PN_TIMEOUT: Timeout,
-  PN_INTR: Interrupt
-  }
-PENDING = Constant("PENDING")
-ABORTED = Constant("ABORTED")
-SETTLED = Constant("SETTLED")
-  }
-class Message(object):
-  """The L{Message} class is a mutable holder of message content.
-  @ivar instructions: delivery instructions for the message
-  @type instructions: dict
-  @ivar annotations: infrastructure defined message annotations
-  @type annotations: dict
-  @ivar properties: application defined message properties
-  @type properties: dict
-  @ivar body: message body
-  @type body: bytes | unicode | dict | list | int | long | float | UUID
-  """
-  def __init__(self, body=None, **kwargs):
-    """
-    @param kwargs: Message property name/value pairs to initialise the Message
-    """
-    self._msg = pn_message()
-    self._id = Data(pn_message_id(self._msg))
-    self._correlation_id = Data(pn_message_correlation_id(self._msg))
-    self.instructions = None
-    self.annotations = None
- = None
-    self.body = body
-    for k,v in _compat.iteritems(kwargs):
-      getattr(self, k)          # Raise exception if it's not a valid 
-      setattr(self, k, v)
-  def __del__(self):
-    if hasattr(self, "_msg"):
-      pn_message_free(self._msg)
-      del self._msg
-  def _check(self, err):
-    if err < 0:
-      exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, MessageException)
-      raise exc("[%s]: %s" % (err, pn_error_text(pn_message_error(self._msg))))
-    else:
-      return err
-  def _check_property_keys(self):
-      for k in
-        if isinstance(k, unicode):
-          # py2 unicode, py3 str (via hack definition)
-          continue
-        # If key is binary then change to string
-        elif isinstance(k, str):
-          # py2 str
-[k.encode('utf-8')] =
-        else:
-          raise MessageException('Application property key is not string type: 
key=%s %s' % (str(k), type(k)))
-  def _pre_encode(self):
-    inst = Data(pn_message_instructions(self._msg))
-    ann = Data(pn_message_annotations(self._msg))
-    props = Data(pn_message_properties(self._msg))
-    body = Data(pn_message_body(self._msg))
-    inst.clear()
-    if self.instructions is not None:
-      inst.put_object(self.instructions)
-    ann.clear()
-    if self.annotations is not None:
-      ann.put_object(self.annotations)
-    props.clear()
-    if is not None:
-      self._check_property_keys()
-      props.put_object(
-    body.clear()
-    if self.body is not None:
-      body.put_object(self.body)
-  def _post_decode(self):
-    inst = Data(pn_message_instructions(self._msg))
-    ann = Data(pn_message_annotations(self._msg))
-    props = Data(pn_message_properties(self._msg))
-    body = Data(pn_message_body(self._msg))
-    if
-      self.instructions = inst.get_object()
-    else:
-      self.instructions = None
-    if
-      self.annotations = ann.get_object()
-    else:
-      self.annotations = None
-    if
- = props.get_object()
-    else:
- = None
-    if
-      self.body = body.get_object()
-    else:
-      self.body = None
-  def clear(self):
-    """
-    Clears the contents of the L{Message}. All fields will be reset to
-    their default values.
-    """
-    pn_message_clear(self._msg)
-    self.instructions = None
-    self.annotations = None
- = None
-    self.body = None
-  def _is_inferred(self):
-    return pn_message_is_inferred(self._msg)
-  def _set_inferred(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_inferred(self._msg, bool(value)))
-  inferred = property(_is_inferred, _set_inferred, doc="""
-The inferred flag for a message indicates how the message content
-is encoded into AMQP sections. If inferred is true then binary and
-list values in the body of the message will be encoded as AMQP DATA
-and AMQP SEQUENCE sections, respectively. If inferred is false,
-then all values in the body of the message will be encoded as AMQP
-VALUE sections regardless of their type.
-  def _is_durable(self):
-    return pn_message_is_durable(self._msg)
-  def _set_durable(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_durable(self._msg, bool(value)))
-  durable = property(_is_durable, _set_durable,
-                     doc="""
-The durable property indicates that the message should be held durably
-by any intermediaries taking responsibility for the message.
-  def _get_priority(self):
-    return pn_message_get_priority(self._msg)
-  def _set_priority(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_priority(self._msg, value))
-  priority = property(_get_priority, _set_priority,
-                      doc="""
-The priority of the message.
-  def _get_ttl(self):
-    return millis2secs(pn_message_get_ttl(self._msg))
-  def _set_ttl(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_ttl(self._msg, secs2millis(value)))
-  ttl = property(_get_ttl, _set_ttl,
-                 doc="""
-The time to live of the message measured in seconds. Expired messages
-may be dropped.
-  def _is_first_acquirer(self):
-    return pn_message_is_first_acquirer(self._msg)
-  def _set_first_acquirer(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_first_acquirer(self._msg, bool(value)))
-  first_acquirer = property(_is_first_acquirer, _set_first_acquirer,
-                            doc="""
-True iff the recipient is the first to acquire the message.
-  def _get_delivery_count(self):
-    return pn_message_get_delivery_count(self._msg)
-  def _set_delivery_count(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_delivery_count(self._msg, value))
-  delivery_count = property(_get_delivery_count, _set_delivery_count,
-                            doc="""
-The number of delivery attempts made for this message.
-  def _get_id(self):
-    return self._id.get_object()
-  def _set_id(self, value):
-    if type(value) in (int, long):
-      value = ulong(value)
-    self._id.rewind()
-    self._id.put_object(value)
-  id = property(_get_id, _set_id,
-                doc="""
-The id of the message.
-  def _get_user_id(self):
-    return pn_message_get_user_id(self._msg)
-  def _set_user_id(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_user_id(self._msg, value))
-  user_id = property(_get_user_id, _set_user_id,
-                     doc="""
-The user id of the message creator.
-  def _get_address(self):
-    return utf82unicode(pn_message_get_address(self._msg))
-  def _set_address(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_address(self._msg, unicode2utf8(value)))
-  address = property(_get_address, _set_address,
-                     doc="""
-The address of the message.
-  def _get_subject(self):
-    return utf82unicode(pn_message_get_subject(self._msg))
-  def _set_subject(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_subject(self._msg, unicode2utf8(value)))
-  subject = property(_get_subject, _set_subject,
-                     doc="""
-The subject of the message.
-  def _get_reply_to(self):
-    return utf82unicode(pn_message_get_reply_to(self._msg))
-  def _set_reply_to(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_reply_to(self._msg, unicode2utf8(value)))
-  reply_to = property(_get_reply_to, _set_reply_to,
-                      doc="""
-The reply-to address for the message.
-  def _get_correlation_id(self):
-    return self._correlation_id.get_object()
-  def _set_correlation_id(self, value):
-    if type(value) in (int, long):
-      value = ulong(value)
-    self._correlation_id.rewind()
-    self._correlation_id.put_object(value)
-  correlation_id = property(_get_correlation_id, _set_correlation_id,
-                            doc="""
-The correlation-id for the message.
-  def _get_content_type(self):
-    return symbol(utf82unicode(pn_message_get_content_type(self._msg)))
-  def _set_content_type(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_content_type(self._msg, unicode2utf8(value)))
-  content_type = property(_get_content_type, _set_content_type,
-                          doc="""
-The content-type of the message.
-  def _get_content_encoding(self):
-    return symbol(utf82unicode(pn_message_get_content_encoding(self._msg)))
-  def _set_content_encoding(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_content_encoding(self._msg, 
-  content_encoding = property(_get_content_encoding, _set_content_encoding,
-                              doc="""
-The content-encoding of the message.
-  def _get_expiry_time(self):
-    return millis2secs(pn_message_get_expiry_time(self._msg))
-  def _set_expiry_time(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_expiry_time(self._msg, secs2millis(value)))
-  expiry_time = property(_get_expiry_time, _set_expiry_time,
-                         doc="""
-The expiry time of the message.
-  def _get_creation_time(self):
-    return millis2secs(pn_message_get_creation_time(self._msg))
-  def _set_creation_time(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_creation_time(self._msg, secs2millis(value)))
-  creation_time = property(_get_creation_time, _set_creation_time,
-                           doc="""
-The creation time of the message.
-  def _get_group_id(self):
-    return utf82unicode(pn_message_get_group_id(self._msg))
-  def _set_group_id(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_group_id(self._msg, unicode2utf8(value)))
-  group_id = property(_get_group_id, _set_group_id,
-                      doc="""
-The group id of the message.
-  def _get_group_sequence(self):
-    return pn_message_get_group_sequence(self._msg)
-  def _set_group_sequence(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_group_sequence(self._msg, value))
-  group_sequence = property(_get_group_sequence, _set_group_sequence,
-                            doc="""
-The sequence of the message within its group.
-  def _get_reply_to_group_id(self):
-    return utf82unicode(pn_message_get_reply_to_group_id(self._msg))
-  def _set_reply_to_group_id(self, value):
-    self._check(pn_message_set_reply_to_group_id(self._msg, 
-  reply_to_group_id = property(_get_reply_to_group_id, _set_reply_to_group_id,
-                               doc="""
-The group-id for any replies.
-  def encode(self):
-    self._pre_encode()
-    sz = 16
-    while True:
-      err, data = pn_message_encode(self._msg, sz)
-      if err == PN_OVERFLOW:
-        sz *= 2
-        continue
-      else:
-        self._check(err)
-        return data
-  def decode(self, data):
-    self._check(pn_message_decode(self._msg, data))
-    self._post_decode()
-  def send(self, sender, tag=None):
-    dlv = or sender.delivery_tag())
-    encoded = self.encode()
-    sender.advance()
-    if sender.snd_settle_mode == Link.SND_SETTLED:
-      dlv.settle()
-    return dlv
-  def recv(self, link):
-    """
-    Receives and decodes the message content for the current delivery
-    from the link. Upon success it will return the current delivery
-    for the link. If there is no current delivery, or if the current
-    delivery is incomplete, or if the link is not a receiver, it will
-    return None.
-    @type link: Link
-    @param link: the link to receive a message from
-    @return the delivery associated with the decoded message (or None)
-    """
-    if link.is_sender: return None
-    dlv = link.current
-    if not dlv or dlv.partial: return None
-    dlv.encoded = link.recv(dlv.pending)
-    link.advance()
-    # the sender has already forgotten about the delivery, so we might
-    # as well too
-    if link.remote_snd_settle_mode == Link.SND_SETTLED:
-      dlv.settle()
-    self.decode(dlv.encoded)
-    return dlv
-  def __repr2__(self):
-    props = []
-    for attr in ("inferred", "address", "reply_to", "durable", "ttl",
-                 "priority", "first_acquirer", "delivery_count", "id",
-                 "correlation_id", "user_id", "group_id", "group_sequence",
-                 "reply_to_group_id", "instructions", "annotations",
-                 "properties", "body"):
-      value = getattr(self, attr)
-      if value: props.append("%s=%r" % (attr, value))
-    return "Message(%s)" % ", ".join(props)
-  def __repr__(self):
-    tmp = pn_string(None)
-    err = pn_inspect(self._msg, tmp)
-    result = pn_string_get(tmp)
-    pn_free(tmp)
-    self._check(err)
-    return result
-_DEFAULT = object()
-class Selectable(Wrapper):
-  @staticmethod
-  def wrap(impl):
-    if impl is None:
-      return None
-    else:
-      return Selectable(impl)
-  def __init__(self, impl):
-    Wrapper.__init__(self, impl, pn_selectable_attachments)
-  def _init(self):
-    pass
-  def fileno(self, fd = _DEFAULT):
-    if fd is _DEFAULT:
-      return pn_selectable_get_fd(self._impl)
-    elif fd is None:
-      pn_selectable_set_fd(self._impl, PN_INVALID_SOCKET)
-    else:
-      pn_selectable_set_fd(self._impl, fd)
-  def _is_reading(self):
-    return pn_selectable_is_reading(self._impl)
-  def _set_reading(self, val):
-    pn_selectable_set_reading(self._impl, bool(val))
-  reading = property(_is_reading, _set_reading)
-  def _is_writing(self):
-    return pn_selectable_is_writing(self._impl)
-  def _set_writing(self, val):
-    pn_selectable_set_writing(self._impl, bool(val))
-  writing = property(_is_writing, _set_writing)
-  def _get_deadline(self):
-    tstamp = pn_selectable_get_deadline(self._impl)
-    if tstamp:
-      return millis2secs(tstamp)
-    else:
-      return None
-  def _set_deadline(self, deadline):
-    pn_selectable_set_deadline(self._impl, secs2millis(deadline))
-  deadline = property(_get_deadline, _set_deadline)
-  def readable(self):
-    pn_selectable_readable(self._impl)
-  def writable(self):
-    pn_selectable_writable(self._impl)
-  def expired(self):
-    pn_selectable_expired(self._impl)
-  def _is_registered(self):
-    return pn_selectable_is_registered(self._impl)
-  def _set_registered(self, registered):
-    pn_selectable_set_registered(self._impl, registered)
-  registered = property(_is_registered, _set_registered,
-                    doc="""
-The registered property may be get/set by an I/O polling system to
-indicate whether the fd has been registered or not.
-  @property
-  def is_terminal(self):
-    return pn_selectable_is_terminal(self._impl)
-  def terminate(self):
-    pn_selectable_terminate(self._impl)
-  def release(self):
-    pn_selectable_release(self._impl)
-class DataException(ProtonException):
-  """
-  The DataException class is the root of the Data exception hierarchy.
-  All exceptions raised by the Data class extend this exception.
-  """
-  pass
-class UnmappedType:
-  def __init__(self, msg):
-    self.msg = msg
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "UnmappedType(%s)" % self.msg
-class ulong(long):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "ulong(%s)" % long.__repr__(self)
-class timestamp(long):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "timestamp(%s)" % long.__repr__(self)
-class symbol(unicode):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "symbol(%s)" % unicode.__repr__(self)
-class char(unicode):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "char(%s)" % unicode.__repr__(self)
-class byte(int):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "byte(%s)" % int.__repr__(self)
-class short(int):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "short(%s)" % int.__repr__(self)
-class int32(int):
-  def __repr__(self):
-      return "int32(%s)" % int.__repr__(self)
-class ubyte(int):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "ubyte(%s)" % int.__repr__(self)
-class ushort(int):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "ushort(%s)" % int.__repr__(self)
-class uint(long):
-  def __repr__(self):
-      return "uint(%s)" % long.__repr__(self)
-class float32(float):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "float32(%s)" % float.__repr__(self)
-class decimal32(int):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "decimal32(%s)" % int.__repr__(self)
-class decimal64(long):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "decimal64(%s)" % long.__repr__(self)
-class decimal128(bytes):
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "decimal128(%s)" % bytes.__repr__(self)
-class Described(object):
-  def __init__(self, descriptor, value):
-    self.descriptor = descriptor
-    self.value = value
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "Described(%r, %r)" % (self.descriptor, self.value)
-  def __eq__(self, o):
-    if isinstance(o, Described):
-      return self.descriptor == o.descriptor and self.value == o.value
-    else:
-      return False
-class Array(object):
-  def __init__(self, descriptor, type, *elements):
-    self.descriptor = descriptor
-    self.type = type
-    self.elements = elements
-  def __iter__(self):
-    return iter(self.elements)
-  def __repr__(self):
-    if self.elements:
-      els = ", %s"  % (", ".join(map(repr, self.elements)))
-    else:
-      els = ""
-    return "Array(%r, %r%s)" % (self.descriptor, self.type, els)
-  def __eq__(self, o):
-    if isinstance(o, Array):
-      return self.descriptor == o.descriptor and \
-          self.type == o.type and self.elements == o.elements
-    else:
-      return False
-class Data:
-  """
-  The L{Data} class provides an interface for decoding, extracting,
-  creating, and encoding arbitrary AMQP data. A L{Data} object
-  contains a tree of AMQP values. Leaf nodes in this tree correspond
-  to scalars in the AMQP type system such as L{ints<INT>} or
-  L{strings<STRING>}. Non-leaf nodes in this tree correspond to
-  compound values in the AMQP type system such as L{lists<LIST>},
-  L{maps<MAP>}, L{arrays<ARRAY>}, or L{described values<DESCRIBED>}.
-  The root node of the tree is the L{Data} object itself and can have
-  an arbitrary number of children.
-  A L{Data} object maintains the notion of the current sibling node
-  and a current parent node. Siblings are ordered within their parent.
-  Values are accessed and/or added by using the L{next}, L{prev},
-  L{enter}, and L{exit} methods to navigate to the desired location in
-  the tree and using the supplied variety of put_*/get_* methods to
-  access or add a value of the desired type.
-  The put_* methods will always add a value I{after} the current node
-  in the tree. If the current node has a next sibling the put_* method
-  will overwrite the value on this node. If there is no current node
-  or the current node has no next sibling then one will be added. The
-  put_* methods always set the added/modified node to the current
-  node. The get_* methods read the value of the current node and do
-  not change which node is current.
-  The following types of scalar values are supported:
-   - L{NULL}
-   - L{BOOL}
-   - L{UBYTE}
-   - L{USHORT}
-   - L{SHORT}
-   - L{UINT}
-   - L{INT}
-   - L{ULONG}
-   - L{LONG}
-   - L{FLOAT}
-   - L{DOUBLE}
-   - L{BINARY}
-   - L{STRING}
-   - L{SYMBOL}
-  The following types of compound values are supported:
-   - L{ARRAY}
-   - L{LIST}
-   - L{MAP}
-  """
-  NULL = PN_NULL; "A null value."
-  BOOL = PN_BOOL; "A boolean value."
-  UBYTE = PN_UBYTE; "An unsigned byte value."
-  BYTE = PN_BYTE; "A signed byte value."
-  USHORT = PN_USHORT; "An unsigned short value."
-  SHORT = PN_SHORT; "A short value."
-  UINT = PN_UINT; "An unsigned int value."
-  INT = PN_INT; "A signed int value."
-  CHAR = PN_CHAR; "A character value."
-  ULONG = PN_ULONG; "An unsigned long value."
-  LONG = PN_LONG; "A signed long value."
-  TIMESTAMP = PN_TIMESTAMP; "A timestamp value."
-  FLOAT = PN_FLOAT; "A float value."
-  DOUBLE = PN_DOUBLE; "A double value."
-  DECIMAL32 = PN_DECIMAL32; "A DECIMAL32 value."
-  DECIMAL64 = PN_DECIMAL64; "A DECIMAL64 value."
-  DECIMAL128 = PN_DECIMAL128; "A DECIMAL128 value."
-  UUID = PN_UUID; "A UUID value."
-  BINARY = PN_BINARY; "A binary string."
-  STRING = PN_STRING; "A unicode string."
-  SYMBOL = PN_SYMBOL; "A symbolic string."
-  DESCRIBED = PN_DESCRIBED; "A described value."
-  ARRAY = PN_ARRAY; "An array value."
-  LIST = PN_LIST; "A list value."
-  MAP = PN_MAP; "A map value."
-  type_names = {
-    NULL: "null",
-    BOOL: "bool",
-    BYTE: "byte",
-    UBYTE: "ubyte",
-    SHORT: "short",
-    USHORT: "ushort",
-    INT: "int",
-    UINT: "uint",
-    CHAR: "char",
-    LONG: "long",
-    ULONG: "ulong",
-    TIMESTAMP: "timestamp",
-    FLOAT: "float",
-    DOUBLE: "double",
-    DECIMAL32: "decimal32",
-    DECIMAL64: "decimal64",
-    DECIMAL128: "decimal128",
-    UUID: "uuid",
-    BINARY: "binary",
-    STRING: "string",
-    SYMBOL: "symbol",
-    DESCRIBED: "described",
-    ARRAY: "array",
-    LIST: "list",
-    MAP: "map"
-    }
-  @classmethod
-  def type_name(type): return Data.type_names[type]
-  def __init__(self, capacity=16):
-    if type(capacity) in (int, long):
-      self._data = pn_data(capacity)
-      self._free = True
-    else:
-      self._data = capacity
-      self._free = False
-  def __del__(self):
-    if self._free and hasattr(self, "_data"):
-      pn_data_free(self._data)
-      del self._data
-  def _check(self, err):
-    if err < 0:
-      exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, DataException)
-      raise exc("[%s]: %s" % (err, pn_error_text(pn_data_error(self._data))))
-    else:
-      return err
-  def clear(self):
-    """
-    Clears the data object.
-    """
-    pn_data_clear(self._data)
-  def rewind(self):
-    """
-    Clears current node and sets the parent to the root node.  Clearing the
-    current node sets it _before_ the first node, calling next() will advance 
-    the first node.
-    """
-    assert self._data is not None
-    pn_data_rewind(self._data)
-  def next(self):
-    """
-    Advances the current node to its next sibling and returns its
-    type. If there is no next sibling the current node remains
-    unchanged and None is returned.
-    """
-    found = pn_data_next(self._data)
-    if found:
-      return self.type()
-    else:
-      return None
-  def prev(self):
-    """
-    Advances the current node to its previous sibling and returns its
-    type. If there is no previous sibling the current node remains
-    unchanged and None is returned.
-    """
-    found = pn_data_prev(self._data)
-    if found:
-      return self.type()
-    else:
-      return None
-  def enter(self):
-    """
-    Sets the parent node to the current node and clears the current node.
-    Clearing the current node sets it _before_ the first child,
-    call next() advances to the first child.
-    """
-    return pn_data_enter(self._data)
-  def exit(self):
-    """
-    Sets the current node to the parent node and the parent node to
-    its own parent.
-    """
-    return pn_data_exit(self._data)
-  def lookup(self, name):
-    return pn_data_lookup(self._data, name)
-  def narrow(self):
-    pn_data_narrow(self._data)
-  def widen(self):
-    pn_data_widen(self._data)
-  def type(self):
-    """
-    Returns the type of the current node.
-    """
-    dtype = pn_data_type(self._data)
-    if dtype == -1:
-      return None
-    else:
-      return dtype
-  def encoded_size(self):
-    """
-    Returns the size in bytes needed to encode the data in AMQP format.
-    """
-    return pn_data_encoded_size(self._data)
-  def encode(self):
-    """
-    Returns a representation of the data encoded in AMQP format.
-    """
-    size = 1024
-    while True:
-      cd, enc = pn_data_encode(self._data, size)
-      if cd == PN_OVERFLOW:
-        size *= 2
-      elif cd >= 0:
-        return enc
-      else:
-        self._check(cd)
-  def decode(self, encoded):
-    """
-    Decodes the first value from supplied AMQP data and returns the
-    number of bytes consumed.
-    @type encoded: binary
-    @param encoded: AMQP encoded binary data
-    """
-    return self._check(pn_data_decode(self._data, encoded))
-  def put_list(self):
-    """
-    Puts a list value. Elements may be filled by entering the list
-    node and putting element values.
-      >>> data = Data()
-      >>> data.put_list()
-      >>> data.enter()
-      >>> data.put_int(1)
-      >>> data.put_int(2)
-      >>> data.put_int(3)
-      >>> data.exit()
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_list(self._data))
-  def put_map(self):
-    """
-    Puts a map value. Elements may be filled by entering the map node
-    and putting alternating key value pairs.
-      >>> data = Data()
-      >>> data.put_map()
-      >>> data.enter()
-      >>> data.put_string("key")
-      >>> data.put_string("value")
-      >>> data.exit()
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_map(self._data))
-  def put_array(self, described, element_type):
-    """
-    Puts an array value. Elements may be filled by entering the array
-    node and putting the element values. The values must all be of the
-    specified array element type. If an array is described then the
-    first child value of the array is the descriptor and may be of any
-    type.
-      >>> data = Data()
-      >>>
-      >>> data.put_array(False, Data.INT)
-      >>> data.enter()
-      >>> data.put_int(1)
-      >>> data.put_int(2)
-      >>> data.put_int(3)
-      >>> data.exit()
-      >>>
-      >>> data.put_array(True, Data.DOUBLE)
-      >>> data.enter()
-      >>> data.put_symbol("array-descriptor")
-      >>> data.put_double(1.1)
-      >>> data.put_double(1.2)
-      >>> data.put_double(1.3)
-      >>> data.exit()
-    @type described: bool
-    @param described: specifies whether the array is described
-    @type element_type: int
-    @param element_type: the type of the array elements
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_array(self._data, described, element_type))
-  def put_described(self):
-    """
-    Puts a described value. A described node has two children, the
-    descriptor and the value. These are specified by entering the node
-    and putting the desired values.
-      >>> data = Data()
-      >>> data.put_described()
-      >>> data.enter()
-      >>> data.put_symbol("value-descriptor")
-      >>> data.put_string("the value")
-      >>> data.exit()
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_described(self._data))
-  def put_null(self):
-    """
-    Puts a null value.
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_null(self._data))
-  def put_bool(self, b):
-    """
-    Puts a boolean value.
-    @param b: a boolean value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_bool(self._data, b))
-  def put_ubyte(self, ub):
-    """
-    Puts an unsigned byte value.
-    @param ub: an integral value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_ubyte(self._data, ub))
-  def put_byte(self, b):
-    """
-    Puts a signed byte value.
-    @param b: an integral value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_byte(self._data, b))
-  def put_ushort(self, us):
-    """
-    Puts an unsigned short value.
-    @param us: an integral value.
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_ushort(self._data, us))
-  def put_short(self, s):
-    """
-    Puts a signed short value.
-    @param s: an integral value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_short(self._data, s))
-  def put_uint(self, ui):
-    """
-    Puts an unsigned int value.
-    @param ui: an integral value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_uint(self._data, ui))
-  def put_int(self, i):
-    """
-    Puts a signed int value.
-    @param i: an integral value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_int(self._data, i))
-  def put_char(self, c):
-    """
-    Puts a char value.
-    @param c: a single character
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_char(self._data, ord(c)))
-  def put_ulong(self, ul):
-    """
-    Puts an unsigned long value.
-    @param ul: an integral value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_ulong(self._data, ul))
-  def put_long(self, l):
-    """
-    Puts a signed long value.
-    @param l: an integral value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_long(self._data, l))
-  def put_timestamp(self, t):
-    """
-    Puts a timestamp value.
-    @param t: an integral value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_timestamp(self._data, t))
-  def put_float(self, f):
-    """
-    Puts a float value.
-    @param f: a floating point value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_float(self._data, f))
-  def put_double(self, d):
-    """
-    Puts a double value.
-    @param d: a floating point value.
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_double(self._data, d))
-  def put_decimal32(self, d):
-    """
-    Puts a decimal32 value.
-    @param d: a decimal32 value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_decimal32(self._data, d))
-  def put_decimal64(self, d):
-    """
-    Puts a decimal64 value.
-    @param d: a decimal64 value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_decimal64(self._data, d))
-  def put_decimal128(self, d):
-    """
-    Puts a decimal128 value.
-    @param d: a decimal128 value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_decimal128(self._data, d))
-  def put_uuid(self, u):
-    """
-    Puts a UUID value.
-    @param u: a uuid value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_uuid(self._data, u.bytes))
-  def put_binary(self, b):
-    """
-    Puts a binary value.
-    @type b: binary
-    @param b: a binary value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_binary(self._data, b))
-  def put_memoryview(self, mv):
-    """Put a python memoryview object as an AMQP binary value"""
-    self.put_binary(mv.tobytes())
-  def put_buffer(self, buff):
-    """Put a python buffer object as an AMQP binary value"""
-    self.put_binary(bytes(buff))
-  def put_string(self, s):
-    """
-    Puts a unicode value.
-    @type s: unicode
-    @param s: a unicode value
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_string(self._data, s.encode("utf8")))
-  def put_symbol(self, s):
-    """
-    Puts a symbolic value.
-    @type s: string
-    @param s: the symbol name
-    """
-    self._check(pn_data_put_symbol(self._data, s.encode('ascii')))
-  def get_list(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a list, return the number of elements,
-    otherwise return zero. List elements can be accessed by entering
-    the list.
-      >>> count = data.get_list()
-      >>> data.enter()
-      >>> for i in range(count):
-      ...   type =
-      ...   if type == Data.STRING:
-      ...     print data.get_string()
-      ...   elif type == ...:
-      ...     ...
-      >>> data.exit()
-    """
-    return pn_data_get_list(self._data)
-  def get_map(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a map, return the number of child elements,
-    otherwise return zero. Key value pairs can be accessed by entering
-    the map.
-      >>> count = data.get_map()
-      >>> data.enter()
-      >>> for i in range(count/2):
-      ...   type =
-      ...   if type == Data.STRING:
-      ...     print data.get_string()
-      ...   elif type == ...:
-      ...     ...
-      >>> data.exit()
-    """
-    return pn_data_get_map(self._data)
-  def get_array(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is an array, return a tuple of the element
-    count, a boolean indicating whether the array is described, and
-    the type of each element, otherwise return (0, False, None). Array
-    data can be accessed by entering the array.
-      >>> # read an array of strings with a symbolic descriptor
-      >>> count, described, type = data.get_array()
-      >>> data.enter()
-      >>>
-      >>> print "Descriptor:", data.get_symbol()
-      >>> for i in range(count):
-      ...
-      ...    print "Element:", data.get_string()
-      >>> data.exit()
-    """
-    count = pn_data_get_array(self._data)
-    described = pn_data_is_array_described(self._data)
-    type = pn_data_get_array_type(self._data)
-    if type == -1:
-      type = None
-    return count, described, type
+# This private NullHandler is required for Python 2.6,
+# when we no longer support 2.6 replace this NullHandler class definition and 
assignment with:
+#  handler = logging.NullHandler()
+class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
+    def handle(self, record):
+        pass
-  def is_described(self):
-    """
-    Checks if the current node is a described value. The descriptor
-    and value may be accessed by entering the described value.
+    def emit(self, record):
+        pass
-      >>> # read a symbolically described string
-      >>> assert data.is_described() # will error if the current node is not 
-      >>> data.enter()
-      >>>
-      >>> print data.get_symbol()
-      >>>
-      >>> print data.get_string()
-      >>> data.exit()
-    """
-    return pn_data_is_described(self._data)
+    def createLock(self):
+        self.lock = None
-  def is_null(self):
-    """
-    Checks if the current node is a null.
-    """
-    return pn_data_is_null(self._data)
-  def get_bool(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a boolean, returns its value, returns False
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return pn_data_get_bool(self._data)
+handler = NullHandler()
-  def get_ubyte(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is an unsigned byte, returns its value,
-    returns 0 otherwise.
-    """
-    return ubyte(pn_data_get_ubyte(self._data))
+log = logging.getLogger("proton")
-  def get_byte(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a signed byte, returns its value, returns 0
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return byte(pn_data_get_byte(self._data))
-  def get_ushort(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is an unsigned short, returns its value,
-    returns 0 otherwise.
-    """
-    return ushort(pn_data_get_ushort(self._data))
-  def get_short(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a signed short, returns its value, returns
-    0 otherwise.
-    """
-    return short(pn_data_get_short(self._data))
-  def get_uint(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is an unsigned int, returns its value, returns
-    0 otherwise.
-    """
-    return uint(pn_data_get_uint(self._data))
-  def get_int(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a signed int, returns its value, returns 0
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return int32(pn_data_get_int(self._data))
-  def get_char(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a char, returns its value, returns 0
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return char(_compat.unichr(pn_data_get_char(self._data)))
-  def get_ulong(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is an unsigned long, returns its value,
-    returns 0 otherwise.
-    """
-    return ulong(pn_data_get_ulong(self._data))
-  def get_long(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is an signed long, returns its value, returns
-    0 otherwise.
-    """
-    return long(pn_data_get_long(self._data))
-  def get_timestamp(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a timestamp, returns its value, returns 0
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return timestamp(pn_data_get_timestamp(self._data))
-  def get_float(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a float, returns its value, raises 0
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return float32(pn_data_get_float(self._data))
-  def get_double(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a double, returns its value, returns 0
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return pn_data_get_double(self._data)
-  # XXX: need to convert
-  def get_decimal32(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a decimal32, returns its value, returns 0
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return decimal32(pn_data_get_decimal32(self._data))
-  # XXX: need to convert
-  def get_decimal64(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a decimal64, returns its value, returns 0
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return decimal64(pn_data_get_decimal64(self._data))
-  # XXX: need to convert
-  def get_decimal128(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a decimal128, returns its value, returns 0
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return decimal128(pn_data_get_decimal128(self._data))
-  def get_uuid(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a UUID, returns its value, returns None
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    if pn_data_type(self._data) == Data.UUID:
-      return uuid.UUID(bytes=pn_data_get_uuid(self._data))
-    else:
-      return None
-  def get_binary(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is binary, returns its value, returns ""
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return pn_data_get_binary(self._data)
-  def get_string(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a string, returns its value, returns ""
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return pn_data_get_string(self._data).decode("utf8")
-  def get_symbol(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is a symbol, returns its value, returns ""
-    otherwise.
-    """
-    return symbol(pn_data_get_symbol(self._data).decode('ascii'))
-  def copy(self, src):
-    self._check(pn_data_copy(self._data, src._data))
-  def format(self):
-    sz = 16
-    while True:
-      err, result = pn_data_format(self._data, sz)
-      if err == PN_OVERFLOW:
-        sz *= 2
-        continue
-      else:
-        self._check(err)
-        return result
-  def dump(self):
-    pn_data_dump(self._data)
-  def put_dict(self, d):
-    self.put_map()
-    self.enter()
-    try:
-      for k, v in d.items():
-        self.put_object(k)
-        self.put_object(v)
-    finally:
-      self.exit()
-  def get_dict(self):
-    if self.enter():
-      try:
-        result = {}
-        while
-          k = self.get_object()
-          if
-            v = self.get_object()
-          else:
-            v = None
-          result[k] = v
-      finally:
-        self.exit()
-      return result
-  def put_sequence(self, s):
-    self.put_list()
-    self.enter()
-    try:
-      for o in s:
-        self.put_object(o)
-    finally:
-      self.exit()
-  def get_sequence(self):
-    if self.enter():
-      try:
-        result = []
-        while
-          result.append(self.get_object())
-      finally:
-        self.exit()
-      return result
-  def get_py_described(self):
-    if self.enter():
-      try:
-        descriptor = self.get_object()
-        value = self.get_object()
-      finally:
-        self.exit()
-      return Described(descriptor, value)
-  def put_py_described(self, d):
-    self.put_described()
-    self.enter()
-    try:
-      self.put_object(d.descriptor)
-      self.put_object(d.value)
-    finally:
-      self.exit()
-  def get_py_array(self):
-    """
-    If the current node is an array, return an Array object
-    representing the array and its contents. Otherwise return None.
-    This is a convenience wrapper around get_array, enter, etc.
-    """
-    count, described, type = self.get_array()
-    if type is None: return None
-    if self.enter():
-      try:
-        if described:
-          descriptor = self.get_object()
-        else:
-          descriptor = UNDESCRIBED
-        elements = []
-        while
-          elements.append(self.get_object())
-      finally:
-        self.exit()
-      return Array(descriptor, type, *elements)
-  def put_py_array(self, a):
-    described = a.descriptor != UNDESCRIBED
-    self.put_array(described, a.type)
-    self.enter()
-    try:
-      if described:
-        self.put_object(a.descriptor)
-      for e in a.elements:
-        self.put_object(e)
-    finally:
-      self.exit()
-  put_mappings = {
-    None.__class__: lambda s, _: s.put_null(),
-    bool: put_bool,
-    ubyte: put_ubyte,
-    ushort: put_ushort,
-    uint: put_uint,
-    ulong: put_ulong,
-    byte: put_byte,
-    short: put_short,
-    int32: put_int,
-    long: put_long,
-    float32: put_float,
-    float: put_double,
-    decimal32: put_decimal32,
-    decimal64: put_decimal64,
-    decimal128: put_decimal128,
-    char: put_char,
-    timestamp: put_timestamp,
-    uuid.UUID: put_uuid,
-    bytes: put_binary,
-    unicode: put_string,
-    symbol: put_symbol,
-    list: put_sequence,
-    tuple: put_sequence,
-    dict: put_dict,
-    Described: put_py_described,
-    Array: put_py_array
-    }
-  # for python 3.x, long is merely an alias for int, but for python 2.x
-  # we need to add an explicit int since it is a different type
-  if int not in put_mappings:
-    put_mappings[int] = put_int
-  # Python >=3.0 has 'memoryview', <=2.5 has 'buffer', >=2.6 has both.
-  try: put_mappings[memoryview] = put_memoryview
-  except NameError: pass
-  try: put_mappings[buffer] = put_buffer
-  except NameError: pass
-  get_mappings = {
-    NULL: lambda s: None,
-    BOOL: get_bool,
-    BYTE: get_byte,
-    UBYTE: get_ubyte,
-    SHORT: get_short,
-    USHORT: get_ushort,
-    INT: get_int,
-    UINT: get_uint,
-    CHAR: get_char,
-    LONG: get_long,
-    ULONG: get_ulong,
-    TIMESTAMP: get_timestamp,
-    FLOAT: get_float,
-    DOUBLE: get_double,
-    DECIMAL32: get_decimal32,
-    DECIMAL64: get_decimal64,
-    DECIMAL128: get_decimal128,
-    UUID: get_uuid,
-    BINARY: get_binary,
-    STRING: get_string,
-    SYMBOL: get_symbol,
-    DESCRIBED: get_py_described,
-    ARRAY: get_py_array,
-    LIST: get_sequence,
-    MAP: get_dict
-    }
-  def put_object(self, obj):
-    putter = self.put_mappings[obj.__class__]
-    putter(self, obj)
-  def get_object(self):
-    type = self.type()
-    if type is None: return None
-    getter = self.get_mappings.get(type)
-    if getter:
-      return getter(self)
-    else:
-      return UnmappedType(str(type))
-class ConnectionException(ProtonException):
-  pass
-class Endpoint(object):
-  def _init(self):
-    self.condition = None
-  def _update_cond(self):
-    obj2cond(self.condition, self._get_cond_impl())
-  @property
-  def remote_condition(self):
-    return cond2obj(self._get_remote_cond_impl())
-  # the following must be provided by subclasses
-  def _get_cond_impl(self):
-      assert False, "Subclass must override this!"
-  def _get_remote_cond_impl(self):
-      assert False, "Subclass must override this!"
-  def _get_handler(self):
-    from . import reactor
-    ractor = reactor.Reactor.wrap(pn_object_reactor(self._impl))
-    if ractor:
-      on_error = ractor.on_error_delegate()
-    else:
-      on_error = None
-    record = self._get_attachments()
-    return WrappedHandler.wrap(pn_record_get_handler(record), on_error)
-  def _set_handler(self, handler):
-    from . import reactor
-    ractor = reactor.Reactor.wrap(pn_object_reactor(self._impl))
-    if ractor:
-      on_error = ractor.on_error_delegate()
-    else:
-      on_error = None
-    impl = _chandler(handler, on_error)
-    record = self._get_attachments()
-    pn_record_set_handler(record, impl)
-    pn_decref(impl)
-  handler = property(_get_handler, _set_handler)
-  @property
-  def transport(self):
-    return self.connection.transport
-class Condition:
-  def __init__(self, name, description=None, info=None):
- = name
-    self.description = description
- = info
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return "Condition(%s)" % ", ".join([repr(x) for x in
-                                        (, self.description,
-                                        if x])
-  def __eq__(self, o):
-    if not isinstance(o, Condition): return False
-    return == and \
-        self.description == o.description and \
- ==
-def obj2cond(obj, cond):
-  pn_condition_clear(cond)
-  if obj:
-    pn_condition_set_name(cond, str(
-    pn_condition_set_description(cond, obj.description)
-    info = Data(pn_condition_info(cond))
-    if
-      info.put_object(
-def cond2obj(cond):
-  if pn_condition_is_set(cond):
-    return Condition(pn_condition_get_name(cond),
-                     pn_condition_get_description(cond),
-                     dat2obj(pn_condition_info(cond)))
-  else:
-    return None
-def dat2obj(dimpl):
-  if dimpl:
-    d = Data(dimpl)
-    d.rewind()
-    obj = d.get_object()
-    d.rewind()
-    return obj
-def obj2dat(obj, dimpl):
-  if obj is not None:
-    d = Data(dimpl)
-    d.put_object(obj)
-def secs2millis(secs):
-  return long(secs*1000)
-def millis2secs(millis):
-  return float(millis)/1000.0
-def timeout2millis(secs):
-  if secs is None: return PN_MILLIS_MAX
-  return secs2millis(secs)
-def millis2timeout(millis):
-  if millis == PN_MILLIS_MAX: return None
-  return millis2secs(millis)
-def unicode2utf8(string):
-  """Some Proton APIs expect a null terminated string. Convert python text
-  types to UTF8 to avoid zero bytes introduced by other multi-byte encodings.
-  This method will throw if the string cannot be converted.
-  """
-  if string is None:
-    return None
-  elif isinstance(string, str):
-    # Must be py2 or py3 str
-    # The swig binding converts py3 str -> utf8 char* and back sutomatically
-    return string
-  elif isinstance(string, unicode):
-    # This must be python2 unicode as we already detected py3 str above
-    return string.encode('utf-8')
-  # Anything else illegal - specifically python3 bytes
-  raise TypeError("Unrecognized string type: %r (%s)" % (string, type(string)))
-def utf82unicode(string):
-  """Convert C strings returned from proton-c into python unicode"""
-  if string is None:
-    return None
-  elif isinstance(string, unicode):
-    # py2 unicode, py3 str (via hack definition)
-    return string
-  elif isinstance(string, bytes):
-    # py2 str (via hack definition), py3 bytes
-    return string.decode('utf8')
-  raise TypeError("Unrecognized string type")
-class Connection(Wrapper, Endpoint):
-  """
-  A representation of an AMQP connection
-  """
-  @staticmethod
-  def wrap(impl):
-    if impl is None:
-      return None
-    else:
-      return Connection(impl)
-  def __init__(self, impl = pn_connection):
-    Wrapper.__init__(self, impl, pn_connection_attachments)
-  def _init(self):
-    Endpoint._init(self)
-    self.offered_capabilities = None
-    self.desired_capabilities = None
- = None
-  def _get_attachments(self):
-    return pn_connection_attachments(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def connection(self):
-    return self
-  @property
-  def transport(self):
-    return Transport.wrap(pn_connection_transport(self._impl))
-  def _check(self, err):
-    if err < 0:
-      exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, ConnectionException)
-      raise exc("[%s]: %s" % (err, pn_connection_error(self._impl)))
-    else:
-      return err
-  def _get_cond_impl(self):
-    return pn_connection_condition(self._impl)
-  def _get_remote_cond_impl(self):
-    return pn_connection_remote_condition(self._impl)
-  def collect(self, collector):
-    if collector is None:
-      pn_connection_collect(self._impl, None)
-    else:
-      pn_connection_collect(self._impl, collector._impl)
-    self._collector = weakref.ref(collector)
-  def _get_container(self):
-    return utf82unicode(pn_connection_get_container(self._impl))
-  def _set_container(self, name):
-    return pn_connection_set_container(self._impl, unicode2utf8(name))
-  container = property(_get_container, _set_container)
-  def _get_hostname(self):
-    return utf82unicode(pn_connection_get_hostname(self._impl))
-  def _set_hostname(self, name):
-    return pn_connection_set_hostname(self._impl, unicode2utf8(name))
-  hostname = property(_get_hostname, _set_hostname,
-                      doc="""
-Set the name of the host (either fully qualified or relative) to which this
-connection is connecting to.  This information may be used by the remote
-peer to determine the correct back-end service to connect the client to.
-This value will be sent in the Open performative, and will be used by SSL
-and SASL layers to identify the peer.
-  def _get_user(self):
-    return utf82unicode(pn_connection_get_user(self._impl))
-  def _set_user(self, name):
-    return pn_connection_set_user(self._impl, unicode2utf8(name))
-  user = property(_get_user, _set_user)
-  def _get_password(self):
-    return None
-  def _set_password(self, name):
-    return pn_connection_set_password(self._impl, unicode2utf8(name))
-  password = property(_get_password, _set_password)
-  @property
-  def remote_container(self):
-    """The container identifier specified by the remote peer for this 
-    return pn_connection_remote_container(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def remote_hostname(self):
-    """The hostname specified by the remote peer for this connection."""
-    return pn_connection_remote_hostname(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def remote_offered_capabilities(self):
-    """The capabilities offered by the remote peer for this connection."""
-    return dat2obj(pn_connection_remote_offered_capabilities(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def remote_desired_capabilities(self):
-    """The capabilities desired by the remote peer for this connection."""
-    return dat2obj(pn_connection_remote_desired_capabilities(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def remote_properties(self):
-    """The properties specified by the remote peer for this connection."""
-    return dat2obj(pn_connection_remote_properties(self._impl))
-  def open(self):
-    """
-    Opens the connection.
-    In more detail, this moves the local state of the connection to
-    the ACTIVE state and triggers an open frame to be sent to the
-    peer. A connection is fully active once both peers have opened it.
-    """
-    obj2dat(self.offered_capabilities,
-            pn_connection_offered_capabilities(self._impl))
-    obj2dat(self.desired_capabilities,
-            pn_connection_desired_capabilities(self._impl))
-    obj2dat(, pn_connection_properties(self._impl))
-    pn_connection_open(self._impl)
-  def close(self):
-    """
-    Closes the connection.
-    In more detail, this moves the local state of the connection to
-    the CLOSED state and triggers a close frame to be sent to the
-    peer. A connection is fully closed once both peers have closed it.
-    """
-    self._update_cond()
-    pn_connection_close(self._impl)
-    if hasattr(self, '_session_policy'):
-      # break circular ref
-      del self._session_policy
-  @property
-  def state(self):
-    """
-    The state of the connection as a bit field. The state has a local
-    and a remote component. Each of these can be in one of three
-    states: UNINIT, ACTIVE or CLOSED. These can be tested by masking
-    """
-    return pn_connection_state(self._impl)
-  def session(self):
-    """
-    Returns a new session on this connection.
-    """
-    ssn = pn_session(self._impl)
-    if ssn is None:
-      raise(SessionException("Session allocation failed."))
-    else:
-      return Session(ssn)
-  def session_head(self, mask):
-    return Session.wrap(pn_session_head(self._impl, mask))
-  def link_head(self, mask):
-    return Link.wrap(pn_link_head(self._impl, mask))
-  @property
-  def work_head(self):
-    return Delivery.wrap(pn_work_head(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def error(self):
-    return pn_error_code(pn_connection_error(self._impl))
-  def free(self):
-    pn_connection_release(self._impl)
-class SessionException(ProtonException):
-  pass
-class Session(Wrapper, Endpoint):
-  @staticmethod
-  def wrap(impl):
-    if impl is None:
-      return None
-    else:
-      return Session(impl)
-  def __init__(self, impl):
-    Wrapper.__init__(self, impl, pn_session_attachments)
-  def _get_attachments(self):
-    return pn_session_attachments(self._impl)
-  def _get_cond_impl(self):
-    return pn_session_condition(self._impl)
-  def _get_remote_cond_impl(self):
-    return pn_session_remote_condition(self._impl)
-  def _get_incoming_capacity(self):
-    return pn_session_get_incoming_capacity(self._impl)
-  def _set_incoming_capacity(self, capacity):
-    pn_session_set_incoming_capacity(self._impl, capacity)
-  incoming_capacity = property(_get_incoming_capacity, _set_incoming_capacity)
-  def _get_outgoing_window(self):
-    return pn_session_get_outgoing_window(self._impl)
-  def _set_outgoing_window(self, window):
-    pn_session_set_outgoing_window(self._impl, window)
-  outgoing_window = property(_get_outgoing_window, _set_outgoing_window)
-  @property
-  def outgoing_bytes(self):
-    return pn_session_outgoing_bytes(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def incoming_bytes(self):
-    return pn_session_incoming_bytes(self._impl)
-  def open(self):
-    pn_session_open(self._impl)
-  def close(self):
-    self._update_cond()
-    pn_session_close(self._impl)
-  def next(self, mask):
-    return Session.wrap(pn_session_next(self._impl, mask))
-  @property
-  def state(self):
-    return pn_session_state(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def connection(self):
-    return Connection.wrap(pn_session_connection(self._impl))
-  def sender(self, name):
-    return Sender(pn_sender(self._impl, unicode2utf8(name)))
-  def receiver(self, name):
-    return Receiver(pn_receiver(self._impl, unicode2utf8(name)))
-  def free(self):
-    pn_session_free(self._impl)
-class LinkException(ProtonException):
-  pass
-class Link(Wrapper, Endpoint):
-  """
-  A representation of an AMQP link, of which there are two concrete
-  implementations, Sender and Receiver.
-  """
-  @staticmethod
-  def wrap(impl):
-    if impl is None: return None
-    if pn_link_is_sender(impl):
-      return Sender(impl)
-    else:
-      return Receiver(impl)
-  def __init__(self, impl):
-    Wrapper.__init__(self, impl, pn_link_attachments)
-  def _get_attachments(self):
-    return pn_link_attachments(self._impl)
-  def _check(self, err):
-    if err < 0:
-      exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, LinkException)
-      raise exc("[%s]: %s" % (err, pn_error_text(pn_link_error(self._impl))))
-    else:
-      return err
-  def _get_cond_impl(self):
-    return pn_link_condition(self._impl)
-  def _get_remote_cond_impl(self):
-    return pn_link_remote_condition(self._impl)
-  def open(self):
-    """
-    Opens the link.
-    In more detail, this moves the local state of the link to the
-    ACTIVE state and triggers an attach frame to be sent to the
-    peer. A link is fully active once both peers have attached it.
-    """
-    pn_link_open(self._impl)
-  def close(self):
-    """
-    Closes the link.
-    In more detail, this moves the local state of the link to the
-    CLOSED state and triggers an detach frame (with the closed flag
-    set) to be sent to the peer. A link is fully closed once both
-    peers have detached it.
-    """
-    self._update_cond()
-    pn_link_close(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def state(self):
-    """
-    The state of the link as a bit field. The state has a local
-    and a remote component. Each of these can be in one of three
-    states: UNINIT, ACTIVE or CLOSED. These can be tested by masking
-    """
-    return pn_link_state(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def source(self):
-    """The source of the link as described by the local peer."""
-    return Terminus(pn_link_source(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def target(self):
-    """The target of the link as described by the local peer."""
-    return Terminus(pn_link_target(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def remote_source(self):
-    """The source of the link as described by the remote peer."""
-    return Terminus(pn_link_remote_source(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def remote_target(self):
-    """The target of the link as described by the remote peer."""
-    return Terminus(pn_link_remote_target(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def session(self):
-    return Session.wrap(pn_link_session(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def connection(self):
-    """The connection on which this link was attached."""
-    return self.session.connection
-  def delivery(self, tag):
-    return Delivery(pn_delivery(self._impl, tag))
-  @property
-  def current(self):
-    return Delivery.wrap(pn_link_current(self._impl))
-  def advance(self):
-    return pn_link_advance(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def unsettled(self):
-    return pn_link_unsettled(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def credit(self):
-    """The amount of outstanding credit on this link."""
-    return pn_link_credit(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def available(self):
-    return pn_link_available(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def queued(self):
-    return pn_link_queued(self._impl)
-  def next(self, mask):
-    return Link.wrap(pn_link_next(self._impl, mask))
-  @property
-  def name(self):
-    """Returns the name of the link"""
-    return utf82unicode(pn_link_name(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def is_sender(self):
-    """Returns true if this link is a sender."""
-    return pn_link_is_sender(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def is_receiver(self):
-    """Returns true if this link is a receiver."""
-    return pn_link_is_receiver(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def remote_snd_settle_mode(self):
-    return pn_link_remote_snd_settle_mode(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def remote_rcv_settle_mode(self):
-    return pn_link_remote_rcv_settle_mode(self._impl)
-  def _get_snd_settle_mode(self):
-    return pn_link_snd_settle_mode(self._impl)
-  def _set_snd_settle_mode(self, mode):
-    pn_link_set_snd_settle_mode(self._impl, mode)
-  snd_settle_mode = property(_get_snd_settle_mode, _set_snd_settle_mode)
-  def _get_rcv_settle_mode(self):
-    return pn_link_rcv_settle_mode(self._impl)
-  def _set_rcv_settle_mode(self, mode):
-    pn_link_set_rcv_settle_mode(self._impl, mode)
-  rcv_settle_mode = property(_get_rcv_settle_mode, _set_rcv_settle_mode)
-  def _get_drain(self):
-    return pn_link_get_drain(self._impl)
-  def _set_drain(self, b):
-    pn_link_set_drain(self._impl, bool(b))
-  drain_mode = property(_get_drain, _set_drain)
-  def drained(self):
-    return pn_link_drained(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def remote_max_message_size(self):
-    return pn_link_remote_max_message_size(self._impl)
-  def _get_max_message_size(self):
-    return pn_link_max_message_size(self._impl)
-  def _set_max_message_size(self, mode):
-    pn_link_set_max_message_size(self._impl, mode)
-  max_message_size = property(_get_max_message_size, _set_max_message_size)
-  def detach(self):
-    return pn_link_detach(self._impl)
-  def free(self):
-    pn_link_free(self._impl)
-class Terminus(object):
-  def __init__(self, impl):
-    self._impl = impl
-  def _check(self, err):
-    if err < 0:
-      exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, LinkException)
-      raise exc("[%s]" % err)
-    else:
-      return err
-  def _get_type(self):
-    return pn_terminus_get_type(self._impl)
-  def _set_type(self, type):
-    self._check(pn_terminus_set_type(self._impl, type))
-  type = property(_get_type, _set_type)
-  def _get_address(self):
-    """The address that identifies the source or target node"""
-    return utf82unicode(pn_terminus_get_address(self._impl))
-  def _set_address(self, address):
-    self._check(pn_terminus_set_address(self._impl, unicode2utf8(address)))
-  address = property(_get_address, _set_address)
-  def _get_durability(self):
-    return pn_terminus_get_durability(self._impl)
-  def _set_durability(self, seconds):
-    self._check(pn_terminus_set_durability(self._impl, seconds))
-  durability = property(_get_durability, _set_durability)
-  def _get_expiry_policy(self):
-    return pn_terminus_get_expiry_policy(self._impl)
-  def _set_expiry_policy(self, seconds):
-    self._check(pn_terminus_set_expiry_policy(self._impl, seconds))
-  expiry_policy = property(_get_expiry_policy, _set_expiry_policy)
-  def _get_timeout(self):
-    return pn_terminus_get_timeout(self._impl)
-  def _set_timeout(self, seconds):
-    self._check(pn_terminus_set_timeout(self._impl, seconds))
-  timeout = property(_get_timeout, _set_timeout)
-  def _is_dynamic(self):
-    """Indicates whether the source or target node was dynamically
-    created"""
-    return pn_terminus_is_dynamic(self._impl)
-  def _set_dynamic(self, dynamic):
-    self._check(pn_terminus_set_dynamic(self._impl, dynamic))
-  dynamic = property(_is_dynamic, _set_dynamic)
-  def _get_distribution_mode(self):
-    return pn_terminus_get_distribution_mode(self._impl)
-  def _set_distribution_mode(self, mode):
-    self._check(pn_terminus_set_distribution_mode(self._impl, mode))
-  distribution_mode = property(_get_distribution_mode, _set_distribution_mode)
-  @property
-  def properties(self):
-    """Properties of a dynamic source or target."""
-    return Data(pn_terminus_properties(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def capabilities(self):
-    """Capabilities of the source or target."""
-    return Data(pn_terminus_capabilities(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def outcomes(self):
-    return Data(pn_terminus_outcomes(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def filter(self):
-    """A filter on a source allows the set of messages transfered over
-    the link to be restricted"""
-    return Data(pn_terminus_filter(self._impl))
-  def copy(self, src):
-    self._check(pn_terminus_copy(self._impl, src._impl))
-class Sender(Link):
-  """
-  A link over which messages are sent.
-  """
-  def offered(self, n):
-    pn_link_offered(self._impl, n)
-  def stream(self, data):
-    """
-    Send specified data as part of the current delivery
-    @type data: binary
-    @param data: data to send
-    """
-    return self._check(pn_link_send(self._impl, data))
-  def send(self, obj, tag=None):
-    """
-    Send specified object over this sender; the object is expected to
-    have a send() method on it that takes the sender and an optional
-    tag as arguments.
-    Where the object is a Message, this will send the message over
-    this link, creating a new delivery for the purpose.
-    """
-    if hasattr(obj, 'send'):
-      return obj.send(self, tag=tag)
-    else:
-      # treat object as bytes
-      return
-  def delivery_tag(self):
-    if not hasattr(self, 'tag_generator'):
-      def simple_tags():
-        count = 1
-        while True:
-          yield str(count)
-          count += 1
-      self.tag_generator = simple_tags()
-    return next(self.tag_generator)
-class Receiver(Link):
-  """
-  A link over which messages are received.
-  """
-  def flow(self, n):
-    """Increases the credit issued to the remote sender by the specified 
number of messages."""
-    pn_link_flow(self._impl, n)
-  def recv(self, limit):
-    n, binary = pn_link_recv(self._impl, limit)
-    if n == PN_EOS:
-      return None
-    else:
-      self._check(n)
-      return binary
-  def drain(self, n):
-    pn_link_drain(self._impl, n)
-  def draining(self):
-    return pn_link_draining(self._impl)
-class NamedInt(int):
-  values = {}
-  def __new__(cls, i, name):
-    ni = super(NamedInt, cls).__new__(cls, i)
-    cls.values[i] = ni
-    return ni
-  def __init__(self, i, name):
- = name
-  def __repr__(self):
-    return
-  def __str__(self):
-    return
-  @classmethod
-  def get(cls, i):
-    return cls.values.get(i, i)
-class DispositionType(NamedInt):
-  values = {}
-class Disposition(object):
-  def __init__(self, impl, local):
-    self._impl = impl
-    self.local = local
-    self._data = None
-    self._condition = None
-    self._annotations = None
-  @property
-  def type(self):
-    return DispositionType.get(pn_disposition_type(self._impl))
-  def _get_section_number(self):
-    return pn_disposition_get_section_number(self._impl)
-  def _set_section_number(self, n):
-    pn_disposition_set_section_number(self._impl, n)
-  section_number = property(_get_section_number, _set_section_number)
-  def _get_section_offset(self):
-    return pn_disposition_get_section_offset(self._impl)
-  def _set_section_offset(self, n):
-    pn_disposition_set_section_offset(self._impl, n)
-  section_offset = property(_get_section_offset, _set_section_offset)
-  def _get_failed(self):
-    return pn_disposition_is_failed(self._impl)
-  def _set_failed(self, b):
-    pn_disposition_set_failed(self._impl, b)
-  failed = property(_get_failed, _set_failed)
-  def _get_undeliverable(self):
-    return pn_disposition_is_undeliverable(self._impl)
-  def _set_undeliverable(self, b):
-    pn_disposition_set_undeliverable(self._impl, b)
-  undeliverable = property(_get_undeliverable, _set_undeliverable)
-  def _get_data(self):
-    if self.local:
-      return self._data
-    else:
-      return dat2obj(pn_disposition_data(self._impl))
-  def _set_data(self, obj):
-    if self.local:
-      self._data = obj
-    else:
-      raise AttributeError("data attribute is read-only")
-  data = property(_get_data, _set_data)
-  def _get_annotations(self):
-    if self.local:
-      return self._annotations
-    else:
-      return dat2obj(pn_disposition_annotations(self._impl))
-  def _set_annotations(self, obj):
-    if self.local:
-      self._annotations = obj
-    else:
-      raise AttributeError("annotations attribute is read-only")
-  annotations = property(_get_annotations, _set_annotations)
-  def _get_condition(self):
-    if self.local:
-      return self._condition
-    else:
-      return cond2obj(pn_disposition_condition(self._impl))
-  def _set_condition(self, obj):
-    if self.local:
-      self._condition = obj
-    else:
-      raise AttributeError("condition attribute is read-only")
-  condition = property(_get_condition, _set_condition)
-class Delivery(Wrapper):
-  """
-  Tracks and/or records the delivery of a message over a link.
-  """
-  RECEIVED = Disposition.RECEIVED
-  ACCEPTED = Disposition.ACCEPTED
-  REJECTED = Disposition.REJECTED
-  RELEASED = Disposition.RELEASED
-  MODIFIED = Disposition.MODIFIED
-  @staticmethod
-  def wrap(impl):
-    if impl is None:
-      return None
-    else:
-      return Delivery(impl)
-  def __init__(self, impl):
-    Wrapper.__init__(self, impl, pn_delivery_attachments)
-  def _init(self):
-    self.local = Disposition(pn_delivery_local(self._impl), True)
-    self.remote = Disposition(pn_delivery_remote(self._impl), False)
-  @property
-  def tag(self):
-    """The identifier for the delivery."""
-    return pn_delivery_tag(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def writable(self):
-    """Returns true for an outgoing delivery to which data can now be 
-    return pn_delivery_writable(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def readable(self):
-    """Returns true for an incoming delivery that has data to read."""
-    return pn_delivery_readable(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def updated(self):
-    """Returns true if the state of the delivery has been updated
-    (e.g. it has been settled and/or accepted, rejected etc)."""
-    return pn_delivery_updated(self._impl)
-  def update(self, state):
-    """
-    Set the local state of the delivery e.g. ACCEPTED, REJECTED, RELEASED.
-    """
-    obj2dat(self.local._data, pn_disposition_data(self.local._impl))
-    obj2dat(self.local._annotations, 
-    obj2cond(self.local._condition, pn_disposition_condition(self.local._impl))
-    pn_delivery_update(self._impl, state)
-  @property
-  def pending(self):
-    return pn_delivery_pending(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def partial(self):
-    """
-    Returns true for an incoming delivery if not all the data is
-    yet available.
-    """
-    return pn_delivery_partial(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def local_state(self):
-    """Returns the local state of the delivery."""
-    return DispositionType.get(pn_delivery_local_state(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def remote_state(self):
-    """
-    Returns the state of the delivery as indicated by the remote
-    peer.
-    """
-    return DispositionType.get(pn_delivery_remote_state(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def settled(self):
-    """
-    Returns true if the delivery has been settled by the remote peer.
-    """
-    return pn_delivery_settled(self._impl)
-  def settle(self):
-    """
-    Settles the delivery locally. This indicates the application
-    considers the delivery complete and does not wish to receive any
-    further events about it. Every delivery should be settled locally.
-    """
-    pn_delivery_settle(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def aborted(self):
-    """Returns true if the delivery has been aborted."""
-    return pn_delivery_aborted(self._impl)
-  def abort(self):
-    """
-    Aborts the delivery.  This indicates the application wishes to
-    invalidate any data that may have already been sent on this delivery.
-    The delivery cannot be aborted after it has been completely delivered.
-    """
-    pn_delivery_abort(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def work_next(self):
-    return Delivery.wrap(pn_work_next(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def link(self):
-    """
-    Returns the link on which the delivery was sent or received.
-    """
-    return Link.wrap(pn_delivery_link(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def session(self):
-    """
-    Returns the session over which the delivery was sent or received.
-    """
-    return
-  @property
-  def connection(self):
-    """
-    Returns the connection over which the delivery was sent or received.
-    """
-    return self.session.connection
-  @property
-  def transport(self):
-    return self.connection.transport
-class TransportException(ProtonException):
-  pass
-class TraceAdapter:
-  def __init__(self, tracer):
-    self.tracer = tracer
-  def __call__(self, trans_impl, message):
-    self.tracer(Transport.wrap(trans_impl), message)
-class Transport(Wrapper):
-  CLIENT = 1
-  SERVER = 2
-  @staticmethod
-  def wrap(impl):
-    if impl is None:
-      return None
-    else:
-      return Transport(_impl=impl)
-  def __init__(self, mode=None, _impl = pn_transport):
-    Wrapper.__init__(self, _impl, pn_transport_attachments)
-    if mode == Transport.SERVER:
-      pn_transport_set_server(self._impl)
-    elif mode is None or mode==Transport.CLIENT:
-      pass
-    else:
-      raise TransportException("Cannot initialise Transport from mode: %s" % 
-  def _init(self):
-    self._sasl = None
-    self._ssl = None
-  def _check(self, err):
-    if err < 0:
-      exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, TransportException)
-      raise exc("[%s]: %s" % (err, 
-    else:
-      return err
-  def _set_tracer(self, tracer):
-    pn_transport_set_pytracer(self._impl, TraceAdapter(tracer));
-  def _get_tracer(self):
-    adapter = pn_transport_get_pytracer(self._impl)
-    if adapter:
-      return adapter.tracer
-    else:
-      return None
-  tracer = property(_get_tracer, _set_tracer,
-                            doc="""
-A callback for trace logging. The callback is passed the transport and log 
-  def log(self, message):
-    pn_transport_log(self._impl, message)
-  def require_auth(self, bool):
-    pn_transport_require_auth(self._impl, bool)
-  @property
-  def authenticated(self):
-    return pn_transport_is_authenticated(self._impl)
-  def require_encryption(self, bool):
-    pn_transport_require_encryption(self._impl, bool)
-  @property
-  def encrypted(self):
-    return pn_transport_is_encrypted(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def user(self):
-    return pn_transport_get_user(self._impl)
-  def bind(self, connection):
-    """Assign a connection to the transport"""
-    self._check(pn_transport_bind(self._impl, connection._impl))
-  def unbind(self):
-    """Release the connection"""
-    self._check(pn_transport_unbind(self._impl))
-  def trace(self, n):
-    pn_transport_trace(self._impl, n)
-  def tick(self, now):
-    """Process any timed events (like heartbeat generation).
-    now = seconds since epoch (float).
-    """
-    return millis2secs(pn_transport_tick(self._impl, secs2millis(now)))
-  def capacity(self):
-    c = pn_transport_capacity(self._impl)
-    if c >= PN_EOS:
-      return c
-    else:
-      return self._check(c)
-  def push(self, binary):
-    n = self._check(pn_transport_push(self._impl, binary))
-    if n != len(binary):
-      raise OverflowError("unable to process all bytes: %s, %s" % (n, 
-  def close_tail(self):
-    self._check(pn_transport_close_tail(self._impl))
-  def pending(self):
-    p = pn_transport_pending(self._impl)
-    if p >= PN_EOS:
-      return p
-    else:
-      return self._check(p)
-  def peek(self, size):
-    cd, out = pn_transport_peek(self._impl, size)
-    if cd == PN_EOS:
-      return None
-    else:
-      self._check(cd)
-      return out
-  def pop(self, size):
-    pn_transport_pop(self._impl, size)
-  def close_head(self):
-    self._check(pn_transport_close_head(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def closed(self):
-    return pn_transport_closed(self._impl)
-  # AMQP 1.0 max-frame-size
-  def _get_max_frame_size(self):
-    return pn_transport_get_max_frame(self._impl)
-  def _set_max_frame_size(self, value):
-    pn_transport_set_max_frame(self._impl, value)
-  max_frame_size = property(_get_max_frame_size, _set_max_frame_size,
-                            doc="""
-Sets the maximum size for received frames (in bytes).
-  @property
-  def remote_max_frame_size(self):
-    return pn_transport_get_remote_max_frame(self._impl)
-  def _get_channel_max(self):
-    return pn_transport_get_channel_max(self._impl)
-  def _set_channel_max(self, value):
-    if pn_transport_set_channel_max(self._impl, value):
-      raise SessionException("Too late to change channel max.")
-  channel_max = property(_get_channel_max, _set_channel_max,
-                         doc="""
-Sets the maximum channel that may be used on the transport.
-  @property
-  def remote_channel_max(self):
-    return pn_transport_remote_channel_max(self._impl)
-  # AMQP 1.0 idle-time-out
-  def _get_idle_timeout(self):
-    return millis2secs(pn_transport_get_idle_timeout(self._impl))
-  def _set_idle_timeout(self, sec):
-    pn_transport_set_idle_timeout(self._impl, secs2millis(sec))
-  idle_timeout = property(_get_idle_timeout, _set_idle_timeout,
-                          doc="""
-The idle timeout of the connection (float, in seconds).
-  @property
-  def remote_idle_timeout(self):
-    return millis2secs(pn_transport_get_remote_idle_timeout(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def frames_output(self):
-    return pn_transport_get_frames_output(self._impl)
-  @property
-  def frames_input(self):
-    return pn_transport_get_frames_input(self._impl)
-  def sasl(self):
-    return SASL(self)
-  def ssl(self, domain=None, session_details=None):
-    # SSL factory (singleton for this transport)
-    if not self._ssl:
-      self._ssl = SSL(self, domain, session_details)
-    return self._ssl
-  @property
-  def condition(self):
-    return cond2obj(pn_transport_condition(self._impl))
-  @property
-  def connection(self):
-    return Connection.wrap(pn_transport_connection(self._impl))
-class SASLException(TransportException):
-  pass
-class SASL(Wrapper):
-  @staticmethod
-  def extended():
-    return pn_sasl_extended()
-  def __init__(self, transport):
-    Wrapper.__init__(self, transport._impl, pn_transport_attachments)
-    self._sasl = pn_sasl(transport._impl)
-  def _check(self, err):
-    if err < 0:
-      exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, SASLException)
-      raise exc("[%s]" % (err))
-    else:
-      return err
-  @property
-  def user(self):
-    return pn_sasl_get_user(self._sasl)
-  @property
-  def mech(self):
-    return pn_sasl_get_mech(self._sasl)
-  @property
-  def outcome(self):
-    outcome = pn_sasl_outcome(self._sasl)
-    if outcome == PN_SASL_NONE:
-      return None
-    else:
-      return outcome
-  def allowed_mechs(self, mechs):
-    pn_sasl_allowed_mechs(self._sasl, unicode2utf8(mechs))
-  def _get_allow_insecure_mechs(self):
-    return pn_sasl_get_allow_insecure_mechs(self._sasl)
-  def _set_allow_insecure_mechs(self, insecure):
-    pn_sasl_set_allow_insecure_mechs(self._sasl, insecure)
-  allow_insecure_mechs = property(_get_allow_insecure_mechs, 
-                                  doc="""
-Allow unencrypted cleartext passwords (PLAIN mech)
-  def done(self, outcome):
-    pn_sasl_done(self._sasl, outcome)
-  def config_name(self, name):
-    pn_sasl_config_name(self._sasl, name)
-  def config_path(self, path):
-    pn_sasl_config_path(self._sasl, path)
-class SSLException(TransportException):
-  pass
-class SSLUnavailable(SSLException):
-  pass
-class SSLDomain(object):
-  def __init__(self, mode):
-    self._domain = pn_ssl_domain(mode)
-    if self._domain is None:
-      raise SSLUnavailable()
-  def _check(self, err):
-    if err < 0:
-      exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, SSLException)
-      raise exc("SSL failure.")
-    else:
-      return err
-  def set_credentials(self, cert_file, key_file, password):
-    return self._check( pn_ssl_domain_set_credentials(self._domain,
-                                                      cert_file, key_file,
-                                                      password) )
-  def set_trusted_ca_db(self, certificate_db):
-    return self._check( pn_ssl_domain_set_trusted_ca_db(self._domain,
-                                                        certificate_db) )
-  def set_peer_authentication(self, verify_mode, trusted_CAs=None):
-    return self._check( pn_ssl_domain_set_peer_authentication(self._domain,
-                                                              verify_mode,
-                                                              trusted_CAs) )
-  def allow_unsecured_client(self):
-    return self._check( pn_ssl_domain_allow_unsecured_client(self._domain) )
-  def __del__(self):
-    pn_ssl_domain_free(self._domain)
-class SSL(object):
-  @staticmethod
-  def present():
-    return pn_ssl_present()
-  def _check(self, err):
-    if err < 0:
-      exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, SSLException)
-      raise exc("SSL failure.")
-    else:
-      return err
-  def __new__(cls, transport, domain, session_details=None):
-    """Enforce a singleton SSL object per Transport"""
-    if transport._ssl:
-      # unfortunately, we've combined the allocation and the configuration in a
-      # single step.  So catch any attempt by the application to provide what
-      # may be a different configuration than the original (hack)
-      ssl = transport._ssl
-      if (domain and (ssl._domain is not domain) or
-          session_details and (ssl._session_details is not session_details)):
-        raise SSLException("Cannot re-configure existing SSL object!")
-    else:
-      obj = super(SSL, cls).__new__(cls)
-      obj._domain = domain
-      obj._session_details = session_details
-      session_id = None
-      if session_details:
-        session_id = session_details.get_session_id()
-      obj._ssl = pn_ssl( transport._impl )
-      if obj._ssl is None:
-        raise SSLUnavailable()
-      if domain:
-        pn_ssl_init( obj._ssl, domain._domain, session_id )
-      transport._ssl = obj
-    return transport._ssl
-  def cipher_name(self):
-    rc, name = pn_ssl_get_cipher_name( self._ssl, 128 )
-    if rc:
-      return name
-    return None
-  def protocol_name(self):
-    rc, name = pn_ssl_get_protocol_name( self._ssl, 128 )
-    if rc:
-      return name
-    return None
-  SHA256 = PN_SSL_SHA256
-  SHA512 = PN_SSL_SHA512
-  MD5 = PN_SSL_MD5
-  def get_cert_subject_subfield(self, subfield_name):
-    subfield_value = pn_ssl_get_remote_subject_subfield(self._ssl, 
-    return subfield_value
-  def get_cert_subject(self):
-    subject = pn_ssl_get_remote_subject(self._ssl)
-    return subject
-  def _get_cert_subject_unknown_subfield(self):
-    # Pass in an unhandled enum
-    return self.get_cert_subject_subfield(10)
-  # Convenience functions for obtaining the subfields of the subject field.
-  def get_cert_common_name(self):
-    return self.get_cert_subject_subfield(SSL.CERT_COMMON_NAME)
-  def get_cert_organization(self):
-    return self.get_cert_subject_subfield(SSL.CERT_ORGANIZATION_NAME)
-  def get_cert_organization_unit(self):
-    return self.get_cert_subject_subfield(SSL.CERT_ORGANIZATION_UNIT)
-  def get_cert_locality_or_city(self):
-    return self.get_cert_subject_subfield(SSL.CERT_CITY_OR_LOCALITY)
-  def get_cert_country(self):
-    return self.get_cert_subject_subfield(SSL.CERT_COUNTRY_NAME)
-  def get_cert_state_or_province(self):
-    return self.get_cert_subject_subfield(SSL.CERT_STATE_OR_PROVINCE)
-  def get_cert_fingerprint(self, fingerprint_length, digest_name):
-    rc, fingerprint_str = pn_ssl_get_cert_fingerprint(self._ssl, 
fingerprint_length, digest_name)
-    if rc == PN_OK:
-      return fingerprint_str
-    return None
-  # Convenience functions for obtaining fingerprint for specific hashing 
-  def _get_cert_fingerprint_unknown_hash_alg(self):
-    return self.get_cert_fingerprint(41, 10)
-  def get_cert_fingerprint_sha1(self):
-    return self.get_cert_fingerprint(41, SSL.SHA1)
-  def get_cert_fingerprint_sha256(self):
-    # sha256 produces a fingerprint that is 64 characters long
-    return self.get_cert_fingerprint(65, SSL.SHA256)
-  def get_cert_fingerprint_sha512(self):
-    # sha512 produces a fingerprint that is 128 characters long
-    return self.get_cert_fingerprint(129, SSL.SHA512)
-  def get_cert_fingerprint_md5(self):
-    return self.get_cert_fingerprint(33, SSL.MD5)
-  @property
-  def remote_subject(self):
-    return pn_ssl_get_remote_subject( self._ssl )
-  def resume_status(self):
-    return pn_ssl_resume_status( self._ssl )
-  def _set_peer_hostname(self, hostname):
-    self._check(pn_ssl_set_peer_hostname( self._ssl, unicode2utf8(hostname) ))
-  def 


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