Author: chetanm
Date: Fri Nov 15 11:09:02 2013
New Revision: 1542230

SLING-3070 - Update Log help document with Logback related details 

Initial documentation

(with props)
(with props)

Added: sling/site/trunk/content/documentation/development/logging-new.mdtext
--- sling/site/trunk/content/documentation/development/logging-new.mdtext 
+++ sling/site/trunk/content/documentation/development/logging-new.mdtext Fri 
Nov 15 11:09:02 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+Title: Logging
+<div class="note">
+Work in progress as part of SLING-3070
+<div class="note">
+This document is for new 4.x release of Sling Commons Log components. For 
older version refer to
+## Introduction
+Logging in Sling is supported by the `` bundle, 
which is one of the first bundles installed
+and started by the Sling Launcher. This bundle along with other bundles manage 
the Sling Logging and provide following
+* Implements the OSGi Log Service Specification and registers the `LogService` 
and `LogReader` services
+* Exports three commonly used logging APIs:
+  * [Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)](
+  * [Apache Commons Logging](
+  * [log4j](
+  * 
+* Configures logging through Logback which is integrated with the OSGi 
+## Logback Integration
+Logback integration provides following features
+* LogBack configuration can be provided via Logback config xml
+* Supports Appenders registered as OSGi Services
+* Supports Filters and TurboFilters registered as OSGi Services
+* Support providing Logback config as fragments through OSGi Service Registry
+* Support for referring to Appenders registered as OSGi services from with 
+  config
+* Exposing Logback runtime state through Felix WebConsole Plugin
+Following sections would provide more details around these features
+### TurboFilters as OSGi Service
+[Logback TurboFilter][3] operate globally and invoked for every Logback call. 
To register a `TurboFilter` as OSGi service
+the bundle just need to register a service  against 
`ch.qos.logback.classic.turbo.TurboFilter` class
+    import import ch.qos.logback.classic.turbo.MatchingFilter;
+    SimpleTurboFilter stf = new SimpleTurboFilter();
+    ServiceRegistration sr  = 
bundleContext.registerService(TurboFilter.class.getName(), stf, null);
+    private static class SimpleTurboFilter extends MatchingFilter {
+        @Override
+        public FilterReply decide(Marker marker, Logger logger, Level level, 
String format,
+         Object[] params, Throwable t) {
+            if(logger.getName().equals("")){
+                    return FilterReply.DENY;
+            }
+            return FilterReply.NEUTRAL;
+        }
+    }
+As these filters are invoked for every call they must not take much time to 
+### Filter as OSGi service
+[Logback Filters][1] are attached to appenders and are used to determine if 
any LoggingEvent needs to
+be passed to the appender. When registering a filter the bundle needs to 
configure a service property
+`appenders` which refers to list of appender names to which the Filter must be 
+    import ch.qos.logback.core.filter.Filter;
+    SimpleFilter stf = new SimpleFilter();
+    Dictionary<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
+    props.put("appenders", "TestAppender");
+    ServiceRegistration sr  = 
bundleContext.registerService(Filter.class.getName(), stf, props);
+    private static class SimpleFilter extends Filter<ILoggingEvent> {
+        @Override
+        public FilterReply decide(ILoggingEvent event) {
+            if(event.getLoggerName().equals("")){
+                return FilterReply.DENY;
+            }
+            return FilterReply.NEUTRAL;
+        }
+    }
+### Appenders as OSGi service
+[Logback Appenders][2] handle the logging events produced by Logback. To 
register an `Appender` as OSGi service
+the bundle just need to register a service  against 
`ch.qos.logback.core.Appender` class.  When registering an
+appender the bundle needs to configure a service property `loggers` which 
refers to list of logger names to which
+the Appender must be attached
+    Dictionary<String,Object> props = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
+    String[] loggers = {
+            "",
+            "",
+    };
+    props.put("loggers",loggers);
+    sr = bundleContext.registerService(Appender.class.getName(),this,props);
+### Logback Config Fragment Support
+Logback supports including parts of a configuration file from another file 
(See [File Inclusion][4]). This module
+extends that support by allowing other bundles to provide config fragments. 
There are two ways to achieve that
+#### Exposing fragment as String objects
+If you have the config as string then you can register that String instance as 
a service with property `logbackConfig`
+set to true. Sling Logback Extension would monitor such objects and pass them 
to logback
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty("logbackConfig","true");
+    String config = "<included>\n" +
+            "  <appender name=\"FOOFILE\" 
class=\"ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender\">\n" +
+            "    <file>${sling.home}/logs/foo.log</file>\n" +
+            "    <encoder>\n" +
+            "      <pattern>%d %-5level %logger{35} - %msg %n</pattern>\n" +
+            "    </encoder>\n" +
+            "  </appender>\n" +
+            "\n" +
+            "  <logger name=\"\" level=\"INFO\">\n" +
+            "       <appender-ref ref=\"FOOFILE\" />\n" +
+            "  </logger>\n" +
+            "\n" +
+            "</included>";
+    registration = 
+If the config needs to be updated just re-register the service and change 
would be picked up
+#### Exposing fragment as ConfigProvider instance
+Another way to provide config fragment is by providing an implementation of 
+    @Component
+    @Service
+    public class ConfigProviderExample implements ConfigProvider {
+        public InputSource getConfigSource() {
+            return new 
+        }
+    }
+If the config changes then sending an event to 
`org/apache/sling/commons/log/RESET` would reset the listener
+    eventAdmin.sendEvent(new Event("org/apache/sling/commons/log/RESET",new 
+### External Config File
+Logback can be configured with an external file. The file name can be 
specified through
+1. OSGi config - Look for config with name `Apache Sling Logging 
Configuration` and specify the path for
+   config file property
+2. OSGi Framework Properties - Logback supports also looks for file name with 
property name
+   ``
+If you are providing an external config file then to support OSGi integration 
you would need to add following
+action entry
+    <newRule pattern="*/configuration/osgi"
+             actionClass=""/>
+    <newRule pattern="*/configuration/appender-ref-osgi"
+    <osgi/>
+The `osgi` element enables the OSGi integration support
+### Java Util Logging (JUL) Integration
+The bundle also support [SLF4JBridgeHandler][9]. To enable JUL integration 
following two steps
+needs to be done. This features allows routing logging messages from JUL to 
the Logbback appenders
+1. Set framework property `` to true
+2. Set the [LevelChangePropagator][8] in LogbackConfig
+        <configuration>
+            <contextListener 
+            ...
+        </configuration>
+### Configuring OSGi based appenders in Logback Config
+So far Sling used to configure the appenders based on OSGi config. That mode 
only provide a very limited
+set to configuration options. To make use of other Logback features you can 
override the OSGi config
+from within the Logback config file. OSGi config based appenders are named 
based on the file name
+For example for following OSGi config
+"{0,date,dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} 
*{4}* [{2}] {3} {5}"
+The Logback appender would be named as `logs/error.log`. To extend/override 
the config in Logback config
+create an appender with name `logs/error.log`
+    <appender name="/logs/error.log" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
+      <file>${sling.home}/logs/error.log</file>
+      <encoder>
+        <pattern>%d %-5level %X{sling.userId:-NA} [%thread] %logger{30} 
%marker- %msg %n</pattern>
+        <immediateFlush>true</immediateFlush>
+      </encoder>
+    </appender>
+In this case then Log module would create appender based on Logback config 
instead of OSGi config. This can
+be used to move the application from OSGi based config to Logback based config 
+## Initial Configuration
+The `` bundle gets the initial configuration from 
the following `BundleContext` properties:
+| Property | Default | Description |
+| `` | `INFO` | Sets the initial logging 
level of the root logger. This may be any of the defined logging levels 
`DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARN`, `ERROR` and `FATAL`. |
+| `` | undefined | Sets the log file to which 
log messages are written. If this property is empty or missing, log messages 
are written to `System.out`. |
+| `` | 5 | The number of rotated files 
to keep. |
+| `` | '.'yyyy-MM-dd | Defines how the 
log file is rotated (by schedule or by size) and when to rotate. See the 
section *Log File Rotation* below for full details on log file rotation. |
+| `` | \{0,date,dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS\} 
\*\{4\}\* \[\{2\}\]({{ refs.-2.path }}) \{3\} \{5\} | The `MessageFormat` 
pattern to use for formatting log messages with the root logger. |
+| `` | n/a | Enables the 
`java.util.logging` support. |
+| `` | n/a | Path for the 
Logback config file which would be used to configure logging. If the path is 
not absolute then it would be resolved against Sling Home |
+## WebConsole Plugin enhancements
+The web Console Plugin supports following features
+* Displays list of loggers which have level or appender configured
+* List of File appenders with location of current active files
+* Content of LogBack config file
+* Content of various Logback config fragment
+* Logback Status logs
+<img src="sling-log-support.png" />
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