Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
refs/heads/branch-1.2 4346a2ba1 -> 665653d24
[SPARK-2075][Core] Make the compiler generate same bytes code for Hadoop 1.+
and Hadoop 2.+
`NullWritable` is a `Comparable` rather than `Comparable[NullWritable]` in
Hadoop 1.+, so the compiler cannot find an i
Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
refs/heads/master c6a3c0d50 -> 6ee6aa70b
[SPARK-2075][Core] Make the compiler generate same bytes code for Hadoop 1.+
and Hadoop 2.+
`NullWritable` is a `Comparable` rather than `Comparable[NullWritable]` in
Hadoop 1.+, so the compiler cannot find an impli
Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
refs/heads/master a764960b3 -> c6a3c0d50
SPARK-4910 [CORE] build failed (use of FileStatus.isFile in Hadoop 1.x)
Fix small Hadoop 1 compile error from SPARK-2261. In Hadoop 1.x, all we have is
FileStatus.isDir, so these "is file" assertions are changed to "