Author: julianfoad
Date: Mon Aug 13 16:29:27 2018
New Revision: 1837965

* publish/roadmap.html
  (release-planning): Merge the simplified new release schedule from 'staging'.

    subversion/site/publish/roadmap.html   (contents, props changed)

Modified: subversion/site/publish/roadmap.html
--- subversion/site/publish/roadmap.html (original)
+++ subversion/site/publish/roadmap.html Mon Aug 13 16:29:27 2018
@@ -112,53 +112,38 @@
     title="Link to this section">&para;</a>
-<p>Subversion makes a standard release every 6 months,
-   with a Long-Term Support (LTS) release every 2 years:
+<p>Subversion plans to make a regular release every 6 months,
+   with a Long-Term Support (LTS) release every 2 years.
+   Regular releases are intended to deliver new features more quickly, while
+   LTS releases are intended to provide stability over longer periods.
-    <th>type</td>
-    <th>full backports</td>
-    <th>security/corruption fixes</td>
+    <th>type of release</td>
+    <th>emphasis</th>
+    <th>support period</td>
     <th>release numbers</td>
-    <td>long-term support (LTS)</td>
-    <td>2 years</td>
+    <td>LTS release</td>
+    <td>stability</td>
     <td>4 years</td>
     <td>1.10, 1.14, ...</td>
-    <td>standard release</td>
+    <td>regular release</td>
+    <td>features</td>
     <td>6 months</td>
-    <td>12 months</td>
     <td>1.11, 1.12, 1.13, ...</td>
-<p>LTS releases are intended to provide stability. Standard releases are 
intended to deliver new features more quickly.</p>
-<h3>Transition to LTS and Standard Releases</h3>
-<p>Subversion 1.0 through 1.10 were released at intervals varying from around 
6 months in early versions to 2.5 years more recently. Each of those releases 
was supported with full backports until the next release and with 
security/corruption fixes until the next release after that.</p>
-<p>The support schedule for existing supported releases (1.10 and 1.9) shall 
be interpreted as if each reference to a "next release" refers to a "next LTS 
release". Therefore 1.9 will receive security/corruption fixes until 1.14 
-<h4>Previous Description</h4>
-<p>Subversion uses a compromise between time-driven and feature-driven
-release planning.  We schedule the next release for an approximate
-date (very approximate), and make sure it contains one or more new
-features or other significant differentiators, but we don't say
-exactly what those new features will be.  This is because we're always
-working on several things at once, and we want to give each new
-feature time to mature.  Especially given the decentralized nature of
-open-source development, we're wary of forcing technical discussions
-to premature consensus.  At the same time, it's good for the project
-to have regular releases, so we try to keep to a schedule and to
-have <em>something</em> ready to roll out when the release date comes
+<p>During the support period, we commit to providing updates that fix high
+priority issues such as security and data loss or corruption. We may also
+sometimes fix other issues as appropriate to the emphasis of each release.
+If a release takes longer than planned, we will extend the support periods
+of the previous releases accordingly.</p>
 <p>In this context, "release" means an increment of the minor release
 number, which is the middle number in our three-component system.
@@ -168,13 +153,26 @@ Thus, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, and 1.4.0 are succes
 releases far in advance, we just put them out when we feel enough
 bugfixes have accumulated to warrant it.  Major new releases, such as
 Subversion 2.0, will probably be done much like the minor releases,
-just with more planning around the exact features.  For more
-information about Subversion's release numbering and compatibility
-policies, see the section entitled
+just with more planning around the exact features.<p>
+<p>For more information about Subversion's release numbering and
+compatibility policies, see the section entitled
 <a href="/docs/community-guide/releasing.html#release-numbering" >"Release
 numbering, compatibility, and deprecation"</a> in the
 <a href="/docs/community-guide/">Subversion Community Guide</a>.</p>
+<h3>Transition to LTS and Regular Releases</h3>
+<p>Subversion 1.0 through 1.10 were released at intervals varying from around 
6 months in early versions to 2.5 years more recently. Each of those releases 
was supported with general backports until the next release and with high 
priority fixes until the next release after that.</p>
+<p>We are introducing faster regular releases in order to get new features
+out sooner, to make feature development more appealing, rewarding and faster
+for both the contributors and the users. We are changing to a time-based
+schedule so that administrators and integrators of Subversion software can
+better plan their upgrade cycles, particularly with the LTS schedule.</p>
+<p>The LTS support schedule will apply also to 1.10 and 1.9 (the existing 
supported releases), so each will receive support for 4 years from its initial 
release. General enhancements will go into the regular releases and will not be 
backported to 1.10.</p>
 <div class="h2" id="features-most-wanted">

Propchange: subversion/site/publish/roadmap.html
    svn:mergeinfo = /subversion/site/staging/roadmap.html:1812681-1837964

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