diff --git a/content/documentation/extensions/mod_mutable_config.adoc 
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+++ b/content/documentation/extensions/mod_mutable_config.adoc
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+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Mutable Configuration
+== Tamaya Mutable Configuration (Extension Module)
+=== Overview
+Tamaya Configuration by default is read-only, which covers must of the use 
cases. But there are many legit scenarios
+where configuration should be written back to some backend systems or the 
local file system. This module adds this
+=== Compatibility
+The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and beyond.
+=== Installation
+To benefit from configuration mutability support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
+[source, xml]
+  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-mutable-config</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+=== Core Architecture
+==== Accessing MutableConfiguration
+The core of the module is the +MutableConfigurationProvider+ singleton, which 
provides access to +MutableConfiguration+
+instance, which extends +Configuration+. This interface adds additional 
methods to add/update or remove property values.
+Hereby changes applied are managed in a transaction like context, called 
+ConfigChangeContext+. Each context defines
+a UUID that identifes a change.
+Backends for writing changes applied are of type +MutablePropertySource+, 
similarly extending the +PropertySource+
+SPI with methods for writing changes back. Registrations and ordering policies 
are like with ordinary property sources,
+with one important difference. Mutable property source can be targeted by 
write operations.
+The example below shows how a +MutableConfiguration+ can be obtained the 
simplest way:
+.Accessing and changing configuration
+MutableConfiguration config = MutableConfigurationProvider
+                                      .createMutableConfiguration();
+config.put("newKey", "newValue")
+      .put("anotherKey", "updatedValue")
+      .remove("valueNotValid")
+      .store();
+In the above scenario we use the overall system's configuration as the backend 
to be used.
+We can also pass any +Configuration+ to render it into a mutable instance, e.g.
+.Explicitly passing the backing configuration
+Configuration config = ...;
+MutableConfiguration config = MutableConfigurationProvider
+                                       .createMutableConfiguration(config);
+NOTE: If a configuration does not contain any +MutablePropertySource+ 
+      a +MutableConfiguration+ built from it will not be able to accept any 
+Following you see the options how to create a +MutableConfiguration+ using the
++MutableConfigurationProvider+ singleton:
+[source, java]
+public final class MutableConfigurationProvider {
+    private MutableConfigurationProvider(){}
+    public static MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration();
+    public static MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration(
+                                               ChangePropagationPolicy 
+    public static MutableConfiguration 
createMutableConfiguration(Configuration configuration);
+    public static MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration(
+                                                   Configuration configuration,
+                                                   ChangePropagationPolicy 
+    [...]
+Hereby +MutableConfiguration+ is defined as follows:
+[source, java]
+public interface MutableConfiguration extends Configuration {
+    void store();
+    ConfigChangeRequest getConfigChangeRequest();
+    ChangePropagationPolicy getChangePropagationPolicy();
+    MutableConfiguration put(String key, String value);
+    MutableConfiguration putAll(Map<String, String> properties);
+    MutableConfiguration remove(Collection<String> keys);
+    MutableConfiguration remove(String... keys);
+==== Targeting the right MutablePropertySources
+A +Configuration+ may have multiple +MutablePropertySource+ instances present. 
These are members of Tamaya's oredered list of
++PropertySources+ to evaluate the configuration. Nevertheless writing back 
changes requires additional aspects to
+be considered:
+* Should changes being written back to all mutable property sources? Or should 
a key that could be added or removed
+  on a more significant instance not be written/removed on less significant 
property source instances?
+* Should a change be applied only to a specific mutable property source, 
regardless its position in the
+  processing chain?
+Therefore a +ChangePropagationPolicy+ can be set on a +MutableConfiguration+ 
instance, which allows to control
+this aspect:
+.Explicitly passing the backing configuration
+public interface ChangePropagationPolicy {
+    /**
+     * Method being called when a multiple key/value pairs are added or 
+     * @param propertySources the property sources, including readable 
property sources of the current configuration,
+     *                        never null.
+     * @param configChange the configuration change, not null.
+     */
+    void applyChange(ConfigChangeRequest configChange, 
Collection<PropertySource> propertySources);
+By default, changes are applied to all registered +MutablePropertySources+ 
+Also the +MutableConfigurationProvider+ provides access to the most commonly 
used change propagation policies:
+[source, java]
+public final class MutableConfigurationProvider {
+    [...]
+    public static ChangePropagationPolicy getApplyAllChangePolicy();
+    public static ChangePropagationPolicy 
+    public static ChangePropagationPolicy 
getApplySelectiveChangePolicy(String... propertySourceNames);
+    public static ChangePropagationPolicy getApplyNonePolicy();
+==== Some Aspects to consider
+Due to Tamaya's design the effective effect of your changes to the overall 
configuration, cannot
+be sometimes a bit tricky to be predicted, since it depends on several aspects:
+. is the corresponding configuration resource configured as part of the 
current system's configuration?
+. what is the +PropertySource's+ priority within the configuration context? Is 
it overriding or overridden
+  by other sources?
+. is the change directly visible to the configuration system? E.g. injected 
values are normally not updated,
+  whereas injecting a +DynamicValue<T>+ instance allows to detect and react 
single value changes. Also the
+  +PropertySources+ implementation must be able to detect any configuration 
changes and adapt its values returned
+  accordingly. Finally values also can be marked as immutable or being cached.
+. Is configuration cached, or written/collected directly on access?
+. can the changes applied be committed at all?
+So it is part of your application configuration design to clearly define, 
which property sources may be read-only, which
+may be mutable, how overriding should work and to which backends finally any 
changes should be written back. Nevertheless
+changing or adding value is very easy:
+.Changing a configuration
+MutableConfiguration config = 
+config.put("newKey", "newValue");
+=== Configuration Changes
+This module does not handle detection of changes to the overall system's 
+Configuration+. This can be done in
+several ways, e.g. by:
+* using the _tamaya-events_ extension, which can be used to observe the 
system's configuration and
+  publishing events when things have been changed.
+* The SPI implementing the +MutableConfigurationBackendSpi+ may inform/update 
any affected +PropertySource,
+  PropertySourceProvider+ instances about the changes applied.
+=== Supported Backends
+Multiple backends are supported. E.g. the _etcd_ integration module of Tamaya 
also registers
+corresponding SPI implementations/backends. By default this module comes with
+the following +MutablePropertySource+ implementations:
+* +MutablePropertySource+ resources, targeting local files, 
using the +java.util.Properties+
+  format.
+* +MutableXmlPropertySource+ resources, targeting local +.xml+ property files, 
using the +java.util.Properties+
+  XML format.
+==== Refreshable Property Sources
+Somehow similar to configuration changes applied explicitly is the case, where 
values of underlying
+configuration backends change and must be reflected in the new configuration 
tree. Examples are:
+* Configuration files being edited, added or removed.
+* Changes on remote servers like etcd, consul
+* etc.
+For having a common API for refreshable items a +Refreshable+ interface is 
+.Refreshable interface
+ * Interface to be implemented by items that can be refreshed. By default
+ * these are property sources, but more types may be supported at a later
+ * point in time.
+ */
+public interface Refreshable {
+    /**
+     * Refreshes the item by reloading its internal state.
+     */
+    void refresh();
+==== Refreshable Property Sources
+=== SPIs
+The module defines +MutableConfigurationProviderSpi+, that is used as a 
delegate by the +MutableConfigurationProvider+
+singleton accessor:
+.SPI: MutableConfigurationProviderSpi
+public interface MutableConfigurationProviderSpi {
+    /**
+     * Creates a new {@link MutableConfiguration} with {@code autoCommit = 
false} as default.
+     *
+     * @param configuration the configuration, not null.
+     * @param propagationPolicy policy that defines how changes are published 
to the property
+     *                          sources.
+     * @return a new mutable configuration instance.
+     */
+    MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration(Configuration 
+                                                    ChangePropagationPolicy 
+Implementations are registered with the current +ServiceContext+ (using by 
default the
+ +java.util.ServiceLoader+ service).
diff --git a/content/documentation/extensions/mod_optional.adoc 
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+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Optional Tamaya Configuration
+== Tamaya Optional Configuration (Extension Module)
+=== Overview
+The Tamaya optional module provides contains three types only. It is for 
projects that want to benefit from Tamaya
+configuration optionally only. E.g. doing an OSS project you can declare to 
support configuration with Tamaya as
+an optional extension. This module can be added as a hard dependency to your 
code, hereby adding only three artofacts.
+It automatically checks the availability of Tamaya on the classpath and only 
if available tries to access it for
+configuration evaluation. Additionally an EvaluationPolicy lets you define the 
precedence of configured values
+(yours, or Tamaya ones if present).
+=== Compatibility
+The module is based on Java 7, so it will not run on Java 7 and beyond.
+=== Installation
+To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
+[source, xml]
+  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-optional</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+=== Reading configuration using the Tamaya Optional Module
+The optional module allows reading configuration with a small subset of 
functionality only. For extended of full
+featured config please consider using the Apache Tamaya as a full 
configuration backend.
+[source, java]
+BigDecimal interestRate =
+                 OptionalConfiguration.of(
+                    EvaluationPolicy.TAMAYA_OVERRIDES_OTHER,
+                    (k) -> MyConfigMechanism.get(k) // String get(String key);
+                 )
+                .get("com.mycomp.ratecalculator.rate", BigDecimal.class))
+                .orElse(BigDecimal.of(0.05d));
diff --git a/content/documentation/extensions/mod_osgi.adoc 
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+++ b/content/documentation/extensions/mod_osgi.adoc
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+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extensions: OSGI Integrations
+== Tamaya OSGI Support
+=== Overview
+Tamaya provides also support for integration with OSGI. Hereby several options 
are available how Tamaya can be used in
+an OSGI context:
+. All Tamaya modules, its API and core library are actually valid OSGI 
bundles. So adding them into your OSGI modules
+  and using Tamaya is basically directly supported. Nevertheless OSGI works 
rather differently from a class- and
+  resource loading perspective. As long as you rely on Tamaya's mechanisms for 
resource loading things should work
+  out of the box. In the back Tamaya's core module actually comes with 
implicit OSGI support, which is automatically
+  activated, if Tamaya is running in an OSGI context. This support actually
+  ** Listens on deployed bundles and actively reads all resources configured 
as +java.util.ServiceLoader+ services and
+     registers them as OSGI services. Hereby integration is complete meaning 
you can also register Tamaya services
+     as normal OSGI services, e.g. your own +PropertySource+ instances.
+  ** Uses the OSGI bundle to resolve for resources, because accessing them 
from the classloader directly
+     typically fails in an OSGI context.
+. Adding Tamaya's OSGI integration module replaces the existing OSGI 
+ConfigAdmin+ service with an istance based on
+  Tamaya. Hereby several aspects can be configured using system properties:
+  ** (int) allows to configure the 
OSGI service ranking used by the Tamaya
+    BundleActivator to register Tamaya's +ConfigAdmin+ service. In OSGI higher 
ranking precede lower rankings. By default
+    Tamaya's OSGI extending service registration mechanism is reusing any 
annotated +@Priority+ priority values as
+    corresponsing rankings.
+  ** (boolean) allows to configure 
if Tamaya is overriding any existing
+    values from the default +ConfigAdmin+ instance, or only extending them. In 
other words this setting allows you to
+    define, which configuration subsystem has precedence for evaluating the 
final values, either Tamaya based
+    configuration (default) or the configuration mechanisms provided by 
default from your OSGI container (when this flag
+    is set to +false+).
+  ** allows you to deactivate 
injection of configuration values into your
+    OSGI services (by default injection is enabled). In all cases accessing 
the OSGI +ConfigAdmin+ service to
+    read your configuration is working as usual. But Tamaya adds additional 
injection functionality, which allows
+    to inject typed configuration as described by the Tamaya injection api.
+It is also possible to combine things, e.g. when you only define a low ranking 
for Tamaya's configuration service and
+the same time allow injection to be active, you will have Tamaya's injection 
support based on your default
+OSGI configuration.
+=== Compatibility
+All module described are based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond.
+The modules are built against OSGI Compendium version 5.0.
+=== Installation
+To benefit from Tamaya in an OSGI context you must deploy at least the 
following modules to your OSGI runtime
+[source, listing]
+# API and core
+# injection API. SE injection module and dependencies
+# OSGI integration and dependencies
+=== Usage
+As an example, what is possible you can implement an OSGI service as a normal 
POJO and publish it as an OSGI service.
+Given that configuration can be injected very easily:
+[source, java]
+public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService{
+    @Config("example.message")
+    @ConfigDefault("A Tamaya default.")
+    private String message;
+    @Override
+    public String sayHello() {
+        System.err.println("HELLO: " + message);
+        return message;
+    }
+=== SPI
+By default the OSGI pid or factory pid is mapped to a corresponding root 
section in Tamaya's configuration. We are
+well aware that this might not always be the desired approach. Therefore there 
as an SPI service provided that allows
+to determine this mapping:
+[source, java]
+public interface OSGIConfigRootMapper {
+    String getTamayaConfigRoot(String pid, String factoryPid);
+Registering your own implementation as an OSGI service allows you to redefine 
the key mapping.
+By default a configuration mapping for +pid/factoryPid==myBundle+ is mapped to 
+This mapping is used as a prefix when collecting the corresponding entries for 
the OSGI configuration.
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+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Remote Configuration
+== Tamaya Remote Configuration (Extension Module)
+=== Overview
+The Tamaya remote module provides support for reading configuration from 
remote resources. It provides
+especially out-of-the-box support for reading scoped configuration from a 
configuration server as
+provided with the _Tamaya server module_ .
+=== Compatibility
+The module is based on Java 7, so it will not run on Java 7 and beyond.
+=== Installation
+To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
+[source, xml]
+  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-remote</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+=== Reading Remote configuration from a Tamaya Configuration Server
+The remote module allows reading JSON formatted configuration as provided by 
the _Tamaya server extension_ . The JSON
+format used looks as follows:
+[source, json]
+  "java.vendor.url": "";,
+  "java.vendor.url.bug": "";,
+  "": "mixed mode",
+  "": "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM",
+  "": "Java Virtual Machine Specification",
+  "java.vm.specification.vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
+  "java.vm.specification.version": "1.8",
+  "java.vm.vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
+  "java.vm.version": "25.45-b02",
+  "": "64",
+  "sun.boot.class.path": 
+  "sun.boot.library.path": "C:\apps\jdk18\jre\bin",
+  "sun.cpu.endian": "little",
+  "sun.cpu.isalist": "amd64",
+  "sun.desktop": "windows",
+  "": "UnicodeLittle",
+  "": "com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain 
+  "": "SUN_STANDARD",
+  "sun.jnu.encoding": "Cp1252",
+  "": "HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers",
+  "sun.os.patch.level": "",
+  "{meta}class": "org.apache.tamaya.functions.FilteredConfiguration",
+  "{meta}info.filter": "java.v,sun",
+  "{meta}info.format": "application/json",
+  "{meta}info.timestamp": "1441463200571",
+  "{meta}timestamp": "1441463200571",
+  "{meta}type": "Configuration"
+Basically there are no constraints about they keys provided. By default Tamaya 
uses keys prefixed with
++{xxx}+ to identify meta-data entries, but this is not a required precondition.
+Finally such a remote configuration can be easily integrated by inheriting 
from the provided base
+class. Hereby a default ordinal must be defined and the +protected 
Collection<URL> getAccessURLs()+
+method must be implemented to define the URL from where the configuration 
should be accessible. Hereby
+multiple URLs can be provided, which are accesed in order as provided by the 
collection's iterator. The
+first URL that is successfully accessed determines the configuration read and 
imported into the
+[source, java]
+public class RemotePropertySource extends BaseRemotePropertySource{
+    /** Current remote property source default ordinal. */
+    private static final int REMOTE_ORDINAL = 15000;
+    @Override
+    public int getDefaultOrdinal(){
+        return REMOTE_ORDINAL;
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected Collection<URL> getAccessURLs() {
+        try {
+            String configServerUrl = System.getenv("CONFIG_SERVER");
+            if(configServerUrl==null){
+                configServerUrl = System.getProperty("configServer");
+            }
+            if(configServerUrl==null){
+                configServerUrl = 
+            }
+            System.out.println("Reading config from " + 
configServerUrl.replace("{clientId}", Client.getClientId()));
+            return Arrays.asList(new URL[]{new 
URL(configServerUrl.replace("{clientId}", Client.getClientId()))});
+        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
+            Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Failed 
to configure remote config location,", e);
+            return Collections.emptySet();
+        }
+    }
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+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Resolver
+== Tamaya Resolver (Extension Module)
+=== Overview
+Tamaya Resolver is an extension module. Refer to the
+// @todo Fix the link to the modules documentation
+link:modules.html[extensions documentation]
+for further details about modules.
+Tamaya Resolver provides a dynamic resolution mechanism, which allows to use 
UNIX-styled (+${...}+ placeholder
+expressions in your configuration values. The resolver hereby supports 
transitive resolution and also prevents
+cycles to loop endlessly.
+=== Compatibility
+The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and beyond.
+=== Installation
+To benefit from dynamic value resolution you only must add the corresponding 
dependency to your module:
+[source, xml, subs="verbatim,attributes"]
+  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-resolver</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+The module automatically registers an according +PropertyFilter+ that is 
automatically called, whenever a value
+is accessed.
+=== Available Resolvers
+Currently the module defined the following resolvers:
+.Available Resolvers
+| _Expression_
+| _Description_
+| _Example_
+| +conf:<configKey>+
+| Reads another configKey and replaces the expression with the value found.
+| conf-ref=${conf:anotherConf.entryKey}
+| +resource:<resourceRef>+
+| Reads a resource from the current classpath and replaces the expression with 
the given text content.
+| cp-ref=${resource:Testresource.txt}
+| +file:<fileRef>+
+| Reads a resource from the current classpath and replaces the expression with 
the given text content.
+| file-ref=${file:c:\myFile.txt}
+|Reads an URL and replaces the expression with the given text content.
+| url-ref=${url:}
+=== SPI: Implementing your own Resolvers
+The module also provides an easy but powerful SPI for adding your own resolver 
implementations. Basically the
+first and most important thing to do is implementing the +ExpressionResolver+ 
+.Implementing a Custom Resolver
+[source, java]
+public class PwdDecrypter implements ExpressionResolver {
+  @Override
+  public String getResolverPrefix() {
+     return "decrypt:";
+  }
+  @Override
+  public String evaluate(String expression) {
+    return decrypt(expression);
+  }
+  private String decrypt(String s) {
+    ...
+  }
+Basically that is all you must do, after having registered the class with the 
+ServiceLoader+ it will be found
+and loaded by the implementation. With that all expressions that start with 
the given prefix are passed to the
+resolver, so all the following expressions will be sent to the implementation:
+blabla ${decrypt:myname}
+blabla ${decrypt:myname} foo blabla ${decrypt:myname}
+Hereby evaluation is repeated until no further change of values could be 
detetced. In case of a endless loop
+the evaluation is broken after a (configurable) number of cycles.
+Under the hood instances of +ExpressionResolver+ are managed by an 
implementation of the +ExpressionEvaluator+
+[source, java]
+public interface ExpressionEvaluator {
+    /**
+     * Evaluates the current expression.
+     * @param key the key, not null.
+     * @param value the value to be filtered/evaluated.
+     * @return the filtered/evaluated value, including null.
+     */
+    String evaluateExpression(String key, String value);
+Implementing and registering this interface gives you full control, but in 
most cases yhou should be fine with
+the default implementation in place.
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new file mode 100644
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+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Resources
+== Tamaya Resources (Extension Module)
+=== Overview
+Tamaya Resources is an extension module. Refer to the
+// @todo Fix the link to the modules page
+link:modules.html[extensions documentation] for further details
+about modules.
+Tamaya Resources defines some additional tools to locate resources in your 
classpath or file system based on descriptive
+ant-styled resource patterns. To use this module add the following dependency:
+[source, listing, subs="verbatim,attributes"]
+  <grooupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-resources</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+The module's main entry point is the singleton class 
+org.apache.tamaya.resource.ConfigResources+. This class
+provides access to a +ResourceResolver+ instance:
+ResourceResolver resolver = ConfigResources.getResourceResolver();
+public interface ResourceResolver {
+    Collection<URL> getResources(Collection<String> expressions) {...}
+    Collection<URL> getResources(String... expressions) {...}
+    Collection<URL> getResources(ClassLoader classLoader, String... 
+    Collection<URL> getResources(ClassLoader classLoader, Collection<String> 
+Hereby the methods allow to resolve expressions to a collection of URLs. In 
case the expression is also targeting the
+current classpath the target +ClassLoader+ to be used can be passed 
+The default implementation provides resource resolution mechanism similar to 
the functionality offered by Spring.
+So by default resources can be looked up
+* from files
+* from the classpath
+* optionally ant-styled expressions can be used.
+=== Valid Expression Examples
+There are numerous ways how a resource pattern can be defined. Following the 
most important variants
+are listed:
+// explicitly searching the file system
+// explicitly searching the classpath
+// search both classpath and files
+Summarizing the resources module provides useful functionality that helps to 
locate resources on the file system and
+in the classpath. This can be used to implement +PropertySourceProvider+ 
implementations that are based on
+corresponding resource path patterns instead of concrete files.
+=== Overall Usage Example
+Given the functionality we can easily implement a +PropertySourceProvider+ 
that reads all files from a classpath
+location, hereby traversing down all folders:
+[source, java]
+public class PathBasedPropertySourceProvider implements PropertySourceProvider 
+    @Override
+    public Collection<PropertySource> getPropertySources() {
+        List<PropertySource> propertySources = new ArrayList<>();
+        Collection<URL> resources = 
+        for(URL url:resources){
+            Properties props = new Properties();
+            try(InputStream is = url.openStream()){
+                props.load(is);
+                propertySources.add(new 
PropertiesBasedPropertySource(url.toString(), props));
+            }
+            catch(Exception e){
+                e.printStackTrace();
+            }
+        }
+        return propertySources;
+    }
+    private final static class PropertiesBasedPropertySource implements 
PropertySource {
+        private String name;
+        private Map<String,String> properties = new HashMap<>();
+        public PropertiesBasedPropertySource(String name, Properties props) {
+   = name;
+            props.forEach((k,v) ->, 
+        }
+        @Override
+        public String getName() {
+            return name;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public String get(String key) {
+            return properties.get(key);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public Map<String, String> getProperties() {
+            return properties;
+        }
+    }
+=== SPI
+The +ResourceResolver+ that is returned by the +ConfigResources+ singleton is 
determined by the
+current +ServiceContext+, by default you can replace the default 
implementation by registering an
+alternate implementation with an overriding +@Priority+ annotation added using 
the +ServiceLoader+.
+Additionally a +BaseResourceResolver+ class can be used to reduce the amount 
of code to be written
+on your own.
diff --git a/content/documentation/extensions/mod_server.adoc 
new file mode 100644
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+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Configuration Server
+== Tamaya Configuration Server (Extension Module)
+=== Overview
+The Tamaya server module provides support for providing scoped configuration 
using a http server serving JSON formatted
+configuration properties.
+=== Compatibility
+The module is based on Java 7, so it will not run on Java 7 and beyond.
+=== Installation
+To benefit from configuration server support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
+[source, xml]
+  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-server</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+=== Providing configuration using the Tamaya Built-in Configuration Server
+THe most simple way for providing onfiguration ist to start the internal 
+[source, java]
+Server server = org.apache.tamaya.server.ConfigServer.createServer();
+This will start a simple server instance that serves the following URL 
+* +GET /config+ provides access to the full configuration tree.
+* +GET /config/filtered/${path}+ let you filter the configuration returned 
using regular expression (comma separated).
+  E.g. +/config/filtered/java,sun+ will return all configuration entries 
starting with _java_ and _sun_.
+Additionally the server module has the following options implemented, which 
can be passed as additional, optional
+* +format+ allows to define the target format. By default the +ACCEPT+ header 
of the http request is checked, but this
+  setting can be explicitly controlled by passing tis parameter explicitly. 
The value is the expected MIME type to be
+  returned. By default the service supports the following types (refer to the 
SPI section later in this document for
+  options to adapt this):
+  ** text/html
+  ** text/plain
+  ** application/xml
+  ** text/json
+* +scope,scopeId+ allows to use a server-side preconfigured filter/combination 
policy to be applied for
+  evaluating the entries to be returned. Hereby the +scopeId+ paramter allows 
to address a certain scope.
+  As an example think of a scope +?scope=CLIENT&scopeId=client1+ to be passed 
as request parameters. This
+  tells the server module to lookup a configured scope named 'CLIENT' and 
access a +ConfigOperator+ for the
+  given scopeId 'client1'. The returned operator then can filter and combine 
any kind of entries to the
+  required client configuration (for client1). Refer to the scopes section for 
more details.
+=== Using the Configuration Servlets
+Additionally to the fully built-in solution, it is also possible to integrate 
the Tamaya server module with a standard
+Java EE servlet container. Tamaya provides 2 servlet implementations:
+* the servlet +org.apache.tamaya.server.FilteredConfigServlet+ can be used to 
register access to configurations
+  that also support filtering of the keys. The URL looks like
+  HOST            = host name incl port, e.g.
+  SERVLET_CONTEXT = the base context and servlet context, e.g. 
+  PATHS           = A comma separated number of key paths to be filtered for 
being returned, e.g.
+                    java,sun,client
+  params          = the optional parameters (scope, scopeId and format)
+* the servlet +org.apache.tamaya.server.FullConfigServlet+ can be used to 
register access to configurations
+  that alwyas returns all items known. The URL looks like
+  HOST            = host name incl port, e.g.
+  SERVLET_CONTEXT = the base context and servlet context, e.g. 
+  params          = the optional parameters (scope, scopeId and format)
+==== Formatting used by Default
+The server module formats the configuration returned by default in thw 
following variants:
+.Formatting for +text/json+
+[source, json]
+  "java.vendor.url": "";,
+  "java.vendor.url.bug": "";,
+  "": "mixed mode",
+  "": "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM",
+  "": "Java Virtual Machine Specification",
+  "java.vm.specification.vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
+  "java.vm.specification.version": "1.8",
+  "java.vm.vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
+  "java.vm.version": "25.45-b02",
+  "": "64",
+  "sun.boot.class.path": 
+  "sun.boot.library.path": "C:\apps\jdk18\jre\bin",
+  "sun.cpu.endian": "little",
+  "sun.cpu.isalist": "amd64",
+  "sun.desktop": "windows",
+  "": "UnicodeLittle",
+  "": "com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain 
+  "": "SUN_STANDARD",
+  "sun.jnu.encoding": "Cp1252",
+  "": "HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers",
+  "sun.os.patch.level": "",
+  "{meta}class": "org.apache.tamaya.functions.FilteredConfiguration",
+  "{meta}info.filter": "java.v,sun",
+  "{meta}info.format": "application/json",
+  "{meta}info.timestamp": "1441463200571",
+  "{meta}timestamp": "1441463200571",
+  "{meta}type": "Configuration"
+.Formatting for +application/xml+
+[source, xml]
+  <entry key="java.vendor.url"></entry>
+  <entry key="java.vendor.url.bug"></entry>
+  <entry key="">mixed mode</entry>
+  <entry key="">Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM</entry>
+  <entry key="">Java Virtual Machine 
+  <entry key="java.vm.specification.vendor">Oracle Corporation</entry>
+  <entry key="java.vm.specification.version">1.8</entry>
+  <entry key="java.vm.vendor">Oracle Corporation</entry>
+  <entry key="java.vm.version">25.45-b02</entry>
+  <entry key="">64</entry>
+  <entry 
+  <entry key="sun.boot.library.path">C:\apps\jdk18\jre\bin</entry>
+  <entry key="sun.cpu.endian">little</entry>
+  <entry key="sun.cpu.isalist">amd64</entry>
+  <entry key="sun.desktop">windows</entry>
+  <entry key="">UnicodeLittle</entry>
+  <entry key="">com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain 
+  <entry key="">SUN_STANDARD</entry>
+  <entry key="sun.jnu.encoding">Cp1252</entry>
+  <entry key="">HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers</entry>
+  <entry key="sun.os.patch.level"></entry>
+  <entry 
+  <entry key="{meta}info.filter">java.v,sun</entry>
+  <entry key="{meta}info.format">application/xml</entry>
+  <entry key="{meta}info.timestamp">1441463383687</entry>
+  <entry key="{meta}timestamp">1441463383687</entry>
+  <entry key="{meta}type">Configuration</entry>
+.Formatting for +text/plain+
+[source, text]
+  java.vendor.url:,
+  java.vendor.url.bug:,
+ mixed mode,
+ Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM,
+ Java Virtual Machine Specification,
+  java.vm.specification.vendor: Oracle Corporation,
+  java.vm.specification.version: 1.8,
+  java.vm.vendor: Oracle Corporation,
+  java.vm.version: 25.45-b02,
+ 64,
+  sun.boot.class.path: 
+  sun.boot.library.path: C:\apps\jdk18\jre\bin,
+  sun.cpu.endian: little,
+  sun.cpu.isalist: amd64,
+  sun.desktop: windows,
+ UnicodeLittle,
+ com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain 
+  sun.jnu.encoding: Cp1252,
+ HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers,
+  sun.os.patch.level: ,
+  {meta}class: org.apache.tamaya.functions.FilteredConfiguration,
+  {meta}info.filter: java.v,sun,
+  {meta}info.format: text/plain,
+  {meta}info.timestamp: 1441463082020,
+  {meta}timestamp: 1441463082021,
+  {meta}type: Configuration
+.Formatting for +application/html+
+[source, html]
+<head><title>System Configuration</title></head>
+<h1>Sysem Configuration</h1>
+<p>This view shows the system configuration of devbox-win at Sat Sep 05 
16:30:59 CEST 2015.</p><pre>
+  java.vendor.url:,
+  java.vendor.url.bug:,
+ mixed mode,
+ Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM,
+ Java Virtual Machine Specification,
+  java.vm.specification.vendor: Oracle Corporation,
+  java.vm.specification.version: 1.8,
+  java.vm.vendor: Oracle Corporation,
+  java.vm.version: 25.45-b02,
+ 64,
+  sun.boot.class.path: 
+  sun.boot.library.path: C:\apps\jdk18\jre\bin,
+  sun.cpu.endian: little,
+  sun.cpu.isalist: amd64,
+  sun.desktop: windows,
+ UnicodeLittle,
+ com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain 
+  sun.jnu.encoding: Cp1252,
+ HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers,
+  sun.os.patch.level: ,
+  {meta}class: org.apache.tamaya.functions.FilteredConfiguration,
+  {meta}info.filter: java.v,sun,
+  {meta}info.format: text/html,
+  {meta}info.timestamp: 1441463459653,
+  {meta}timestamp: 1441463459654,
+  {meta}type: Configuration
+=== SPI
+==== Scopes
+As mentioned earlier in this document scopes can be used to define the exact 
configuration tree to be returned, e.g.
+as a result of combining multiple sub trees. Following an example of the code 
to be written to return a configuration
+that combines common client default entries with client specific entries:
+[source, java]
+public class ClientScopeProvider implements ScopeProvider{
+    /**
+     * Access the unique scope name.
+     * @return the unique scope name.
+     */
+    public String getScopeType(){
+            return "CLIENT";
+    }
+    @Override
+    public ConfigOperator getScope(String scopeId) {
+        return c ->
+                ConfigurationFunctions.combine("Scoped Config CLIENT="+scopeId,
+                        c.with(ConfigurationFunctions.sectionRecursive(true, 
+                        c.with(ConfigurationFunctions.sectionRecursive(true, 
"client." + scopeId))
+                );
+    }
+This class can be registered using the +ServiceContext+ in place. By default 
the +ServiceLoader+ is used, so you will
+have to add the following to 
+[source, listing]
+==== Adapting the Way Configuration is Derived
+Finally the effective readong and configuration handling logic can also be 
replaced or improved. This can be
+done by registering your own implementation of the interface 
+[source, java]
+public interface ConfigProviderService {
+    String getConfigurationWithPath(String path, String format, String scope, 
String scopeId, HttpServletRequest request);
+    String getConfiguration(String format, String scope, String scopeId, 
HttpServletRequest request);
+    void updateConfiguration(String payload, HttpServletRequest request);
+    void deleteConfiguration(String paths, HttpServletRequest request);
+By default the +ServiceContextManager+ uses the +java.util.ServiceLoader+ for 
component loading, so to replace the
+default server code you must register a higher +@Priority+ implementation.
+==== Replacing the Built-In Server
+We have seen earlier that starting a configuration server is pretty easy:
+[source, java]
+Server server = org.apache.tamaya.server.ConfigServer.createServer();
+Nevertheless one may want to replace the used implementation of +Server+. This 
can be done easily by simply
+registering an overriding implementation if the corresponding interface:
+[source, java]
+public interface Server {
+    void start(int port);
+    boolean isStarted();
+    void stop();
+    void destroy();
+==== The ScopeManager Singleton
+Finally whe implementing your own server, you might also benefit from the 
+ScopeManager+ singleton. Basically this
+class loads all registered +ScopeProvider+ and manages the configured scope 
+[source, java]
+public final class ScopeManager {
+    ...
+    private ScopeManager(){}
+    /**
+     * Get the scope given its name.
+     * @param scopeId the scope name
+     * @return the scope matching
+     * @throws ConfigException, if nos such scope is defined.
+     */
+    public static ConfigOperator getScope(String scopeId, String target);
+    /**
+     * Get the defined scope names.
+     * @return the defined scope names, never null.
+     */
+    public static Set<String> getScopes();
diff --git a/content/documentation/extensions/mod_spi-support.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aca208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/documentation/extensions/mod_spi-support.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Classloader Isolation Support
+== Tamaya SPI Support (Extension Module)
+=== Overview
+The Tamaya SPI support module provides a few helpful base classes that can be 
used to implement some of the often
+used SPI parts in Tamaya:
+* +BasePropertySource+ provides an abstract base class for implementation of 
your own PropertySources.
+* +DefaultConfiguration+ provides you with a simple implementation of the 
+Configuration+ interface based on a
+  +ConfigurationContext+ provided. This is also very useful for mocking 
configuration during test execution, but
+  not only constraint to that use case.
+* +DefaultConfigurationContext+ provides you with a working implementation of 
the +ConfigurationContext+.
+* +EnumConverter+ is a converter implementation that can automatically select 
the currect enumeration values based
+  on a configured entry.
+* +MapPropertySource+ implements a static property source based on 
+* +PriorityServiceComparator+ compares arbitrary services based on their 
+@Priority+ annotations (also handling the
+  case, where no such annotation is present).
+* +PropertiesResourcePropertySource+ is an implementation of a 
+PropertySource+ based on a +Properties+ instance,
+  lodable from any +URL+.
++ +PropertyConverterManager+ is a service class very useful, when implementing 
instances of +ConfigurationContext+.
+  It manages registered instances of +PropertyConverter+ and provides easy to 
use type conversion logic.
++ +PropertyFiltering+ provides another helpful class that manages 
+PropertyFilter+ instances and provides an
+  easy to use high level API.
++ +PropertySourceComparator+ provides an implementation that compares 
+PropertySources+ based on their +getOrdinal()+
+  values and their class names.
+=== Compatibility
+The module is based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond.
+=== Installation
+To benefit from Tamaya CDI integration you only must add the corresponding 
dependency to your module:
+[source, xml]
+  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-spisupport</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+The component will not register any components but only providing portable 
base classes for some common SPI
+implementation tasks. It only depends on the API, so it should be safely 
reusable also with other implementations
+of the Tamaya API similarly.
diff --git a/content/documentation/extensions/mod_spring.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3960dc1
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+++ b/content/documentation/extensions/mod_spring.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Spring Integration
+== Tamaya Spring Integration (Extension Module)
+=== Overview
+Apache Tamaya currently provides two implementations also full integration for 
+* A Spring +@Configuration+ implementation that also provides a Tamaya based 
version of
+* +org.apache.tamaya.integration.spring.TamayaEnvironment+ is the Tamaya based 
implementation of the Spring
+  +Environment+ interface.
+* +TamayaSpringPropertySource+ implements an additional Spring 
+* Finally 
implements a Bean +PostProcessor+,
+  which adds all the full fledged Tamaya configuration capabilities to Spring.
+=== Compatibility
+Both modules are based on Java 7, so they will run on Java 7 and beyond. The 
extension shown here works similarly
+with Spring Framework as well as Spring Boot.
+=== Installation
+To benefit from Tamaya Spring integration you only must one of the following 
dependencies to your module:
+[source, xml]
+  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-spring</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+=== Registering Tamaya Spring Configuration
+Basically to activate the Tamaya Spring support the most simple thing is to a 
enable the Tamaya package for being
+scanned for Spring components, e.g.
+[source, xml]
+<beans xmlns="";
+       xmlns:xsi="";
+       xmlns:context="";
+       xsi:schemaLocation="";>
+    <context:annotation-config />
+    <context:component-scan 
+    ...
+NOTE: Of course you can also use the newer +@ComponentScan+ annotation as 
described by the Spring documentation.
+Similarly if you dont want to use component scanning you can configure things 
using plain old XML. Simply add the
+following lines somewhere into one of your application context configuration 
+[source, xml]
+<bean id="tamayaInjectionProcessor" name="tamayaInjectionProcessor" 
+<bean id="tamayaConfigProvider" name="tamayaConfigProvider" 
+=== Configuring your Context
+Done so enables you to use Tamaya as a backend for property resolution, e.g. 
+propertyValue+ as illustrated below
+is resolved from the current Tamaya configuration.
+[source, xml]
+<bean id="configuredBean" name="configuredBean" 
+    <property name="message" value="${propertyValue}"/>
+=== Configuring your Beans
+Similarly you can inject any kind of configuration as supported by Tamaya into 
your Spring managed beans:
+[source, java]
+ * Created by Anatole on 25.09.2015.
+ */
+public class ConfiguredSpringBean {
+    private String message;
+    @Autowired
+    private Environment env;
+    @Config("java.version")
+    private String javaVersion;
+    @Config
+    @ConfigDefault("23")
+    private int testNumber;
+    public String getJavaVersion(){
+        return javaVersion;
+    }
+    public int getTestNumber(){
+        return testNumber;
+    }
+    public Environment getEnv(){
+        return env;
+    }
+    public void setMessage(String message){
+        this.message = message;
+    }
+    public String getMessage() {
+        return message;
+    }
+Summarizing you get all the nice features of Tamaya out of the box running 
with your Spring code.
diff --git a/content/documentation/extensions/mod_yaml.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e53cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/documentation/extensions/mod_yaml.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Builder
+== Tamaya YAML (Extension Module)
+=== Overview
+The Tamaya YAML module provides support for reading configuration using the 
YAML format ( YAML hereby
+use intendation for expressing hierarchy, which makes yaml configuration files 
very easily readable and compact.
+=== Compatibility
+The YAML module is based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond.
+=== Installation
+To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
+[source, xml]
+  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-yaml</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+This extension also transitively requires the +tamaya.formats+ module.
+=== Reading configuration in YAML
+For reading YAML based onfiguration most easily a +YAMLFormat+ can be provided:
+[source, java]
+ConfigurationData dataRead = ConfigurationFormats.readConfig(
+    getClassLoader().getResource("myFileConfig.yaml"), new YAMLFormat()));
+=== Examples
+The YAML module adds instances of +ConfigurationFormat+ so YAML configuration 
can be read and mapped to the
+according property values. E.g. the following file is a simple and correct 
YAML configuration:
+invoice: 34843
+date   : 2001-01-23
+bill-to: &id001
+    given  : Chris
+    family : Dumars
+    address:
+        lines: |
+            458 Walkman Dr.
+            Suite #292
+        city    : Royal Oak
+        state   : MI
+        postal  : 48046
+ship-to: *id001
+    - sku         : BL394D
+      quantity    : 4
+      description : Basketball
+      price       : 450.00
+    - sku         : BL4438H
+      quantity    : 1
+      description : Super Hoop
+      price       : 2392.00
+tax  : 251.42
+total: 4443.52
+    Late afternoon is best.
+    Backup contact is Nancy
+    Billsmer @ 338-4338.
+Hereby the above file, by default is mapped as follows into 
+Map<String,String>+ typed properties:
+invoice -> 34843
+date -> Tue Jan 23 01:00:00 CET 2001 -> Dumars
+bill-to.given -> Chris
+bill-to.address.state -> MI
+bill-to.address.postal -> 48046 -> Royal Oak
+bill-to.address.lines -> 458 Walkman Dr.
+Suite #292
+ship-to.given -> Chris
+ship-to.address.state -> MI -> Dumars
+ship-to.address.postal -> 48046 -> Royal Oak
+ship-to.address.lines -> 458 Walkman Dr.
+Suite #292
+product -> {sku=BL394D, quantity=4, description=Basketball, 
price=450.0},{sku=BL4438H, quantity=1, description=Super Hoop, price=2392.0}
+_product.collection-type -> List
+tax -> 251.42
+total -> 4443.52
+comments -> Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 
diff --git a/content/documentation/quickstart.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14ab438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/documentation/quickstart.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+:jbake-type: page
+:jbake-status: published
+== Apache Tamaya: Quickstart
+The fastest way to start with Tamaya is just using the _Core_ implementation,
+implementing the **API** in small, minimalistic way. For that add the following
+Maven dependency to your project:
+    <groupId>{tamaya_mvn_group_id}</groupId>
+    <artifactId>tamaya-core</artifactId>
+    <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+Given that you can add your configuration properties to the following 
locations in your classpath:
+Additionally also system properties are taken into account, hereby overriding 
the default properties. Overall
+Tamaya by default defines the following configuration model per default (most 
significant first):
+. System Properties
+. `META-INF/`
+There many modules that extend the capabilities of Tamaya.
+These modules doe not depend on core, so alternative
+implementations of the Tamaya API should work similarly.
+=== Multiple configuration files
+By default you can provide multiple `` files, e.g. as part
+of multiple jars loaded into your system. The system internally creates one
+`PropertySource` for each file found on the classpath. All `PropertySource`
+instances created are ordered by their ordinal value (an int).
+Tamaya Core defines the following default ordinals (used, if no custom ordinal 
is defined):
+[cols="3,1", option="headers"]
+| Source                            | Ordinal
+| System Properties                 | 400
+| Environment Variables             | 300
+| Java Configuration Properties     | 100
+That means that the value of a configuration variable `x` overhanded via 
`-Dx=yes` has
+a higher precedence then the entry for configuration variable `x` specified in 
a ``
+as `x=no`.
+These ordinal values can be either hardcoded, or be dynamically
+configurable as key within each configuration resource. The ladder can be done 
by defining a special
+Tamaya ordinal value as follows:
+# override default Tamaya ordinal for property files
+This assigns an ordinal of 123 to each entry in that configuration resource.
+=== Using additional features of Tamaya
+There many modules that extend the capabilities of
+Tamaya. These modules doe not depend on core, so alternative
+implementations of the Tamaya API should work similarly. Following a
+small extract of most important modules available (or available soon):
+==== Dynamic Resolution and Value Placeholders
+  <artifactId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</id>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-resolver</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+// @todo Auf Modulliste verweisen für vollständigen Überblick
+With that it is possible to define values with Unix styled placeholders that 
+resolved on configuration access, e.g.
+`mykey=my${dynamicValue}´. For further details refer to the module 
+This module also provides a `Resolver` singleton:
+String myExpression = ...;
+String resolved = Resolver.evaluateExpression(myExpression);
+==== Ant-styled Path Resolution of Resources
+  <artifactId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</id>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-resolution</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
+This module provides a `Resolver` singleton that allows to
+resolve configuration resources using a ant-styled resource
+description, e.g.
+Collection<URL> urls = 
+For further details refer to the module documentation.
+==== Configuration Injection
+  <artifactId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</id>
+  <artifactId>tamaya-inject</artifactId>
+  <version>{tamaya_version_development}</version>
+With this extension you can let Tamaya inject configuration into instances of
+annotated classes or let Tamaya implement a configuration template.
+Corresponding configuration:
+public class MyType {
+   @ConfiguredProperty("name")
+   private String typeName;
+   public String getName() {
+      return name;
+   }
+MyType type = new MyType();
+Or the same as template:
+public interface MyTypeTemplate {
+   @ConfiguredProperty("name")
+   public String getName();
+MyTypeTemplate type = 
+Currently the following resolvers are available:
+| Conf
+| Cross-reference to another configuration entry
+| URL
+| Referencing a resource addressable by an URL.
+| File
+| Reference to a  file, replacing the expression with the file's text value.
+| Resource
+| Reference to classpath resource, replacing the expression with the 
resource's text value.

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