diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/redis.txt 
deleted file mode 100644
index 795be7f..0000000
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v11/redis.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-.. Copyright 2015 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
-.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-.. limitations under the License.
-.. _to-api-v11-redis:
-.. Note:: The redis documentation needs a thorough review!
-.. _to-api-v11-redis-route:
-**GET /api/1.1/traffic_monitor/stats.json**
-Authentication Required: Yes
-Role(s) Required: None
-**Response Properties**
-| Parameter            | Type   | Description                                  
-| ``aaData``           | array  |                                              
-**Response Example**
-  {
-   "aaData": [
-      [
-         "0",
-         "ALL",
-         "ALL",
-         "ALL",
-         "true",
-         "ALL",
-         "142035",
-         "172365661.85"
-      ],
-      [
-         1,
-         "EDGE1_TOP_421_PSPP",
-         "odol-atsec-atl-03",
-         "us-ga-atlanta",
-         "1",
-         "REPORTED",
-         "596",
-         "923510.04",
-         ""
-      ]
-   ],
-  }
-**GET /api/1.1/redis/stats.json**
-Authentication Required: Yes
-Role(s) Required: None
-**Response Properties**
-| Parameter            | Type   | Description                                  
-|``number``            | array  |                                              
-|``what``              | string |                                              
-|``which``             | string |                                              
-|``interval``          | string |                                              
-|``elapsed``           | string |                                              
-|``end``               | string |                                              
-|``start``             | string |                                              
-**Response Example**
-  {
-   "number": -1,
-   "what": null,
-   "which": null,
-   "interval": " 10 seconds ",
-   "elapsed": "0.11271 (0.112065) ",
-   "end": "Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970",
-   "start": "Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970"
-  }
-**GET /api/1.1/redis/info/:host_name.json**
-Authentication Required: Yes
-Role(s) Required: None
-**Request Route Parameters**
-| Parameter                | Type   | Description                              
-|``host_name``             | string |                                          
-**Response Properties**
-|              Parameter              |  Type  | Description |
-| ``Server``                          | hash   |             |
-| ``>redis_build_id``                 | string |             |
-| ``>config_file``                    | string |             |
-| ``>uptime_in_seconds``              | string |             |
-| ``>hz``                             | string |             |
-| ``>os``                             | string |             |
-| ``>redis_git_sha1``                 | string |             |
-| ``>redis_version``                  | string |             |
-| ``>tcp_port``                       | string |             |
-| ``>redis_git_dirty``                | string |             |
-| ``>redis_mode``                     | string |             |
-| ``>run_id``                         | string |             |
-| ``>uptime_in_days``                 | string |             |
-| ``>gcc_version``                    | string |             |
-| ``>arch_bits``                      | string |             |
-| ``>lru_clock``                      | string |             |
-| ``>multiplexing_api``               | string |             |
-| ``Keyspace``                        | string |             |
-| ``>db0``                            | string |             |
-| ``slowlog``                         | array  |             |
-| ``Persistence``                     | hash   |             |
-| ``>rdb_bgsave_in_progress``         | string |             |
-| ``>loading``                        | string |             |
-| ``>rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec``    | string |             |
-| ``>aof_enabled``                    | string |             |
-| ``>rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec``       | string |             |
-| ``>aof_last_rewrite_time_sec``      | string |             |
-| ``>aof_last_write_status``          | string |             |
-| ``>rdb_last_bgsave_status``         | string |             |
-| ``>aof_last_bgrewrite_status``      | string |             |
-| ``>aof_current_rewrite_time_sec``   | string |             |
-| ``>aof_rewrite_scheduled``          | string |             |
-| ``>aof_rewrite_in_progress``        | string |             |
-| ``>rdb_last_save_time``             | string |             |
-| ``>rdb_changes_since_last_save``    | string |             |
-| ``slowlen``                         | int    |             |
-| ``CPU``                             | hash   |             |
-| ``>used_cpu_user``                  | string |             |
-| ``>used_cpu_sys``                   | string |             |
-| ``>used_cpu_user_children``         | string |             |
-| ``>used_cpu_sys_children``          | string |             |
-| ``Memory``                          | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory_lua``                | string |             |
-| ``>mem_allocator``                  | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory_human``              | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory_peak_human``         | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory_peak``               | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory_rss``                | string |             |
-| ``>mem_fragmentation_ratio``        | string |             |
-| ``>used_memory``                    | string |             |
-| ``Replication``                     | hash   |             |
-| ``>repl_backlog_first_byte_offset`` | string |             |
-| ``>repl_backlog_active``            | string |             |
-| ``>repl_backlog_histlen``           | string |             |
-| ``>repl_backlog_size``              | string |             |
-| ``>role``                           | string |             |
-| ``>master_repl_offset``             | string |             |
-| ``>connected_slaves``               | string |             |
-| ``Clients``                         | hash   |             |
-| ``>client_biggest_input_buf``       | string |             |
-| ``>client_longest_output_list``     | string |             |
-| ``>blocked_clients``                | string |             |
-| ``>connected_clients``              | string |             |
-| ``Stats``                           | hash   |             |
-| ``>latest_fork_usec``               | string |             |
-| ``>rejected_connections``           | string |             |
-| ``>sync_partial_ok``                | string |             |
-| ``>pubsub_channels``                | string |             |
-| ``>instantaneous_ops_per_sec``      | string |             |
-| ``>total_connections_received``     | string |             |
-| ``>pubsub_patterns``                | string |             |
-| ``>sync_full``                      | string |             |
-| ``>keyspace_hits``                  | string |             |
-| ``>keyspace_misses``                | string |             |
-| ``>total_commands_processed``       | string |             |
-| ``>expired_keys``                   | string |             |
-| ``>sync_partial_err``               | string |             |
-**Response Example**
-  {
-   "Server": {
-      "redis_build_id": "606641459177bc09",
-      "config_file": "\/etc\/redis\/redis.conf",
-      "uptime_in_seconds": "1113787",
-      "hz": "10",
-      "os": "Linux 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 x86_64",
-      "redis_git_sha1": "00000000",
-      "redis_version": "2.8.15",
-      "process_id": "14607",
-      "tcp_port": "6379",
-      "redis_git_dirty": "0",
-      "redis_mode": "standalone",
-      "run_id": "43c5d003453b96e38ad3eae54026d8e1b078a7fd",
-      "uptime_in_days": "12",
-      "gcc_version": "4.4.6",
-      "arch_bits": "64",
-      "lru_clock": "16050046",
-      "multiplexing_api": "epoll"
-   },
-   "Keyspace": {
-      "db0": "keys=26319,expires=0,avg_ttl=0"
-   },
-   "slowlog": [
-      [
-         "32656",
-         "1425336191",
-         "18539",
-         [
-            "keys",
-            "*"
-         ]
-      ]
-   ],
-   "Persistence": {
-      "rdb_bgsave_in_progress": "0",
-      "loading": "0",
-      "rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec": "-1",
-      "aof_enabled": "0",
-      "rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec": "-1",
-      "aof_last_rewrite_time_sec": "-1",
-      "aof_last_write_status": "ok",
-      "rdb_last_bgsave_status": "ok",
-      "aof_last_bgrewrite_status": "ok",
-      "aof_current_rewrite_time_sec": "-1",
-      "aof_rewrite_scheduled": "0",
-      "aof_rewrite_in_progress": "0",
-      "rdb_last_save_time": "1424222403",
-      "rdb_changes_since_last_save": "2595831724"
-   },
-   "slowlen": 128,
-   "CPU": {
-      "used_cpu_user": "45252.98",
-      "used_cpu_sys": "154718.84",
-      "used_cpu_user_children": "0.00",
-      "used_cpu_sys_children": "0.00"
-   },
-   "Memory": {
-      "used_memory_lua": "33792",
-      "mem_allocator": "jemalloc-3.6.0",
-      "used_memory_human": "5.25G",
-      "used_memory_peak_human": "8.08G",
-      "used_memory_peak": "8675798632",
-      "used_memory_rss": "8870088704",
-      "mem_fragmentation_ratio": "1.57",
-      "used_memory": "5633381640"
-   },
-   "Replication": {
-      "repl_backlog_first_byte_offset": "0",
-      "repl_backlog_active": "0",
-      "repl_backlog_histlen": "0",
-      "repl_backlog_size": "1048576",
-      "role": "master",
-      "master_repl_offset": "0",
-      "connected_slaves": "0"
-   },
-   "Clients": {
-      "client_biggest_input_buf": "0",
-      "client_longest_output_list": "0",
-      "blocked_clients": "0",
-      "connected_clients": "16"
-   },
-   "Stats": {
-      "latest_fork_usec": "0",
-      "rejected_connections": "0",
-      "sync_partial_ok": "0",
-      "pubsub_channels": "0",
-      "instantaneous_ops_per_sec": "2238",
-      "total_connections_received": "2502657",
-      "evicted_keys": "0",
-      "pubsub_patterns": "0",
-      "sync_full": "0",
-      "keyspace_hits": "49388626",
-      "keyspace_misses": "780",
-      "total_commands_processed": "2645272238",
-      "expired_keys": "0",
-      "sync_partial_err": "0"
-   }
-  }
-Authentication Required: Yes
-Role(s) Required: None
-**Request Route Parameters**
-| Parameter                | Type   | Description                              
-|``start_date``            | string |                                          
-|``end_date``              | string |                                          
-|``interval``              | string |                                          
-**Response Properties**
-|  Parameter  |  Type  | Description |
-| ``alerts``  | array  |             |
-| ``>level``  | string |             |
-| ``>text``   | string |             |
-| ``version`` | string |             |
-**Response Example**
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a6d109
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v12-configfiles:
+Config Files and Config File Metadata
+.. _to-api-v12-configfiles-route:
+**GET /api/1.2/servers/:hostname/configfiles/ats**
+**GET /api/1.2/servers/:host_id/configfiles/ats**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: Operator
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  **Response Properties**
+  |                                        Info Section                        
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                               Description     
+  | ``profileId``     | string | The ID of the profile assigned to the cache.  
+  | ``profileName``   | string | The name of the profile assigned to the 
cache.                          |
+  | ``toRevProxyUrl`` | string | The configured reverse proxy cache for 
configfile requests.             |
+  | ``toURL``         | string | The configured URL for Traffic Ops.           
+  | ``serverIpv4``    | string | The configured IP address of the cache.       
+  | ``serverName``    | string | The cache's short form hostname.              
+  | ``serverId``      | string | The cache's Traffic Ops ID.                   
+  | ``cdnId``         | string | The ID of the cache's assigned CDN.           
+  | ``cdnName``       | string | The name of the cache's assigned CDN.         
+  | ``serverTcpPort`` | string | The configured port of the server's used by 
ATS.                        |
+  | ``serverTcpPort`` | string | The configured port of the server's used by 
ATS.                        |
+  | ``serverTcpPort`` | string | The configured port of the server's used by 
ATS.                        |
+  | ``serverTcpPort`` | string | The configured port of the server's used by 
ATS.                        |
+  | ``serverTcpPort`` | string | The configured port of the server's used by 
ATS.                        |
+  |                                    configFiles Section                     
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                               Description     
+  | ``fnameOnDisk``   | string | The filename of the configuration file as 
stored on the cache.          |
+  | ``location``      | string | The directory location of the configuration 
file as stored on the cache.|
+  | ``apiUri``        | string | The path to generate the configuration file 
from Traffic Ops.           |
+  | ``scope``         | string | The scope of the configuration file.          
+  **Response Example** ::
+  {
+    "info": {
+      "profileId": 278,
+      "toRevProxyUrl": "";,
+      "toUrl": "";,
+      "serverIpv4": "",
+      "serverTcpPort": 80,
+      "serverName": "cache-ats-01",
+      "cdnId": 1,
+      "cdnName": "CDN_1",
+      "serverId": 21,
+      "profileName": "EDGE_CDN_1_EXAMPLE"
+    },
+    "configFiles": [
+      {
+        "fnameOnDisk": "remap.config",
+        "location": "/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver",
+        "apiUri": 
+        "scope": "profiles"
+      },
+      {
+        "fnameOnDisk": "ssl_multicert.config",
+        "location": "/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver",
+        "apiUri": "/api/1.2/cdns/CDN_1/configfiles/ats/ssl_multicert.config",
+        "scope": "cdns"
+      },
+      {
+        "fnameOnDisk": "parent.config",
+        "location": "/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver",
+        "apiUri": "/api/1.2/servers/cache-ats-01/configfiles/ats/parent.config"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+**GET /api/1.2/servers/:hostname/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+**GET /api/1.2/servers/:host_id/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: Operator
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  **Response Properties**
+  Returns the requested configuration file for download.  If scope used is 
incorrect for the config file requested, returns a 404 with the correct scope.
+  **Response Example** ::
+  {
+    "alerts": [
+      {
+        "level": "error",
+        "text": "Error - incorrect file scope for route used.  Please use the 
profiles route."
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+**GET /api/1.2/profiles/:profile_name/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+**GET /api/1.2/profiles/:profile_id/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: Operator
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  **Response Properties**
+  Returns the requested configuration file for download.  If scope used is 
incorrect for the config file requested, returns a 404 with the correct scope.
+  **Response Example** ::
+  {
+    "alerts": [
+      {
+        "level": "error",
+        "text": "Error - incorrect file scope for route used.  Please use the 
cdns route."
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:cdn_name/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:cdn_id/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: Operator
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  **Response Properties**
+  Returns the requested configuration file for download.  If scope used is 
incorrect for the config file requested, returns a 404 with the correct scope.
+  **Response Example** ::
+  {
+    "alerts": [
+      {
+        "level": "error",
+        "text": "Error - incorrect file scope for route used.  Please use the 
servers route."
+      }
+    ]
+  }
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..794dd4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/api_capability.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v12-api_capability:
+.. _to-api-v12-api-capability-route:
+**GET /api/1.2/api_capabilities**
+  Get all API-capability mappings.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Query Parameters**
+  +----------------+----------+--------+------------------------------------+
+  |    Name        | Required | Type   |         Description                |
+  +================+==========+========+====================================+
+  | ``capability`` |   no     | string | Capability name.                   |
+  +----------------+----------+--------+------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                 
+  | ``id``            | int    | Mapping id.                                   
+  | ``httpMethod``    | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 
+  | ``route``         | string | API route.                                    
+  | ``capability``    | string | Capability name.                              
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+           {
+              "id": "6",
+              "httpMethod": "GET",
+              "route": "/api/*/asns",
+              "capability": "asn-read",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+           },
+           {
+              "id": "7",
+              "httpMethod": "GET",
+              "route": "/api/*/asns/*",
+              "capability": "asn-read",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+           }
+        ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/api_capabilities/:id**
+  Get an API-capability mapping by id.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-------------+----------+-------+-------------------------------------+
+  |    Name     | Required |  Type |         Description                 |
+  +=============+==========+=======+=====================================+
+  |   ``id``    |   yes    | int   | Mapping id.                         |
+  +-------------+----------+-------+-------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                 
+  | ``id``            | int    | Mapping id.                                   
+  | ``httpMethod``    | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 
+  | ``route``         | string | API route.                                    
+  | ``capability``    | string | Capability name.                              
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+           {
+              "id": "6",
+              "httpMethod": "GET",
+              "route": "/api/*/asns",
+              "capability": "asn-read",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+           }
+        ]
+    }
+**POST /api/1.2/api_capabilities**
+  Create an API-capability mapping.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Properties**
+  |    Name        | Required | Type   |                Description            
+  | ``httpMethod`` | yes      | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 
+  | ``route``      | yes      | string | API route.                            
+  | ``capability`` | yes      | string | Capability name                       
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+        "httpMethod": "POST",
+        "route": "/api/*/cdns",
+        "capability": "cdn-write"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter       |  Type  |                   Description                
+  | ``response``       |  hash  | The details of the creation, if success.     
+  | ``>id``            | int    | Mapping id.                                  
+  | ``>httpMethod``    | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 
+  | ``>route``         | string | API route.                                   
+  | ``>capability``    | string | Capability name                              
+  | ``>lastUpdated``   | string |                                              
+  | ``alerts``         | array  | A collection of alert messages.              
+  | ``>level``         | string | Success, info, warning or error.             
+  | ``>text``          | string | Alert message.                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+        "response":{
+              "id": "6",
+              "httpMethod": "POST",
+              "route": "/api/*/cdns",
+              "capability": "cdn-write",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+        },
+        "alerts":[
+            {
+                "level": "success",
+                "text": "API-capability mapping was created."
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+**PUT /api/1.2/api_capabilities/{:id}**
+  Edit an API-capability mapping.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  | Name              | Required | Type   |           Description              
+  |   ``id``          |   yes    | string | Mapping id.                        
+  **Request Properties**
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                 
+  | ``httpMethod``    | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 
+  | ``route``         | string | API route.                                    
+  | ``capability``    | string | Capability name                               
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+        "httpMethod": "GET",
+        "route": "/api/*/cdns",
+        "capability": "cdn-read"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter       |  Type  |                   Description                
+  | ``response``       |  hash  | The details of the creation, if success.     
+  | ``>id``            | int    | Mapping id.                                  
+  | ``>httpMethod``    | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 
+  | ``>route``         | string | API route.                                   
+  | ``>capability``    | string | Capability name                              
+  | ``>lastUpdated``   | string |                                              
+  | ``alerts``         | array  | A collection of alert messages.              
+  | ``>level``         | string | Success, info, warning or error.             
+  | ``>text``          | string | Alert message.                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+        "response":{
+              "id": "6",
+              "httpMethod": "GET",
+              "route": "/api/*/cdns",
+              "capability": "cdn-read",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+        },
+        "alerts":[
+            {
+                "level": "success",
+                "text": "API-capability mapping was updated."
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+**DELETE /api/1.2/api_capabilities/{:id}**
+  Delete a capability.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  | Name              | Required | Type   |           Description              
+  |   ``id``          |   yes    | string | Mapping id.                        
+  **Response Properties**
+  |  Parameter      |  Type    |           Description                         
+  |  ``alerts``     |  array   |  A collection of alert messages.              
+  |  ``>level``     |  string  |  success, info, warning or error.             
+  |  ``>text``      |  string  |  Alert message.                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+          "alerts": [
+                    {
+                            "level": "success",
+                            "text": "API-capability mapping deleted."
+                    }
+            ],
+    }
diff --git 
index 391c278..1831f49 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cachegroup.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cachegroup.txt
@@ -234,6 +234,61 @@ Cache Group
+**GET /api/1.2/cachegroups/:id/unassigned_parameters**
+  Retrieves all parameters NOT assigned to the cache group.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +------------------+----------+-----------------------+
+  |       Name       | Required | Description           |
+  +==================+==========+=======================+
+  | ``id``           | yes      | Cache group id        |
+  +------------------+----------+-----------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter     |  Type   |                    Description                
+  | ``last_updated`` | string  | The Time / Date this server entry was last 
updated                             |
+  | ``secure``       | boolean | When true, the parameter is accessible only 
by admin users. Defaults to false. |
+  | ``value``        | string  | The parameter value, only visible to admin if 
secure is true                   |
+  | ``name``         | string  | The parameter name                            
+  | ``config_file``  | string  | The parameter config_file                     
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+           "last_updated": "2012-09-17 21:41:22",
+           "secure": false,
+           "value": "0,1,2,3,4,5,6",
+           "name": "Drive_Letters",
+           "config_file": "storage.config"
+        },
+        {
+           "last_updated": "2012-09-17 21:41:22",
+           "secure": true,
+           "value": "STRING __HOSTNAME__",
+           "name": "CONFIG proxy.config.proxy_name",
+           "config_file": "records.config"
+        }
+     ],
+    }
 **GET /api/1.2/cachegroup/:parameter_id/parameter**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -391,7 +446,7 @@ Cache Group
   | ``secondaryParentCachegroup``   | no       | Name of Secondary Parent 
Cache Group entry.                       |
-  | ``typeName``                    | yes      | The type of Cache Group 
entry, "EDGE_LOC", "MID_LOC" or "ORG_LOC" |
+  | ``typeId``                      | yes      | The type of Cache Group 
entry, "EDGE_LOC", "MID_LOC" or "ORG_LOC" |
   **Request Example** ::
@@ -402,7 +457,7 @@ Cache Group
         "latitude": 12,
         "longitude": 45,
         "parentCachegroup": "cache_group_mid",
-        "typeName": "EDGE_LOC"
+        "typeId": 6
   **Response Properties**
@@ -636,7 +691,9 @@ Cache Group
   | action       | string  | queue or dequeue                              |
-  | cdn          | string  | cdn name                                      |
+  | cdn          | string  | cdn name or cdn ID is required                |
+  +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
+  | cdnId        | string  | cdn ID or cdn name is required                |
   **Response Properties**
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1872c51
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v12-cachegroupparameters:
+Cache Group parameters
+.. _to-api-v12-cachegroupparameters-route:
+**POST /api/1.2/cachegroupparameters**
+       Assign parameter(s) to cache group(s).
+       Authentication Required: Yes
+       Role(s) Required:  Admin or Operations
+       **Request Properties**
+       Two formats are acceptable.
+       Single cachegroup-parameter format:
+       | Parameter        | Required | Description                             
+       | ``cacheGroupId`` | yes      | cache group id.                         
+       | ``parameterId``  | yes      | parameter id.                           
+       Profile-parameter array format:
+       | Parameter             | Required | Description                        
+       |                       | yes      | cachegroup-parameter array.        
+       | ``>cacheGroupId``     | yes      | cache group id.                    
+       | ``>parameterId``      | yes      | parameter id.                      
+  **Request Example** ::
+    Single cachegroup-parameter format:
+    {
+      "cacheGroupId": 2,
+      "parameterId": 6
+    }
+    Cachegroup-parameter array format:
+    [
+        {
+          "cacheGroupId": 2,
+          "parameterId": 6
+        },
+        {
+          "cacheGroupId": 2,
+          "parameterId": 7
+        },
+        {
+          "cacheGroupId": 3,
+          "parameterId": 6
+        }
+    ]
+       **Response Properties**
+       |  Parameter        |  Type   |           Description                   
+       | ``response``      | array   | Cache group-parameter associations.     
+       | ``>cacheGroupId`` | string  | Cache Group id.                         
+       | ``>parameterId``  | string  | Parameter id.                           
+       | ``alerts``        | array   | A collection of alert messages.         
+       | ``>level``        | string  | success, info, warning or error.        
+       | ``>text``         | string  | Alert message.                          
+       | ``version``       | string  |                                         
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+      "response":[
+        {
+          "cacheGroupId": "2",
+          "parameterId": "6"
+        },
+        {
+          "cacheGroupId": "2",
+          "parameterId": "7"
+        },
+        {
+          "cacheGroupId": "3",
+          "parameterId": "6"
+        }
+      ]
+      "alerts":[
+        {
+          "level": "success",
+          "text": "Cache group parameter associations were created."
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+**DELETE /api/1.2/cachegroupparameters/{:cachegroup_id}/{:parameter_id}**
+    Delete a cache group parameter association.
+       Authentication Required: Yes
+       Role(s) Required:  Admin or Operations
+       **Request Route Parameters**
+       | Name             | Required | Description                             
+       | ``cachegroup_id``| yes      | cache group id.                         
+       | ``parameter_id`` | yes      | parameter id.                           
+       **Response Properties**
+       |  Parameter        |  Type  |           Description                    
+       | ``alerts``        | array  | A collection of alert messages.          
+       | ``>level``        | string | success, info, warning or error.         
+       | ``>text``         | string | Alert message.                           
+       | ``version``       | string |                                          
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+      "alerts":[
+        {
+          "level": "success",
+          "text": "Cache group parameter association was deleted."
+        }
+      ]
+    }
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..570a811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/capability.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v12-capability:
+.. _to-api-v12-capability-route:
+**GET /api/1.2/capabilities**
+  Get all capabilities.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                 
+  | ``name``          | string | Capability name.                              
+  | ``description``   | string | Describing the APIs covered by the 
capability.  |
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+           {
+              "name": "cdn-read",
+              "description": "View CDN configuration",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+           },
+           {
+              "name": "cdn-write",
+              "description": "Create, edit or delete CDN configuration",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+           }
+        ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/capabilities/:name**
+  Get a capability by name.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-------------+----------+--------+------------------------------------+
+  |    Name     | Required | Type   |          Description               |
+  +=============+==========+========+====================================+
+  |   ``name``  |   yes    | string | Capability name.                   |
+  +-------------+----------+--------+------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                 
+  | ``name``          | string | Capability name.                              
+  | ``description``   | string | Describing the APIs covered by the 
capability.  |
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+           {
+              "name": "cdn-read",
+              "description": "View CDN configuration",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+           }
+        ]
+    }
+**POST /api/1.2/capabilities**
+  Create a capability.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Parameters**
+  |      Name       | Required | Type   |          Description                 
+  |   ``name``      | yes      | string | Capability name.                     
+  | ``description`` | yes      | string | Describing the APIs covered by the 
capability.  |
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+        "name": "cdn-write",
+        "description": "Create, edit or delete CDN configuration"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter       |  Type  |                   Description                
+  | ``response``       |  hash  | The details of the creation, if success.     
+  | ``>name``          | string | Capability name.                             
+  | ``>description``   | string | Describing the APIs covered by the 
capability.  |
+  | ``alerts``         | array  | A collection of alert messages.              
+  | ``>level``         | string | Success, info, warning or error.             
+  | ``>text``          | string | Alert message.                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+        "response":{
+            "name": "cdn-write",
+            "description": "Create, edit or delete CDN configuration"
+        },
+        "alerts":[
+            {
+                "level": "success",
+                "text": "Capability was created."
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+**PUT /api/1.2/capabilities/{:name}**
+  Edit a capability.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  | Name              |   Type   |                 Description                 
+  | ``name``          | int      | Capability name.                            
+  **Request Properties**
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                 
+  | ``description``   | string | Describing the APIs covered by the 
capability.  |
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+        "description": "View CDN configuration"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter       |  Type  |                   Description                
+  | ``response``       |  hash  | The details of the update, if success.       
+  | ``>name``          | string | Capability name.                             
+  | ``>description``   |  int   | Describing the APIs covered by the 
capability.  |
+  | ``alerts``         | array  | A collection of alert messages.              
+  | ``>level``         | string | Success, info, warning or error.             
+  | ``>text``          | string | Alert message.                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+        "response":{
+            "name": "cdn-read",
+            "description": "View CDN configuration"
+        },
+        "alerts":[
+            {
+                "level": "success",
+                "text": "Capability was updated."
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+**DELETE /api/1.2/capabilities/{:name}**
+  Delete a capability.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  | Name            | Required | Description                                   
+  | ``name``        | yes      | Capability name.                              
+  **Response Properties**
+  |  Parameter      |  Type    |           Description                         
+  |  ``alerts``     |  array   |  A collection of alert messages.              
+  |  ``>level``     |  string  |  success, info, warning or error.             
+  |  ``>text``      |  string  |  Alert message.                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+          "alerts": [
+                    {
+                            "level": "success",
+                            "text": "Capability deleted."
+                    }
+            ],
+    }
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cdn.txt 
index d7e3c3c..650b0a9 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cdn.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cdn.txt
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ CDN
   | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                     
+  | ``domainName``    | string | TLD of the CDN.                               
   | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | DNSSEC enabled.                               
   | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                               
@@ -49,13 +51,15 @@ CDN
      "response": [
               "id": "1"
-              "name": "over-the-top",
+              "name": "cdn1",
+              "domainName": "",
               "dnssecEnabled": false,
               "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
               "id": "2"
               "name": "cdn2",
+              "domainName": "",
               "dnssecEnabled": true,
               "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
@@ -87,6 +91,8 @@ CDN
   | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                     
+  | ``domainName``    | string | TLD of the CDN.                               
   | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | DNSSEC enabled.                               
   | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                               
@@ -99,6 +105,7 @@ CDN
               "id": "2"
               "name": "cdn2",
+              "domainName": "",
               "dnssecEnabled": false,
               "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
@@ -130,6 +137,8 @@ CDN
   | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                     
+  | ``domainName``    | string | TLD of the CDN.                               
   | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | DNSSEC enabled.                               
   | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                               
@@ -142,6 +151,7 @@ CDN
               "id": "2"
               "name": "cdn2",
+              "domainName": "",
               "dnssecEnabled": false,
               "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
@@ -165,16 +175,19 @@ CDN
   | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                     
-  | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  int   | Whether dnssec is enabled.                    
-  |                   |        | - 0: disabled                                 
-  |                   |        | - 1: enabled                                  
+  | ``domainName``    | string | TLD of the CDN.                               
+  | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | Whether dnssec is enabled.                    
+  |                   |        | - false: disabled                             
+  |                   |        | - true: enabled                               
   **Request Example** ::
         "name": "cdn_test",
-        "dnssecEnabled": 0
+        "domainName": "",
+        "dnssecEnabled": true
   **Response Properties**
@@ -184,12 +197,14 @@ CDN
   | ``response``       |  hash  | The details of the creation, if success.     
-  | ``>name``          | string | CDN name.                                    
   | ``>id``            |  int   | CDN id.                                      
+  | ``>name``          | string | CDN name.                                    
   | ``>dnssecEnabled`` | string | Whether dnssec is enabled.                   
+  | ``>domainName``    | string | TLD of the CDN.                              
   | ``alerts``         | array  | A collection of alert messages.              
   | ``>level``         | string | Success, info, warning or error.             
@@ -202,9 +217,10 @@ CDN
-            "name": "cdn_test",
             "id": 3
-            "dnssecEnabled": 0
+            "name": "cdn_test",
+            "domainName": "",
+            "dnssecEnabled": true
@@ -239,9 +255,11 @@ CDN
   | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                     
-  | ``dnssecEnabled`` | int    | Whether dnssec is enabled.                    
-  |                   |        | - 0: disabled                                 
-  |                   |        | - 1: enabled                                  
+  | ``domainName``    | string | TLD of the CDN.                               
+  | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | Whether dnssec is enabled.                    
+  |                   |        | - false: disabled                             
+  |                   |        | - true: enabled                               
@@ -249,7 +267,8 @@ CDN
         "name": "cdn_test2",
-        "dnssecEnabled": 0
+        "domainName": "",
+        "dnssecEnabled": false
   **Response Properties**
@@ -263,7 +282,9 @@ CDN
   | ``>id``            |  int   | CDN id.                                      
-  | ``>dnssecEnabled`` | string | Whether dnssec is enabled.                   
+  | ``>domainName``    | string | TLD of the CDN.                              
+  | ``>dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | Whether dnssec is enabled.                   
   | ``alerts``         | array  | A collection of alert messages.              
@@ -276,9 +297,10 @@ CDN
+            "id": 3,
             "name": "cdn_test2",
-            "id": 3
-            "dnssecEnabled": 0
+            "domainName": "",
+            "dnssecEnabled": false
@@ -331,6 +353,59 @@ CDN
+**POST /api/1.2/cdns/{:id}/queue_update**
+  Queue or dequeue updates for all servers assigned to a specific CDN.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: admin or oper
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------------+----------+----------------------+
+  | Name            | Required | Description          |
+  +=================+==========+======================+
+  | id              | yes      | the cdn id.          |
+  +-----------------+----------+----------------------+
+  **Request Properties**
+  +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
+  | Name         | Type    | Description                                   |
+  +==============+=========+===============================================+
+  | action       | string  | queue or dequeue                              |
+  +--------------+---------+-----------------------------------------------+
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+        "action": "queue"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  | Name            | Type    | Description                                    
+  | action          | string  | The action processed, queue or dequeue.        
+  | cdnId           | integer | cdn id                                         
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+      "response": {
+            "action": "queue",
+            "cdn": 1
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/changelog.txt 
index 5cedbe0..ff0d72d 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/changelog.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/changelog.txt
@@ -24,12 +24,22 @@ Change Logs
-**GET /api/1.2/logs.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/logs**
   Authentication Required: Yes
   Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  | Name            | Required | Description                                   
+  | ``days``        | no       | The number of days of change logs to return.  
+  | ``limit``       | no       | The number of rows to limit the response to.  
   **Response Properties**
@@ -73,7 +83,7 @@ Change Logs
-**GET /api/1.2/logs/:days/days.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/logs/:days/days**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -130,7 +140,7 @@ Change Logs
-**GET /api/1.2/logs/newcount.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/logs/newcount**
   Authentication Required: Yes
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1697a5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/configfiles-ats.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v12-configfiles-ats:
+Config Files and Config File Metadata
+.. _to-api-v12-configfiles-ats-route:
+**GET /api/1.2/servers/:hostname/configfiles/ats**
+**GET /api/1.2/servers/:host_id/configfiles/ats**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: Operator
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  **Response Properties**
+  |                                        Info Section                        
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                               Description     
+  | ``profileId``     | string | The ID of the profile assigned to the cache.  
+  | ``profileName``   | string | The name of the profile assigned to the 
cache.                          |
+  | ``toRevProxyUrl`` | string | The configured reverse proxy cache for 
configfile requests.             |
+  | ``toURL``         | string | The configured URL for Traffic Ops.           
+  | ``serverIpv4``    | string | The configured IP address of the cache.       
+  | ``serverName``    | string | The cache's short form hostname.              
+  | ``serverId``      | string | The cache's Traffic Ops ID.                   
+  | ``cdnId``         | string | The ID of the cache's assigned CDN.           
+  | ``cdnName``       | string | The name of the cache's assigned CDN.         
+  | ``serverTcpPort`` | string | The configured port of the server's used by 
ATS.                        |
+  | ``serverTcpPort`` | string | The configured port of the server's used by 
ATS.                        |
+  | ``serverTcpPort`` | string | The configured port of the server's used by 
ATS.                        |
+  | ``serverTcpPort`` | string | The configured port of the server's used by 
ATS.                        |
+  | ``serverTcpPort`` | string | The configured port of the server's used by 
ATS.                        |
+  |                                    configFiles Section                     
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                               Description     
+  | ``fnameOnDisk``   | string | The filename of the configuration file as 
stored on the cache.          |
+  | ``location``      | string | The directory location of the configuration 
file as stored on the cache.|
+  | ``apiUri``        | string | The path to generate the configuration file 
from Traffic Ops.           |
+  | ``scope``         | string | The scope of the configuration file.          
+  **Response Example** ::
+  {
+    "info": {
+      "profileId": 278,
+      "toRevProxyUrl": "";,
+      "toUrl": "";,
+      "serverIpv4": "",
+      "serverTcpPort": 80,
+      "serverName": "cache-ats-01",
+      "cdnId": 1,
+      "cdnName": "CDN_1",
+      "serverId": 21,
+      "profileName": "EDGE_CDN_1_EXAMPLE"
+    },
+    "configFiles": [
+      {
+        "fnameOnDisk": "remap.config",
+        "location": "/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver",
+        "apiUri": 
+        "scope": "profiles"
+      },
+      {
+        "fnameOnDisk": "ssl_multicert.config",
+        "location": "/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver",
+        "apiUri": "/api/1.2/cdns/CDN_1/configfiles/ats/ssl_multicert.config",
+        "scope": "cdns"
+      },
+      {
+        "fnameOnDisk": "parent.config",
+        "location": "/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver",
+        "apiUri": "/api/1.2/servers/cache-ats-01/configfiles/ats/parent.config"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+**GET /api/1.2/servers/:hostname/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+**GET /api/1.2/servers/:host_id/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: Operator
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  **Response Properties**
+  Returns the requested configuration file for download.  If scope used is 
incorrect for the config file requested, returns a 404 with the correct scope.
+  **Response Example** ::
+  {
+    "alerts": [
+      {
+        "level": "error",
+        "text": "Error - incorrect file scope for route used.  Please use the 
profiles route."
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+**GET /api/1.2/profiles/:profile_name/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+**GET /api/1.2/profiles/:profile_id/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: Operator
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  **Response Properties**
+  Returns the requested configuration file for download.  If scope used is 
incorrect for the config file requested, returns a 404 with the correct scope.
+  **Response Example** ::
+  {
+    "alerts": [
+      {
+        "level": "error",
+        "text": "Error - incorrect file scope for route used.  Please use the 
cdns route."
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:cdn_name/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:cdn_id/configfiles/ats/:configfile**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: Operator
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  **Response Properties**
+  Returns the requested configuration file for download.  If scope used is 
incorrect for the config file requested, returns a 404 with the correct scope.
+  **Response Example** ::
+  {
+    "alerts": [
+      {
+        "level": "error",
+        "text": "Error - incorrect file scope for route used.  Please use the 
servers route."
+      }
+    ]
+  }

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