diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_config.txt 
index 90c0c1c..b17d57e 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_config.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_config.txt
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Content Delivery Networks
 Profile Parameters
-Many of the settings for the different servers in a Traffic Control CDN are 
controlled by parameters in the parameter view of Traffic Ops. Parameters are 
grouped in profiles and profiles are assigned to a server. For a typical cache 
there are hundreds of configuration settings to apply. The Traffic Ops 
parameter view contains the defined settings. To make life easier, Traffic Ops 
allows for duplication, comparison, import and export of Profiles. Traffic Ops 
also has a "Global profile" - the parameters in this profile are going to be 
applied to all servers in the Traffic Ops instance, or apply to Traffic Ops 
themselves. These parameters are:
+Many of the settings for the different servers in a Traffic Control CDN are 
controlled by parameters in the parameter view of Traffic Ops. Parameters are 
grouped in profiles and profiles are assigned to a server or a deliveryservice. 
For a typical cache there are hundreds of configuration settings to apply. The 
Traffic Ops parameter view contains the defined settings. To make life easier, 
Traffic Ops allows for duplication, comparison, import and export of Profiles. 
Traffic Ops also has a "Global profile" - the parameters in this profile are 
going to be applied to all servers in the Traffic Ops instance, or apply to 
Traffic Ops themselves. These parameters are:
 .. index::
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ Many of the settings for the different servers in a Traffic 
Control CDN are cont
 | tm.url                   | global        | The URL where this Traffic Ops 
instance is being served from.                                                  
+| tm.cache.url             | global        | Not required. The URL where the 
Traffic Ops Config file cache instance is being served from.  Requires Traffic 
Ops 2.1 and above.     |
 | tm.toolname              | global        | The name of the Traffic Ops tool. 
Usually "Traffic Ops". Used in the About screen and in the comments headers of 
the files generated. |
 | tm.infourl               | global        | This is the "for more information 
go here" URL, which is visible in the About page.                               
@@ -90,12 +92,20 @@ Below is a list of cache parameters that are likely to need 
changes from the def
 | allow_ip6                | astats.config     | This is a comma separated  
list of IPv6 CIDR blocks that will have access to the astats statistics on the 
caches.       |
 |                          |                   | The Traffic Monitor IP 
addresses have to be included in this, if they are using IPv6 to monitor the 
caches.             |
-| Drive_Prefix             | storage.config    | JvD/Jeff to supply blurb      
+| Drive_Prefix             | storage.config    | The device path start of the 
disks. For example, if you have ``/dev/sda`` through ``/dev/sdf`` set this to 
``/dev/sd``  |
-| Drive_Letters            | storage.config    | JvD/Jeff to supply blurb      
+| Drive_Letters            | storage.config    | The letter part of the disks, 
in the same example as above set this to ``a,b,c,d,e,f``                        
 | purge_allow_ip           | ip_allow.config   | The IP address range that is 
allowed to execute the PURGE method on the caches (not related to 
:ref:`rl-purge`)         |
+| coalesce_masklen_v4     | ip_allow.config   | The masklen to use when 
coalescing v4 networks into one line using |
+| coalesce_number_v4      | ip_allow.config   | The number to use when 
coalescing v4 networks into one line using  |
+| coalesce_masklen_v6     | ip_allow.config   | The masklen to use when 
coalescing v6 networks into one line using |
+| coalesce_masklen_v6     | ip_allow.config   | The masklen to use when 
coalescing v6 networks into one line using |
 | health.threshold.loadavg | | The Unix load average at 
which Traffic Router will stop sending traffic to this cache                    
 | health.threshold.\\      | | The amount of bandwidth that 
Traffic Router will try to keep available on the cache.                         
@@ -143,6 +153,11 @@ Content Purge is controlled by the following parameters in 
the profile of the ca
 | regex_revalidate     | plugin.config           | The config to be used for 
regex_revalidate.      | `regex_revalidate 
 |                      |                         | For example: --config 
regex_revalidate.config    |                                                    
+| use_reval_pending    | global                  | Configures Traffic Ops to 
use separate           | When this flag is in use ORT will check for a new 
regex_revalidate.config every 60 seconds in syncds mode during the dispersal 
timer. This will         |
+|                      |                         | reval_pending flag for each 
cache.               | also allow ORT to be run in revalidate mode, which will 
check for and clear the reval_pending flag.  This can be set to run via cron 
task.              |
+|                      |                         |                             
                     | This value is set to 0 by default.  Enable with a value 
of 1.  Use of this feature requires Traffic Ops 2.1 and above.                  
 Note that the TTL the adminstrator enters in the purge request should be 
longer than the TTL of the content to ensure the bad content will not be used. 
If the CDN is serving content of unknown, or unlimited TTL, the administrator 
should consider using `proxy-config-http-cache-guaranteed-min-lifetime 
 to limit the maximum time an object can be in the cache before it is 
considered stale, and set that to the same value as `maxRevalDurationDays` 
(Note that the former is in seconds and the latter is in days, so convert 
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_install.txt 
index ca49461..d0caaf8 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_install.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_install.txt
@@ -379,3 +379,106 @@ To upgrade:
 2. Enter the following command:``yum upgrade traffic_ops``
 3. See :ref:`rl-ps` to run postinstall.
 4. Enter the following command:``service traffic_ops start``
+Manually Generating and Installing the SSL Certificate
+.. Note:: This section is valid for traffic-control 2.0.0 and later.
+Self-signed Certificate (Development)
+    Example Procedure::
+      $ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out localhost.pass.key 2048
+      Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
+      ...
+      $ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in localhost.pass.key -out localhost.key
+      writing RSA key
+      $ rm localhost.pass.key
+      $ openssl req -new -key localhost.key -out localhost.csr
+      You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
+      into your certificate request.
+      What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a 
+      There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+      For some fields there will be a default value,
+      If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+      -----
+      Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:US<enter>
+      State or Province Name (full name) []:CO<enter>
+      Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:Denver<enter>
+      Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]: <enter>
+      Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: <enter>
+      Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []: <enter>
+      Email Address []: <enter>
+      Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
+      to be sent with your certificate request
+      A challenge password []: pass<enter>
+      An optional company name []: <enter>
+      $ openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in localhost.csr -signkey 
localhost.key -out localhost.crt
+      Signature ok
+      subject=/C=US/ST=CO/L=Denver/O=Default Company Ltd
+      Getting Private key
+      $ sudo cp localhost.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs
+      $ sudo cp localhost.key /etc/pki/tls/private
+      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
+      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
+Certificate from Certificate Authority (Production)
+.. Note:: You will need to know the appropriate answers when generating the 
certificate request file `trafficopss.csr` below.
+    Example Procedure::
+      $ openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out trafficops.pass.key 2048
+      Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
+      ...
+      $ openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in trafficops.pass.key -out trafficops.key
+      writing RSA key
+      $ rm localhost.pass.key
+      Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file needed for 
Certificate Authority (CA) request.
+      $ openssl req -new -key trafficops.key -out trafficops.csr
+      You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
+      into your certificate request.
+      What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a 
+      There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
+      For some fields there will be a default value,
+      If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
+      -----
+      Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]: <enter country code>
+      State or Province Name (full name) []: <enter state or province>
+      Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]: <enter locality name>
+      Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]: <enter 
organization name>
+      Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: <enter organizational unit 
+      Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []: <enter 
server's hostname name>
+      Email Address []: <enter e-mail address>
+      Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
+      to be sent with your certificate request
+      A challenge password []: <enter challenge password>
+      An optional company name []: <enter>
+      $ sudo cp trafficops.key /etc/pki/tls/private
+      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/private/trafficops.key
+      You must then take the output file trafficops.csr and submit a request 
to your Certificate Authority (CA).
+      Once you get approved and receive your trafficops.crt file:
+      $ sudo cp trafficops.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs
+      $ sudo chown trafops:trafops /etc/pki/tls/certs/trafficops.crt
+      If necessary, install the CA certificates .pem and .crt in 
+      You will need to update the file /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/cdn.conf with 
the following changes:
+            ...
+            e.g. given trafficops.crt and trafficops.key
+            'hypnotoad' => ...
+                'listen' => 
+             ...
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_using.txt 
index eb3d0ee..c62704c 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_using.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_ops_using.txt
@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ The following tabs are available in the menu at the top of 
the Traffic Ops user
   |       Option       |                                        Description    
+  | CDNs               | Create/Read/Update/Delete CDNs                        
   | Cache Groups       | Create/Read/Update/Delete cache groups                
   | Users              | Create/Read/Update/Delete users                       
@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ These are the types of servers that can be managed in 
Traffic Ops:
 | ORG           | Origin                                      |
-| CCR           | Comcast Content Router                      |
+| CCR           | Traffic Router                              |
 | RASCAL        | Rascal health polling & reporting           |
@@ -278,7 +280,7 @@ These are the types of servers that can be managed in 
Traffic Ops:
 Bulk Upload Server
 Delivery Service
@@ -309,6 +311,8 @@ The fields in the Delivery Service view are:
 |                                                  | - 0 use in cache key and 
hand up to origin -this means each unique query string Is treated as a unique 
 |                                                  | - 1 Do not use in cache 
key, but pass up to origin - this means a 2 URLs that are the same except for 
the query string will match, and cache HIT, while the origin still sees 
original query string in the request. |
 |                                                  | - 2 Drop at edge - this 
means a 2 URLs that are the same except for  the query string will match, and 
cache HIT, while the origin will not see original query string in the request.  
+|                                                  |                           
+|                                                  | **Note:** Choosing to 
drop query strings at the edge will preclude the use of a Regex Remap 
Expression. See :ref:`rl-regex-remap`.                                          
 | Geo Limit?                                       | Some services are 
intended to be limited by geography. The possible settings are are:             
 |                                                  |                           
@@ -339,12 +343,7 @@ The fields in the Delivery Service view are:
 | Use Multi Site Origin Feature                    | Enable the Multi Site 
Origin feature for this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`       
-| Multi Site Origin Algorithm                      | - 1 Consistent Hash 
spreads requests across multiple parents simultaneously based on hash of 
content URL.                                                                    
-|                                                  | - 2 Strict Round Robin 
spreads requests across multiple parents simultaneously based on order of 
-|                                                  | - 3 IP Based Round Robin 
spreads requests across multiple parents simultaneously based on order of 
requests, but ensures that requests from the same IP always go to the same 
parent if available.                  |
-|                                                  | - 4 Latched uses only a 
single parent at any given time and switches to a new parent only if the 
current parent fails.                                                           
-| CCR profile                                      | The Traffic Router  
profile for this delivery service. See :ref:`rl-ccr-profile`.                   
+| Profile                                          | The profile for this 
delivery service.                                                               
 | Maximum Bits per Second allowed globally         | The maximum bits per 
second this delivery service can serve across all EDGE caches before traffic 
will be diverted to the bypass destination. For a DNS delivery service, the 
Bypass Ipv4 or Ipv6  will be used     |
 |                                                  | (depending on whether 
this was a A or AAAA request), and for HTTP delivery services the Bypass FQDN 
will be used.                                                                   
@@ -361,6 +360,8 @@ The fields in the Delivery Service view are:
 | Mid Header Rewrite Rules                         | Header Rewrite rules to 
apply for this delivery service at the MID tier. See :ref:`rl-header-rewrite`. 
 | Regex Remap Expression                           | Regex Remap rule to apply 
to this delivery service at the Edge tier. See `ATS documentation on 
 [1]_        |
+|                                                  |                           
+|                                                  | **Note:** you will not be 
able to save a Regex Remap Expression if you have Query String Handling set to 
drop query strings at the edge. See :ref:`rl-regex-remap`.                      
 | Cache URL expression                             | Cache URL rule to apply 
to this delivery service. See `ATS documentation on cacheurl 
 [1]_                                 |
@@ -594,14 +595,14 @@ Parameters in the Mid (parent) profile that influence 
this feature:
 Multi Site Origin
-.. Note:: The Multi Site Origin feature is based upon a feature n ATS that has 
yet to be submitted to Traffic Server upstream, until it is, set this to 0, or 
use the ATS rpm supplied on the website.
-Normally, the mid servers are not aware of any redundancy at the origin layer. 
With Multi Site Origin enabled this changes - Traffic Server (and Traffic Ops) 
are now made aware of the fact there are multiple origins, and can be 
configured to do more advanced failover and loadbalancing actions.
+.. Note:: The configuration of this feature changed significantly between ATS 
version 5 and >= 6. Some configuration in Traffic Control is different as well. 
This documentation assumes ATS 6 or higher. See 
:ref:`rl-multi-site-origin-qht-ats5` for the ATS version 5.x configuration 
-With This feature enabled, origin servers (or origin server VIP names for a 
site) are going to be entered as servers in to the Traiffic Ops UI. Server type 
is ""
+Normally, the mid servers are not aware of any redundancy at the origin layer. 
With Multi Site Origin enabled this changes - Traffic Server (and Traffic Ops) 
are now made aware of the fact there are multiple origins, and can be 
configured to do more advanced failover and loadbalancing actions. A 
prerequisite for MSO to work is that the multiple origin sites serve identical 
content with identical paths, and both are configured to serve the same origin 
hostname as is configured in the deliveryservice `Origin Server Base URL` 
field. See the `Apache Traffic Server docs 
 for more information on that cache's implementation.
+With This feature enabled, origin servers (or origin server VIP names for a 
site) are going to be entered as servers in to the Traiffic Ops UI. Server type 
is "ORG".
-Parameters in the Origin profile that influence this feature:
+Parameters in the mid profile that influence this feature:
 |                                   Name                                   |   
 Filename    |  Default   |                                            
Description                                             |
@@ -610,27 +611,40 @@ Parameters in the Origin profile that influence this 
 | CONFIG proxy.config. url_remap.remap_required                            | 
records.config | INT 1      | required for parent selection.                    
-| CONFIG proxy.config. http.parent_proxy.per_parent_connect_attempts       | 
records.config | INT 5      | maximum of 5 connection attempts per parent 
(parent.config list) within a transaction.             |
-| CONFIG proxy.config. http.parent_proxy.total_connect_attempts            | 
records.config | INT 10     | maximum of 10 total connection attempts within a 
transaction.                                      |
-| CONFIG proxy.config. http.parent_origin.simple_retry_enabled             | 
records.config | INT 1      | enables simple retry.                             
-| CONFIG proxy.config. http.parent_origin.simple_retry_response_codes      | 
records.config | STRING 404 | the response code that invokes simple retry.  May 
be a comman separated list of response codes.    |
-| CONFIG proxy.config. http.parent_origin.dead_server_retry_response_codes | 
records.config | STRING 503 | the response code that invokes dead server retry. 
 May be a comma separated list of response codes |
-| CONFIG proxy.config. http.parent_origin.dead_server_retry_enabled        | 
records.config | INT 1      | enables dead server retry.                        
-| CONFIG proxy.config. diags.debug.enabled                                 | 
records.config | INT 1      | enable debugging for testing only                 
+Parameters in the deliveryservice profile that influence this feature:
+|                                   Name      |    Filename    |  Default      
Description                                             |
+| mso.parent_retry                            | parent.config  | \-            
  | Either ``simple_retry``, ``dead_server_retry`` or ``both``.                 
+| mso.algorithm                               | parent.config  | 
consistent_hash | The algorithm to use. ``consisten_hash``, ``strict``, 
``true``, ``false``, or ``latched``.                                      |
+|                                             |                |               
+|                                             |                |               
  | - ``consisten_hash`` - spreads requests across multiple parents 
simultaneously based on hash of content URL.                    |
+|                                             |                |               
  | - ``strict`` - strict Round Robin spreads requests across multiple parents 
simultaneously based on order of requests.           |
+|                                             |                |               
  | - ``true`` - same as strict, but ensures that requests from the same IP 
always go to the same parent if available.              |
+|                                             |                |               
  | - ``false`` - uses only a single parent at any given time and switches to a 
new parent only if the current parent fails.        |
+|                                             |                |               
  | - ``latched`` - same as false, but now, a failed parent will not be 
retried.                                                    |
+| mso.unavailable_server_retry_response_codes | parent.config  | "503"         
  | Quoted, comma separated list of HTTP status codes that count as a 
unavailable_server_retry_response_code.                       |
+| mso.max_unavailable_server_retries          | parent.config  | 1             
  | How many times an unavailable server will be retried.                       
+| mso.simple_retry_response_codes             | parent.config  | "404"         
  | Quoted, comma separated list of HTTP status codes that count as a simple 
retry response code.                                   |
+| mso.max_simple_retries                      | parent.config  | 1             
  | How many times a simple retry will be done.                                 
 see :ref:`rl-multi-site-origin-qht` for a *quick how to* on this feature.
 .. _rl-ccr-profile:
-CCR Profile or Traffic Router Profile
+Traffic Router Profile
 |                   Name                  |      Config_file       |           
@@ -655,8 +669,6 @@ CCR Profile or Traffic Router Profile
 | coveragezone.polling.url                | CRConfig.json          | The 
location (URL) to retrieve the coverage zone map file in XML format from.       
-| domain_name                             | CRConfig.json          | The top 
level domain of this Traffic Router instance.                                   
 | tld.soa.expire                          | CRConfig.json          | The value 
for the expire field the Traffic Router DNS Server will respond with on Start 
of Authority (SOA) records.                                                     
 | tld.soa.minimum                         | CRConfig.json          | The value 
for the minimum field the Traffic Router DNS Server will respond with on SOA 
@@ -719,6 +731,21 @@ CCR Profile or Traffic Router Profile
+.. index::
+  Regex Remap Expression
+.. _rl-regex-remap:
+Regex Remap Expression
+The regex remap expression allows to to use a regex and resulting match 
group(s) in order to modify the request URIs that are sent to origin. For 
example: ::
+  ^/original/(.*)$1
+.. Note:: If **Query String Handling** is set to ``2 Drop at edge``, then you 
will not be allowed to save a regex remap expression, as dropping query strings 
actually relies on a regex remap of its own. However, if there is a need to 
both drop query strings **and** remap request URIs, this can be accomplished by 
setting **Query String Handling** to ``1 Do not use in cache key, but pass up 
to origin``, and then using a custom regex remap expression to do the necessary 
remapping, while simultaneously dropping query strings. The following example 
will capture the original request URI up to, but not including, the query 
string and then forward to a remapped URI: ::
+  ^/([^?]*).*$1
 ..   index::
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_router.txt 
index 4fe4759..33ba4ee 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_router.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_router.txt
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ The following are requirements to ensure an accurate set up:
 6. Start Tomcat: ``sudo service tomcat start``, and test lookups with dig and 
curl against that server.
+       To restart, ``sudo service tomcat stop``, kill the traffic router 
process, and ``sudo service tomcat start``
+       Also, crconfig previously recieved will be cached, and needs to be 
removed manually to actually be reloaded /opt/traffic_router/db/cr-config.json
 7. Snapshot CRConfig; See :ref:`rl-snapshot-crconfig`
 ..  Note:: Once the CRConfig is snapshotted, live traffic will be sent to the 
new Traffic Routers provided that their status is set to ``ONLINE``.
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_server.txt 
index 1b99ce0..9283708 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_server.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_server.txt
@@ -18,26 +18,53 @@ Traffic Server Administration
 Installing Traffic Server
-1. Select **Servers** in the Traffic Ops web interface.
-2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click **Add Server**.
-3. Complete the *Required Info*: section.
-4. Click **Submit**.
-5. Click **Save**.
-.. 6. Click **Online Server**.
-.. 7. From the Set status of this machine to ONLINE? screen, click **OK**.
+#.  Get the Traffic Server RPM and the astats RPM.
+    Sample command: ::
+        wget
+        wget
+    (astats was not released as part of 1.7, so in this examples 1.6.1 was 
+#.  Install Traffic Server and astats: ::
+        sudo yum -y install trafficserver-*.rpm astats_over_http*.rpm
+#.  Add the server using the Traffic Ops web interface:
+    #. Select **Servers**.
+    #. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click **Add Server**.
+    #. Complete the "Required Info:" section:
+        * Set 'Interface Name' to the name of the interface from which traffic 
server delivers content. 
+        * Set 'Type' to 'MID' or 'EDGE'.
+    #. Click **Submit**.
+    #. Click **Save**.
+    #. Click **Online Server**. 
+    #. Verify that the server status is now listed as **Reported**
+#.  Install the ORT script and run it in 'badass' mode to create the initial 
configuration, see :ref:`reference-traffic-ops-ort` 
+#.  Start the service: ``sudo service trafficserver start``
+#.  Configure traffic server to start automatically: ``sudo chkconfig 
trafficserver on``
+#.  Verify that the installation is good:
+    #. Make sure that the service is running: ``sudo service trafficserver 
+    #. Assuming a traffic monitor is already installed, browse to it, and 
verify that the traffic server appears in the "Cahce States" table, in white.
 .. _reference-traffic-ops-ort:
 Configuring Traffic Server
 All of the Traffic Server application configuration files are generated by 
Traffic Ops and installed by way of the script. 
+The should be installed on all caches (by puppet or other 
non Traffic Ops means), usually in /opt/ort. It is used to do the initial 
install of the config files when the cache is being deployed, and to keep the 
config files up to date when the cache is already in service.  The usage 
message of the script is shown below: ::
-  The should be installed on all caches (by puppet or other 
non Traffic Ops means), usually in /opt/ort. It is used to do initial install 
of the config files when the cache is being deployed, and to keep the config 
files up to date when the cache is already in service.  The usage message of 
the script is shown below: ::
-    $ sudo ./ syncds warn
+    $ sudo /opt/ort/
     Thu May 26 15:52:11 UTC 2016
     Usage: ./ <Mode> <Log_Level> <Traffic_Ops_URL> 
<Traffic_Ops_Login> [optional flags]
@@ -59,13 +86,58 @@ All of the Traffic Server application configuration files 
are generated by Traff
+Installing the ORT script
+#.  The ORT script is not a part of the traffic server distribution. In this 
sample session, we get it manually from github: ::
+        sudo mkdir /opt/ort
+        sudo wget -P /opt/ort
+        sudo chmod +x /opt/ort/
+#.  Install modules required by ORT: ``sudo yum -y install perl-JSON 
+#.  For initial configuration or when major changes (like a Profile change) 
need to be made, run the script in "badass mode". All required rpm packages 
+    will be installed, all Traffic Server config files will be fetched and 
installed, and (if needed) the Traffic Server application will be restarted.  
+    Example run below: ::
+        $ sudo /opt/ort/ --dispersion=0 badass warn 
https://ops.$tcDomain admin:admin123
+    .. Note:: First run gives a lot of state errors that are expected. The 
"badass" mode fixes these issue s. Run it a second time, this should be cleaner.
+       Also, note that many ERROR messages emitted by ORT are actually 
information messages. Do not panic.
+#.  Create a cron entry for running ort in 'syncds' mode every 15 minutes. 
+    This makes traffic control check periodically if 'Queue Updates' was run 
on Traffic Ops, and it so, get the updated configuration.
+    Run ``sudo crontab -e`` and add the following line :: 
+               */15 * * * * /opt/ort/ syncds warn admin:password --login_dispersion=30 
--dispersion=180 > /tmp/ort/syncds.log 2>&1
+    Changing ````, ``admin``, and ``password`` 
to your CDN URL and credentials.
+    .. Note:: By default, running ort on an edge traffic server waits for it's 
parent (mid) servers to download their configuration before 
+       it downloads it's own configuration. Because of this, scheduling ort 
for running every 15 minutes (with 5 minutes default dispersion) means 
+       that it might take up to ~35 minutes for a "Queue Updates" operation to 
affect all traffic servers.  To customize this dispersion time, use 
+       the command line option --dispersion=x where x is the number of seconds 
for the dispersion period.  Servers will select a random number from
+       within this dispersion period to being pulling down configuration files 
from Traffic Ops.  Another option, --login_dispersion=x can be used.
+       This option creates a dispersion period after the job begins during 
which ORT will wait before logging in and checking Traffic Ops for updates
+       to the server.  This defaults to 0.  If use_reval_pending, a.k.a. Rapid 
Revalidate is enabled, edges will NOT wait for their parents to download
+       their configuration before downloading their own.
+    .. Note:: In 'syncds' mode, the ort script updates only configurations 
that might be changed as part of normal operations, such as:
+        * Delivery Services
+        * SSL certificates
+        * Traffic Monitor IP addresses
+        * Logging configuration
+        * Revalidation requests (By default. If Rapid Revalidate is enabled, 
this will only be checked by using a separate revalidate command in ORT.)
-  For initial configuration or when major changes (like a Profile change) need 
to be made, run the script in "badass mode". All required rpm packages will be 
installed, all Traffic Server config files will be fetched and installed, and 
(if needed) the Traffic Server application will be restarted.  Example run 
below: ::
-    run here 
+#.  If Rapid Revalidate is enabled in Traffic Ops, create a second cron job 
for revalidation checks.  ORT will not check revalidation files if Rapid 
+    is enabled. This setting allows for a separate check to be performed every 
60 seconds to verify if a revalidation update has been made.
-  For "every day changes" such as adding deliveryservices or changing 
records.config parameters caches should run the script in "syncds" mode out of 
cron. Example crontab entry: :: 
+    Run ``sudo crontab -e`` and add the following line :: 
-               */15 * * * * /opt/ort/ syncds warn admin:password > /tmp/ort/syncds.log 2>&1
+        */1 * * * * /opt/ort/ revalidate warn admin:password --login_dispersion=30 > 
/tmp/ort/syncds.log 2>&1
-  .. Note:: <disclaimer on what is "hot changeable" here>
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_stats.txt 
index df720ae..2355202 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_stats.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/admin/traffic_stats.txt
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ Installation
 **Installing Traffic Stats:**
-       - Download the Traffic Stats RPM from the traffic control `downloads 
<>`_ page.
-       - Copy the Traffic Stats RPM to your server
-       - sudo rpm -ivh <traffic_stats rpm>
+       - See the `downloads 
<>`_ page for Traffic 
Control to get the lastest release.
+       - Follow our build `intructions 
<>`_ to 
generate an RPM.
+       - Copy the RPM to your server
+       - perform the following command: ``sudo rpm -ivh <traffic_stats rpm>``
 **Installing InfluxDB:**
@@ -128,30 +129,30 @@ InfluxDb Tools
 Under the Traffic Stats source directory there is a directory called 
influxdb_tools.  These tools are meant to be used as one-off scripts to help a 
user quickly get new databases and continuous queries setup in influxdb.
 They are specific for traffic stats and are not meant to be generic to 
influxdb.  Below is an brief description of each script along with how to use 
        This script creates all `databases 
 `retention policies 
 and `continuous queries 
 required by traffic stats.
        **How to use create_ts_databases:**
-               1. Go 1.4 or later
+               1. Go 1.7 or later
                2. configured $GOPATH (e.g. export GOPATH=~/go)
        Using create_ts_databases.go
-               1. go get
+               1. go to the traffic_stats/influxdb_tools/create directory
-               2. go build create_ts_databases.go
+               2. build it by running ``go build create_ts_databases.go`` or 
simply ``go build``
                3. Run it:
-                       - ./create_ts_databases -help
+                       - ``./create_ts_databases -help`` or ``./create -help``
                        - optional flags:
                                - url -  The influxdb url and port
                                - replication -  The number of nodes in the 
                                - user - The user to use
                                - password - The password to use
-                       - example: ./create_ts_databases -url=localhost:8086 
-replication=3 -user=joe -password=mysecret
+                       - example: ``./create_ts_databases -url=localhost:8086 
-replication=3 -user=joe -password=mysecret`` or ``./create -url=localhost:8086 
-replication=3 -user=joe -password=mysecret``
        This script is used to sync one influxdb environment to another.  Only 
data from continuous queries is synced as it is downsampled data and much 
smaller in size than syncing raw data.  Possible use cases are syncing from 
Production to Development or Syncing a new cluster once brought online.
@@ -160,28 +161,28 @@ They are specific for traffic stats and are not meant to 
be generic to influxdb.
-               1. Go 1.4 or later
+               1. Go 1.7 or later
                2. configured $GOPATH (e.g. export GOPATH=~/go)
        Using sync_ts_databases.go:
-               1. go get
+               1. go to the traffic_stats/influxdb_tools/create directory
-               2. go build sync_ts_databases.go
+               2. build it by running ``go build sync_ts_databases.go`` or 
simply ``go build``
                3. Run it
-                       - ./sync_ts_databases -help
+                       - ``./sync_ts_databases -help`` or ``./sync -help``
                        - required flags:
-                               - sourceUrl - The URL of the source database
-                               - targetUrl - The URL of the target database
+                               - source-url - The URL of the source database
+                               - target-url - The URL of the target database
                        -optional flags:
                                - database - The database to sync (default = 
sync all databases)
                                - days - Days in the past to sync (default = 
sync all data)
-                               - sourceUser - The user of the source database
-                               - sourcePass - The password for the source 
-                               - targetUser - The user of the target database
-                               - targetPass - The password for the target 
+                               - source-user - The user of the source database
+                               - source-pass - The password for the source 
+                               - target-user - The user of the target database
+                               - target-pass - The password for the target 
-                       - example: ./sync_ts_databases 
-targetUrl= -database=cache_stats 
-days=7 -sourceUser=joe sourcePass=mysecret
+                       - example: `./sync 
-source-url= -target-url= 
-database=cache_stats -days=7 -source-user=admin source-pass=mysecret`
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/building.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87e68e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/building.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _dev-building:
+Building Traffic Control
+Build using pkg
+This is the easiest way to build all the components of Traffic Control;
+all requirements are automatically loaded into the image used to build
+each component.
+-  ``docker`` (
+-  ``docker-compose`` (
+   (optional, but recommended)
+If ``docker-compose`` is not available, the ``pkg`` script will
+automatically download and run it in a container. This is noticeably
+slower than running it natively.
+    $ ./pkg -?
+    Usage: ./pkg [options] [projects]
+        -q      Quiet mode. Supresses output.
+        -v      Verbose mode. Lists all build output.
+        -l      List available projects.
+        If no projects are listed, all projects will be packaged.
+        Valid projects:
+                - traffic_portal_build
+                - traffic_router_build
+                - traffic_monitor_build
+                - source
+                - traffic_ops_build
+                - traffic_stats_build
+If any project names are provided on the command line, only those will be 
+Otherwise, all projects are built.
+All artifacts (rpms, logs, source tar ball) are copied to ``dist`` at the top 
level of the
+``incubator-trafficcontrol`` directory.
+    $ ./pkg -v source traffic_ops_build
+    Building source.
+    Building traffic_ops_build.
+Build using docker-compose
+If the ``pkg`` script fails, ``docker-compose`` can still be used directly.
+    $ docker-compose -f ./infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml down 
+    $ docker-compose -f ./infrastructure/docker/build/docker-compose.yml up 
--build source traffic_ops_build
+    $ ls -1 dist/
+    build-traffic_ops.log
+    traffic_ops-2.1.0-6396.07033d6d.el7.src.rpm
+    traffic_ops-2.1.0-6396.07033d6d.el7.x86_64.rpm
+    traffic_ops_ort-2.1.0-6396.07033d6d.el7.src.rpm
+    traffic_ops_ort-2.1.0-6396.07033d6d.el7.x86_64.rpm
+    trafficcontrol-incubating-2.1.0.tar.gz
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/index.txt 
index 851e463..ecabe1d 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/index.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/index.txt
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ Use this guide to start developing applications that 
consume the Traffic Control
 .. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
+  building
+  traffic_monitor_golang
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_monitor_golang.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..118a623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_monitor_golang.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+Traffic Monitor Golang
+The next major version of Traffic Monitor has been completely rewritten in 
Golang. Currently, this version is functionally equivalent, and should be 
considered "beta." It is recommended that new CDN deployments continue to use 
the existing Java version, until the new version is completely moved over in 
the source and binary distributions. However, developers and administrators are 
encouraged to test the Golang version, to prepare for operational differences 
and look for bugs.
+Traffic Monitor is an HTTP service application that monitors caches, provides 
health state information to Traffic Router, and collects statistics for use in 
tools such as Traffic Ops and Traffic Stats. The health state provided by 
Traffic Monitor is used by Traffic Router to control which caches are available 
on the CDN.
+Software Requirements
+To work on Traffic Monitor you need a \*nix (MacOS and Linux are most commonly 
used) environment that has the following installed:
+* Golang
+Project Tree Overview
+* ``traffic_control/traffic_monitor/`` - base directory for Traffic Monitor.
+* ``cache/`` - Handler for processing cache results.
+* ``config/`` - Application configuration; in-memory objects from 
+* ``crconfig/`` - struct for deserlializing the CRConfig from JSON.
+* ``deliveryservice/`` - aggregates delivery service data from cache results.
+* ``deliveryservicedata/`` - deliveryservice structs. This exists separate 
from ``deliveryservice`` to avoid circular dependencies.
+* ``enum/`` - enumerations and name alias types.
+* ``health/`` - functions for calculating cache health, and creating health 
event objects.
+* ``manager/`` - manager goroutines (microthreads).
+       * ``health.go`` - Health request manager. Processes health results, 
from the health poller -> fetcher -> manager. The health poll is the 
"heartbeat" containing a small amount of stats, primarily to determine whether 
a cache is reachable as quickly as possible. Data is aggregated and inserted 
into shared threadsafe objects.
+       * ``manager.go`` - Contains ``Start`` function to start all pollers, 
handlers, and managers.
+       * ``monitorconfig.go`` - Monitor config manager. Gets data from the 
monitor config poller, which polls Traffic Ops for changes to which caches are 
monitored and how.
+       * ``opsconfig.go`` - Ops config manager. Gets data from the ops config 
poller, which polls Traffic Ops for changes to monitoring settings.
+       * ``peer.go`` - Peer manager. Gets data from the peer poller -> fetcher 
-> handler and aggregates it into the shared threadsafe objects.
+       * ``stat.go`` - Stat request manager. Processes stat results, from the 
stat poller -> fetcher -> manager. The stat poll is the large statistics poll, 
containing all stats (such as HTTP codes, transactions, delivery service 
statistics, and more). Data is aggregated and inserted into shared threadsafe 
+       * ``statecombiner.go`` - Manager for combining local and peer states, 
into a single combined states threadsafe object, for serving the CrStates 
+* ``datareq/`` - HTTP routing, which has threadsafe health and stat objects 
populated by stat and health managers.
+* ``peer/`` - Manager for getting and populating peer data from other Traffic 
+* ``srvhttp/`` - HTTP service. Given a map of endpoint functions, which are 
lambda closures containing aggregated data objects.
+* ``static/`` - Web GUI HTML and javascript files
+* ``threadsafe/`` - Threadsafe objects for storing aggregated data needed by 
multiple goroutines (typically the aggregator and HTTP server)
+* ``trafficopsdata/`` - Struct for fetching and storing Traffic Ops data 
needed from the CRConfig. This is primarily mappings, such as delivery service 
servers, and server types.
+* ``trafficopswrapper/`` - Threadsafe wrapper around the Traffic Ops client. 
The client used to not be threadsafe, however, it mostly (possibly entirely) is 
now. But, the wrapper also serves to overwrite the Traffic Ops 
``monitoring.json`` values, which are live, with snapshotted CRConfig values.
+At the highest level, Traffic Monitor polls caches, aggregates their data and 
availability, and serves it at HTTP JSON endpoints.
+In the code, the data flows thru microthread (goroutine) pipelines. All stages 
of the pipeline are independent running microthreads:sup:`1`. The pipelines are:
+* **stat poll** - polls caches for all statistics data. This should be a 
slower poll, which gets a lot of data.
+* **health poll** - polls caches for a tiny amount of data, typically system 
information. This poll is designed to be a heartbeat, determining quickly 
whether the cache is reachable. Since it's a small amount of data, it should 
poll more frequently.
+* **peer poll** - polls Traffic Monitor peers for their availability data, and 
aggregates it with its own availability results and that of all other peers.
+* **monitor config** - polls Traffic Ops for the list of Traffic Monitors and 
their info.
+* **ops config** - polls for changes to the ops config file 
``traffic_ops.cfg``, and sends updates to other pollers when the config file 
has changed.
+  * The ops config manager also updates the shared Traffic Ops client, since 
it's the actor which becomes notified of config changes requiring a new client.
+  * The ops config manager also manages, creates, and recreates the HTTP 
server, since ops config changes necessitate restarting the HTTP server.
+All microthreads in the pipeline are started by ``manager/manager.go:Start()``.
+  --------------------     --------------------     --------------------
+  | ops config poller |-->| ops config handler |-->| ops config manager 
|-->-restart HTTP server-------------------------
+   -------------------     --------------------     -------------------- |     
-->-ops config change subscriber-------------  |
+                                                                         |     
                                      |  |
-->-Traffic Ops client change subscriber--  |  |
                                   |  |  |
  |  |
+      |                                                                        
                                      |  |
+      |   
+      |   |                                                                    
+      \/  \/                                                                   
+     -----------------------     ------------------------                      
+    | monitor config poller |-->| monitor config manager |-->-stat 
subscriber--------             -----------------------
+     -----------------------     ------------------------ |                    
     |             |
+                                                          |->-health 
subscriber---  |             \/                           _
+                                                          |                    
  |  |       -------------                    _( )._
+                                                          -->-peer 
subscriber--  |  |      | HTTP server |->-HTTP request-> (____)_)
|  |  |       -------------
|  |              ^
+  |                                                                            
  |  |              |
+  |  
|              ------------------------
+  |  |                                                                         
     |                                     |
+  |  |  
+  |  |  |                                                                      
+  |  |  |   -------------     --------------     --------------     
--------------                            -----------------------
+  |  |  -->| stat poller |-->| stat fetcher |-->| stat handler |-->| stat 
manager |->--------set shared data->| shared data         |
+  |  |      ------------- |   --------------     --------------  |  
--------------                            -----------------------
+  |  |                    |   --------------     --------------  |             
                               | events              |
+  |  |                    |->| stat fetcher |-->| stat handler |-|             
                               | toData              |
+  |  |                    |   --------------     --------------  |             
                               | errorCount          |
+  |  |                    ...                                    ...           
                               | healthIteration     |
+  |  |                                                                         
                               | fetchCount          |
+  |  |     ---------------     ----------------     ----------------     
----------------                     | localStates         |
+  |  ---->| health poller |-->| health fetcher |-->| health handler |-->| 
health manager |->-set shared data->| toSession           |
+  |        --------------- |   ----------------     ----------------  |  
----------------                     | peerStates          |
+  |                        |   ----------------     ----------------  |        
                               | monitorConfig       |
+  |                        |->| health fetcher |-->| health handler |-|        
                               | combinedStates      |
+  |                        |   ----------------     ----------------  |        
                               | statInfoHistory     |
+  |                        ...                                        ...      
                               | statResultHistory   |
+  |                                                                            
                               | statMaxKbpses       |
+  |       -------------     --------------     --------------     
--------------                              | lastKbpsStats       |
+  ------>| peer poller |-->| peer fetcher |-->| peer handler |-->| peer 
manager |->----------set shared data->| dsStats             |
+          ------------- |   --------------     --------------  |  
--------------                              | localCacheStatus    |
+                        |   --------------     --------------  |               
                               | lastHealthDurations |
+                        |->| peer fetcher |-->| peer handler |-|               
                               | healthHistory       |
+                        |   --------------     --------------  |               
+                        ...                                    ...
+:sup:`1`Technically, some stages which are one-to-one simply call the next 
stage as a function. For example, the Fetcher calls the Handler as a function 
in the same microthread. But this isn't architecturally significant.
+Stat Pipeline
+  ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------
+  | poller |-->| fetcher |-->| handler |-->| manager |
+   -------- |   ---------     ---------  |  ---------
+            |   ---------     ---------  |
+            |->| fetcher |-->| handler |-|
+            |   ---------     ---------  |
+            ...                          ...
+* **poller** - ``common/poller/poller.go:HttpPoller.Poll()``. Listens for 
config changes (from the ops config manager), and starts its own internal 
microthreads, one for each cache to poll. These internal microthreads call the 
Fetcher at each cache's poll interval.
+* **fetcher** - ``common/fetcher/fetcher.go:HttpFetcher.Fetch()``. Fetches the 
given URL, and passes the returned data to the Handler, along with any errors.
+* **handler** - ``traffic_monitor/cache/cache.go:Handler.Handle()``. Takes the 
given result and does all data computation possible with the single result. 
Currently, this computation primarily involves processing the denormalized ATS 
data into Go structs, and processing System data into OutBytes, Kbps, etc. 
Precomputed data is then passed to its result channel, which is picked up by 
the Manager.
+* **manager** - ``traffic_monitor/manager/stat.go:StartStatHistoryManager()``. 
Takes preprocessed results, and aggregates them. Aggregated results are then 
placed in shared data structures. The major data aggregated are delivery 
service statistics, and cache availability data. See :ref:`Aggregated Stat 
Data` and :ref:`Aggregated Availability Data`.
+Health Pipeline
+  ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------
+  | poller |-->| fetcher |-->| handler |-->| manager |
+   -------- |   ---------     ---------  |  ---------
+            |   ---------     ---------  |
+            |->| fetcher |-->| handler |-|
+            |   ---------     ---------  |
+            ...                          ...
+* **poller** - ``common/poller/poller.go:HttpPoller.Poll()``. Same poller type 
as the Stat Poller pipeline, with a different handler object.
+* **fetcher** - ``common/fetcher/fetcher.go:HttpFetcher.Fetch()``. Same 
fetcher type as the Stat Poller pipeline, with a different handler object.
+* **handler** - ``traffic_monitor/cache/cache.go:Handler.Handle()``. Same 
handler type as the Stat Poller pipeline, but constructed with a flag to not 
precompute. The health endpoint is of the same form as the stat endpoint, but 
doesn't return all stat data. So, it doesn't precompute like the Stat Handler, 
but only processes the system data, and passes the processed result to its 
result channel, which is picked up by the Manager.
+* **manager** - 
``traffic_monitor/manager/health.go:StartHealthResultManager()``. Takes 
preprocessed results, and aggregates them. For the Health pipeline, only health 
availability data is aggregated. Aggregated results are then placed in shared 
data structures (lastHealthDurationsThreadsafe, lastHealthEndTimes, etc). See 
:ref:`Aggregated Availability Data`.
+Peer Pipeline
+  ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------
+  | poller |-->| fetcher |-->| handler |-->| manager |
+   -------- |   ---------     ---------  |  ---------
+            |   ---------     ---------  |
+            |->| fetcher |-->| handler |-|
+            |   ---------     ---------  |
+            ...                          ...
+* **poller** - ``common/poller/poller.go:HttpPoller.Poll()``. Same poller type 
as the Stat and Health Poller pipelines, with a different handler object. Its 
config changes come from the Monitor Config Manager, and it starts an internal 
microthread for each peer to poll.
+* **fetcher** - ``common/fetcher/fetcher.go:HttpFetcher.Fetch()``. Same 
fetcher type as the Stat and Health Poller pipeline, with a different handler 
+* **handler** - ``traffic_monitor/cache/peer.go:Handler.Handle()``. Decodes 
the JSON result into an object, and without further processing passes to its 
result channel, which is picked up by the Manager.
+* **manager** - ``traffic_monitor/manager/peer.go:StartPeerManager()``. Takes 
JSON peer Traffic Monitor results, and aggregates them. The availability of the 
Peer Traffic Monitor itself, as well as all cache availability from the given 
peer result, is stored in the shared ``peerStates`` object. Results are then 
aggregated via a call to the ``combineState()`` lambda, which signals the State 
Combiner microthread (which stores the combined availability in the shared 
object ``combinedStates``; See :ref:`State Combiner`).
+Monitor Config Pipeline
+  ---------     ---------
+  | poller |-->| manager |--> stat subscriber (Stat pipeline Poller)
+   --------     --------- |
+                          |-> health subscriber (Health pipeline Poller)
+                          |
+                          --> peer subscriber (Peer pipeline Poller)
+* **poller** - ``common/poller/poller.go:MonitorConfigPoller.Poll()``. The 
Monitor Config poller, on its interval, polls Traffic Ops for the Monitor 
configuration, and writes the polled value to its result channel, which is read 
by the Manager.
+* **manager** - 
Listens for results from the poller, and processes them. Cache changes are 
written to channels read by the Health, Stat, and Peer pollers. In the Shared 
Data objects, this also sets the list of new delivery services and removes ones 
which no longer exist, and sets the list of peer Traffic Monitors.
+Ops Config Pipeline
+  ---------     ---------     ---------
+  | poller |-->| handler |-->| manager |--> ops config change subscriber 
(Monitor Config Poller)
+   --------     ---------     --------- |
+                                        --> Traffic ops client change 
subscriber (Monitor Config Poller)
+* **poller** - ``common/poller/poller.go:FilePoller.Poll()``. Polls for 
changes to the Traffic Ops config file ``traffic_ops.cfg``, and writes the 
changed config to its result channel, which is read by the Handler.
+* **handler** - ``common/handler/handler.go:OpsConfigFileHandler.Listen()``. 
Takes the given raw config, unmarshalls the JSON into an object, and writes the 
object to its channel, which is read by the Manager, along with any error.
+* **manager** - 
Listens for new configs, and processes them. When a new config is received, a 
new HTTP dispatch map is created via 
``traffic_monitor/datareq/datareq.go:MakeDispatchMap()``, and the HTTP server 
is restarted with the new dispatch map. The Traffic Ops client is also 
recreated, and stored in its shared data object. The Ops Config change 
subscribers and Traffic Ops Client change subscribers (the Monitor Config 
poller) are also passed the new ops config and new Traffic Ops client.
+The ``events`` shared data object is passed to each pipeline microthread which 
needs to signal events. Most of them do. Events are then logged, and visible in 
the UI as well as an HTTP JSON endpoint. Most events are caches becoming 
available or unavailable, but include other things such as peer availability 
+State Combiner
+The State Combiner is a microthread started in 
``traffic_monitor/manager/manager.go:Start()`` via 
``traffic_monitor/manager/statecombiner.go:StartStateCombiner()``, which 
listens for signals to combine states. It should be signaled by any pipeline 
which updates the local or peer availability shared data objects, 
``localStates`` and ``peerStates``. It holds the threadsafe shared data objects 
for local states and peer states, so no data is passed or returned, only a 
+When a signal is received, it combines the local and peer states 
optimistically. That is, if a cache is marked available locally or by any peer, 
that cache is marked available in the combined states. There exists a variable 
to combine pessimistically, which may be set at compile time (it's unusual for 
a CDN to operate well with pessimistic cache availability). Combined data is 
stored in the threadsafe shared data object ``combinedStates``.
+Aggregated Stat Data
+The Stat pipeline Manager is responsible for aggregating stats from all 
caches, into delivery services statistics. This is done via a call to 
+Aggregated Availability Data
+Both the Stat and Health pipelines aggregate availability data received from 
caches. This is done via a call to 
``traffic_monitor/deliveryservice/health.go:CalcAvailability()`` followed by a 
call to ``combineState()``. The ``CalcAvailability`` function calculates the 
availability of each cache from the result of polling it, that is, local 
availability. The ``combineState()`` function is a lambda passed to the 
Manager, which signals the State Combiner microthread, which will combine the 
local and peer Traffic Monitor availability data, and insert it into the shared 
data ``combinedStates`` object.
+HTTP Data Requests
+Data is provided to HTTP requests via the threadsafe shared data objects (see 
:ref:`Shared Data`). These objects are closed in lambdas created via 
``traffic_monitor/datareq/datareq.go:MakeDispatchMap()``. This is called by the 
Ops Config Manager when it recreates the HTTP server.
+Each HTTP endpoint is mapped to a function which closes around the shared data 
objects it needs, and takes the request data it needs (such as query 
parameters). Each endpoint function resides in its own file in 
``traffic_monitor/datareq/``. Because each Go HTTP routing function must be a 
``http.HandlerFunc``, wrapper functions take the endpoint functions and return 
``http.HandlerFunc`` functions which call them, and which are stored in the 
dispatch map, to be registered with the HTTP server.
+Shared Data
+Processed and aggregated data must be shared between the end of the stat and 
health processing pipelines, and HTTP requests. The CSP paradigm of idiomatic 
Go does not work efficiently with storing and sharing state. While not 
idiomatic Go, shared mutexed data structures are faster and simpler than CSP 
manager microthreads for each data object.
+Traffic Monitor has many threadsafe shared data types and objects. All shared 
data objects can be seen in ``manager/manager.go:Start()``, where they are 
created and passed to the various pipeline stage microthreads that need them. 
Their respective types all include the word ``Threadsafe``, and can be found in 
``traffic_monitor/threadsafe/`` as well as, for dependency reasons, various 
appropriate directories.
+Currently, all Threadsafe shared data types use mutexes. In the future, these 
could be changed to lock-free or wait-free structures, if the performance needs 
outweighed the readability and correctness costs. They could also easily be 
changed to internally be manager microthreads and channels, if being idiomatic 
were deemed more important than readability or performance.
+Formatting Conventions
+Go code should be formatted with ``gofmt``. See also ````.
+Installing The Developer Environment
+To install the Traffic Monitor Developer environment:
+1. Install `go` version 1.7 or greater, from 
+2. Clone the traffic_control repository using Git, into 
+3. Change directories into 
+4. Run ``./``
+Test Cases
+Tests can be executed by running ``go test ./...`` at the root of the 
``traffic_monitor_golang`` project.
+.. toctree:: 
+  :hidden:
+  :maxdepth: 1
+  traffic_monitor/traffic_monitor_api
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops.txt 
index 9e30148..b18bc26 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops.txt
@@ -597,22 +597,28 @@ API 1.1 Reference
-API 1.2 Reference 
+API 1.2 Reference
 .. toctree:: 
   :maxdepth: 1
+  traffic_ops_api/v12/api_capability
+  traffic_ops_api/v12/cachegroup_parameter
+  traffic_ops_api/v12/capability
+  traffic_ops_api/v12/configfiles_ats
+  traffic_ops_api/v12/deliveryservice_regex
+  traffic_ops_api/v12/job
@@ -623,7 +629,9 @@ API 1.2 Reference
+  traffic_ops_api/v12/steering_target
+  traffic_ops_api/v12/tenant
diff --git a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/routes.txt 
index ec90963..1c849b3 100644
--- a/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/routes.txt
+++ b/docs/latest/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/routes.txt
@@ -114,3 +114,5 @@ API Routes
 | /datauser/orderby/:field           |   :ref:`to-api-v11-users-route`         
           |   :ref:`to-api-v12-users-route`                    |
+| *Not Implemented*                  |   *Not Implemented*                     
           |   :ref:`to-api-v12-configfiles_ats-route`          |

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