Author: cbrisson
Date: Mon Jun 25 18:25:06 2018
New Revision: 1834361

[tools] old README.txt becomes brand new


Added: velocity/tools/trunk/
--- velocity/tools/trunk/ (added)
+++ velocity/tools/trunk/ Mon Jun 25 18:25:06 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+Title: Apache Velocity Tools
+# Apache Velocity Tools
+Welcome to the VelocityTools projects. This is a subproject of the 
+Apache Velocity project hosted at
+The VelocityTools project contains several subprojects:
+    velocity-tools-generic/             A collection of general purpose tools
+    velocity-tools-view/                Tools servlets and filters for use in 
a webapp
+    velocity-tools-jsp/                 Tools for a J2EE JSP context
+    velocity-tools-examples/
+      velocity-tools-examples-simple/   Simple examples
+      velocity-tools-examples-showcase/ A full webapp demonstrating tools
+Apache Velocity Tools will run with any Java runtime engine v1.7 or greater.
+Building from source requires Java development kit v1.7 or greater and Maven 3 
+Maven should fetch all needed dependencies for compile ant run time, which are:
+* velocity-engine-core v2.0 and its dependencies
+* commons-beanutils v1.9.3
+* commons-digester3 v3.2
+* JSON.simple v1.1.1 (only at compile time)
+Plus the following ones, needed for the integrated tests:
+* slf4j-simple v1.7.25
+* junit v4.12
+* easymock v3.6
+Release with the same major number are intended to be drop-in
+replacements. However, in most cases the versions of dependency jars
+must be adjusted because newer versions of Velocity might require
+### Upgrading from Velocity Tools 2.0 to Velocity Tools 3.0
+#### Dependency changes
+* Velocity Tools now relies on the use of Velocity Engine 2.0, and also 
+to the slf4j logging system.
+* commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils has been updated to 1.9.3
+* org.apache.commons:commons-digester3 has been updated to 3.2
+* com.googlecode.json-simple 1.1.1 is now needed (only at compile time)
+* for tests, junit:junit has been updated to 4.12 and org.easymock:easymock to 
+#### Behavor / API changes
+* tools autoloading turned off by default
+    With velocity-tools-view in a webapp context, if you want the default
+    tools loaded without explicitely loading them yourslef, you will have to 
enable autoloading in your `web.xml` file:
+        <context-param>
+          <param-name></param-name>
+          <param-value>true</param-value>
+        </context-param>
+    (or the same with `<init-param>` for a single servlet).
+* the WebappResourceLoader, as other Engine loaders, now returns a Reader 
rather than an InputStream
+* the unmaintained Struts tools have been dropped
+* there are several new tools: LogTool, JsonTool, CollectionTool
+* several tools became deprecated: AlternateTool, SortTool, ConversionTool 
(conversion methods are now located in DateTool and NumberTool)
+You can consult [the full list of 
+## Upgrading from earlier versions
+Please refer to [Tools 2.0 upgrading 
+## Building Apache Velocity Tools
+In order to use the latest version of Apache Velocity Tools, you may want to 
build it.
+Building is easy.  All components necessary to build are included or get
+downloaded from the internet during the build, except for the Java SDK and the 
Maven build tool.
+**IMPORTANT** As the Apache Velocity Tools build process wants to download a 
number of jars
+from the internet, you must be online when you are building for the first time.
+To build the Velocity Tools' jars, just run maven using the command:
+    mvn
+This will create a `target/` directory containing the Velocity tools `.jar`
+file in each sub-module directory.
+## Feedback
+We welcome your feedback to
+- The Apache Velocity Team

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