This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

sebb pushed a commit to branch autoremind
in repository

commit 02e60d2bc22930dc1227e24d8ed1168be6944e1d
Author: Sebb <>
AuthorDate: Mon Jan 1 14:18:31 2024 +0000

    Cache changes
 www/board/agenda/helpers/mustache-template.rb      |  48 ++
 www/board/agenda/routes copy.rb                    | 634 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../agenda/views/actions/reminder-text.json.rb     |  11 +-
 .../agenda/views/actions/send-reminders.json.rb    |  29 +-
 4 files changed, 711 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/www/board/agenda/helpers/mustache-template.rb 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e5eb361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/board/agenda/helpers/mustache-template.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+#  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+#  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+#  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+#  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+#  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+if __FILE__ == $0 # This is normally done by main.rb
+  require 'mustache'
+  FOUNDATION_BOARD = '/srv/svn/foundation_board'
+# simplify processing of Agenda Mustache templates
+# params:
+# template - the prefix name, e.g. reminder1
+# context - the variable values to be used
+# raise_on_context_miss - raise an Exception if any variables are missing 
[default true]
+# returns: {subject: subject, body: body}
+class AgendaTemplate
+  def self.render(template, context, raise_on_context_miss=true)
+    unless template =~ /\A[-\w]+\z/
+      raise"Invalid template name #{template}")
+    end
+    m =
+    m.template_file = File.join(FOUNDATION_BOARD, 'templates', 
+    m.raise_on_context_miss = raise_on_context_miss
+    template = m.render(context)
+    # extract subject
+    subject = template[/Subject: (.*)/, 1]
+    template[/Subject: .*\s+/] = ''
+    # return results
+    {subject: subject, body: template}
+  end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+  view = {project: 'project', dueDate: '<<dueDate>>', agenda: '<<agenda>>'}
+  p AgendaTemplate.render('reminder1',view, false)[:subject]
diff --git a/www/board/agenda/routes copy.rb b/www/board/agenda/routes copy.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6f9454c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/board/agenda/routes copy.rb   
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+# Server side Sinatra routes
+require 'whimsy/asf/status'
+UNAVAILABLE = Status.updates_disallowed_reason # are updates disallowed?
+# redirect root to latest agenda
+get '/' do
+  agenda = dir('board_agenda_*.txt').max
+  pass unless agenda
+  redirect "#{request.path}#{agenda[/\d+_\d+_\d+/].gsub('_', '-')}/"
+# alias for latest agenda
+get '/latest/' do
+  agenda = dir('board_agenda_*.txt').max
+  pass unless agenda
+  call env.merge(
+    'PATH_INFO' => "/#{agenda[/\d+_\d+_\d+/].gsub('_', '-')}/"
+  )
+# alias for latest agenda in JSON format
+get '/latest.json' do
+  agenda = dir('board_agenda_*.txt').max
+  pass unless agenda
+  call env.merge!(
+    'PATH_INFO' => "/#{agenda[/\d+_\d+_\d+/].gsub('_', '-')}.json"
+  )
+get '/calendar.json' do
+  _json do
+    {
+      nextMeeting: ASF::Board.nextMeeting.iso8601,
+      calendar:,
+      agendas: dir('board_agenda_*.txt').sort,
+      drafts: dir('board_minutes_*.txt').sort
+    }
+  end
+# icon
+get '/whimsy.svg' do
+  send_file File.expand_path('../../../whimsy.svg', __FILE__),
+    type: 'image/svg+xml'
+# Progress Web App Manfest
+get '/manifest.json' do
+  @svgmtime = File.mtime(File.expand_path('../../../whimsy.svg', 
+  @pngmtime = File.mtime(File.expand_path('../public/whimsy.png', 
+  # capture all the variable content
+  hash = {
+    source:"#{settings.views}/manifest.json.erb"),
+    svgmtime: @svgmtime
+  }
+  # detect if there were any modifications
+  etag Digest::MD5.hexdigest(JSON.dump(hash))
+  content_type 'application/json'
+  erb :"manifest.json"
+# redirect shepherd to latest agenda
+get '/shepherd' do
+  user = ASF::Person.find(env.user).public_name.split(' ').first
+  agenda = dir('board_agenda_*.txt').max
+  pass unless agenda
+  redirect File.dirname(request.path) +
+           "/#{agenda[/\d+_\d+_\d+/].gsub('_', '-')}/shepherd/#{user}"
+# redirect missing to missing page for the latest agenda
+get '/missing' do
+  agenda = dir('board_agenda_*.txt').max
+  pass unless agenda # this will result in a 404
+  # Support for sending out reminders before the agenda is created.
+  # Useful in cases where the agenda creation is delayed due to
+  # a board election.
+  if agenda <'board_agenda_%Y_%m_%d.txt')
+    # update in memory cache with a dummy agenda.  The only relevant
+    # part of the agenda that matters for this operation is the list
+    # of pmcs (@pmcs).
+    template = File.join(ASF::SVN['foundation_board'], 'templates', 
+    @meeting = ASF::Board.nextMeeting
+    agenda = @meeting.strftime('board_agenda_%Y_%m_%d.txt')
+    @directors = ['TBD']
+    @minutes = []
+    @owner =
+    @pmcs = ASF::Board.reporting(@meeting)
+    contents =
+    Agenda.update_cache(agenda, nil, contents, true)
+  end
+  response.headers['Location'] =
+    "#{agenda[/\d+_\d+_\d+/].gsub('_', '-')}/missing"
+  status 302
+get '/session.json' do
+  _json do
+    {session: Session.user(env.user)}
+  end
+# for debugging purposes
+get '/env' do
+  content_type 'text/plain'
+  asset = {
+    path: Wunderbar::Asset.path,
+    root: Wunderbar::Asset.root,
+    virtual: Wunderbar::Asset.virtual,
+    scripts: do |script|
+      {path: script.path}
+    end
+  }
+  JSON.pretty_generate(env: env, ENV: ENV.to_h, asset: asset)
+# enable debugging of the agenda cache
+get '/cache.json' do
+  _json Agenda.cache
+# agenda followup
+get %r{/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)/followup\.json} do |date|
+  pass unless Dir.exist? '/srv/mail/board'
+  agenda = "board_agenda_#{date.gsub('-', '_')}.txt"
+  pass unless Agenda.parse agenda, :quick
+  # select agenda items that have comments
+  parsed = Agenda[agenda][:parsed]
+  followup = parsed.reject {|item| item['comments'].to_s.empty?}.
+    map {|item| [item['title'], {comments: item['comments'],
+                                 shepherd: item['shepherd'],
+                                 mail_list: item['mail_list'],
+                                 count: 0}]
+        }.to_h
+  # count number of feedback emails found in the board archive
+  start = Time.parse(date)
+  months = Dir['/srv/mail/board/*'].sort[-2..-1]
+  Dir[* {|month| "#{month}/*"}].each do |file|
+    next unless File.mtime(file) > start
+    raw =
+    next unless raw =~ /Subject: .*Board feedback on #{date} (.*) report/
+    followup[$1][:count] += 1 if followup[$1]
+  end
+  # return results
+  _json followup
+# pending items
+get %r{/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)/pending\.json} do
+  pending = Pending.get(env.user)
+  _json pending
+# agenda digest information
+get %r{/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)/digest\.json} do |date|
+  agenda = "board_agenda_#{date.gsub('-', '_')}.txt"
+  _json(
+    {
+      agenda: {
+        file: agenda,
+        digest: Agenda[agenda][:digest],
+        etag: Agenda.uptodate(agenda) ? Agenda[agenda][:etag] : nil
+      },
+      reporter: Reporter.digest
+    }
+  )
+# feedback
+get %r{/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)/feedback.json} do |date|
+  @agenda = "board_agenda_#{date.gsub('-', '_')}.txt"
+  @dryrun = true
+  _json :'actions/feedback'
+post %r{/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)/feedback.json} do |date|
+  @agenda = "board_agenda_#{date.gsub('-', '_')}.txt"
+  @dryrun = false
+  _json :'actions/feedback'
+def server
+  if env['REMOTE_USER']
+    userid = env['REMOTE_USER']
+  elsif ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'test'
+    userid = env['HTTP_REMOTE_USER'] || 'test'
+  elsif env.respond_to? :user
+    userid = env.user
+  else
+    require 'etc'
+    userid = Etc.getlogin
+  end
+  pending = Pending.get(userid)
+  # determine who is present
+  @present = []
+  @present_mtime = nil
+  file = File.join(AGENDA_WORK, 'sessions', 'present.yml')
+  if File.exist?(file) and File.mtime(file) != @present_mtime
+    @present_mtime = File.mtime(file)
+    @present = YAML.load_file(file).
+      reject {|name| name =~ /^board_agenda_[_\d]+$/}
+  end
+  if env['SERVER_NAME'] == 'localhost'
+    websocket = 'ws://localhost:34234/'
+  else
+    websocket = (env['rack.url_scheme'].sub('http', 'ws')) + '://' +
+      env['SERVER_NAME'] + env['SCRIPT_NAME'] + '/websocket/'
+  end
+  @server = {
+    userid: userid,
+    agendas: dir('board_agenda_*.txt').sort,
+    drafts: dir('board_minutes_*.txt').sort,
+    pending: pending,
+    username: pending['username'],
+    firstname: pending['firstname'],
+    initials: pending['initials'],
+    online: @present,
+    session: Session.user(userid),
+    role: pending['role'],
+    directors: Hash[ASF::Service['board'] {|person|
+      initials = begin
+        YAML.load_file(File.join(AGENDA_WORK, "#{}.yml"))['initials']
+      rescue
+        person.public_name.gsub(/[^A-Z]/, '').downcase
+      end
+      [initials, person.public_name.split(' ').first]
+    }],
+    websocket: websocket
+  }
+get '/server.json' do
+  _json server
+# all agenda pages
+get %r{/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)/(.*)} do |date, path|
+  agenda = "board_agenda_#{date.gsub('-', '_')}.txt"
+  pass unless Agenda.parse agenda, :quick
+  @base = "#{env['SCRIPT_NAME']}/#{date}/"
+  @server = server
+  @page = {
+    path: path,
+    query: params['q'],
+    agenda: agenda,
+    parsed: Agenda[agenda][:parsed],
+    digest: Agenda[agenda][:digest],
+    etag: Agenda.uptodate(agenda) ? Agenda[agenda][:etag] : nil
+  }
+  minutes = AGENDA_WORK + '/' +
+    agenda.sub('agenda', 'minutes').sub('.txt', '.yml')
+  @page[:minutes] = YAML.safe_load(, permitted_classes: 
[Symbol]) if File.exist? minutes
+  @cssmtime = File.mtime('public/stylesheets/app.css').to_i
+  @manmtime = File.mtime("#{settings.views}/manifest.json.erb").to_i
+  @appmtime = 
+  @server[:swmtime] = File.mtime("#{settings.views}/sw.js.rb").to_i
+  if path == 'bootstrap.html'
+    unless env.password
+      @server[:userid] = nil
+      @server[:role] = nil
+    end
+    @page[:parsed] = [
+      {title: 'Roll Call', timestamp: @page[:parsed].first['timestamp']}
+    ]
+    @page[:digest] = nil
+    @page[:etag] = nil
+    @server[:session] = nil
+    # capture all the variable content
+    hash = {
+      source:"#{settings.views}/bootstrap.html.erb"),
+      cssmtime: @cssmtime,
+      appmtime: @appmtime,
+      manmtime: @manmtime,
+      scripts: Wunderbar::Asset.scripts.
+        map {|script| [script.path, script.mtime.to_i]}.sort,
+      stylesheets: Wunderbar::Asset.stylesheets.
+        map {|stylesheet| [stylesheet.path, stylesheet.mtime.to_i]}.sort,
+      server: @server,
+      page: @page
+    }
+    # detect if there were any modifications
+    etag Digest::MD5.hexdigest(JSON.dump(hash))
+    erb :"bootstrap.html"
+  else
+    _html :main
+  end
+# append slash to agenda page if not present
+get %r{/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)} do |date|
+  redirect to("/#{date}/")
+# post item support
+get '/json/post-data' do
+  _json :"actions/post-data"
+# feedback responses
+get '/json/responses' do
+  _json :"actions/responses"
+# posted reports
+get '/json/posted-reports' do
+  _json :"actions/posted-reports"
+post '/json/posted-reports' do
+  _json :"actions/posted-reports"
+# podling name searches
+get '/json/podlingnamesearch' do
+  _json ASF::Podling.namesearch
+# podling name searches
+get '/json/reporter' do
+  _json Reporter.drafts(env)
+# posted actions
+post '/json/:file' do
+  _json :"actions/#{params[:file]}"
+# Raw minutes
+get %r{/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d).ya?ml} do |file|
+  minutes = AGENDA_WORK + '/' + "board_minutes_#{file.gsub('-', '_')}.yml"
+  pass unless File.exist? minutes
+  _text minutes
+# updates to agenda data
+get %r{/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d).json} do |date|
+  file = "board_agenda_#{date.gsub('-', '_')}.txt"
+  pass unless Agenda.parse file, :full
+  begin
+    _json do
+      last_modified Agenda[file][:mtime]
+      minutes_file = AGENDA_WORK + '/' + file.sub('_agenda_', '_minutes_').
+        sub('.txt', '.yml')
+      # merge in minutes, if available
+      if File.exist? minutes_file
+        minutes = YAML.load_file(minutes_file)
+        Agenda[file][:parsed].each do |item|
+          item[:minutes] = minutes[item['title']] if minutes[item['title']]
+        end
+      end
+      agenda = Agenda[file][:parsed]
+      # filter list for non-PMC chairs and non-officers
+      user = env.respond_to?(:user) && ASF::Person.find(env.user)
+      unless !user or user.asf_chair_or_member?
+        status 206 # Partial Content
+        committees =
+        agenda = {|item| committees.include? item['title']}
+      end
+      agenda
+    end
+  ensure
+    Agenda[file][:etag] = headers['ETag']
+  end
+# draft committers report
+get %r{/text/summary/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)} do |date|
+  @date = date.gsub('-', '_')
+  _text :committers_report
+# draft minutes
+get '/text/minutes/:file' do |file|
+  file = "board_minutes_#{file.gsub('-', '_')}.txt"
+  if dir('board_minutes_*.txt').include? file
+    path = File.join(FOUNDATION_BOARD, file)
+  elsif not Dir[File.join(ASF::SVN['minutes'], file[/\d+/], file)].empty?
+    path = File.join(ASF::SVN['minutes'], file[/\d+/], file)
+  else
+    pass
+  end
+  _text do
+    last_modified File.mtime(path)
+    _
+  end
+# jira project info
+get '/json/jira' do
+  uri = URI.parse('')
+  http =, uri.port)
+  http.use_ssl = true
+  http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
+  request =
+  response = http.request(request)
+  _json { JSON.parse(response.body).map {|project| project['key']} }
+# get list of committers (for use in roll-call)
+get '/json/committers' do
+  _json do
+    members = ASF.search_one(ASF::Group.base, "cn=member", 'memberUid').first
+    members = Hash[ {|name| [name, true]}]
+    ASF.search_one(ASF::Person.base, 'uid=*', ['uid', 'cn']).
+      map {|person| {id: person['uid'].first,
+        member: members[person['uid'].first] || false,
+        name: person['cn'].first.force_encoding('utf-8')}}.
+      sort_by {|person| person[:name].downcase.unicode_normalize(:nfd)}
+  end
+# Secretary post-meeting todos
+get '/json/secretary-todos/:date' do
+  _json :'actions/todos'
+post '/json/secretary-todos/:date' do
+  _json :'actions/todos'
+# potential actions
+get '/json/potential-actions' do
+  _json :'actions/potential-actions'
+get %r{/json/(reminder[12]|non-responsive|remind-officer)} do |reminder|
+  @reminder = reminder
+  _json :'actions/reminder-text'
+# chat log
+get %r{/json/chat/(\d\d\d\d_\d\d_\d\d)} do |date|
+  log = "#{AGENDA_WORK}/board_agenda_#{date}-chat.yml"
+  if File.exist? log
+    _json YAML.safe_load(, permitted_classes: [Symbol])
+  else
+    _json []
+  end
+# historical comments, filtered to only include the list of projects which
+# the user is a member of the PMC for non-ASF-members and non-officers.
+get '/json/historical-comments' do
+  user = env.respond_to?(:user) && ASF::Person.find(env.user)
+  comments = HistoricalComments.comments
+  unless !user or user.asf_chair_or_member?
+    status 206 # Partial Content
+    committees =
+    comments = do |project, _list|
+      committees.include? project
+    end
+  end
+  _json comments.to_h
+# draft minutes
+get '/text/draft/:file' do |file|
+  agenda = "board_agenda_#{file.gsub('-', '_')}.txt"
+  minutes = AGENDA_WORK + '/' +
+    agenda.sub('_agenda_', '_minutes_').sub('.txt', '.yml')
+  _text do
+    Dir.chdir(FOUNDATION_BOARD) do
+      if Dir['board_agenda_*.txt'].include?(agenda)
+        _ Minutes.draft(agenda, minutes)
+      else
+        halt 404
+      end
+    end
+  end
+# draft new agenda
+get '/new' do
+  # extract time and date for next meeting, month of previous meeting
+  @meeting = ASF::Board.nextMeeting
+  localtime = ASF::Board::TIMEZONE.utc_to_local(@meeting)
+  @tzlink = ASF::Board.tzlink(localtime)
+  zone =
+  @start_time = localtime.strftime('%H:%M') + ' ' + zone
+  duration = 1.hours
+  @adjournment = (localtime + duration).strftime('%H:%M') + ' ' + zone
+  @prev_month = @meeting.to_date.prev_month.strftime('%B')
+  # retrieve latest committee info
+  # TODO: this is the workspace copy -- should it be using the copy from SVN 
+  cinfo = File.join(ASF::SVN['board'], 'committee-info.txt')
+  info = ASF::SVN.getInfo(cinfo, env.user, env.password)
+  contents = ASF::SVN.svn('cat', cinfo, {env: env})
+  ASF::Committee.load_committee_info(contents, info)
+  # extract committees expected to report 'next month'
+  next_month = contents[/Next month.*?\n\n/m].chomp
+  @next_month = next_month[/(.*#.*\n)+/] || ''
+  # get potential actions
+  begin
+    actions = JSON.parse({}).instance_eval(
+    ).target!, symbolize_names: true)[:actions]
+  rescue IOError => e
+    Wunderbar.warn "#{e}, continuing with no previous actions"
+    actions = nil
+  end
+  # Get directors, list of pmcs due to report, and shepherds
+  @directors = ASF::Board.directors
+  @pmcs = ASF::Board.reporting(@meeting)
+  @owner =
+  # Get list of unpublished and unapproved minutes (used by the agenda 
+  latest = Dir["#{AGENDA_WORK}/board_minutes*.yml"].max
+  if latest
+    draft = YAML.load_file(latest)
+  else
+    draft = {} # allow for missing yml file
+  end
+  @minutes = dir("board_agenda_*.txt").
+    map {|file| Date.parse(file[/\d[_\d]+/].gsub('_', '-'))}.
+    reject {|date| date >= @meeting.to_date}.
+    reject {|date| draft[date.strftime('%B %d, %Y')] == 'approved'}.
+    sort
+  template = File.join(ASF::SVN['foundation_board'], 'templates', 
+  @disabled = dir("board_agenda_*.txt").
+    include? @meeting.strftime("board_agenda_%Y_%m_%d.txt")
+  begin
+    @agenda =
+  rescue => error
+    status 500
+    STDERR.puts error
+    return "error in #{template} in: #{error}"
+  end
+  @cssmtime = File.mtime('public/stylesheets/app.css').to_i
+  _html :new
+# post a new agenda
+post %r{/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)/} do |date|
+  boardurl = ASF::SVN.svnurl('foundation_board')
+  agenda = "board_agenda_#{date.gsub('-', '_')}.txt"
+  contents = params[:agenda].gsub("\r\n", "\n")
+  Dir.mktmpdir do |dir|
+    ASF::SVN.svn!('checkout', [boardurl, dir], {depth: 'empty', env: env})
+    agendapath = File.join(dir, agenda)
+    File.write agendapath, contents
+    ASF::SVN.svn!('add', agendapath)
+    currentpath = File.join(dir, 'current.txt')
+    ASF::SVN.svn!('update', currentpath, {env: env})
+    if File.exist? currentpath
+      File.unlink currentpath 
+      File.symlink agenda, currentpath
+    else
+      Wunderbar.warn "current.txt link does not exist, creating it"
+      File.symlink agenda, currentpath
+      ASF::SVN.svn!('add', currentpath)
+    end
+    ASF::SVN.svn!('commit', [agendapath, currentpath], {msg: "Post #{date} 
agenda", env: env})
+    Agenda.update_cache agenda, agendapath, contents, false
+  end
+  # draft reminder text
+  @reminder = 'reminder1'
+  @tzlink = 
+  reminder = eval("views/actions/reminder-text.json.rb"))
+  # send reminders
+  @dryrun = true
+  @subject = reminder[:subject]
+  @message = reminder[:body]
+  @showaddressees = true
+  @agenda = agenda
+  response = eval("views/actions/send-reminders.json.rb"))
+  _json response
+  # redirect to("/#{date}/")
diff --git a/www/board/agenda/views/actions/reminder-text.json.rb 
index b7e87a08..0a99db58 100644
--- a/www/board/agenda/views/actions/reminder-text.json.rb
+++ b/www/board/agenda/views/actions/reminder-text.json.rb
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 require 'active_support/time'
 raise ArgumentError, "Invalid syntax #{@reminder}" unless  @reminder =~ 
-# read template for the reminders
-template =, 'templates', 
 # Allow override of timeZoneInfo (avoids the need to parse the last agenda)
 timeZoneInfo = @tzlink
@@ -32,11 +30,4 @@ view = {
 # perform the substitution
-template = Mustache.render(template, view)
-# extract subject
-subject = template[/Subject: (.*)/, 1]
-template[/Subject: .*\s+/] = ''
-# return results
-{subject: subject, body: template}
+AgendaTemplate.render(@reminder, view)
diff --git a/www/board/agenda/views/actions/send-reminders.json.rb 
index 5610d892..43d2df24 100644
--- a/www/board/agenda/views/actions/send-reminders.json.rb
+++ b/www/board/agenda/views/actions/send-reminders.json.rb
@@ -71,9 +71,36 @@ Agenda.parse(@agenda, :full).each do |item|
   # deliver mail
   mail.deliver! unless @dryrun
-  sent[item['title']] = mail.to_s
+  if @showaddressees # initial automated reminder
+    sent[item['title']] = [,].flatten
+  else
+    sent[item['title']] = mail.to_s
+  end
 # provide a response to the request
 unsent += @pmcs - sent.keys if @pmcs
+if @showaddressees # initial automated reminder
+  subject = Mustache.render(@subject, {project: 'NOTICE:'})
+  # body = Mustache.render()
+  mail = do
+    from from
+    to ""
+    subject subject
+    body """
+    Reminder mails have been sent to #{sent.length} committees, apart from the 
+    #{unsent.inspect}
+    Mails were sent to:
+    #{sent.inspect}
+    """
+  end
+  if @dryrun
+    sent = mail.to_s
+  else
+    mail.deliver!
+  end
 {count: sent.length, unsent: unsent, sent: sent, dryrun: @dryrun}

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