Added: zeppelin/site/docs/0.8.2/search_data.json
--- zeppelin/site/docs/0.8.2/search_data.json (added)
+++ zeppelin/site/docs/0.8.2/search_data.json Sun Sep 29 07:08:10 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+    "interpreter-alluxio": {
+      "title": "Alluxio Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin",
+      "content"  : "Alluxio Interpreter for Apache ZeppelinOverviewAlluxio is 
a memory-centric distributed storage system enabling reliable data sharing at 
memory-speed across cluster frameworks.Configuration      Name    Class    
Description        alluxio.master.hostname    localhost    Alluxio master 
hostname        alluxio.master.port    19998    Alluxio master port  Enabling 
Alluxio InterpreterIn a notebook, to enable the Alluxio interpreter, click on 
the Gear icon and select Alluxio.Using the Alluxio InterpreterIn a paragraph, 
use %alluxio to select the Alluxio interpreter and then input all 
commands.%alluxiohelpTip : Use ( Ctrl + . ) for autocompletion.Interpreter 
CommandsThe Alluxio interpreter accepts the following commands.            
Operation      Syntax      Description              cat      cat 
"path"      Print the content of the file to the console.     
         chgrp      chgrp "group" "path"    
  Change the grou
 p of the directory or file.              chmod      chmod 
"permission" "path"      Change the 
permission of the directory or file.              chown      chown 
"owner" "path"      Change the owner of the 
directory or file.              copyFromLocal      copyFromLocal 
"source path" "remote path"      Copy the 
specified file specified by "source path" to the path 
specified by "remote path".      This command will fail if 
"remote path" already exists.              copyToLocal      
copyToLocal "remote path" "local path"      
Copy the specified file from the path specified by "remote 
path" to a local destination.              count      count 
"path"      Display the number of folders and files matching 
the specified prefix in "path".     
          du      du "path"      Display the size of a file 
or a directory specified by the input path.              fileInfo      fileInfo 
"path"      Print the information of the blocks of a 
specified file.              free      free "path"      Free 
a file or all files under a directory from Alluxio. If the file/directory is 
also      in under storage, it will still be available there.              
getCapacityBytes      getCapacityBytes      Get the capacity of the AlluxioFS.  
            getUsedBytes      getUsedBytes      Get number of bytes used in the 
AlluxioFS.              load      load "path"      Load the 
data of a file or a directory from under storage into Alluxio.              
loadMetadata      loadMetadata "path"      Load the metadata 
of a file or a directory from under storage into Alluxio.              location 
     location "path"      Display a list of hos
 ts that have the file data.              ls      ls "path"   
   List all the files and directories directly under the given path with 
information such as      size.              mkdir      mkdir 
"path1" ... "pathn"      Create 
directory(ies) under the given paths, along with any necessary parent 
directories.      Multiple paths separated by spaces or tabs. This command will 
fail if any of the given paths      already exist.              mount      
mount "path" "uri"      Mount the 
underlying file system path "uri" into the Alluxio namespace 
as "path". The "path"      is assumed not 
to exist and is created by the operation. No data or metadata is loaded from 
under      storage into Alluxio. After a path is mounted, operations on objects 
under the mounted path are      mirror to the mounted under storage.            
  mv      mv "sour
 ce" "destination"      Move a file or directory 
specified by "source" to a new location 
"destination". This command      will fail if 
"destination" already exists.              persist      
persist "path"      Persist a file or directory currently 
stored only in Alluxio to the underlying file system.              pin      pin 
"path"      Pin the given file to avoid evicting it from 
memory. If the given path is a directory, it      recursively pins all the 
files contained and any new files created within this directory.              
report      report "path"      Report to the master that a 
file is lost.              rm      rm "path"      Remove a 
file. This command will fail if the given path is a directory rather than a 
file.              setTtl      setTtl "time"      Set the TTL 
(time to live) in milliseconds t
 o a file.              tail      tail "path"      Print the 
last 1KB of the specified file to the console.              touch      touch 
"path"      Create a 0-byte file at the specified location.   
           unmount      unmount "path"      Unmount the 
underlying file system path mounted in the Alluxio namespace as 
"path". Alluxio      objects under "path" 
are removed from Alluxio, but they still exist in the previously mounted      
under storage.              unpin      unpin "path"      
Unpin the given file to allow Alluxio to evict this file again. If the given 
path is a      directory, it recursively unpins all files contained and any new 
files created within this      directory.              unsetTtl      unsetTtl   
   Remove the TTL (time to live) setting from a file.      How to test 
it's workingBe sure to have configured correctly the Alluxio 
interpreter, the
 n open a new paragraph and type one of the above commands.Below a simple 
example to show how to interact with Alluxio interpreter.Following steps are 
performed:using sh interpreter a new text file is created on local machineusing 
Alluxio interpreter:is listed the content of the afs (Alluxio File System) 
rootthe file previously created is copied to afsis listed again the content of 
the afs root to check the existence of the new copied fileis showed the content 
of the copied file (using the tail command)the file previously copied to afs is 
copied to local machine using sh interpreter it's checked the existence 
of the new file copied from Alluxio and its content is showed  ",
+      "url": " /interpreter/alluxio",
+      "group": "interpreter",
+      "excerpt": "Alluxio is a memory-centric distributed storage system 
enabling reliable data sharing at memory-speed across cluster frameworks."
+    }
+    ,
+    "usage-display-system-angular-backend": {
+      "title": "Backend Angular API in Apache Zeppelin",
+      "content"  : "Backend Angular API in Apache ZeppelinOverviewAngular 
display system treats output as a view template for AngularJS.It compiles 
templates and displays them inside of Apache Zeppelin. Zeppelin provides a 
gateway between your interpreter and your compiled AngularJS view 
templates.Therefore, you can not only update scope variables from your 
interpreter but also watch them in the interpreter, which is JVM process.Basic 
UsagePrint AngularJS viewTo use angular display system, you should start with 
%angular.Since name is not defined, Hello will display Hello.Please Note: 
Display system is backend independent.Bind / Unbind VariablesThrough 
ZeppelinContext, you can bind / unbind variables to AngularJS view. Currently, 
it only works in Spark Interpreter ( scala ).// bind my 
'object' as angular scope variable 'name' in 
current notebook.z.angularBind(String name, Object object)// bind my 
'object' as angular scope variable &
 #39;name' in all notebooks related to current 
interpreter.z.angularBindGlobal(String name, Object object)// unbind angular 
scope variable 'name' in current 
notebook.z.angularUnbind(String name)// unbind angular scope variable 
'name' in all notebooks related to current 
interpreter.z.angularUnbindGlobal(String name)Using the above example, 
let's bind world variable to name. Then you can see AngularJs view is 
immediately updated.Watch / Unwatch VariablesThrough ZeppelinContext, you can 
watch / unwatch variables in AngularJs view. Currently, it only works in Spark 
Interpreter ( scala ).// register for angular scope variable 
'name' (notebook)z.angularWatch(String name, (before, after) 
=> { ... })// unregister watcher for angular variable 
'name' (notebook)z.angularUnwatch(String name)// register for 
angular scope variable 'name' 
(global)z.angularWatchGlobal(String name, (before, after) =
 > { ... })// unregister watcher for angular variable 
'name' (global)z.angularUnwatchGlobal(String name)Let's 
make a button. When it is clicked, the value of run will be increased 1 by 
1.z.angularBind("run", 0) will initialize run to zero. And 
then, it will be also applied to run in z.angularWatch().When the button is 
clicked, you'll see both run and numWatched are incremented by 
1.Let's make it Simpler and more IntuitiveIn this section, we will 
introduce a simpler and more intuitive way of using Angular Display System in 
Zeppelin.Here are some usages.Import// In notebook scopeimport 
org.apache.zeppelin.display.angular.notebookscope._import AngularElem._// In 
paragraph scopeimport 
org.apache.zeppelin.display.angular.paragraphscope._import AngularElem._Display 
Element// automatically convert to string and print with %angular display 
system directive in front.<div></div>.displayEvent 
 on click<div></div>.onClick(() => {   my 
callback routine}).display// on 
change<div></div>.onChange(() => {  my 
callback routine}).display// arbitrary 
 () => {  my callback routine}).displayBind Model// bind 
 bind model with initial 
initialValue).displayInteract with Model// read 
modelAngularModel("myModel")()// update 
"newValue")Example: Basic UsageUsing the above basic usages, 
you can apply them like below examples.Display Elements<div 
style="color:blue">  <h4>Hello Angular 
Display System</h4></div>.displ
 ayOnClick Event<div class="btn btn-success">  
Click me</div>.onClick{() =>  // callback for button 
click}.displayBind Model  
 "Initial Value").displayInteract With Model// read the 
valueAngularModel("myModel")()// update the 
valueAngularModel("myModel", "New 
value")Example: String ConverterUsing below example, you can convert 
the lowercase string to uppercase.// clear previously created angular 
object.AngularElem.disassociateval button = <div class="btn 
btn-success btn-sm">Convert</div>.onClick{() 
=>  val inputString = AngularModel("input")().toString 
inputString.toUpperCase)}<div>  { <h4> 
 ot;title", "Please type text to convert uppercase") 
}   Your text { <input 
 "") }  {button}</div>.display",
+      "url": " /usage/display_system/angular_backend",
+      "group": "usage/display_system",
+      "excerpt": "Apache Zeppelin provides a gateway between your interpreter 
and your compiled AngularJS view templates. You can not only update scope 
variables from your interpreter but also watch them in the interpreter, which 
is JVM process."
+    }
+    ,
+    "usage-display-system-angular-frontend": {
+      "title": "Frontend Angular API in Apache Zeppelin",
+      "content"  : "Frontend Angular API in Apache ZeppelinBasic UsageIn 
addition to the backend Angular API to handle Angular objects binding, Apache 
Zeppelin also exposes a simple AngularJS z object on the front-end side to 
expose the same capabilities.This z object is accessible in the Angular 
isolated scope for each paragraph.Bind / Unbind VariablesThrough the z, you can 
bind / unbind variables to AngularJS view.Bind a value to an angular object and 
a mandatory target paragraph:%angular<form 
class="form-inline">  <div 
class="form-group">    <label 
for="superheroId">Super Hero: </label>   
 <input type="text" 
class="form-control" id="superheroId" 
placeholder="Superhero name ..." 
</div>  <button type=&q
 uot;submit" class="btn btn-primary" 
 Bind</button></form>Unbind/remove a value from 
angular object and a mandatory target paragraph:%angular<form 
class="form-inline">  <button 
type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" 
 UnBind</button></form>The signature for the 
z.angularBind() / z.angularUnbind() functions are:// 
Bindz.angularBind(angularObjectName, angularObjectValue, paragraphId);// 
Unbindz.angularUnbind(angularObjectName, angularObjectValue, paragraphId);All 
the parameters are mandatory.Run ParagraphYou can also trigger paragraph 
execution by calling z.runParagraph() funct
 ion passing the appropriate paragraphId: %angular<form 
class="form-inline">  <div 
class="form-group">    <label 
for="paragraphId">Paragraph Id: </label> 
   <input type="text" 
class="form-control" id="paragraphId" 
placeholder="Paragraph Id ..." 
</div>  <button type="submit" 
class="btn btn-primary" 
ng-click="z.runParagraph(paragraph)"> Run 
Paragraph</button></form>Overriding dynamic form 
with Angular ObjectThe front-end Angular Interaction API has been designed to 
offer richer form capabilities and variable binding. With the existing Dynamic 
Form system you can already create input text, select and checkbox forms but 
the c
 hoice is rather limited and the look & feel cannot be changed.The idea 
is to create a custom form using plain HTML/AngularJS code and bind actions on 
this form to push/remove Angular variables to targeted paragraphs using this 
new API. Consequently if you use the Dynamic Form syntax in a paragraph and 
there is a bound Angular object having the same name as the ${formName}, the 
Angular object will have higher priority and the Dynamic Form will not be 
displayed. Example: Feature matrix comparisonHow does the front-end AngularJS 
API compares to the backend Angular API? Below is a comparison matrix for both 
APIs:                        Actions            Front-end API            
Back-end API                                Initiate binding            
z.angularbind(var, initialValue, paragraphId)            z.angularBind(var, 
initialValue)                            Update value            same to 
ordinary angularjs scope variable, or z.angularbind(var, newValue, paragraphId) 
        z.angularBind(var, newValue)                            Watching value  
          same to ordinary angularjs scope variable            
z.angularWatch(var, (oldVal, newVal) => ...)                            
Destroy binding            z.angularUnbind(var, paragraphId)            
z.angularUnbind(var)                            Executing Paragraph            
     Executing Paragraph (Specific paragraphs in other notes) (               , paragraphId)                            Executing note     
                   z.runNote(noteId)                     Both APIs are pretty 
similar, except for value watching where it is done naturally by AngularJS 
internals on the front-end and by user custom watcher functions in the 
back-end.There is also a slight difference in term of scope. Front-end API 
limits the Angular object binding to a paragraph scope whereas back-end API 
allows you to 
 bind an Angular object at the global or note scope. This restriction has been 
designed purposely to avoid Angular object leaks and scope pollution.",
+      "url": " /usage/display_system/angular_frontend",
+      "group": "usage/display_system",
+      "excerpt": "In addition to the back-end API to handle Angular objects 
binding, Apache Zeppelin exposes a simple AngularJS z object on the front-end 
side to expose the same capabilities."
+    }
+    ,
+    "setup-security-authentication-nginx": {
+      "title": "HTTP Basic Auth using NGINX",
+      "content"  : "Authentication for NGINXBuild in authentication mechanism 
is recommended way for authentication. In case of you want authenticate using 
NGINX and HTTP basic auth, please read this document.HTTP Basic Authentication 
using NGINXQuote from Wikipedia: NGINX is a web server. It can act as a reverse 
proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols, as well as a load 
balancer and an HTTP cache.So you can use NGINX server as proxy server to serve 
HTTP Basic Authentication as a separate process along with Zeppelin server.Here 
are instructions how to accomplish the setup NGINX as a front-end 
authentication server and connect Zeppelin at behind.This instruction based on 
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS but may work with other OS with few configuration 
changes.Install NGINX server on your server instanceYou can install NGINX 
server with same box where zeppelin installed or separate box where it is 
dedicated to serve as proxy server.$ apt-get install nginxNOTE : On pre 1.3.13 
 sion of NGINX, Proxy for Websocket may not fully works. Please use latest 
version of NGINX. See: NGINX documentation.Setup init script in NGINXIn most 
cases, NGINX configuration located under /etc/nginx/sites-available. Create 
your own configuration or add your existing configuration at 
/etc/nginx/sites-available.$ cd /etc/nginx/sites-available$ touch 
my-zeppelin-auth-settingNow add this script into my-zeppelin-auth-setting file. 
You can comment out optional lines If you want serve Zeppelin under regular 
HTTP 80 Port.upstream zeppelin {    server 
highly recommended to make this address/port as non-public accessible}# 
Zeppelin Websiteserver {    listen [YOUR-ZEPPELIN-WEB-SERVER-PORT];    listen 
443 ssl;                                      # optional, to serve HTTPS 
connection    server_name [YOUR-ZEPPELIN-SERVER-HOST];             # for 
example:    ssl_certificate [PATH-TO-YOUR-CERT
 -FILE];            # optional, to serve HTTPS connection    
ssl_certificate_key [PATH-TO-YOUR-CERT-KEY-FILE];    # optional, to serve HTTPS 
connection    if ($ssl_protocol = "") {        rewrite ^ 
https://$host$request_uri? permanent;  # optional, to force use of HTTPS    }   
 location / {    # For regular websever support        proxy_pass 
http://zeppelin;        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;        
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;        
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;        proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;   
     proxy_redirect off;        auth_basic "Restricted";      
  auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;    }    location /ws {  # For 
websocket support        proxy_pass http://zeppelin/ws;        
proxy_http_version 1.1;        proxy_set_header Upgrade websocket;        
proxy_set_header Connection upgrade;        proxy_read_timeout 86400;    }}Then 
make a symbolic link to this file from /etc/
 nginx/sites-enabled/ to enable configuration above when NGINX reloads.$ ln -s 
/etc/nginx/sites-available/my-zeppelin-auth-settingSetup user credential into 
.htpasswd file and restart serverNow you need to setup .htpasswd file to serve 
list of authenticated user credentials for NGINX server.$ cd /etc/nginx$ 
htpasswd -c htpasswd [YOUR-ID]NEW passwd: [YOUR-PASSWORD]RE-type new passwd: 
[YOUR-PASSWORD-AGAIN]Or you can use your own apache .htpasswd files in other 
location for setting up property: auth_basic_user_fileRestart NGINX server.$ 
service nginx restartThen check HTTP Basic Authentication works in browser. If 
you can see regular basic auth popup and then able to login with credential you 
entered into .htpasswd you are good to go.More security considerationUsing 
HTTPS connection with Basic Authentication is highly recommended since basic 
auth without encryption may expose your important credential information over 
the network.Using S
 hiro Security feature built-into Zeppelin is recommended if you prefer 
all-in-one solution for authentication but NGINX may provides ad-hoc solution 
for re-use authentication served by your system's NGINX server or in 
case of you need to separate authentication from zeppelin server.It is 
recommended to isolate direct connection to Zeppelin server from public 
internet or external services to secure your zeppelin instance from unexpected 
attack or problems caused by public zone.Another optionAnother option is to 
have an authentication server that can verify user credentials in an LDAP 
server.If an incoming request to the Zeppelin server does not have a cookie 
with user information encrypted with the authentication server public key, the 
useris redirected to the authentication server. Once the user is verified, the 
authentication server redirects the browser to a specific URL in the Zeppelin 
server which sets the authentication cookie in the browser.The end result is 
that all r
 equests to the Zeppelin web server have the authentication cookie which 
contains user and groups information.",
+      "url": " /setup/security/authentication_nginx",
+      "group": "setup/security",
+      "excerpt": "There are multiple ways to enable authentication in Apache 
Zeppelin. This page describes HTTP basic auth using NGINX."
+    }
+    ,
+    "usage-display-system-basic": {
+      "title": "Basic Display System in Apache Zeppelin",
+      "content"  : "Basic Display System in Apache ZeppelinTextBy default, 
Apache Zeppelin prints interpreter response as a plain text using text display 
system.You can explicitly say you're using text display system.HtmlWith 
%html directive, Zeppelin treats your output as HTMLMathematical 
expressionsHTML display system automatically formats mathematical expression 
using MathJax. You can use( INLINE EXPRESSION ) and $$ EXPRESSION $$ to format. 
For exampleTableIf you have data that row separated by n (newline) and column 
separated by t (tab) with first row as header row, for exampleYou can simply 
use %table display system to leverage Zeppelin's built in 
visualization.If table contents start with %html, it is interpreted as an 
HTML.Note : Display system is backend independent.NetworkWith the %network 
directive, Zeppelin treats your output as a graph. Zeppelin can leverage the 
Property Graph Model.What is the Labelled Property Graph Model?A Property Graph 
is a graph tha
 t has these elements:a set of verticeseach vertex has a unique identifier.each 
vertex has a set of outgoing edges.each vertex has a set of incoming edges.each 
vertex has a collection of properties defined by a map from key to valuea set 
of edgeseach edge has a unique identifier.each edge has an outgoing tail 
vertex.each edge has an incoming head vertex.each edge has a label that denotes 
the type of relationship between its two vertices.each edge has a collection of 
properties defined by a map from key to value.A Labelled Property Graph is a 
Property Graph where the nodes can be tagged with labels representing their 
different roles in the graph modelWhat are the APIs?The new NETWORK 
visualization is based on json with the following 
params:"nodes" (mandatory): list of nodes of the graph every 
node can have the following params:"id" (mandatory): the id 
of the node (must be unique);"label": the main Label of the 
 ": the list of the labels of the node;"data": the 
data attached to the node;"edges": list of the edges of the 
graph;"id" (mandatory): the id of the edge (must be 
unique);"source" (mandatory): the id of source node of the 
edge;"target" (mandatory): the id of target node of the 
edge;"label": the main type of the 
edge;"data": the data attached to the 
edge;"labels": a map (K, V) where K is the node label and V 
is the color of the node;"directed": (true/false, default 
false) wich tells if is directed graph or not;"types": a 
distinct list of the edge types of the graphIf you click on a node or edge on 
the bottom of the paragraph you find a list of entity propertiesThis kind of 
graph can be easily flatten in order to support other visualization formats 
provided by Zeppelin.How to use it?An example of a s
 imple graph%sparkprint(s"""%network {    
"nodes": [        {"id": 1},        
{"id": 2},        {"id": 3}    ],    
"edges": [        {"source": 1, 
"target": 2, "id" : 1},        
{"source": 2, "target": 3, 
"id" : 2},        {"source": 1, 
"target": 2, "id" : 3},        
{"source": 1, "target": 2, 
"id" : 4},        {"source": 2, 
"target": 1, "id" : 5},        
{"source": 2, "target": 1, 
"id" : 6}    ]}""")that will look 
like:A little more complex 
graph:%sparkprint(s"""%network {    
 uot;: [{"id": 1, "label": 
"User", "data": 
Santurbano"}},{"id": 2, "label": 
"User", "data": 
{"fullName":"Lee Moon 
Soo"}},{"id": 3, "label": 
"Project", "data": 
"edges": [{"source": 2, 
"target": 1, "id" : 1, 
"HELPS"},{"source": 2, 
"target": 3, "id" : 2, 
"CREATE"},{"source": 1, 
"target": 3, "id" : 3, 
"label": "CONTRIBUTE_TO&quot
 ;, "data": {"oldPR": 
"labels": {"User": 
"#8BC34A", "Project": 
"#3071A9"},    "directed": true,    
"types": ["HELPS", 
"CONTRIBUTE_TO"]}""")that will 
look like:",
+      "url": " /usage/display_system/basic",
+      "group": "usage/display_system",
+      "excerpt": "There are 3 basic display systems in Apache Zeppelin. By 
default, Zeppelin prints interpreter responce as a plain text using text 
display system. With %html directive, Zeppelin treats your output as HTML. You 
can also simply use %table display system..."
+    }
+    ,
+    "interpreter-beam": {
+      "title": "Beam interpreter in Apache Zeppelin",
+      "content"  : "Beam interpreter for Apache ZeppelinOverviewApache Beam is 
an open source unified platform for data processing pipelines. A pipeline can 
be build using one of the Beam SDKs.The execution of the pipeline is done by 
different Runners. Currently, Beam supports Apache Flink Runner, Apache Spark 
Runner, and Google Dataflow Runner.How to useBasically, you can write normal 
Beam java code where you can determine the Runner. You should write the main 
method inside a class becuase the interpreter invoke this main to execute the 
pipeline. Unlike Zeppelin normal pattern, each paragraph is considered as a 
separate job, there isn't any relation to any other paragraph.The 
following is a demonstration of a word count example with data represented in 
array of stringsBut it can read data from files by replacing 
Create.of(SENTENCES).withCoder(StringUtf8Coder.of()) with 
TextIO.Read.from("path/to/filename.txt")%beam// most used 
importsimport org.apache.beam.
 sdk.coders.StringUtf8Coder;import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.Create;import;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.List;import 
org.apache.beam.sdk.runners.*;import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.*;import 
org.apache.beam.runners.flink.*;import org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline;import;import 
org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptions;public class MinimalWordCount {  
static List<String> s = new ArrayList<>();  static 
final String[] SENTENCES_ARRAY = new String[] {    "Hadoop is the 
Elephant King!",    &a
 mp;quot;A yellow and elegant thing.",    "He never 
forgets",    "Useful data, or lets",    "An 
extraneous element cling!",    "A wonderful king is 
Hadoop.",    "The elephant plays well with Sqoop.",  
  "But what helps him to thrive",    "Are Impala, 
and Hive,",    "And HDFS in the group.",    
"Hadoop is an elegant fellow.",    "An elephant 
gentle and mellow.",    "He never gets mad,",    
"Or does anything bad,",    "Because, at his core, 
he is yellow",    };    static final List<String> 
SENTENCES = Arrays.asList(SENTENCES_ARRAY);  public static void main(String[] 
args) {    PipelineOptions options = 
options.setRunner(FlinkRunner.class);    Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(o
 ptions);    p.apply(Create.of(SENTENCES).withCoder(StringUtf8Coder.of()))      
   .apply("ExtractWords", ParDo.of(new DoFn<String, 
String>() {           @ProcessElement           public void 
processElement(ProcessContext c) {             for (String word : 
c.element().split("[^a-zA-Z']+")) {               if 
(!word.isEmpty()) {                 c.output(word);               }             
}           }         }))        .apply(Count.<String> 
perElement())        .apply("FormatResults", ParDo.of(new 
DoFn<KV<String, Long>, String>() {          
@ProcessElement          public void 
processElement(DoFn<KV<String, Long>, 
String>.ProcessContext arg0)            throws Exception {            
s.add("n" + arg0.element().getKey() + "t" + 
arg0.element().getValue());            }        }));;    System.out.
 println("%table wordtcount");    for (int i = 0; i < 
s.size(); i++) {      System.out.print(s.get(i));    }  }}",
+      "url": " /interpreter/beam",
+      "group": "interpreter",
+      "excerpt": "Apache Beam is an open source, unified programming model 
that you can use to create a data processing pipeline."
+    }
+    ,
+    "interpreter-bigquery": {
+      "title": "BigQuery Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin",
+      "content"  : "BigQuery Interpreter for Apache ZeppelinOverviewBigQuery 
is a highly scalable no-ops data warehouse in the Google Cloud Platform. 
Querying massive datasets can be time consuming and expensive without the right 
hardware and infrastructure. Google BigQuery solves this problem by enabling 
super-fast SQL queries against append-only tables using the processing power of 
Google's infrastructure. Simply move your data into BigQuery and let us 
handle the hard work. You can control access to both the project and your data 
based on your business needs, such as giving others the ability to view or 
query your data.  Configuration      Name    Default Value    Description       
 zeppelin.bigquery.project_id          Google Project Id        
zeppelin.bigquery.wait_time    5000    Query Timeout in Milliseconds        
zeppelin.bigquery.max_no_of_rows    100000    Max result set size        
zeppelin.bigquery.sql_dialect        BigQuery SQL dialect (standardSQL or 
 ). If empty, [query 
 like '#standardSQL' can be used.  BigQuery APIZeppelin is built 
against BigQuery API version v2-rev265-1.21.0 - API JavadocsEnabling the 
BigQuery InterpreterIn a notebook, to enable the BigQuery interpreter, click 
the Gear icon and select bigquery.Provide Application Default CredentialsWithin 
Google Cloud Platform (e.g. Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine),built-in 
credentials are used by default.Outside of GCP, follow the Google API 
authentication instructions for Zeppelin Google Cloud StorageUsing the BigQuery 
InterpreterIn a paragraph, use %bigquery.sql to select the BigQuery interpreter 
and then input SQL statements against your datasets stored in BigQuery.You can 
use BigQuery SQL Reference to build your own SQL.For Example, SQL to query for 
top 10 departure delays across airports using the flights public 
dataset%bigquery.sqlSELECT departure_ai
 rport,count(case when departure_delay>0 then 1 else 0 end) as 
no_of_delays FROM [] group by 
departure_airport order by 2 desc limit 10Another Example, SQL to query for 
most commonly used java packages from the github data hosted in BigQuery 
%bigquery.sqlSELECT  package,  COUNT(*) countFROM (  SELECT    
REGEXP_EXTRACT(line, r' ([a-z0-9._]*).') package,    id  FROM ( 
   SELECT      SPLIT(content, 'n') line,      id    FROM      
[bigquery-public-data:github_repos.sample_contents]    WHERE      content 
CONTAINS 'import'      AND sample_path LIKE 
''    HAVING      LEFT(line, 6)='import' 
)  GROUP BY    package,    id )GROUP BY  1ORDER BY  count DESCLIMIT  
40Technical descriptionFor in-depth technical details on current implementation 
please refer to bigquery/",
+      "url": " /interpreter/bigquery",
+      "group": "interpreter",
+      "excerpt": "BigQuery is a highly scalable no-ops data warehouse in the 
Google Cloud Platform."
+    }
+    ,
+    "interpreter-cassandra": {
+      "title": "Cassandra CQL Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin",
+      "content"  : "Cassandra CQL Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin      Name    
Class    Description        %cassandra    CassandraInterpreter    Provides 
interpreter for Apache Cassandra CQL query language  Enabling Cassandra 
InterpreterIn a notebook, to enable the Cassandra interpreter, click on the 
Gear icon and select Cassandra  Using the Cassandra InterpreterIn a paragraph, 
use %cassandra to select the Cassandra interpreter and then input all 
commands.To access the interactive help, type HELP;    Interpreter CommandsThe 
Cassandra interpreter accepts the following commands            Command Type    
  Command Name      Description              Help command      HELP      
Display the interactive help menu              Schema commands      DESCRIBE 
describe the Cassandra schema              Option commands      @consistency, 
@retryPolicy, @fetchSize ...      Inject runtime options to all statements in 
the parag
 raph              Prepared statement commands      @prepare, @bind, 
@remove_prepared      Let you register a prepared command and re-use it later 
by injecting bound values              Native CQL statements      All 
CQL-compatible statements (SELECT, INSERT, CREATE, ...)      All CQL statements 
are executed directly against the Cassandra server      CQL statementsThis 
interpreter is compatible with any CQL statement supported by Cassandra. 
Ex:INSERT INTO users(login,name) VALUES('jdoe','John 
DOE');SELECT * FROM users WHERE login='jdoe';Each 
statement should be separated by a semi-colon ( ; ) except the special commands 
 statements as well as multiple statements on the same line are also supported 
as long as they are separated by a semi-colon. Ex:USE spark_demo;SELECT * FROM 
albums_by_country LIMIT 1; SELECT * FROM co
 untries LIMIT 1;SELECT *FROM artistsWHERE 
login='jlennon';Batch statements are supported and can span 
multiple lines, as well as DDL (CREATE/ALTER/DROP) statements:BEGIN BATCH    
INSERT INTO users(login,name) VALUES('jdoe','John 
DOE');    INSERT INTO users_preferences(login,account_type) 
IF NOT EXISTS test(    key int PRIMARY KEY,    value text);CQL statements are 
case-insensitive (except for column names and values). This means that the 
following statements are equivalent and valid:INSERT INTO users(login,name) 
VALUES('jdoe','John DOE');Insert into 
users(login,name) vAlues('hsue','Helen 
SUE');The complete list of all CQL statements and versions can be found 
below:         Cassandra Version     Documentation Link           3.x           
 ro.html                        2.2                                      
2.1 & 2.0                                      
                Comments in statementsIt is possible to add comments between 
statements. Single line comments start with the hash sign (#) or double slashes 
(//). Multi-line comments are enclosed between /** and **/. Ex:#Single line 
comment style 1INSERT INTO users(login,name) 
VALUES('jdoe','John DOE');//Single line comment 
style 2/** Multi line comments **/Insert into users(login,name) 
vAlues('hsue','Helen SUE');Syntax ValidationThe 
interpreters is shipped with a built-in syntax validator. This validator only 
checks for basic syntax errors.All CQL-related syntax validation is delegated 
 y to CassandraMost of the time, syntax errors are due to missing semi-colons 
between statements or typo errors.Schema commandsTo make schema discovery 
easier and more interactive, the following commands are supported:         
Command     Description           DESCRIBE CLUSTER;     Show the current 
cluster name and its partitioner           DESCRIBE KEYSPACES;     List all 
existing keyspaces in the cluster and their configuration (replication factor, 
durable write ...)           DESCRIBE TABLES;     List all existing keyspaces 
in the cluster and for each, all the tables name           DESCRIBE TYPES;     
List all existing keyspaces in the cluster and for each, all the user-defined 
types name           DESCRIBE FUNCTIONS;     List all existing keyspaces in the 
cluster and for each, all the functions name           DESCRIBE AGGREGATES;     
List all existing keyspaces in the cluster and for each, all the aggregates 
name           DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEWS;     List all existing keyspa
 ces in the cluster and for each, all the materialized views name           
DESCRIBE KEYSPACE <keyspacename>;     Describe the given keyspace 
configuration and all its table details (name, columns, ...)           DESCRIBE 
TABLE (<keyspacename>).<tablename>;             
Describe the given table. If the keyspace is not provided, the current logged 
in keyspace is used.        If there is no logged in keyspace, the default 
system keyspace is used.        If no table is found, an error message is 
raised                DESCRIBE TYPE 
(<keyspacename>).<typename>;             Describe 
the given type(UDT). If the keyspace is not provided, the current logged in 
keyspace is used.        If there is no logged in keyspace, the default system 
keyspace is used.        If no type is found, an error message is raised        
(<keyspacename>).<functionname>;     Describe the 
 function. If the keyspace is not provided, the current logged in keyspace is 
used.         If there is no logged in keyspace, the default system keyspace is 
used.         If no function is found, an error message is raised               
(<keyspacename>).<aggregatename>;     Describe the 
given aggregate. If the keyspace is not provided, the current logged in 
keyspace is used.         If there is no logged in keyspace, the default system 
keyspace is used.         If no aggregate is found, an error message is raised  
(<keyspacename>).<view_name>;     Describe the 
given view. If the keyspace is not provided, the current logged in keyspace is 
used.         If there is no logged in keyspace, the default system keyspace is 
used.         If no view is found, an error message is raised         The 
schema objects (cluster, keyspace, table, type, function and aggregate) are disp
 layed in a tabular format.There is a drop-down menu on the top left corner to 
expand objects details. On the top right menu is shown the Icon legend.  
Runtime ParametersSometimes you want to be able to pass runtime query 
parameters to your statements.Those parameters are not part of the CQL specs 
and are specific to the interpreter.Below is the list of all parameters:        
 Parameter     Syntax     Description           Consistency Level     
@consistency=value     Apply the given consistency level to all queries in the 
paragraph           Serial Consistency Level     @serialConsistency=value     
Apply the given serial consistency level to all queries in the paragraph        
   Timestamp     @timestamp=long value             Apply the given timestamp to 
all queries in the paragraph.        Please note that timestamp value passed 
directly in CQL statement will override this value                 Retry Policy 
    @retryPolicy=value     Apply the given retry policy to all queries in t
 he paragraph           Fetch Size     @fetchSize=integer value     Apply the 
given fetch size to all queries in the paragraph           Request Time Out     
@requestTimeOut=integer value     Apply the given request timeout in millisecs 
to all queries in the paragraph    Some parameters only accept restricted 
values:         Parameter     Possible Values           Consistency Level     
Serial Consistency Level     SERIAL, LOCALSERIAL           Timestamp     Any 
long value           Retry Policy     DEFAULT, DOWNGRADINGCONSISTENCY, 
Fetch Size     Any integer value    Please note that you should not add 
semi-colon ( ; ) at the end of each parameter statementSome examples:CREATE 
TABLE IF NOT EXISTS spark_demo.ts(    key int PRIMARY KEY,    value 
text);TRUNCATE spark_demo.ts;// Timestamp in the past@timestamp=10// Force 
timestamp dir
 ectly in the first insertINSERT INTO spark_demo.ts(key,value) 
VALUES(1,'first insert') USING TIMESTAMP 100;// Select some 
data to make the clock turnSELECT * FROM spark_demo.albums LIMIT 100;// Now 
insert using the timestamp parameter set at the beginning(10)INSERT INTO 
spark_demo.ts(key,value) VALUES(1,'second insert');// Check for 
the result. You should see 'first insert'SELECT value FROM 
spark_demo.ts WHERE key=1;Some remarks about query parameters:many query 
parameters can be set in the same paragraphif the same query parameter is set 
many time with different values, the interpreter only take into account the 
first valueeach query parameter applies to all CQL statements in the same 
paragraph, unless you override the option using plain CQL text (like forcing 
timestamp with the USING clause)the order of each query parameter with regard 
to CQL statement does not matterSupport for Prepared StatementsFor performance 
reason, it is better
  to prepare statements before-hand and reuse them later by providing bound 
values.This interpreter provides 3 commands to handle prepared and bound 
 1223, ’2015-07-30 12:00:01’, null, true, [‘list_item1’, 
 can use the syntax "@prepare[statement-name]=SELECT..." to 
create a prepared statement.The statement-name is mandatory because the 
interpreter prepares the given statement with the Java driver andsaves the 
generated prepared statement in an internal hash map, using the provided 
statement-name as search key.Please note that this internal prepared statement 
map is shared with all notebooks and all paragraphs becausethere is only one 
instance of the interpreter for CassandraIf the interpreter encounters many 
@prepare for the same
  statement-name (key), only the first statement will be taken into 
account.Example:@prepare[select]=SELECT * FROM spark_demo.albums LIMIT 
?@prepare[select]=SELECT * FROM spark_demo.artists LIMIT ?For the above 
example, the prepared statement is SELECT * FROM spark_demo.albums LIMIT 
?.SELECT * FROM spark_demo.artists LIMIT ? is ignored because an entry already 
exists in the prepared statements map with the key select.In the context of 
Zeppelin, a notebook can be scheduled to be executed at regular interval,thus 
it is necessary to avoid re-preparing many time the same statement (considered 
an anti-pattern).@bindOnce the statement is prepared (possibly in a separated 
notebook/paragraph). You can bind values to it:@bind[select_first]=10Bound 
values are not mandatory for the @bind statement. However if you provide bound 
values, they need to comply to some syntax:String values should be enclosed 
between simple quotes (')Date values should be enclosed between simple 
quotes (&#3
 9;) and respect the formats (full list is in the documentation):yyyy-MM-dd 
HH:MM:ssyyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:ss.SSSnull is parsed as-isboolean (true|false) are 
parsed as-iscollection values must follow the standard CQL syntax:list: 
['listitem1', 'listitem2', ...]set: 
{'setitem1', 'setitem2', …}map: 
{'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 
'val2', …}tuple values should be enclosed between parenthesis 
(see Tuple CQL syntax): ('text', 123, true)udt values should be 
enclosed between brackets (see UDT CQL syntax): {streename: 'Beverly 
Hills', number: 104, zipcode: 90020, state: 
'California', …}It is possible to use the @bind statement 
inside a batch:BEGIN BATCH   
@bind[insert_user]='jdoe','John DOE'   UPDATE 
users SET age = 27 WHERE login='hsue';APPLY 
BATCH;@remove_prepareTo av
 oid for a prepared statement to stay forever in the prepared statement map, 
you can use the@remove_prepare[statement-name] syntax to remove it.Removing a 
non-existing prepared statement yields no error.Using Dynamic FormsInstead of 
hard-coding your CQL queries, it is possible to use [Zeppelin dynamic form] 
syntax to inject simple value or multiple choices forms.The legacy mustache 
syntax ( {{ }} ) to bind input text and select form is still supported but is 
deprecated and will be removed in future releases.LegacyThe syntax for simple 
parameter is: {{input_Label=default value}}. The default value is mandatory 
because the first time the paragraph is executed,we launch the CQL query before 
rendering the form so at least one value should be provided.The syntax for 
multiple choices parameter is: {{input_Label=value1 | value2 | … | valueN }}. 
By default the first choice is used for CQL querythe first time the paragraph 
is executed.Example:#Secondary index on performer styleSELECT nam
 e, country, performerFROM spark_demo.performersWHERE 
name='${performer=Sheryl Crow|Doof|Fanfarlo|Los Paranoia}'AND 
styles CONTAINS '${style=Rock}';In the above example, the first 
CQL query will be executed for performer='Sheryl Crow' AND 
style='Rock'.For subsequent queries, you can change the value 
directly using the form.Please note that we enclosed the ${ } block between 
simple quotes ( ' ) because Cassandra expects a String here.We could 
have also use the ${style='Rock'} syntax but this time, the 
value displayed on the form is 'Rock' and not Rock.It is also 
possible to use dynamic forms for prepared 
statements:@bind[select]=='${performer=Sheryl Crow|Doof|Fanfarlo|Los 
Paranoia}', '${style=Rock}'Shared statesIt is possible 
to execute many paragraphs in parallel. However, at the back-end side, 
we're still using synchronous queries.Asynchrono
 us execution is only possible when it is possible to return a Future value in 
the InterpreterResult.It may be an interesting proposal for the Zeppelin 
project.Recently, Zeppelin allows you to choose the level of isolation for your 
interpreters (see [Interpreter Binding Mode] ).Long story short, you have 3 
available bindings:shared : same JVM and same Interpreter instance for all 
notesscoped : same JVM but different Interpreter instances, one for each 
noteisolated: different JVM running a single Interpreter instance, one JVM for 
each noteUsing the shared binding, the same com.datastax.driver.core.Session 
object is used for all notes and paragraphs.Consequently, if you use the USE 
keyspace_name; statement to log into a keyspace, it will change the keyspace 
forall current users of the Cassandra interpreter because we only create 1 
com.datastax.driver.core.Session objectper instance of Cassandra 
interpreter.The same remark does apply to the prepared statement hash map, it 
is shared by a
 ll users using the same instance of Cassandra interpreter.When using scoped 
binding, in the same JVM Zeppelin will create multiple instances of the 
Cassandra interpreter, thus multiple com.datastax.driver.core.Session objects. 
Beware of resource and memory usage using this binding ! The isolated mode is 
the most extreme and will create as many JVM/com.datastax.driver.core.Session 
object as there are distinct notes.Interpreter ConfigurationTo configure the 
Cassandra interpreter, go to the Interpreter menu and scroll down to change the 
parameters.The Cassandra interpreter is using the official Cassandra Java 
Driver and most of the parameters are usedto configure the Java driverBelow are 
the configuration parameters and their default values.        Property Name     
Description     Default Value           cassandra.cluster     Name of the 
Cassandra cluster to connect to     Test Cluster           
cassandra.compression.protocol     On wire compression. Possible values are: 
  LZ4     NONE           cassandra.credentials.username     If security is 
enable, provide the login     none           cassandra.credentials.password     
If security is enable, provide the password     none           cassandra.hosts  
           Comma separated Cassandra hosts (DNS name or IP address).            
    Ex:,node2,node3           localhost           
cassandra.interpreter.parallelism     Number of concurrent paragraphs(queries 
block) that can be executed     10           cassandra.keyspace             
Default keyspace to connect to.                  It is strongly recommended to 
let the default value          and prefix the table name with the actual 
keyspace          in all of your queries                  system           
cassandra.load.balancing.policy             Load balancing policy. Default = 
new TokenAwarePolicy(new DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy())        To Specify your own 
policy, provide the fully qualify class name (FQCN) of your policy.        At 
 me the interpreter will instantiate the policy using        
Class.forName(FQCN)          DEFAULT           
cassandra.max.schema.agreement.wait.second     Cassandra max schema agreement 
wait in second     10       Protocol V2 and below 
default = 2. Protocol V3 and above default = 1     2       Protocol V2 and below 
default = 1. Protocol V3 and above default = 1     1           
cassandra.pooling.heartbeat.interval.seconds     Cassandra pool heartbeat 
interval in secs     30           cassandra.pooling.idle.timeout.seconds     
Cassandra idle time out in seconds     120       Protocol V2 and below 
default = 8. Protocol V3 and above default = 1     8       Protocol V2 and below 
default = 2. Protocol V3 and above default = 1     2  
 quest.per.connection.local     Protocol V2 and below default = 128. Protocol 
V3 and above default = 1024     128           
cassandra.pooling.max.request.per.connection.remote     Protocol V2 and below 
default = 128. Protocol V3 and above default = 256     128       Protocol V2 and below 
default = 100. Protocol V3 and above default = 800     100       Protocol V2 and below 
default = 100. Protocol V3 and above default = 200     100           
cassandra.pooling.pool.timeout.millisecs     Cassandra pool time out in 
millisecs     5000           cassandra.protocol.version     Cassandra binary 
protocol version     4           cassandra.query.default.consistency           
Cassandra query default consistency level            Available values: ONE, 
     cassandra.query.default.fetchSize     Cassandra q
 uery default fetch size     5000           
cassandra.query.default.serial.consistency           Cassandra query default 
serial consistency level            Available values: SERIAL, LOCAL_SERIAL      
    SERIAL           cassandra.reconnection.policy             Cassandra 
Reconnection Policy.        Default = new ExponentialReconnectionPolicy(1000, 
10 * 60 * 1000)        To Specify your own policy, provide the fully qualify 
class name (FQCN) of your policy.        At runtime the interpreter will 
instantiate the policy using        Class.forName(FQCN)          DEFAULT        
   cassandra.retry.policy             Cassandra Retry Policy.        Default = 
DefaultRetryPolicy.INSTANCE        To Specify your own policy, provide the 
fully qualify class name (FQCN) of your policy.        At runtime the 
interpreter will instantiate the policy using        Class.forName(FQCN)        
  DEFAULT           cassandra.socket.connection.timeout.millisecs     Cassandra 
socket default connection timeou
 t in millisecs     500      
Cassandra socket read timeout in millisecs     12000           
cassandra.socket.tcp.no_delay     Cassandra socket TCP no delay     true        
   cassandra.speculative.execution.policy             Cassandra Speculative 
Execution Policy.        Default = NoSpeculativeExecutionPolicy.INSTANCE        
To Specify your own policy, provide the fully qualify class name (FQCN) of your 
policy.        At runtime the interpreter will instantiate the policy using     
   Class.forName(FQCN)          DEFAULT           cassandra.ssl.enabled         
    Enable support for connecting to the Cassandra configured with SSL.        
To connect to Cassandra configured with SSL use true        and provide a 
truststore file and password with following options.          false           
cassandra.ssl.truststore.path             Filepath for the truststore file to 
use for connection to Cassandra with SSL.                     cassandra.
 ssl.truststore.password             Password for the truststore file to use 
for connection to Cassandra with SSL.              Change Log3.0 (Zeppelin 
0.8.0) :Update documentationUpdate interactive documentationAdd support for 
binary protocol V4Implement new @requestTimeOut runtime optionUpgrade Java 
driver version to 3.0.1Allow interpreter to add dynamic forms programmatically 
when using FormType.SIMPLEAllow dynamic form using default Zeppelin 
syntaxFixing typo on FallThroughPolicyLook for data in AngularObjectRegistry 
before creating dynamic formAdd missing support for ALTER statements2.0 
(Zeppelin 0.8.0) :Update help menu and add changelogAdd Support for User 
Defined Functions, User Defined Aggregates and Materialized ViewsUpgrade Java 
driver version to 3.0.0-rc11.0 (Zeppelin 0.5.5-incubating) :Initial versionBugs 
& ContactsIf you encounter a bug for this interpreter, please create a 
JIRA ticket and ping me on Twitter at @doanduyhaiZeppelin Dynamic 
FormInterpreter Binding
+      "url": " /interpreter/cassandra",
+      "group": "interpreter",
+      "excerpt": "Apache Cassandra database is the right choice when you need 
scalability and high availability without compromising performance."
+    }
+    ,
+    "setup-deployment-cdh": {
+      "title": "Apache Zeppelin on CDH",
+      "content"  : "Apache Zeppelin on CDH1. Import Cloudera QuickStart Docker 
imageCloudera has officially provided CDH Docker Hub in their own container. 
Please check this guide page for more information.You can import the Docker 
image by pulling it from Cloudera Docker Hub.docker pull 
cloudera/quickstart:latest2. Run dockerdocker run -it  -p 80:80  -p 4040:4040  
-p 8020:8020  -p 8022:8022  -p 8030:8030  -p 8032:8032  -p 8033:8033  -p 
8040:8040  -p 8042:8042  -p 8088:8088  -p 8480:8480  -p 8485:8485  -p 8888:8888 
 -p 9083:9083  -p 10020:10020  -p 10033:10033  -p 18088:18088  -p 19888:19888  
-p 25000:25000  -p 25010:25010  -p 25020:25020  -p 50010:50010  -p 50020:50020  
-p 50070:50070  -p 50075:50075  -h quickstart.cloudera --privileged=true  
agitated_payne_backup /usr/bin/docker-quickstart;3. Verify running CDHTo verify 
the application is running well, check the web UI for HDFS on 
http://<hostname>:50070/ and YARN on 
http://<hostname>:8088/cluster.4. Co
 nfigure Spark interpreter in ZeppelinSet following configurations to 
conf/ MASTER=yarn-clientexport 
SPARK_HOME=[your_spark_home_path]HADOOP_CONF_DIR(Hadoop configuration path) is 
defined in /scripts/docker/spark-cluster-managers/cdh/hdfs_conf.Don't 
forget to set Spark master as yarn-client in Zeppelin Interpreters setting page 
like below.5. Run Zeppelin with Spark interpreterAfter running a single 
paragraph with Spark interpreter in Zeppelin,browse 
http://<hostname>:8088/cluster/apps to check Zeppelin application 
is running well or not.",
+      "url": " /setup/deployment/cdh",
+      "group": "setup/deployment",
+      "excerpt": "This document will guide you how you can build and configure 
the environment on CDH with Apache Zeppelin using docker scripts."
+    }
+    ,
+    "setup-operation-configuration": {
+      "title": "Apache Zeppelin Configuration",
+      "content"  : "Apache Zeppelin ConfigurationZeppelin PropertiesThere are 
two locations you can configure Apache Zeppelin.Environment variables can be 
defined conf/ for Windows).Java properties 
can be defined in conf/zeppelin-site.xml.If both are defined, then the 
environment variables will take priority.Mouse hover on each property and click 
 then you can get a link for that.    zeppelin-site.xml    
Default value    Description        ZEPPELIN_ADDR    zeppelin.server.addr    Zeppelin server binding address        ZEPPELIN_PORT    
zeppelin.server.port    8080    Zeppelin server port        Note: Please make 
sure you're not using the same port with      Zeppelin web application 
development port (default: 9000).        ZEPPELIN_SSL_PORT    
zeppelin.server.ssl.port    8443    Zeppelin Server ssl port (used when ssl 
environment/property is set to true)        ZEPPELIN_JMX_ENABLE    N/A        
Enable JMX by def
 ining "true"        ZEPPELIN_JMX_PORT    N/A    9996    Port number 
which JMX uses        ZEPPELIN_MEM    N/A    -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m    
JVM mem options        ZEPPELIN_INTP_MEM    N/A    ZEPPELIN_MEM    JVM mem 
options for interpreter process        ZEPPELIN_JAVA_OPTS    N/A        JVM 
options        ZEPPELIN_ALLOWED_ORIGINS    * 
   Enables a way to specify a ',' separated list of allowed origins for 
REST and websockets.  e.g. http://localhost:8080        
ZEPPELIN_CREDENTIALS_PERSIST    zeppelin.credentials.persist    true    Persist 
credentials on a JSON file (credentials.json)          
ZEPPELIN_CREDENTIALS_ENCRYPT_KEY    zeppelin.credentials.encryptKey        If 
provided, encrypt passwords on the credentials.json file (passwords will be 
stored as plain-text otherwise          N/A    zeppelin.anonymous.allowed    
true    The anonymous user is allowed by default.        
 ntext.path    /    Context path of the web application        ZEPPELIN_SSL    
zeppelin.ssl    false            ZEPPELIN_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH    
zeppelin.ssl.client.auth    false            ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEYSTORE_PATH    
zeppelin.ssl.keystore.path    keystore            ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE    
zeppelin.ssl.keystore.type    JKS            ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD    
zeppelin.ssl.keystore.password                ZEPPELIN_SSL_KEY_MANAGER_PASSWORD 
ZEPPELIN_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH    zeppelin.ssl.truststore.path                
ZEPPELIN_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE    zeppelin.ssl.truststore.type                
ZEPPELIN_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD    zeppelin.ssl.truststore.password            
    ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_HOMESCREEN    zeppelin.notebook.homescreen        Display 
note IDs on the Apache Zeppelin homescreen e.g. 2A94M5J1Z        
ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_HOMESCREEN_HIDE    zeppelin.notebook.homescreen.hide    false 
   Hide the note ID set by ZEPPELIN
 _NOTEBOOK_HOMESCREEN on the Apache Zeppelin homescreen. For the further 
information, please read Customize your Zeppelin homepage.        
ZEPPELIN_WAR_TEMPDIR    zeppelin.war.tempdir    webapps    Location of the 
jetty temporary directory        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR    zeppelin.notebook.dir 
   notebook    The root directory where notebook directories are saved        
ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_BUCKET    zeppelin.notebook.s3.bucket    zeppelin    S3 
Bucket where notebook files will be saved        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_USER    
zeppelin.notebook.s3.user    user    User name of an S3 buckete.g. 
bucket/user/notebook/2A94M5J1Z/note.json        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_ENDPOINT   
 zeppelin.notebook.s3.endpoint    Endpoint for the bucket   
     ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_KMS_KEY_ID    zeppelin.notebook.s3.kmsKeyID        
AWS KMS Key ID to use for encrypting data in S3 (optional)        
ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_EMP    zeppelin.notebook.s3.encryptionMaterialsProvider    
    Class name of a c
 ustom S3 encryption materials provider implementation to use for encrypting 
data in S3 (optional)        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_SSE    
zeppelin.notebook.s3.sse    false    Save notebooks to S3 with server-side 
encryption enabled        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_S3_SIGNEROVERRIDE    
zeppelin.notebook.s3.signerOverride        Optional override to control which 
signature algorithm should be used to sign AWS requests        
connection stringe.g. 
zeppelin    Azure Share where the notebook files will be saved        
Optional user name of an Azure file sharee.g. 
share/user/notebook/2A94M5J1Z/note.json        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_STORAGE    
org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.repo.GitNotebookRepo    Comma separated list of 
notebook storage locations        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_ONE_WAY_SYNC    false    If there are multiple notebook 
storage locations, should we treat the first one as the only source of truth?   
     ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_PUBLIC    zeppelin.notebook.public    true    Make 
notebook public (set only owners) by default when created/imported. If set to 
false will add user to readers and writers as well, making it private and 
invisible to other users unless permissions are granted.        
ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETERS    zeppelin.interpreters      
    ...              Comma separated interpreter configurations [Cl
 ass]       NOTE: This property is deprecated since Zeppelin-0.6.0 and will not 
be supported from Zeppelin-0.7.0.            ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_DIR    
zeppelin.interpreter.dir    interpreter    Interpreter directory        
ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_DEP_MVNREPO    zeppelin.interpreter.dep.mvnRepo    Remote principal repository for 
interpreter's additional dependency loading        
ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_OUTPUT_LIMIT    zeppelin.interpreter.output.limit    
102400    Output message from interpreter exceeding the limit will be truncated 
zeppelin.interpreter.connect.timeout    30000    Output message from 
interpreter exceeding the limit will be truncated        ZEPPELIN_DEP_LOCALREPO 
   zeppelin.dep.localrepo    local-repo    Local repository for dependency 
loader.ex)visualiztion modules of npm.        
ZEPPELIN_HELIUM_NODE_INSTALLER_URL    zeppelin.helium.node.installer.url    Remot
 e Node installer url for Helium dependency loader        
ZEPPELIN_HELIUM_NPM_INSTALLER_URL    zeppelin.helium.npm.installer.url    Remote Npm installer url for Helium dependency 
zeppelin.helium.yarnpkg.installer.url    Remote Yarn package 
installer url for Helium dependency loader        
zeppelin.websocket.max.text.message.size    1024000    Size(in characters) of 
the maximum text message that can be received by websocket.        
ZEPPELIN_SERVER_DEFAULT_DIR_ALLOWED    zeppelin.server.default.dir.allowed    
false    Enable directory listings on server.        
ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_GIT_REMOTE_URL    zeppelin.notebook.git.remote.url        
GitHub's repository URL. It could be either the HTTP URL or the SSH URL. 
For example        
 eppelin.notebook.git.remote.username    token    GitHub username. By default 
it is `token` to use GitHub's API        
zeppelin.notebook.git.remote.access-token    token    GitHub access token to 
use GitHub's API. If username/password combination is used and not GitHub 
API, then this value is the password        ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_GIT_REMOTE_ORIGIN 
   zeppelin.notebook.git.remote.origin    token    GitHub remote name. Default 
is `origin`  SSL ConfigurationEnabling SSL requires a few configuration 
changes. First, you need to create certificates and then update necessary 
configurations to enable server side SSL and/or client side certificate 
authentication.Creating and configuring the CertificatesInformation how about 
to generate certificates and a keystore can be found here.A condensed example 
can be found in the top answer to this StackOverflow post.The keystore holds 
the private key and certificate on the server end. The trustore h
 olds the trusted client certificates. Be sure that the path and password for 
these two stores are correctly configured in the password fields below. They 
can be obfuscated using the Jetty password tool. After Maven pulls in all the 
dependency to build Zeppelin, one of the Jetty jars contain the Password tool. 
Invoke this command from the Zeppelin home build directory with the appropriate 
version, user, and -cp 
./zeppelin-server/target/lib/jetty-all-server-<version>.jar <user> 
<password>If you are using a self-signed, a certificate signed by 
an untrusted CA, or if client authentication is enabled, then the client must 
have a browser create exceptions for both the normal HTTPS port and WebSocket 
port. This can by done by trying to establish an HTTPS connection to both ports 
in a browser (e.g. if the ports are 443 and 8443, then visit and This 
 step can be skipped if the server certificate is signed by a trusted CA and 
client auth is disabled.Configuring server side SSLThe following properties 
needs to be updated in the zeppelin-site.xml in order to enable server side 
<description>Server ssl port. (used when ssl property is set to 
<description>Should SSL be used by the 
<description>Path to keystore relative to Zeppelin configuration 
<value>JKS</value>  <description>The 
format of the given keystore (e.g. JKS or 
<value>change me</value>  
<description>Keystore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty 
<value>change me</value>  
<description>Key Manager password. Defaults to keystore password. 
Can be obfuscated.</description></property>Enabling 
client side certificate authenticationThe following properties 
 needs to be updated in the zeppelin-site.xml in order to enable client side 
certificate authentication.<property>  
<description>Server ssl port. (used when ssl property is set to 
<description>Should client authentication be used for SSL 
<description>Path to truststore relative to Zeppelin 
configuration directory. Defaults to the keystore 
<value>JKS</value>  <description>The 
format of the given truststore (e.g. JKS or PKCS12). Defaults to the same type 
as the keystore 
<value>change me</value>  
<description>Truststore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty 
Password tool. Defaults to the keystore 
password</description></property>Storing user 
credentialsIn order to avoid having to re-enter credentials every time you 
restart/redeploy Zeppelin, you can store the user credentials. Zeppelin 
supports this via the ZEPPELINCREDENTIALSPERSIST configuration.Please notice 
that passwords will be stored in plain text by default. To encrypt the 
passwords, use the ZEPPELINCREDENTIAL
 SENCRYPT_KEY config variable. This will encrypt passwords using the AES-128 
algorithm.You can generate an appropriate encryption key any way you'd 
like - for instance, by using the openssl tool:openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -k 
secret -P -md sha1Important: storing your encryption key in a configuration 
file is not advised. Depending on your environment security needs, you may want 
to consider utilizing a credentials server, storing the 
ZEPPELINCREDENTIALSENCRYPT_KEY as an OS env variable, or any other approach 
that would not colocate the encryption key and the encrypted content (the 
credentials.json file).Obfuscating Passwords using the Jetty Password 
ToolSecurity best practices advise to not use plain text passwords and Jetty 
provides a password tool to help obfuscating the passwords used to access the 
KeyStore and TrustStore.The Password tool documentation can be found here.After 
using the tool:java -cp 
$ZEPPELIN_HOME/zeppelin-server/target/lib/jetty-util-9.2.15.v20160210.jar             password2016-12-15 
10:46:47.931:INFO::main: Logging initialized 
 your configuration with the obfuscated password :<property>  
 <description>Keystore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty 
Password tool</description></property>Create GitHub 
Access TokenWhen using GitHub to track notebooks, one can use GitHub's 
API for authentication. To create an access token, please use the following 
link value of the access token generated 
is set in the zeppelin.notebook.git.remote.access-token property.Note: After 
updating these configurations, Zeppelin server needs to be restarted.",
+      "url": " /setup/operation/configuration",
+      "group": "setup/operation",
+      "excerpt": "This page will guide you to configure Apache Zeppelin using 
either environment variables or Java properties. Also, you can configure SSL 
for Zeppelin."
+    }
+    ,
+    "usage-rest-api-configuration": {
+      "title": "Apache Zeppelin Configuration REST API",
+      "content"  : "Apache Zeppelin Configuration REST APIOverviewApache 
Zeppelin provides several REST APIs for interaction and remote activation of 
zeppelin functionality.All REST APIs are available starting with the following 
endpoint http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api. Note that Apache 
Zeppelin REST APIs receive or return JSON objects, it is recommended for you to 
install some JSON viewers such as JSONView.If you work with Apache Zeppelin and 
find a need for an additional REST API, please file an issue or send us an 
email.Configuration REST API listList all key/value pair of configurations      
        Description      This GET method return all key/value pair of 
configurations on the server.       Note: For security reason, some pairs would 
not be shown.              URL      
Success code      200               Fail code       500                sample 
JSON response                    {  &amp
 ;quot;status": "OK",  "message": 
"",  "body": {    
"zeppelin.war.tempdir": "webapps",    
"zeppelin.notebook.s3.user": "user",    
"zeppelin.server.port": "8089",    
"zeppelin.dep.localrepo": "local-repo",    
"zeppelin.ssl.truststore.type": "JKS",    
"zeppelin.ssl.keystore.path": "keystore",   
 "zeppelin.notebook.s3.bucket": "zeppelin", 
   "zeppelin.server.addr": "",    
"zeppelin.ssl.client.auth": "false&q
 uot;,    "zeppelin.server.context.path": 
"/",    "zeppelin.ssl.keystore.type": 
"JKS",    "zeppelin.ssl.truststore.path": 
"truststore",    "zeppelin.interpreters": 
    "zeppelin.ssl": "false",    
"true",    "zeppelin.notebook.homescreen": 
"",    "": 
"30000",    "zeppelin.anonymous.allowed": 
"zeppelin.encoding": "UTF-8"  }}      List 
all prefix matched key/value pair of configurations              Description    
  This GET method return all prefix matched key/value pair of configurations on 
the server.      Note: For security reason, some pairs would not be shown.  
         Success code      200               Fail code       500                
sample JSON response            {  "status": 
"OK",  "message": "",  
"body": {    "zeppelin.ssl.keystore.type": 
"JKS",    "zeppelin.ssl.truststore.path": 
"zeppelin.ssl.truststore.type": "JKS",    
"zeppelin.ssl.keystore.path": "keystore",   
 "zeppelin.ssl": "false",    
"zeppelin.ssl.client.auth": "false"  }}     
+      "url": " /usage/rest_api/configuration",
+      "group": "usage/rest_api",
+      "excerpt": "This page contains Apache Zeppelin Configuration REST API 
+    }
+    ,
+    "usage-rest-api-credential": {
+      "title": "Apache Zeppelin Credential REST API",
+      "content"  : "Apache Zeppelin Credential REST APIOverviewApache Zeppelin 
provides several REST APIs for interaction and remote activation of zeppelin 
functionality.All REST APIs are available starting with the following endpoint 
http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api. Note that Apache Zeppelin REST 
APIs receive or return JSON objects, it is recommended for you to install some 
JSON viewers such as JSONView.If you work with Apache Zeppelin and find a need 
for an additional REST API, please file an issue or send us an email.Credential 
REST API ListList Credential information              Description      This GET 
method returns all key/value pairs of the credential information on the server. 
             URL      http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/credential   
           Success code      200               Fail code       500              
  sample JSON response                    {  "status": 
"OK",  "message": 
 "",  "body": {    
"userCredentials":{      "entity1":{        
"password":"password1"      },      
"password":"password2"      }    }  }}      
Create an Credential Information              Description      This PUT method 
creates the credential information with new properties.              URL      
http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/credential/              Success 
code      200              Fail code       500               Sample JSON input  
            {  "entity": "e1",  
"username": "user",  
"password": "password"}                     
       Sample JSON response 
              {  "status": "OK"}            
        Delete all Credential Information              Description      This 
DELETE method deletes the credential information.              URL      
http://[zeppelin-server]:[zeppelin-port]/api/credential              Success 
code      200               Fail code       500               Sample JSON 
response              {"status":"OK"}       
     Delete an Credential entity              Description      This DELETE 
method deletes a given credential entity.              URL      
Success code      200               Fail code       500               Sample 
JSON response              {"status":"OK"}  
+      "url": " /usage/rest_api/credential",
+      "group": "usage/rest_api",
+      "excerpt": "This page contains Apache Zeppelin Credential REST API 
+    }
+    ,
+    "usage-other-features-cron-scheduler": {
+      "title": "Running a Notebook on a Given Schedule Automatically",
+      "content"  : "Running a Notebook on a Given Schedule AutomaticallyApache 
Zeppelin provides a cron scheduler for each notebook. You can run a notebook on 
a given schedule automatically by setting up a cron scheduler on the 
notebook.Setting up a cron scheduler on a notebookClick the clock icon on the 
tool bar and open a cron scheduler dialog box.There are the following items 
which you can input or set:PresetYou can set a cron schedule easily by clicking 
each option such as 1m and 5m. The login user is set as a cron executing user 
automatically. You can also clear the cron schedule settings by clicking 
None.Cron expressionYou can set the cron schedule by filling in this form. 
Please see Cron Trigger Tutorial for the available cron syntax.Cron executing 
user (It is removed from 0.8 where it enforces the cron execution user to be 
the note owner for security purpose)You can set the cron executing user by 
filling in this form and press the enter key.After execution stop the interpret
 erWhen this checkbox is set to "on", the interpreters which 
are binded to the notebook are stopped automatically after the cron execution. 
This feature is useful if you want to release the interpreter resources after 
the cron execution.Note: A cron execution is skipped if one of the paragraphs 
is in a state of RUNNING or PENDING no matter whether it is executed 
automatically (i.e. by the cron scheduler) or manually by a user opening this 
notebook.Enable cronSet property zeppelin.notebook.cron.enable to true in 
$ZEPPELIN_HOME/conf/zeppelin-site.xml to enable Cron feature.Run cron 
selectively on foldersIn $ZEPPELIN_HOME/conf/zeppelin-site.xml make sure the 
property zeppelin.notebook.cron.enable is set to true, and then set property 
zeppelin.notebook.cron.folders to the desired folder as comma-separated values, 
e.g. *yst*, Sys?em, System. This property accepts wildcard and joker.",
+      "url": " /usage/other_features/cron_scheduler",
+      "group": "usage/other_features",
+      "excerpt": "You can run a notebook on a given schedule automatically by 
setting up a cron scheduler on the notebook."
+    }
+    ,
+    "usage-other-features-customizing-homepage": {
+      "title": "Customizing Apache Zeppelin homepage",

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