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 * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license 
MIT\n *\n * This file is the entry point for browserify.\n */\n\nimport { Termi
 nal } from './public/Terminal';\n\nmodule.exports = Terminal;\n","/**\n * 
Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license 
MIT\n */\n\nimport { ICharMeasure } from '../Types';\nimport { IRenderer } from 
'../renderer/Types';\n\nexport class MouseHelper {\n  constructor(private 
_renderer: IRenderer) {}\n\n  public static getCoordsRelativeToElement(event: 
{pageX: number, pageY: number}, element: HTMLElement): [number, number] {\n    
// Ignore browsers that don't support MouseEvent.pageX\n    if (event.pageX === 
null || event.pageX === undefined) {\n      return null;\n    }\n\n    const 
originalElement = element;\n    let x = event.pageX;\n    let y = 
event.pageY;\n\n    // Converts the coordinates from being relative to the 
document to being\n    // relative to the terminal.\n    while (element) {\n    
  x -= element.offsetLeft;\n      y -= element.offsetTop;\n      element = 
<HTMLElement>element.offsetParent;\n    }\n    element = originalElement;\n    
  (element && element !== element.ownerDocument.body) {\n      x += 
element.scrollLeft;\n      y += element.scrollTop;\n      element = 
<HTMLElement>element.parentElement;\n    }\n    return [x, y];\n  }\n\n  /**\n  
 * Gets coordinates within the terminal for a particular mouse event. The 
result\n   * is returned as an array in the form [x, y] instead of an object as 
it's a\n   * little faster and this function is used in some low level code.\n  
 * @param event The mouse event.\n   * @param element The terminal's container 
element.\n   * @param charMeasure The char measure object used to determine 
character sizes.\n   * @param colCount The number of columns in the terminal.\n 
  * @param rowCount The number of rows n the terminal.\n   * @param isSelection 
Whether the request is for the selection or not. This will\n   * apply an 
offset to the x value such that the left half of the cell will\n   * select 
that cell and the right half will select the next cell.\n   */\n  public 
 event: {pageX: number, pageY: number}, element: HTMLElement, charMeasure: 
ICharMeasure, lineHeight: number, colCount: number, rowCount: number, 
isSelection?: boolean): [number, number] {\n    // Coordinates cannot be 
measured if charMeasure has not been initialized\n    if (!charMeasure.width || 
!charMeasure.height) {\n      return null;\n    }\n\n    const coords = 
MouseHelper.getCoordsRelativeToElement(event, element);\n    if (!coords) {\n   
   return null;\n    }\n\n    coords[0] = Math.ceil((coords[0] + (isSelection ? 
this._renderer.dimensions.actualCellWidth / 2 : 0)) / 
this._renderer.dimensions.actualCellWidth);\n    coords[1] = 
Math.ceil(coords[1] / this._renderer.dimensions.actualCellHeight);\n\n    // 
Ensure coordinates are within the terminal viewport. Note that selections\n    
// need an addition point of precision to cover the end point (as characters\n  
  // cover half of one char and half of the next).\n    coords[0] = 
Math.min(Math.max(coords[0], 1), colCount + (isSe
 lection ? 1 : 0));\n    coords[1] = Math.min(Math.max(coords[1], 1), 
rowCount);\n\n    return coords;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets coordinates within 
the terminal for a particular mouse event, wrapping\n   * them to the bounds of 
the terminal and adding 32 to both the x and y values\n   * as expected by 
xterm.\n   * @param event The mouse event.\n   * @param element The terminal's 
container element.\n   * @param charMeasure The char measure object used to 
determine character sizes.\n   * @param colCount The number of columns in the 
terminal.\n   * @param rowCount The number of rows in the terminal.\n   */\n  
public getRawByteCoords(event: MouseEvent, element: HTMLElement, charMeasure: 
ICharMeasure, lineHeight: number, colCount: number, rowCount: number): { x: 
number, y: number } {\n    const coords = this.getCoords(event, element, 
charMeasure, lineHeight, colCount, rowCount);\n    let x = coords[0];\n    let 
y = coords[1];\n\n    // xterm sends raw bytes and starts at 32 (SP) for each.\
 n    x += 32;\n    y += 32;\n\n    return { x, y };\n  }\n}\n","/**\n * 
Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license 
MIT\n */\n\n/*\n * A simple utility for cloning values\n */\nexport const clone 
= <T>(val: T, depth: number = 5): T => {\n  if (typeof val !== 'object') {\n    
return val;\n  }\n\n  // cloning null always returns null\n  if (val === null) 
{\n    return null;\n  }\n\n  // If we're cloning an array, use an array as the 
base, otherwise use an object\n  const clonedObject: any = Array.isArray(val) ? 
[] : {};\n\n  for (const key in val) {\n    // Recursively clone eack item 
unless we're at the maximum depth\n    clonedObject[key] = depth <= 1 ? 
val[key] : clone(val[key], depth - 1);\n  }\n\n  return clonedObject as 
T;\n};\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights 
reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { Disposable } from 
'../common/Lifecycle';\n\nexport type ScreenDprListener = 
(newDevicePixelRatio?: number, oldDeviceP
 ixelRatio?: number) => void;\n\n/**\n * The screen device pixel ratio monitor 
allows listening for when the\n * window.devicePixelRatio value changes. This 
is done not with polling but with\n * the use of window.matchMedia to watch 
media queries. When the event fires,\n * the listener will be reattached using 
a different media query to ensure that\n * any further changes will register.\n 
*\n * The listener should fire on both window zoom changes and switching to a\n 
* monitor with a different DPI.\n */\nexport class ScreenDprMonitor extends 
Disposable {\n  private _currentDevicePixelRatio: number;\n  private 
_outerListener: MediaQueryListListener;\n  private _listener: 
ScreenDprListener;\n  private _resolutionMediaMatchList: MediaQueryList;\n\n  
public setListener(listener: ScreenDprListener): void {\n    if 
(this._listener) {\n      this.clearListener();\n    }\n    this._listener = 
listener;\n    this._outerListener = () => {\n      
this._listener(window.devicePixelRatio, this._cu
 rrentDevicePixelRatio);\n      this._updateDpr();\n    };\n    
this._updateDpr();\n  }\n\n  public dispose(): void {\n    super.dispose();\n   
 this.clearListener();\n  }\n\n  private _updateDpr(): void {\n    // Clear 
listeners for old DPR\n    if (this._resolutionMediaMatchList) {\n      
this._resolutionMediaMatchList.removeListener(this._outerListener);\n    }\n    
// Add listeners for new DPR\n    this._currentDevicePixelRatio = 
window.devicePixelRatio;\n    this._resolutionMediaMatchList = 
window.matchMedia(`screen and (resolution: ${window.devicePixelRatio}dppx)`);\n 
   this._resolutionMediaMatchList.addListener(this._outerListener);\n  }\n\n  
public clearListener(): void {\n    if (!this._listener) {\n      return;\n    
}\n    this._resolutionMediaMatchList.removeListener(this._outerListener);\n    
this._listener = null;\n    this._outerListener = null;\n  }\n}\n","import { 
ITerminal } from '../Types';\nimport { IDisposable } from 'xterm';\n\n/**\n * 
Debounces calls to render
  terminal rows using animation frames.\n */\nexport class RenderDebouncer 
implements IDisposable {\n  private _rowStart: number;\n  private _rowEnd: 
number;\n  private _animationFrame: number = null;\n\n  constructor(\n    
private _terminal: ITerminal,\n    private _callback: (start: number, end: 
number) => void\n  ) {\n  }\n\n  public dispose(): void {\n    if 
(this._animationFrame) {\n      
window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame);\n      this._animationFrame 
= null;\n    }\n  }\n\n  public refresh(rowStart: number, rowEnd: number): void 
{\n    // Get the min/max row start/end for the arg values\n    rowStart = 
rowStart !== null && rowStart !== undefined ? rowStart : 0;\n    rowEnd = 
rowEnd !== null && rowEnd !== undefined ? rowEnd : this._terminal.rows - 1;\n   
 // Check whether the row start/end values have already been set\n    const 
isRowStartSet = this._rowStart !== undefined && this._rowStart !== null;\n    
const isRowEndSet = this._rowEnd !== undefined && this._row
 End !== null;\n    // Set the properties to the updated values\n    
this._rowStart = isRowStartSet ? Math.min(this._rowStart, rowStart) : 
rowStart;\n    this._rowEnd = isRowEndSet ? Math.max(this._rowEnd, rowEnd) : 
rowEnd;\n\n    if (this._animationFrame) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    
this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => 
this._innerRefresh());\n  }\n\n  private _innerRefresh(): void {\n    // Clamp 
values\n    this._rowStart = Math.max(this._rowStart, 0);\n    this._rowEnd = 
Math.min(this._rowEnd, this._terminal.rows - 1);\n\n    // Run render 
callback\n    this._callback(this._rowStart, this._rowEnd);\n\n    // Reset 
debouncer\n    this._rowStart = null;\n    this._rowEnd = null;\n    
this._animationFrame = null;\n  }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The 
xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { 
ITerminal } from '../Types';\nimport { IMouseZoneManager, IMouseZone } from 
'./Types';\nimport { Disposable } from '../common/Lifecycle
 ';\nimport { addDisposableDomListener } from './Lifecycle';\n\nconst 
HOVER_DURATION = 500;\n\n/**\n * The MouseZoneManager allows components to 
register zones within the terminal\n * that trigger hover and click 
callbacks.\n *\n * This class was intentionally made not so robust initially as 
the only case it\n * needed to support was single-line links which never 
overlap. Improvements can\n * be made in the future.\n */\nexport class 
MouseZoneManager extends Disposable implements IMouseZoneManager {\n  private 
_zones: IMouseZone[] = [];\n\n  private _areZonesActive: boolean = false;\n  
private _mouseMoveListener: (e: MouseEvent) => any;\n  private _clickListener: 
(e: MouseEvent) => any;\n\n  private _tooltipTimeout: number = null;\n  private 
_currentZone: IMouseZone = null;\n  private _lastHoverCoords: [number, number] 
= [null, null];\n\n  constructor(\n    private _terminal: ITerminal\n  ) {\n    
super();\n\n    this.register(addDisposableDomListener(this._terminal.element, 
 wn', e => this._onMouseDown(e)));\n\n    // These events are expensive, only 
listen to it when mouse zones are active\n    this._mouseMoveListener = e => 
this._onMouseMove(e);\n    this._clickListener = e => this._onClick(e);\n  
}\n\n  public dispose(): void {\n    super.dispose();\n    
this._deactivate();\n  }\n\n  public add(zone: IMouseZone): void {\n    
this._zones.push(zone);\n    if (this._zones.length === 1) {\n      
this._activate();\n    }\n  }\n\n  public clearAll(start?: number, end?: 
number): void {\n    // Exit if there's nothing to clear\n    if 
(this._zones.length === 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    // Clear all if 
start/end weren't set\n    if (!end) {\n      start = 0;\n      end = 
this._terminal.rows - 1;\n    }\n\n    // Iterate through zones and clear them 
out if they're within the range\n    for (let i = 0; i < this._zones.length; 
i++) {\n      const zone = this._zones[i];\n      if ((zone.y1 > start && 
zone.y1 <= end + 1) ||\n          (zone.y2 > start && zon
 e.y2 <= end + 1) ||\n          (zone.y1 < start && zone.y2 > end + 1)) {\n     
   if (this._currentZone && this._currentZone === zone) {\n          
this._currentZone.leaveCallback();\n          this._currentZone = null;\n       
 }\n        this._zones.splice(i--, 1);\n      }\n    }\n\n    // Deactivate 
the mouse zone manager if all the zones have been removed\n    if 
(this._zones.length === 0) {\n      this._deactivate();\n    }\n  }\n\n  
private _activate(): void {\n    if (!this._areZonesActive) {\n      
this._areZonesActive = true;\n      
this._terminal.element.addEventListener('click', this._clickListener);\n    }\n 
 }\n\n  private _deactivate(): void {\n    if (this._areZonesActive) {\n      
this._areZonesActive = false;\n      
this._terminal.element.removeEventListener('click', this._clickListener);\n   
  }\n  }\n\n  private _onMouseMove(e: MouseEvent): void {\n    // TODO: Ideally 
this would only clear the hover state when the mouse moves\n    // outside of 
the mouse zone\n    if (this._lastHoverCoords[0] !== e.pageX || 
this._lastHoverCoords[1] !== e.pageY) {\n      this._onHover(e);\n      // 
Record the current coordinates\n      this._lastHoverCoords = [e.pageX, 
e.pageY];\n    }\n  }\n\n  private _onHover(e: MouseEvent): void {\n    const 
zone = this._findZoneEventAt(e);\n\n    // Do nothing if the zone is the same\n 
   if (zone === this._currentZone) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    // Fire the 
hover end callback and cancel any existing timer if a new zone\n    // is being 
hovered\n    if (this._currentZone) {\n      
this._currentZone.leaveCallback();\n      this._currentZone = null;\n      if 
(this._tooltipTimeout) {\n        clearTimeout(this._tooltipTimeout);\n      
}\n    }\n\n    // Exit if there is not zone\n    if (!zone) {\n      return;\n 
   }\n    this._currentZone = zon
 e;\n\n    // Trigger the hover callback\n    if (zone.hoverCallback) {\n      
zone.hoverCallback(e);\n    }\n\n    // Restart the tooltip timeout\n    
this._tooltipTimeout = <number><any>setTimeout(() => this._onTooltip(e), 
HOVER_DURATION);\n  }\n\n  private _onTooltip(e: MouseEvent): void {\n    
this._tooltipTimeout = null;\n    const zone = this._findZoneEventAt(e);\n    
if (zone && zone.tooltipCallback) {\n      zone.tooltipCallback(e);\n    }\n  
}\n\n  private _onMouseDown(e: MouseEvent): void {\n    // Ignore the event if 
there are no zones active\n    if (!this._areZonesActive) {\n      return;\n    
}\n\n    // Find the active zone, prevent event propagation if found to prevent 
other\n    // components from handling the mouse event.\n    const zone = 
this._findZoneEventAt(e);\n    if (zone) {\n      if (zone.willLinkActivate(e)) 
{\n        e.preventDefault();\n        e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n      
}\n    }\n  }\n\n  private _onClick(e: MouseEvent): void {\n    // Find t
 he active zone and click it if found\n    const zone = 
this._findZoneEventAt(e);\n    if (zone) {\n      zone.clickCallback(e);\n      
e.preventDefault();\n      e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n    }\n  }\n\n  
private _findZoneEventAt(e: MouseEvent): IMouseZone {\n    const coords = 
this._terminal.mouseHelper.getCoords(e, this._terminal.screenElement, 
this._terminal.charMeasure, this._terminal.options.lineHeight, 
this._terminal.cols, this._terminal.rows);\n    if (!coords) {\n      return 
null;\n    }\n    const x = coords[0];\n    const y = coords[1];\n    for (let 
i = 0; i < this._zones.length; i++) {\n      const zone = this._zones[i];\n     
 if (zone.y1 === zone.y2) {\n        // Single line link\n        if (y === 
zone.y1 && x >= zone.x1 && x < zone.x2) {\n          return zone;\n        }\n  
    } else {\n        // Multi-line link\n        if ((y === zone.y1 && x >= 
zone.x1) ||\n            (y === zone.y2 && x < zone.x2) ||\n            (y > 
zone.y1 && y < zone.y2)) {\n       
    return zone;\n        }\n      }\n    }\n    return null;\n  }\n}\n\nexport 
class MouseZone implements IMouseZone {\n  constructor(\n    public x1: 
number,\n    public y1: number,\n    public x2: number,\n    public y2: 
number,\n    public clickCallback: (e: MouseEvent) => any,\n    public 
hoverCallback: (e: MouseEvent) => any,\n    public tooltipCallback: (e: 
MouseEvent) => any,\n    public leaveCallback: () => void,\n    public 
willLinkActivate: (e: MouseEvent) => boolean\n  ) {\n  }\n}\n","/**\n * 
Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license 
MIT\n */\n\nimport { IDisposable } from 'xterm';\n\n/**\n * Adds a disposabe 
listener to a node in the DOM, returning the disposable.\n * @param type The 
event type.\n * @param handler The handler for the listener.\n */\nexport 
function addDisposableDomListener(\n  node: Element | Window | Document,\n  
type: string,\n  handler: (e: any) => void,\n  useCapture?: boolean\n): 
IDisposable {\n  node.addEventListene
 r(type, handler, useCapture);\n  return {\n    dispose: () => {\n      if 
(!handler) {\n        // Already disposed\n        return;\n      }\n      
node.removeEventListener(type, handler, useCapture);\n      node = null;\n      
handler = null;\n    }\n  };\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The xterm.js 
authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ICharMeasure, 
ITerminalOptions } from '../Types';\nimport { EventEmitter } from 
'../common/EventEmitter';\n\n/**\n * Utility class that measures the size of a 
character. Measurements are done in\n * the DOM rather than with a canvas 
context because support for extracting the\n * height of characters is patchy 
across browsers.\n */\nexport class CharMeasure extends EventEmitter implements 
ICharMeasure {\n  private _document: Document;\n  private _parentElement: 
HTMLElement;\n  private _measureElement: HTMLElement;\n  private _width: 
number;\n  private _height: number;\n\n  constructor(document: Document, 
parentElement: HT
 MLElement) {\n    super();\n    this._document = document;\n    
this._parentElement = parentElement;\n    this._measureElement = 
this._measureElement.textContent = 'W';\n    
this._measureElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');\n    
this._parentElement.appendChild(this._measureElement);\n  }\n\n  public get 
width(): number {\n    return this._width;\n  }\n\n  public get height(): 
number {\n    return this._height;\n  }\n\n  public measure(options: 
ITerminalOptions): void {\n = 
options.fontFamily;\n = 
`${options.fontSize}px`;\n    const geometry = 
this._measureElement.getBoundingClientRect();\n    // The element is likely 
currently display:none, we should retain the\n    // previous value.\n    if 
(geometry.width === 0 || geometry.height === 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n    if 
(this._width !=
 = geometry.width || this._height !== geometry.height) {\n      this._width = 
geometry.width;\n      this._height = Math.ceil(geometry.height);\n      
this.emit('charsizechanged');\n    }\n  }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2016 The 
xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nconst isNode = 
(typeof navigator === 'undefined') ? true : false;\nconst userAgent = (isNode) 
? 'node' : navigator.userAgent;\nconst platform = (isNode) ? 'node' : 
navigator.platform;\n\nexport const isFirefox = 
!!~userAgent.indexOf('Firefox');\nexport const isSafari = 
/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(userAgent);\nexport const isMSIE = 
!!~userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') || !!~userAgent.indexOf('Trident');\n\n// Find the 
users platform. We use this to interpret the meta key\n// and ISO third level 
shifts.\n//\nexport const isMac = 
contains(['Macintosh', 'MacIntel', 'MacPPC', 'Mac68K'], platform);\nexport 
const isIpad = platform === 'iPad';\nexport const 
 isIphone = platform === 'iPhone';\nexport const isMSWindows = 
contains(['Windows', 'Win16', 'Win32', 'WinCE'], platform);\nexport const 
isLinux = platform.indexOf('Linux') >= 0;\n\n/**\n * Return if the given array 
contains the given element\n * @param arr The array to search for the given 
element.\n * @param el The element to look for into the array\n */\nfunction 
contains(arr: any[], el: any): boolean {\n  return arr.indexOf(el) >= 
0;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights 
reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { FontWeight } from 'xterm';\nimport 
{ IColorSet } from '../Types';\n\nexport const CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING = 
1;\n\nexport interface ICharAtlasConfig {\n  type: 'none' | 'static' | 
'dynamic';\n  devicePixelRatio: number;\n  fontSize: number;\n  fontFamily: 
string;\n  fontWeight: FontWeight;\n  fontWeightBold: FontWeight;\n  
scaledCharWidth: number;\n  scaledCharHeight: number;\n  allowTransparency: 
boolean;\n  colors: IColorSet;\n}\n","/**\n *
  Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license 
MIT\n */\n\nimport { FontWeight } from 'xterm';\nimport { 
CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING, ICharAtlasConfig } from './Types';\nimport { IColor } 
from '../Types';\nimport { isFirefox, isSafari } from 
'../utils/Browser';\n\ndeclare const Promise: any;\n\nexport interface 
IOffscreenCanvas {\n  width: number;\n  height: number;\n  getContext(type: 
'2d', config?: Canvas2DContextAttributes): CanvasRenderingContext2D;\n  
transferToImageBitmap(): ImageBitmap;\n}\n\n/**\n * Generates a char atlas.\n * 
@param context The window or worker context.\n * @param canvasFactory A 
function to generate a canvas with a width or height.\n * @param config The 
config for the new char atlas.\n */\nexport function 
generateStaticCharAtlasTexture(context: Window, canvasFactory: (width: number, 
height: number) => HTMLCanvasElement | IOffscreenCanvas, config: 
ICharAtlasConfig): HTMLCanvasElement | Promise<ImageBitmap> {\n  const 
cellWidth = con
 fig.scaledCharWidth + CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING;\n  const cellHeight = 
config.scaledCharHeight + CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING;\n  const canvas = 
canvasFactory(\n    /*255 ascii chars*/255 * cellWidth,\n    (/*default+default 
bold*/2 + /*0-15*/16 + /*0-15 bold*/16) * cellHeight\n  );\n  const ctx = 
canvas.getContext('2d', {alpha: config.allowTransparency});\n\n  ctx.fillStyle 
= config.colors.background.css;\n  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, 
canvas.height);\n\n;\n  ctx.fillStyle = 
config.colors.foreground.css;\n  ctx.font = getFont(config.fontWeight, 
config);\n  ctx.textBaseline = 'top';\n\n  // Default color\n  for (let i = 0; 
i < 256; i++) {\n;\n    ctx.beginPath();\n    ctx.rect(i * 
cellWidth, 0, cellWidth, cellHeight);\n    ctx.clip();\n    
ctx.fillText(String.fromCharCode(i), i * cellWidth, 0);\n    ctx.restore();\n  
}\n  // Default color bold\n;\n  ctx.font = 
getFont(config.fontWeightBold, config);\n  for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n
 ();\n    ctx.beginPath();\n    ctx.rect(i * cellWidth, cellHeight, cellWidth, 
cellHeight);\n    ctx.clip();\n    ctx.fillText(String.fromCharCode(i), i * 
cellWidth, cellHeight);\n    ctx.restore();\n  }\n  ctx.restore();\n\n  // 
Colors 0-15\n  ctx.font = getFont(config.fontWeight, config);\n  for (let 
colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < 16; colorIndex++) {\n    const y = (colorIndex + 
2) * cellHeight;\n    // Draw ascii characters\n    for (let i = 0; i < 256; 
i++) {\n;\n      ctx.beginPath();\n      ctx.rect(i * 
cellWidth, y, cellWidth, cellHeight);\n      ctx.clip();\n      ctx.fillStyle = 
config.colors.ansi[colorIndex].css;\n      ctx.fillText(String.fromCharCode(i), 
i * cellWidth, y);\n      ctx.restore();\n    }\n  }\n\n  // Colors 0-15 bold\n 
 ctx.font = getFont(config.fontWeightBold, config);\n  for (let colorIndex = 0; 
colorIndex < 16; colorIndex++) {\n    const y = (colorIndex + 2 + 16) * 
cellHeight;\n    // Draw ascii characters\n    for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) 
 {\n;\n      ctx.beginPath();\n      ctx.rect(i * cellWidth, y, 
cellWidth, cellHeight);\n      ctx.clip();\n      ctx.fillStyle = 
config.colors.ansi[colorIndex].css;\n      ctx.fillText(String.fromCharCode(i), 
i * cellWidth, y);\n      ctx.restore();\n    }\n  }\n  ctx.restore();\n\n  // 
Support is patchy for createImageBitmap at the moment, pass a canvas back\n  // 
if support is lacking as drawImage works there too. Firefox is also\n  // 
included here as ImageBitmap appears both buggy and has horrible\n  // 
performance (tested on v55).\n  if (!('createImageBitmap' in context) || 
isFirefox || isSafari) {\n    // Don't attempt to clear background colors if 
createImageBitmap is not supported\n    if (canvas instanceof 
HTMLCanvasElement) {\n      // Just return the HTMLCanvas if it's a 
HTMLCanvasElement\n      return canvas;\n    }\n    // Transfer to an 
ImageBitmap is this is an OffscreenCanvas\n    return new Promise((r: (bitmap: 
ImageBitmap) => void) => r(canvas.trans
 ferToImageBitmap()));\n  }\n\n  const charAtlasImageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 
0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\n\n  // Remove the background color from the 
image so characters may overlap\n  clearColor(charAtlasImageData, 
config.colors.background);\n\n  return 
context.createImageBitmap(charAtlasImageData);\n}\n\n/**\n * Makes a 
partiicular rgb color in an ImageData completely transparent.\n * @returns True 
if the result is \"empty\", meaning all pixels are fully transparent.\n 
*/\nexport function clearColor(imageData: ImageData, color: IColor): boolean 
{\n  let isEmpty = true;\n  const r = color.rgba >>> 24;\n  const g = 
color.rgba >>> 16 & 0xFF;\n  const b = color.rgba >>> 8 & 0xFF;\n  for (let 
offset = 0; offset <; offset += 4) {\n    if 
([offset] === r &&\n[offset + 1] === g &&\n[offset + 2] === b) {\n[offset + 3] = 
0;\n    } else {\n      isEmpty = false;\n    }\n  }\n  return is
 Empty;\n}\n\nfunction getFont(fontWeight: FontWeight, config: 
ICharAtlasConfig): string {\n  return `${fontWeight} ${config.fontSize * 
config.devicePixelRatio}px ${config.fontFamily}`;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 
2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport 
'../../Buffer';\nimport { FLAGS } from '../Types';\nimport { IBufferLine } from 
'../../Types';\n\nexport const BOLD_CLASS = 'xterm-bold';\nexport const 
ITALIC_CLASS = 'xterm-italic';\nexport const CURSOR_CLASS = 
'xterm-cursor';\nexport const CURSOR_STYLE_BLOCK_CLASS = 
'xterm-cursor-block';\nexport const CURSOR_STYLE_BAR_CLASS = 
'xterm-cursor-bar';\nexport const CURSOR_STYLE_UNDERLINE_CLASS = 
'xterm-cursor-underline';\n\nexport class DomRendererRowFactory {\n  
constructor(\n    private _document: Document\n  ) {\n  }\n\n  public 
createRow(lineData: IBufferLine, isCursorRow: boolean, cursorStyle: string | 
undefined, cursor
 X: number, cellWidth: number, cols: number): DocumentFragment {\n    const 
fragment = this._document.createDocumentFragment();\n    let colCount = 0;\n\n  
  for (let x = 0; x < lineData.length; x++) {\n      // Don't allow any buffer 
to the right to be displayed\n      if (colCount >= cols) {\n        
continue;\n      }\n\n      const charData = lineData.get(x);\n      const 
char: string = charData[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX];\n      const attr: number = 
charData[CHAR_DATA_ATTR_INDEX];\n      const width: number = 
charData[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX];\n\n      // The character to the left is a 
wide character, drawing is owned by the char at x-1\n      if (width === 0) {\n 
       continue;\n      }\n\n      const charElement = 
this._document.createElement('span');\n      if (width > 1) {\n = `${cellWidth * width}px`;\n      }\n\n      const 
flags = attr >> 18;\n      let bg = attr & 0x1ff;\n      let fg = (attr >> 9) & 
0x1ff;\n\n      if (isCursorRow && x === curs
 orX) {\n        charElement.classList.add(CURSOR_CLASS);\n\n        switch 
(cursorStyle) {\n          case 'bar':\n            
charElement.classList.add(CURSOR_STYLE_BAR_CLASS);\n            break;\n        
  case 'underline':\n            
charElement.classList.add(CURSOR_STYLE_UNDERLINE_CLASS);\n            break;\n  
charElement.classList.add(CURSOR_STYLE_BLOCK_CLASS);\n            break;\n      
  }\n      }\n\n      // If inverse flag is on, the foreground should become 
the background.\n      if (flags & FLAGS.INVERSE) {\n        const temp = bg;\n 
       bg = fg;\n        fg = temp;\n        if (fg === 256) {\n          fg = 
0;\n        }\n        if (bg === 257) {\n          bg = 15;\n        }\n      
}\n\n      if (flags & FLAGS.BOLD) {\n        // Convert the FG color to the 
bold variant\n        if (fg < 8) {\n          fg += 8;\n        }\n        
charElement.classList.add(BOLD_CLASS);\n      }\n\n      if (flags & 
FLAGS.ITALIC) {\n        charE
 lement.classList.add(ITALIC_CLASS);\n      }\n\n      charElement.textContent 
= char;\n      if (fg !== 257) {\n        
charElement.classList.add(`xterm-fg-${fg}`);\n      }\n      if (bg !== 256) 
{\n        charElement.classList.add(`xterm-bg-${bg}`);\n      }\n      
fragment.appendChild(charElement);\n      colCount += width;\n    }\n    return 
fragment;\n  }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All 
rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IRenderer, 
IRenderDimensions, IColorSet } from '../Types';\nimport { ILinkHoverEvent, 
ITerminal, CharacterJoinerHandler, LinkHoverEventTypes } from 
'../../Types';\nimport { ITheme } from 'xterm';\nimport { EventEmitter } from 
'../../common/EventEmitter';\nimport { ColorManager } from 
'../ColorManager';\nimport { RenderDebouncer } from 
'../../ui/RenderDebouncer';\nimport { BOLD_CLASS, ITALIC_CLASS, CURSOR_CLASS, 
DomRendererRowFactory } fro
 m './DomRendererRowFactory';\n\nconst TERMINAL_CLASS_PREFIX = 
'xterm-dom-renderer-owner-';\nconst ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS = 'xterm-rows';\nconst 
FG_CLASS_PREFIX = 'xterm-fg-';\nconst BG_CLASS_PREFIX = 'xterm-bg-';\nconst 
FOCUS_CLASS = 'xterm-focus';\nconst SELECTION_CLASS = 'xterm-selection';\n\nlet 
nextTerminalId = 1;\n\n// TODO: Pull into an addon when TS composite projects 
allow easier sharing of code (not just\n// interfaces) between core and 
addons\n\n/**\n * A fallback renderer for when canvas is slow. This is not 
meant to be\n * particularly fast or feature complete, more just stable and 
usable for when\n * canvas is not an option.\n */\nexport class DomRenderer 
extends EventEmitter implements IRenderer {\n  private _renderDebouncer: 
RenderDebouncer;\n  private _rowFactory: DomRendererRowFactory;\n  private 
_terminalClass: number = nextTerminalId++;\n\n  private _themeStyleElement: 
HTMLStyleElement;\n  private _dimensionsStyleElement: HTMLStyleElement;\n  
private _rowContainer: H
 TMLElement;\n  private _rowElements: HTMLElement[] = [];\n  private 
_selectionContainer: HTMLElement;\n\n  public dimensions: IRenderDimensions;\n  
public colorManager: ColorManager;\n\n  constructor(private _terminal: 
ITerminal, theme: ITheme | undefined) {\n    super();\n    const 
allowTransparency = this._terminal.options.allowTransparency;\n    
this.colorManager = new ColorManager(document, allowTransparency);\n    
this.setTheme(theme);\n\n    this._rowContainer = 
this._rowContainer.classList.add(ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS);\n = 'normal';\n    
this._rowContainer.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');\n    
this._refreshRowElements(this._terminal.cols, this._terminal.rows);\n    
this._selectionContainer = document.createElement('div');\n    
this._selectionContainer.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');\n\n    
this.dimensions = {\n      scaledCharWidth: nul
 l,\n      scaledCharHeight: null,\n      scaledCellWidth: null,\n      
scaledCellHeight: null,\n      scaledCharLeft: null,\n      scaledCharTop: 
null,\n      scaledCanvasWidth: null,\n      scaledCanvasHeight: null,\n      
canvasWidth: null,\n      canvasHeight: null,\n      actualCellWidth: null,\n   
   actualCellHeight: null\n    };\n    this._updateDimensions();\n\n    
this._renderDebouncer = new RenderDebouncer(this._terminal, 
this._renderRows.bind(this));\n    this._rowFactory = new 
this._terminal.element.classList.add(TERMINAL_CLASS_PREFIX + 
this._terminal.linkifier.on(LinkHoverEventTypes.HOVER, (e: ILinkHoverEvent) => 
this._terminal.linkifier.on(LinkHoverEventTypes.LEAVE, (e: ILinkHoverEvent) => 
this._onLinkLeave(e));\n  }\n\n  public dispose
 (): void {\n    this._terminal.element.classList.remove(TERMINAL_CLASS_PREFIX 
+ this._terminalClass);\n    
super.dispose();\n  }\n\n  private _updateDimensions(): void {\n    
this.dimensions.scaledCharWidth = this._terminal.charMeasure.width * 
window.devicePixelRatio;\n    this.dimensions.scaledCharHeight = 
this._terminal.charMeasure.height * window.devicePixelRatio;\n    
this.dimensions.scaledCellWidth = this.dimensions.scaledCharWidth;\n    
this.dimensions.scaledCellHeight = this.dimensions.scaledCharHeight;\n    
this.dimensions.scaledCharLeft = 0;\n    this.dimensions.scaledCharTop = 0;\n   
 this.dimensions.scaledCanvasWidth = this.dimensions.scaledCellWidth * 
this._terminal.cols;\n    this.dimen
 sions.scaledCanvasHeight = this.dimensions.scaledCellHeight * 
this._terminal.rows;\n    this.dimensions.canvasWidth = 
this._terminal.charMeasure.width * this._terminal.cols;\n    
this.dimensions.canvasHeight = this._terminal.charMeasure.height * 
this._terminal.rows;\n    this.dimensions.actualCellWidth = 
this._terminal.charMeasure.width;\n    this.dimensions.actualCellHeight = 
this._terminal.charMeasure.height;\n\n    this._rowElements.forEach(element => 
{\n = `${this.dimensions.canvasWidth}px`;\n = `${this._terminal.charMeasure.height}px`;\n    });\n\n   
 if (!this._dimensionsStyleElement) {\n      this._dimensionsStyleElement = 
}\n\n    const styles =\n        `${this._terminalSelector} 
.${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS} span {` +\n        ` display: inline-block;` +\n        
` height: 100%;` +\n        ` vertical-align: top;`
  +\n        ` width: ${this._terminal.charMeasure.width}px` +\n        
`}`;\n\n    this._dimensionsStyleElement.innerHTML = styles;\n\n = 
(<any>this._terminal);\n = `${this.dimensions.canvasWidth}px`;\n = `${this.dimensions.canvasHeight}px`;\n  }\n\n 
 public setTheme(theme: ITheme | undefined): IColorSet {\n    if (theme) {\n    
  this.colorManager.setTheme(theme);\n    }\n\n    if 
(!this._themeStyleElement) {\n      this._themeStyleElement = 
this._terminal.screenElement.appendChild(this._themeStyleElement);\n    }\n\n   
 // Base CSS\n    let styles =\n        `${this._terminalSelector} 
.${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS} {` +\n        ` color: 
${this.colorManager.colors.foreground.css};` +\n        ` background-color: 
${this.colorManager.colors.background.css};` +\n        ` font-family: 
 ontFamily')};` +\n        ` font-size: 
${this._terminal.getOption('fontSize')}px;` +\n        `}`;\n    // Text 
styles\n    styles +=\n        `${this._terminalSelector} 
span:not(.${BOLD_CLASS}) {` +\n        ` font-weight: 
${this._terminal.options.fontWeight};` +\n        `}` +\n        
`${this._terminalSelector} span.${BOLD_CLASS} {` +\n        ` font-weight: 
${this._terminal.options.fontWeightBold};` +\n        `}` +\n        
`${this._terminalSelector} span.${ITALIC_CLASS} {` +\n        ` font-style: 
italic;` +\n        `}`;\n    // Cursor\n    styles +=\n        
`${this._terminalSelector} .${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS}:not(.${FOCUS_CLASS}) 
.${CURSOR_CLASS} {` +\n        ` outline: 1px solid 
${this.colorManager.colors.cursor.css};` +\n        ` outline-offset: -1px;` 
+\n        `}` +\n        `${this._terminalSelector} 
.${CURSOR_CLASS}.${CURSOR_STYLE_BLOCK_CLASS} {` +\n        ` background-color: 
${this.colorManager.colors.cursor.css};` +\n        
 ` color: ${this.colorManager.colors.cursorAccent.css};` +\n        `}` +\n     
   `${this._terminalSelector} .${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS}.${FOCUS_CLASS} 
.${CURSOR_CLASS}.${CURSOR_STYLE_BAR_CLASS} {` +\n        ` box-shadow: 1px 0 0 
${this.colorManager.colors.cursor.css} inset;` +\n        `}` +\n        
`${this._terminalSelector} .${ROW_CONTAINER_CLASS}.${FOCUS_CLASS} 
.${CURSOR_CLASS}.${CURSOR_STYLE_UNDERLINE_CLASS} {` +\n        ` box-shadow: 0 
-1px 0 ${this.colorManager.colors.cursor.css} inset;` +\n        `}`;\n    // 
Selection\n    styles +=\n        `${this._terminalSelector} 
.${SELECTION_CLASS} {` +\n        ` position: absolute;` +\n        ` top: 0;` 
+\n        ` left: 0;` +\n        ` z-index: 1;` +\n        ` pointer-events: 
none;` +\n        `}` +\n        `${this._terminalSelector} .${SELECTION_CLASS} 
div {` +\n        ` position: absolute;` +\n        ` background-color: 
${this.colorManager.colors.selection.css};` +\n        `}`;\n    // Colors\n    
 .ansi.forEach((c, i) => {\n      styles +=\n          
`${this._terminalSelector} .${FG_CLASS_PREFIX}${i} { color: ${c.css}; }` +\n    
      `${this._terminalSelector} .${BG_CLASS_PREFIX}${i} { background-color: 
${c.css}; }`;\n    });\n\n    this._themeStyleElement.innerHTML = styles;\n    
return this.colorManager.colors;\n  }\n\n  public 
onWindowResize(devicePixelRatio: number): void {\n    
this._updateDimensions();\n  }\n\n  private _refreshRowElements(cols: number, 
rows: number): void {\n    // Add missing elements\n    for (let i = 
this._rowElements.length; i <= rows; i++) {\n      const row = 
document.createElement('div');\n      this._rowContainer.appendChild(row);\n    
  this._rowElements.push(row);\n    }\n    // Remove excess elements\n    while 
(this._rowElements.length > rows) {\n      
this._rowContainer.removeChild(this._rowElements.pop());\n    }\n  }\n\n  
public onResize(cols: number, rows: number): void {\n    
this._refreshRowElements(cols, rows);\n    this._updateDime
 nsions();\n  }\n\n  public onCharSizeChanged(): void {\n    
this._updateDimensions();\n  }\n\n  public onBlur(): void {\n    
this._rowContainer.classList.remove(FOCUS_CLASS);\n  }\n\n  public onFocus(): 
void {\n    this._rowContainer.classList.add(FOCUS_CLASS);\n  }\n\n  public 
onSelectionChanged(start: [number, number], end: [number, number], 
columnSelectMode: boolean): void {\n    // Remove all selections\n    while 
(this._selectionContainer.children.length) {\n      
 }\n\n    // Selection does not exist\n    if (!start || !end) {\n      
return;\n    }\n\n    // Translate from buffer position to viewport position\n  
  const viewportStartRow = start[1] - this._terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n    const 
viewportEndRow = end[1] - this._terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n    const 
viewportCappedStartRow = Math.max(viewportStartRow, 0);\n    const 
viewportCappedEndRow = Math.min(viewportEndRow, this._terminal.rows - 1);\n\n   
  // No need to draw the selection\n    if (viewportCappedStartRow >= 
this._terminal.rows || viewportCappedEndRow < 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    
// Create the selections\n    const documentFragment = 
document.createDocumentFragment();\n\n    if (columnSelectMode) {\n      
this._createSelectionElement(viewportCappedStartRow, start[0], end[0], 
viewportCappedEndRow - viewportCappedStartRow + 1)\n      );\n    } else {\n    
  // Draw first row\n      const startCol = viewportStartRow === 
viewportCappedStartRow ? start[0] : 0;\n      const endCol = 
viewportCappedStartRow === viewportCappedEndRow ? end[0] : 
 startCol, endCol));\n      // Draw middle rows\n      const middleRowsCount = 
viewportCappedEndRow - viewportCappedStartRow - 1;\n      
 + 1, 0, this._term
 inal.cols, middleRowsCount));\n      // Draw final row\n      if 
(viewportCappedStartRow !== viewportCappedEndRow) {\n        // Only draw 
viewportEndRow if it's not the same as viewporttartRow\n        const endCol = 
viewportEndRow === viewportCappedEndRow ? end[0] : this._terminal.cols;\n       
0, endCol));\n      }\n    }\n    
this._selectionContainer.appendChild(documentFragment);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * 
Creates a selection element at the specified position.\n   * @param row The row 
of the selection.\n   * @param colStart The start column.\n   * @param colEnd 
The end columns.\n   */\n  private _createSelectionElement(row: number, 
colStart: number, colEnd: number, rowCount: number = 1): HTMLElement {\n    
const element = document.createElement('div');\n = 
`${rowCount * this._terminal.charMeasure.height}px`;\n = 
`${row * this._terminal.charMeasure.height}px`;\n = `${colStart * this._terminal.charMeasure.width}px`;\n = `${this._terminal.charMeasure.width * (colEnd - 
colStart)}px`;\n    return element;\n  }\n\n  public onCursorMove(): void {\n   
 // No-op, the cursor is drawn when rows are drawn\n  }\n\n  public 
onOptionsChanged(): void {\n    // Force a refresh\n    
this._updateDimensions();\n    this.setTheme(undefined);\n    
this._terminal.refresh(0, this._terminal.rows - 1);\n  }\n\n  public clear(): 
void {\n    this._rowElements.forEach(e => e.innerHTML = '');\n  }\n\n  public 
refreshRows(start: number, end: number): void {\n    
this._renderDebouncer.refresh(start, end);\n  }\n\n  private _renderRows(start: 
number, end: number): void {\n    const terminal = this._terminal;\n\n    const 
cursorAbsoluteY = terminal.buffer.ybase + terminal.buffer.y;\n    const cursorX 
= this._terminal.buffer.x;\n\n    for (let y = start; y <= end; y++) {\n      
const rowElement = this._rowElements[y];\n      row
 Element.innerHTML = '';\n\n      const row = y + terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n      
const lineData = terminal.buffer.lines.get(row);\n      const cursorStyle = 
rowElement.appendChild(this._rowFactory.createRow(lineData, row === 
cursorAbsoluteY, cursorStyle, cursorX, terminal.charMeasure.width, 
terminal.cols));\n    }\n\n    this._terminal.emit('refresh', {start, end});\n  
}\n\n  private get _terminalSelector(): string {\n    return 
`.${TERMINAL_CLASS_PREFIX}${this._terminalClass}`;\n  }\n\n  public 
registerCharacterJoiner(handler: CharacterJoinerHandler): number { return -1; 
}\n  public deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId: number): boolean { return 
false; }\n\n  private _onLinkHover(e: ILinkHoverEvent): void {\n    
this._setCellUnderline(e.x1, e.x2, e.y1, e.y2, e.cols, true);\n  }\n\n  private 
_onLinkLeave(e: ILinkHoverEvent): void {\n    this._setCellUnderline(e.x1, 
e.x2, e.y1, e.y2, e.cols, false);\n  }\n\n  private _setCellUnderline(x: 
number, x2: n
 umber, y: number, y2: number, cols: number, enabled: boolean): void {\n    
while (x !== x2 || y !== y2) {\n      const span = 
= enabled ? 'underline' : 'none';\n      x = (x + 1) % cols;\n      if (x === 
0) {\n        y++;\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The 
xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nexport const 
INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR = -1;\nexport const DIM_OPACITY = 0.5;\n\nexport 
interface IGlyphIdentifier {\n  chars: string;\n  code: number;\n  bg: 
number;\n  fg: number;\n  bold: boolean;\n  dim: boolean;\n  italic: 
boolean;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights 
reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { DIM_OPACITY, IGlyphIdentifier } 
from './Types';\nimport { CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING, ICharAtlasConfig } from 
'../../shared/atlas/Types';\nimport { generateStaticCharAtlasTexture } from 
 mport BaseCharAtlas from './BaseCharAtlas';\n\nexport default class 
StaticCharAtlas extends BaseCharAtlas {\n  private _texture: HTMLCanvasElement 
| ImageBitmap;\n\n  constructor(private _document: Document, private _config: 
ICharAtlasConfig) {\n    super();\n  }\n\n  private _canvasFactory = (width: 
number, height: number) => {\n    const canvas = 
this._document.createElement('canvas');\n    canvas.width = width;\n    
canvas.height = height;\n\n    // This is useful for debugging\n    // 
document.body.appendChild(canvas);\n\n    return canvas;\n  }\n\n  protected 
_doWarmUp(): void {\n    const result = generateStaticCharAtlasTexture(window, 
this._canvasFactory, this._config);\n    if (result instanceof 
HTMLCanvasElement) {\n      this._texture = result;\n    } else {\n      
result.then(texture => {\n        this._texture = texture;\n      });\n    }\n  
}\n\n  private _isCached(glyph: IGlyphIdentifier, colorIndex: number): boolean 
{\n    const isAscii = glyph.code < 256;\n    // A c
 olor is basic if it is one of the 4 bit ANSI colors.\n    const isBasicColor = 
glyph.fg < 16;\n    const isDefaultColor = glyph.fg >= 256;\n    const 
isDefaultBackground = >= 256;\n    return isAscii && (isBasicColor || 
isDefaultColor) && isDefaultBackground && !glyph.italic;\n  }\n\n  public 
draw(\n    ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,\n    glyph: IGlyphIdentifier,\n    x: 
number,\n    y: number\n  ): boolean {\n    // we're not warmed up yet\n    if 
(this._texture === null || this._texture === undefined) {\n      return 
false;\n    }\n\n    let colorIndex = 0;\n    if (glyph.fg < 256) {\n      
colorIndex = 2 + glyph.fg + (glyph.bold ? 16 : 0);\n    } else {\n      // If 
default color and bold\n      if (glyph.bold) {\n        colorIndex = 1;\n      
}\n    }\n    if (!this._isCached(glyph, colorIndex)) {\n      return false;\n  
  }\n\n;\n\n    // ImageBitmap's draw about twice as fast as from 
a canvas\n    const charAtlasCellWidth = this._config.scaledCharWidth 
 + CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING;\n    const charAtlasCellHeight = 
this._config.scaledCharHeight + CHAR_ATLAS_CELL_SPACING;\n\n    // Apply alpha 
to dim the character\n    if (glyph.dim) {\n      ctx.globalAlpha = 
DIM_OPACITY;\n    }\n\n    ctx.drawImage(\n      this._texture,\n      
glyph.code * charAtlasCellWidth,\n      colorIndex * charAtlasCellHeight,\n     
 charAtlasCellWidth,\n      this._config.scaledCharHeight,\n      x,\n      
y,\n      charAtlasCellWidth,\n      this._config.scaledCharHeight\n    );\n\n  
  ctx.restore();\n\n    return true;\n  }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The 
xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n *\n * A dummy 
CharAtlas implementation that always fails to draw characters.\n */\n\nimport { 
IGlyphIdentifier } from './Types';\nimport { ICharAtlasConfig } from 
'../../shared/atlas/Types';\nimport BaseCharAtlas from 
'./BaseCharAtlas';\n\nexport default class NoneCharAtlas extends BaseCharAtlas 
{\n  constructor(document: Document, config: ICh
 arAtlasConfig) {\n    super();\n  }\n\n  public draw(\n    ctx: 
CanvasRenderingContext2D,\n    glyph: IGlyphIdentifier,\n    x: number,\n    y: 
number\n  ): boolean {\n    return false;\n  }\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 
2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n 
*/\n\ninterface ILinkedListNode<T> {\n  prev: ILinkedListNode<T>;\n  next: 
ILinkedListNode<T>;\n  key: number;\n  value: T;\n}\n\nexport default class 
LRUMap<T> {\n  private _map: { [key: number]: ILinkedListNode<T> } = {};\n  
private _head: ILinkedListNode<T> = null;\n  private _tail: ILinkedListNode<T> 
= null;\n  private _nodePool: ILinkedListNode<T>[] = [];\n  public size: number 
= 0;\n\n  constructor(public capacity: number) { }\n\n  private 
_unlinkNode(node: ILinkedListNode<T>): void {\n    const prev = node.prev;\n    
const next =;\n    if (node === this._head) {\n      this._head = 
next;\n    }\n    if (node === this._tail) {\n      this._tail = prev;\n    }\n 
   if (prev !== null) {\
 n = next;\n    }\n    if (next !== null) {\n      next.prev = 
prev;\n    }\n  }\n\n  private _appendNode(node: ILinkedListNode<T>): void {\n  
  const tail = this._tail;\n    if (tail !== null) {\n = node;\n 
   }\n    node.prev = tail;\n = null;\n    this._tail = node;\n    
if (this._head === null) {\n      this._head = node;\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * 
Preallocate a bunch of linked-list nodes. Allocating these nodes ahead of time 
means that\n   * they're more likely to live next to each other in memory, 
which seems to improve performance.\n   *\n   * Each empty object only consumes 
about 60 bytes of memory, so this is pretty cheap, even for\n   * large maps.\n 
  */\n  public prealloc(count: number): void {\n    const nodePool = 
this._nodePool;\n    for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n      nodePool.push({\n 
       prev: null,\n        next: null,\n        key: null,\n        value: 
null\n      });\n    }\n  }\n\n  public get(key: number): T |
  null {\n    // This is unsafe: We're assuming our keyspace doesn't overlap 
with Object.prototype. However,\n    // it's faster than calling 
hasOwnProperty, and in our case, it would never overlap.\n    const node = 
this._map[key];\n    if (node !== undefined) {\n      this._unlinkNode(node);\n 
     this._appendNode(node);\n      return node.value;\n    }\n    return 
null;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets a value from a key without marking it as the 
most recently used item.\n   */\n  public peekValue(key: number): T | null {\n  
  const node = this._map[key];\n    if (node !== undefined) {\n      return 
node.value;\n    }\n    return null;\n  }\n\n  public peek(): T | null {\n    
const head = this._head;\n    return head === null ? null : head.value;\n  
}\n\n  public set(key: number, value: T): void {\n    // This is unsafe: See 
note above.\n    let node = this._map[key];\n    if (node !== undefined) {\n    
  // already exists, we just need to mutate it and move it to the end of the 
     node = this._map[key];\n      this._unlinkNode(node);\n      node.value = 
value;\n    } else if (this.size >= this.capacity) {\n      // we're out of 
space: recycle the head node, move it to the tail\n      node = this._head;\n   
   this._unlinkNode(node);\n      delete this._map[node.key];\n      node.key = 
key;\n      node.value = value;\n      this._map[key] = node;\n    } else {\n   
   // make a new element\n      const nodePool = this._nodePool;\n      if 
(nodePool.length > 0) {\n        // use a preallocated node if we can\n        
node = nodePool.pop();\n        node.key = key;\n        node.value = value;\n  
    } else {\n        node = {\n          prev: null,\n          next: null,\n  
        key,\n          value\n        };\n      }\n      this._map[key] = 
node;\n      this.size++;\n    }\n    this._appendNode(node);\n  }\n}\n","/**\n 
* Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license 
MIT\n */\n\nimport { DIM_OPACITY, IGlyphIdentifier, INVER
 TED_DEFAULT_COLOR } from './Types';\nimport { ICharAtlasConfig } from 
'../../shared/atlas/Types';\nimport { IColor } from 
'../../shared/Types';\nimport BaseCharAtlas from './BaseCharAtlas';\nimport { 
DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS } from '../ColorManager';\nimport { clearColor } from 
'../../shared/atlas/CharAtlasGenerator';\nimport LRUMap from 
'./LRUMap';\nimport { isFirefox, isSafari } from 
'../../shared/utils/Browser';\n\n// In practice we're probably never going to 
exhaust a texture this large. For debugging purposes,\n// however, it can be 
useful to set this to a really tiny value, to verify that LRU eviction 
works.\nconst TEXTURE_WIDTH = 1024;\nconst TEXTURE_HEIGHT = 1024;\n\nconst 
TRANSPARENT_COLOR = {\n  css: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',\n  rgba: 0\n};\n\n// Drawing 
to the cache is expensive: If we have to draw more than this number of glyphs 
to the\n// cache in a single frame, give up on trying to cache anything else, 
and try to finish the current\n// frame ASAP.\n//\n// This helps to limit the
  amount of damage a program can do when it would otherwise thrash the\n// 
cache.\nconst FRAME_CACHE_DRAW_LIMIT = 100;\n\n/**\n * The number of 
milliseconds to wait before generating the ImageBitmap, this is to 
debounce/batch\n * the operation as window.createImageBitmap is asynchronous.\n 
*/\nconst GLYPH_BITMAP_COMMIT_DELAY = 100;\n\ninterface IGlyphCacheValue {\n  
index: number;\n  isEmpty: boolean;\n  inBitmap: boolean;\n}\n\nfunction 
getGlyphCacheKey(glyph: IGlyphIdentifier): number {\n  // Note that this only 
returns a valid key when code < 256\n  // Layout:\n  // 
0b00000000000000000000000000000001: italic (1)\n  // 
0b00000000000000000000000000000010: dim (1)\n  // 
0b00000000000000000000000000000100: bold (1)\n  // 
0b00000000000000000000111111111000: fg (9)\n  // 
0b00000000000111111111000000000000: bg (9)\n  // 
0b00011111111000000000000000000000: code (8)\n  // 
0b11100000000000000000000000000000: unused (3)\n  return glyph.code << 21 | << 12 | glyph.fg << 3 | (glyph.bol
 d ? 0 : 4) + (glyph.dim ? 0 : 2) + (glyph.italic ? 0 : 1);\n}\n\nexport 
default class DynamicCharAtlas extends BaseCharAtlas {\n  // An ordered map 
that we're using to keep track of where each glyph is in the atlas texture.\n  
// It's ordered so that we can determine when to remove the old entries.\n  
private _cacheMap: LRUMap<IGlyphCacheValue>;\n\n  // The texture that the atlas 
is drawn to\n  private _cacheCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement;\n  private _cacheCtx: 
CanvasRenderingContext2D;\n\n  // A temporary context that glyphs are drawn to 
before being transfered to the atlas.\n  private _tmpCtx: 
CanvasRenderingContext2D;\n\n  // The number of characters stored in the atlas 
by width/height\n  private _width: number;\n  private _height: number;\n\n  
private _drawToCacheCount: number = 0;\n\n  // An array of glyph keys that are 
waiting on the bitmap to be generated.\n  private _glyphsWaitingOnBitmap: 
IGlyphCacheValue[] = [];\n\n  // The timeout that is used to batch bitmap 
generation so it'
 s not requested for every new glyph.\n  private _bitmapCommitTimeout: number | 
null = null;\n\n  // The bitmap to draw from, this is much faster on other 
browsers than others.\n  private _bitmap: ImageBitmap | null = null;\n\n  
constructor(document: Document, private _config: ICharAtlasConfig) {\n    
super();\n    this._cacheCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n    
this._cacheCanvas.width = TEXTURE_WIDTH;\n    this._cacheCanvas.height = 
TEXTURE_HEIGHT;\n    // The canvas needs alpha because we use clearColor to 
convert the background color to alpha.\n    // It might also contain some 
characters with transparent backgrounds if allowTransparency is\n    // set.\n  
  this._cacheCtx = this._cacheCanvas.getContext('2d', {alpha: true});\n\n    
const tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n    tmpCanvas.width = 
this._config.scaledCharWidth;\n    tmpCanvas.height = 
this._config.scaledCharHeight;\n    this._tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d', 
{alpha: this._config.allowTranspare
 ncy});\n\n    this._width = Math.floor(TEXTURE_WIDTH / 
this._config.scaledCharWidth);\n    this._height = Math.floor(TEXTURE_HEIGHT / 
this._config.scaledCharHeight);\n    const capacity = this._width * 
this._height;\n    this._cacheMap = new LRUMap(capacity);\n    
this._cacheMap.prealloc(capacity);\n\n    // This is useful for debugging\n    
// document.body.appendChild(this._cacheCanvas);\n  }\n\n  public dispose(): 
void {\n    if (this._bitmapCommitTimeout !== null) {\n      
this._bitmapCommitTimeout = null;\n    }\n  }\n\n  public beginFrame(): void 
{\n    this._drawToCacheCount = 0;\n  }\n\n  public draw(\n    ctx: 
CanvasRenderingContext2D,\n    glyph: IGlyphIdentifier,\n    x: number,\n    y: 
number\n  ): boolean {\n    // Space is always an empty cell, special case this 
as it's so common\n    if (glyph.code === 32) {\n      return true;\n    }\n\n  
  const glyphKey = getGlyphCacheKey(glyph);\n    const cacheValue = this._c
 acheMap.get(glyphKey);\n    if (cacheValue !== null && cacheValue !== 
undefined) {\n      this._drawFromCache(ctx, cacheValue, x, y);\n      return 
true;\n    } else if (this._canCache(glyph) && this._drawToCacheCount < 
FRAME_CACHE_DRAW_LIMIT) {\n      let index;\n      if (this._cacheMap.size < 
this._cacheMap.capacity) {\n        index = this._cacheMap.size;\n      } else 
{\n        // we're out of space, so our call to set will delete this item\n    
    index = this._cacheMap.peek().index;\n      }\n      const cacheValue = 
this._drawToCache(glyph, index);\n      this._cacheMap.set(glyphKey, 
cacheValue);\n      this._drawFromCache(ctx, cacheValue, x, y);\n      return 
true;\n    }\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  private _canCache(glyph: 
IGlyphIdentifier): boolean {\n    // Only cache ascii and extended characters 
for now, to be safe. In the future, we could do\n    // something more 
complicated to determine the expected width of a character.\n    //\n    // If 
we switch the renderer 
 over to webgl at some point, we may be able to use blending modes\n    // to 
draw overlapping glyphs from the atlas:\n    //\n    //\n    return 
glyph.code < 256;\n  }\n\n  private _toCoordinateX(index: number): number {\n   
 return (index % this._width) * this._config.scaledCharWidth;\n  }\n\n  private 
_toCoordinateY(index: number): number {\n    return Math.floor(index / 
this._width) * this._config.scaledCharHeight;\n  }\n\n  private 
_drawFromCache(\n    ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,\n    cacheValue: 
IGlyphCacheValue,\n    x: number,\n    y: number\n  ): void {\n    // We don't 
actually need to do anything if this is whitespace.\n    if 
(cacheValue.isEmpty) {\n      return;\n    }\n    const cacheX = 
this._toCoordinateX(cacheValue.index);\n    const cacheY = 
this._toCoordinateY(cacheValue.index);\n    ctx.drawImage(\n      
cacheValue.inBitmap ? 
 this._bitmap : this._cacheCanvas,\n      cacheX,\n      cacheY,\n      
this._config.scaledCharWidth,\n      this._config.scaledCharHeight,\n      x,\n 
     y,\n      this._config.scaledCharWidth,\n      
this._config.scaledCharHeight\n    );\n  }\n\n  private 
_getColorFromAnsiIndex(idx: number): IColor {\n    if (idx < 
this._config.colors.ansi.length) {\n      return 
this._config.colors.ansi[idx];\n    }\n    return DEFAULT_ANSI_COLORS[idx];\n  
}\n\n  private _getBackgroundColor(glyph: IGlyphIdentifier): IColor {\n    if 
(this._config.allowTransparency) {\n      // The background color might have 
some transparency, so we need to render it as fully\n      // transparent in 
the atlas. Otherwise we'd end up drawing the transparent background twice\n     
 // around the anti-aliased edges of the glyph, and it would look too dark.\n   
   return TRANSPARENT_COLOR;\n    } else if ( === 
INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR) {\n      return this._config.colors.foreground;\n    } 
else if ( < 
 256) {\n      return this._getColorFromAnsiIndex(;\n    }\n    return 
this._config.colors.background;\n  }\n\n  private _getForegroundColor(glyph: 
IGlyphIdentifier): IColor {\n    if (glyph.fg === INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR) {\n   
   return this._config.colors.background;\n    } else if (glyph.fg < 256) {\n   
   // 256 color support\n      return this._getColorFromAnsiIndex(glyph.fg);\n  
  }\n    return this._config.colors.foreground;\n  }\n\n  // TODO: We do this 
(or something similar) in multiple places. We should split this off\n  // into 
a shared function.\n  private _drawToCache(glyph: IGlyphIdentifier, index: 
number): IGlyphCacheValue {\n    this._drawToCacheCount++;\n\n;\n\n    // draw the background\n    const backgroundColor = 
this._getBackgroundColor(glyph);\n    // Use a 'copy' composite operation to 
clear any existing glyph out of _tmpCtxWithAlpha, regardless of\n    // 
transparency in backgroundColor\n    this._tmpCtx.globalCompositeOperation
  = 'copy';\n    this._tmpCtx.fillStyle = backgroundColor.css;\n    
this._tmpCtx.fillRect(0, 0, this._config.scaledCharWidth, 
this._config.scaledCharHeight);\n    this._tmpCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 
'source-over';\n\n    // draw the foreground/glyph\n    const fontWeight = 
glyph.bold ? this._config.fontWeightBold : this._config.fontWeight;\n    const 
fontStyle = glyph.italic ? 'italic' : '';\n    this._tmpCtx.font =\n      
`${fontStyle} ${fontWeight} ${this._config.fontSize * 
this._config.devicePixelRatio}px ${this._config.fontFamily}`;\n    
this._tmpCtx.textBaseline = 'top';\n\n    this._tmpCtx.fillStyle = 
this._getForegroundColor(glyph).css;\n\n    // Apply alpha to dim the 
character\n    if (glyph.dim) {\n      this._tmpCtx.globalAlpha = 
DIM_OPACITY;\n    }\n    // Draw the character\n    
this._tmpCtx.fillText(glyph.chars, 0, 0);\n    this._tmpCtx.restore();\n\n    
// clear the background from the character to avoid issues with drawing over 
the previous\n    // character if it
  extends past it's bounds\n    const imageData = this._tmpCtx.getImageData(\n  
    0, 0, this._config.scaledCharWidth, this._config.scaledCharHeight\n    );\n 
   let isEmpty = false;\n    if (!this._config.allowTransparency) {\n      
isEmpty = clearColor(imageData, backgroundColor);\n    }\n\n    // copy the 
data from imageData to _cacheCanvas\n    const x = 
this._toCoordinateX(index);\n    const y = this._toCoordinateY(index);\n    // 
putImageData doesn't do any blending, so it will overwrite any existing cache 
entry for us\n    this._cacheCtx.putImageData(imageData, x, y);\n\n    // Add 
the glyph and queue it to the bitmap (if the browser supports it)\n    const 
cacheValue = {\n      index,\n      isEmpty,\n      inBitmap: false\n    };\n   
 this._addGlyphToBitmap(cacheValue);\n\n    return cacheValue;\n  }\n\n  
private _addGlyphToBitmap(cacheValue: IGlyphCacheValue): void {\n    // Support 
is patchy for createImageBitmap at the moment, pass a canvas back\n    // if 
support is lac
 king as drawImage works there too. Firefox is also\n    // included here as 
ImageBitmap appears both buggy and has horrible\n    // performance (tested on 
v55).\n    if (!('createImageBitmap' in window) || isFirefox || isSafari) {\n   
   return;\n    }\n\n    // Add the glyph to the queue\n    
this._glyphsWaitingOnBitmap.push(cacheValue);\n\n    // Check if bitmap 
generation timeout already exists\n    if (this._bitmapCommitTimeout !== null) 
{\n      return;\n    }\n\n    this._bitmapCommitTimeout = window.setTimeout(() 
=> this._generateBitmap(), GLYPH_BITMAP_COMMIT_DELAY);\n  }\n\n  private 
_generateBitmap(): void {\n    const glyphsMovingToBitmap = 
this._glyphsWaitingOnBitmap;\n    this._glyphsWaitingOnBitmap = [];\n    
window.createImageBitmap(this._cacheCanvas).then(bitmap => {\n      // Set 
bitmap\n      this._bitmap = bitmap;\n\n      // Mark all new glyphs as in 
bitmap, excluding glyphs that came in after\n      // the bitmap was 
requested\n      for (let i = 0; i < glyphsMov
 ingToBitmap.length; i++) {\n        const value = glyphsMovingToBitmap[i];\n   
     // It doesn't matter if the value was already evicted, it will be\n        
// released from memory after this block if so.\n        value.inBitmap = 
true;\n      }\n    });\n    this._bitmapCommitTimeout = null;\n  
}\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights 
reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal } from 
'../../Types';\nimport { IColorSet } from '../Types';\nimport { 
ICharAtlasConfig } from '../../shared/atlas/Types';\n\nexport function 
generateConfig(scaledCharWidth: number, scaledCharHeight: number, terminal: 
ITerminal, colors: IColorSet): ICharAtlasConfig {\n  // null out some fields 
that don't matter\n  const clonedColors = <IColorSet>{\n    foreground: 
colors.foreground,\n    background: colors.background,\n    cursor: null,\n    
cursorAccent: null,\n    selection: null,\n    // For the static char atlas, we 
only use the first 16 colors, but we need all 256
  for the\n    // dynamic character atlas.\n    ansi: colors.ansi.slice(0, 
16)\n  };\n  return {\n    type: terminal.options.experimentalCharAtlas,\n    
devicePixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio,\n    scaledCharWidth,\n    
scaledCharHeight,\n    fontFamily: terminal.options.fontFamily,\n    fontSize: 
terminal.options.fontSize,\n    fontWeight: terminal.options.fontWeight,\n    
fontWeightBold: terminal.options.fontWeightBold,\n    allowTransparency: 
terminal.options.allowTransparency,\n    colors: clonedColors\n  
};\n}\n\nexport function configEquals(a: ICharAtlasConfig, b: 
ICharAtlasConfig): boolean {\n  for (let i = 0; i < a.colors.ansi.length; i++) 
{\n    if (a.colors.ansi[i].rgba !== b.colors.ansi[i].rgba) {\n      return 
false;\n    }\n  }\n  return a.type === b.type &&\n      a.devicePixelRatio === 
b.devicePixelRatio &&\n      a.fontFamily === b.fontFamily &&\n      a.fontSize 
=== b.fontSize &&\n      a.fontWeight === b.fontWeight &&\n      
a.fontWeightBold === b.fontWeightBold 
 &&\n      a.allowTransparency === b.allowTransparency &&\n      
a.scaledCharWidth === b.scaledCharWidth &&\n      a.scaledCharHeight === 
b.scaledCharHeight &&\n      a.colors.foreground === b.colors.foreground &&\n   
   a.colors.background === b.colors.background;\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 
2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport 
{ ITerminal } from '../../Types';\nimport { IColorSet } from 
'../Types';\nimport { ICharAtlasConfig } from 
'../../shared/atlas/Types';\nimport { generateConfig, configEquals } from 
'./CharAtlasUtils';\nimport BaseCharAtlas from './BaseCharAtlas';\nimport 
DynamicCharAtlas from './DynamicCharAtlas';\nimport NoneCharAtlas from 
'./NoneCharAtlas';\nimport StaticCharAtlas from './StaticCharAtlas';\n\nconst 
charAtlasImplementations = {\n  'none': NoneCharAtlas,\n  'static': 
StaticCharAtlas,\n  'dynamic': DynamicCharAtlas\n};\n\ninterface 
ICharAtlasCacheEntry {\n  atlas: BaseCharAtlas;\n  config: ICharAtlasConfig;\n  
// N.B
 . This implementation potentially holds onto copies of the terminal forever, 
so\n  // this may cause memory leaks.\n  ownedBy: ITerminal[];\n}\n\nconst 
charAtlasCache: ICharAtlasCacheEntry[] = [];\n\n/**\n * Acquires a char atlas, 
either generating a new one or returning an existing\n * one that is in use by 
another terminal.\n * @param terminal The terminal.\n * @param colors The 
colors to use.\n */\nexport function acquireCharAtlas(\n  terminal: 
ITerminal,\n  colors: IColorSet,\n  scaledCharWidth: number,\n  
scaledCharHeight: number\n): BaseCharAtlas {\n  const newConfig = 
generateConfig(scaledCharWidth, scaledCharHeight, terminal, colors);\n\n  // 
TODO: Currently if a terminal changes configs it will not free the entry 
reference (until it's disposed)\n\n  // Check to see if the terminal already 
owns this config\n  for (let i = 0; i < charAtlasCache.length; i++) {\n    
const entry = charAtlasCache[i];\n    const ownedByIndex = 
entry.ownedBy.indexOf(terminal);\n    if (ownedByIndex
  >= 0) {\n      if (configEquals(entry.config, newConfig)) {\n        return 
entry.atlas;\n      }\n      // The configs differ, release the terminal from 
the entry\n      if (entry.ownedBy.length === 1) {\n        
charAtlasCache.splice(i, 1);\n      } else {\n        
entry.ownedBy.splice(ownedByIndex, 1);\n      }\n      break;\n    }\n  }\n\n  
// Try match a char atlas from the cache\n  for (let i = 0; i < 
charAtlasCache.length; i++) {\n    const entry = charAtlasCache[i];\n    if 
(configEquals(entry.config, newConfig)) {\n      // Add the terminal to the 
cache entry and return\n      entry.ownedBy.push(terminal);\n      return 
entry.atlas;\n    }\n  }\n\n  const newEntry: ICharAtlasCacheEntry = {\n    
atlas: new charAtlasImplementations[terminal.options.experimentalCharAtlas](\n  
    document,\n      newConfig\n    ),\n    config: newConfig,\n    ownedBy: 
[terminal]\n  };\n  charAtlasCache.push(newEntry);\n  return 
newEntry.atlas;\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes a terminal reference from t
 he cache, allowing its memory to be freed.\n * @param terminal The terminal to 
remove.\n */\nexport function removeTerminalFromCache(terminal: ITerminal): 
void {\n  for (let i = 0; i < charAtlasCache.length; i++) {\n    const index = 
charAtlasCache[i].ownedBy.indexOf(terminal);\n    if (index !== -1) {\n      if 
(charAtlasCache[i].ownedBy.length === 1) {\n        // Remove the cache entry 
if it's the only terminal\n        charAtlasCache.splice(i, 1);\n      } else 
{\n        // Remove the reference from the cache entry\n        
charAtlasCache[i].ownedBy.splice(index, 1);\n      }\n      break;\n    }\n  
}\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights 
reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { IGlyphIdentifier } from 
'./Types';\nimport { IDisposable } from 'xterm';\n\nexport default abstract 
class BaseCharAtlas implements IDisposable {\n  private _didWarmUp: boolean = 
false;\n\n  public dispose(): void { }\n\n  /**\n   * Perform any work needed 
to warm the cach
 e before it can be used. May be called multiple times.\n   * Implement 
_doWarmUp instead if you only want to get called once.\n   */\n  public 
warmUp(): void {\n    if (!this._didWarmUp) {\n      this._doWarmUp();\n      
this._didWarmUp = true;\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Perform any work needed to 
warm the cache before it can be used. Used by the default\n   * implementation 
of warmUp(), and will only be called once.\n   */\n  protected _doWarmUp(): 
void { }\n\n  /**\n   * Called when we start drawing a new frame.\n   *\n   * 
TODO: We rely on this getting called by TextRenderLayer. This should really be 
called by\n   * Renderer instead, but we need to make Renderer the 
source-of-truth for the char atlas, instead\n   * of BaseRenderLayer.\n   */\n  
public beginFrame(): void { }\n\n  /**\n   * May be called before warmUp 
finishes, however it is okay for the implementation to\n   * do nothing and 
return false in that case.\n   *\n   * @param ctx Where to draw the character 
onto.\n   * 
 @param glyph Information about what to draw\n   * @param x The position on the 
context to start drawing at\n   * @param y The position on the context to start 
drawing at\n   * @returns The success state. True if we drew the character.\n   
*/\n  public abstract draw(\n    ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,\n    glyph: 
IGlyphIdentifier,\n    x: number,\n    y: number\n  ): boolean;\n}\n","/**\n * 
Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license 
'../Buffer';\nimport { FLAGS, IColorSet, IRenderDimensions, 
ICharacterJoinerRegistry } from './Types';\nimport { CharData, ITerminal } from 
'../Types';\nimport { INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR } from './atlas/Types';\nimport { 
GridCache } from './GridCache';\nimport { BaseRenderLayer } from 
'./BaseRenderLayer';\n\n/**\n * This CharData looks like a null character, 
which will forc a clear and render\n 
 * when the character changes (a regular space ' ' character may not as it's\n 
* drawn state is a cleared cell).\n */\n// const OVERLAP_OWNED_CHAR_DATA: 
CharData = [null, '', 0, -1];\n\nexport class TextRenderLayer extends 
BaseRenderLayer {\n  private _state: GridCache<CharData>;\n  private 
_characterWidth: number;\n  private _characterFont: string;\n  private 
_characterOverlapCache: { [key: string]: boolean } = {};\n  private 
_characterJoinerRegistry: ICharacterJoinerRegistry;\n\n  constructor(container: 
HTMLElement, zIndex: number, colors: IColorSet, characterJoinerRegistry: 
ICharacterJoinerRegistry, alpha: boolean) {\n    super(container, 'text', 
zIndex, alpha, colors);\n    this._state = new GridCache<CharData>();\n    
this._characterJoinerRegistry = characterJoinerRegistry;\n  }\n\n  public 
resize(terminal: ITerminal, dim: IRenderDimensions): void {\n    
super.resize(terminal, dim);\n\n    // Clear the character width cache if the 
font or width has changed\n    const terminalFon
 t = this._getFont(terminal, false, false);\n    if (this._characterWidth !== 
dim.scaledCharWidth || this._characterFont !== terminalFont) {\n      
this._characterWidth = dim.scaledCharWidth;\n      this._characterFont = 
terminalFont;\n      this._characterOverlapCache = {};\n    }\n    // Resizing 
the canvas discards the contents of the canvas so clear state\n    
this._state.clear();\n    this._state.resize(terminal.cols, terminal.rows);\n  
}\n\n  public reset(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n    this._state.clear();\n    
this.clearAll();\n  }\n\n  private _forEachCell(\n    terminal: ITerminal,\n    
firstRow: number,\n    lastRow: number,\n    joinerRegistry: 
ICharacterJoinerRegistry | null,\n    callback: (\n      code: number,\n      
chars: string,\n      width: number,\n      x: number,\n      y: number,\n      
fg: number,\n      bg: number,\n      flags: number\n    ) => void\n  ): void 
{\n    for (let y = firstRow; y <= lastRow; y++) {\n      const row = y + 
 ;\n      const line = terminal.buffer.lines.get(row);\n      const 
joinedRanges = joinerRegistry ? joinerRegistry.getJoinedCharacters(row) : [];\n 
     for (let x = 0; x < terminal.cols; x++) {\n        const charData = 
line.get(x);\n        let code: number = 
<number>charData[CHAR_DATA_CODE_INDEX];\n\n        // Can either represent 
character(s) for a single cell or multiple cells\n        // if indicated by a 
character joiner.\n        let chars: string = 
charData[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX];\n        const attr: number = 
charData[CHAR_DATA_ATTR_INDEX];\n        let width: number = 
charData[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX];\n\n        // If true, indicates that the 
current character(s) to draw were joined.\n        let isJoined = false;\n      
  let lastCharX = x;\n\n        // The character to the left is a wide 
character, drawing is owned by\n        // the char at x-1\n        if (width 
=== 0) {\n          continue;\n        }\n\n        // Process any joined 
character ranges as needed. Becaus
 e of how the\n        // ranges are produced, we know that they are valid for 
the characters\n        // and attributes of our input.\n        if 
(joinedRanges.length > 0 && x === joinedRanges[0][0]) {\n          isJoined = 
true;\n          const range = joinedRanges.shift();\n\n          // We already 
know the exact start and end column of the joined range,\n          // so we 
get the string and width representing it directly\n          chars = 
terminal.buffer.translateBufferLineToString(\n            row,\n            
true,\n            range[0],\n            range[1]\n          );\n          
width = range[1] - range[0];\n          code = Infinity;\n\n          // Skip 
over the cells occupied by this range in the loop\n          lastCharX = 
range[1] - 1;\n        }\n\n        // If the character is an overlapping char 
and the character to the\n        // right is a space, take ownership of the 
cell to the right. We skip\n        // this check for joined characters because 
their re
 ndering likely won't\n        // yield the same result as rendering the last 
character individually.\n        if (!isJoined && 
this._isOverlapping(charData)) {\n          // If the character is overlapping, 
we want to force a re-render on every\n          // frame. This is specifically 
to work around the case where two\n          // overlaping chars `a` and `b` 
are adjacent, the cursor is moved to b and a\n          // space is added. 
Without this, the first half of `b` would never\n          // get removed, and 
`a` would not re-render because it thinks it's\n          // already in the 
correct state.\n          // this._state.cache[x][y] = 
OVERLAP_OWNED_CHAR_DATA;\n          if (lastCharX < line.length - 1 && 
line.get(lastCharX + 1)[CHAR_DATA_CODE_INDEX] === NULL_CELL_CODE) {\n           
 width = 2;\n            // this._clearChar(x + 1, y);\n            // The 
overlapping char's char data will force a clear and render when the\n           
 // overlapping char is no longer to the l
 eft of the character and also when\n            // the space changes to 
another character.\n            // this._state.cache[x + 1][y] = 
OVERLAP_OWNED_CHAR_DATA;\n          }\n        }\n\n        const flags = attr 
>> 18;\n        let bg = attr & 0x1ff;\n        let fg = (attr >> 9) & 
0x1ff;\n\n        // If inverse flag is on, the foreground should become the 
background.\n        if (flags & FLAGS.INVERSE) {\n          const temp = bg;\n 
         bg = fg;\n          fg = temp;\n          if (fg === 256) {\n          
  fg = INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR;\n          }\n          if (bg === 257) {\n      
      bg = INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR;\n          }\n        }\n\n        
callback(\n          code,\n          chars,\n          width,\n          x,\n  
        y,\n          fg,\n          bg,\n          flags\n        );\n\n       
 x = lastCharX;\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Draws the background for a 
specified range of columns. Tries to batch adjacent cells of the\n   * same 
color to
 gether to reduce draw calls.\n   */\n  private _drawBackground(terminal: 
ITerminal, firstRow: number, lastRow: number): void {\n    const ctx = 
this._ctx;\n    const cols = terminal.cols;\n    let startX: number = 0;\n    
let startY: number = 0;\n    let prevFillStyle: string | null = null;\n\n;\n\n    this._forEachCell(terminal, firstRow, lastRow, null, (code, 
chars, width, x, y, fg, bg, flags) => {\n      // libvte and xterm both draw 
the background (but not foreground) of invisible characters,\n      // so we 
should too.\n      let nextFillStyle = null; // null represents default 
background color\n      if (bg === INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR) {\n        
nextFillStyle = this._colors.foreground.css;\n      } else if (bg < 256) {\n    
    nextFillStyle = this._colors.ansi[bg].css;\n      }\n\n      if 
(prevFillStyle === null) {\n        // This is either the first iteration, or 
the default background was set. Either way, we\n        // don't need to draw 
 startX = x;\n        startY = y;\n      } if (y !== startY) {\n        // our 
row changed, draw the previous row\n        ctx.fillStyle = prevFillStyle;\n    
    this.fillCells(startX, startY, cols - startX, 1);\n        startX = x;\n    
    startY = y;\n      } else if (prevFillStyle !== nextFillStyle) {\n        
// our color changed, draw the previous characters in this row\n        
ctx.fillStyle = prevFillStyle;\n        this.fillCells(startX, startY, x - 
startX, 1);\n        startX = x;\n        startY = y;\n      }\n\n      
prevFillStyle = nextFillStyle;\n    });\n\n    // flush the last color we 
encountered\n    if (prevFillStyle !== null) {\n      ctx.fillStyle = 
prevFillStyle;\n      this.fillCells(startX, startY, cols - startX, 1);\n    
}\n\n    ctx.restore();\n  }\n\n  private _drawForeground(terminal: ITerminal, 
firstRow: number, lastRow: number): void {\n    this._forEachCell(terminal, 
firstRow, lastRow, this._characterJoinerRegistry, (code, chars, width, x, y, 
fg, bg, f
 lags) => {\n      if (flags & FLAGS.INVISIBLE) {\n        return;\n      }\n   
   if (flags & FLAGS.UNDERLINE) {\n;\n        if (fg 
=== INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR) {\n          this._ctx.fillStyle = 
this._colors.background.css;\n        } else if (fg < 256) {\n          // 256 
color support\n          this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.ansi[fg].css;\n     
   } else {\n          this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.foreground.css;\n     
   }\n        this.fillBottomLineAtCells(x, y, width);\n        
this._ctx.restore();\n      }\n      this.drawChars(\n        terminal, chars, 
code,\n        width, x, y,\n        fg, bg,\n        !!(flags & FLAGS.BOLD), 
!!(flags & FLAGS.DIM), !!(flags & FLAGS.ITALIC)\n      );\n    });\n  }\n\n  
public onGridChanged(terminal: ITerminal, firstRow: number, lastRow: number): 
void {\n    // Resize has not been called yet\n    if (this._state.cache.length 
=== 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    if (this._charAtlas) {\n      
 .beginFrame();\n    }\n\n    this.clearCells(0, firstRow, terminal.cols, 
lastRow - firstRow + 1);\n    this._drawBackground(terminal, firstRow, 
lastRow);\n    this._drawForeground(terminal, firstRow, lastRow);\n  }\n\n  
public onOptionsChanged(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n    
this.setTransparency(terminal, terminal.options.allowTransparency);\n  }\n\n  
/**\n   * Whether a character is overlapping to the next cell.\n   */\n  
private _isOverlapping(charData: CharData): boolean {\n    // Only single cell 
characters can be overlapping, rendering issues can\n    // occur without this 
check\n    if (charData[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX] !== 1) {\n      return false;\n  
  }\n\n    // We assume that any ascii character will not overlap\n    const 
code = charData[CHAR_DATA_CODE_INDEX];\n    if (code < 256) {\n      return 
false;\n    }\n\n    // Deliver from cache if available\n    const char = 
charData[CHAR_DATA_CHAR_INDEX];\n    if 
(this._characterOverlapCache.hasOwnProperty(char)) {\n      ret
 urn this._characterOverlapCache[char];\n    }\n\n    // Setup the font\n;\n    this._ctx.font = this._characterFont;\n\n    // Measure 
the width of the character, but Math.floor it\n    // because that is what the 
renderer does when it calculates\n    // the character dimensions we are 
comparing against\n    const overlaps = 
Math.floor(this._ctx.measureText(char).width) > this._characterWidth;\n\n    // 
Restore the original context\n    this._ctx.restore();\n\n    // Cache and 
return\n    this._characterOverlapCache[char] = overlaps;\n    return 
overlaps;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Clear the charcater at the cell specified.\n   * 
@param x The column of the char.\n   * @param y The row of the char.\n   */\n  
// private _clearChar(x: number, y: number): void {\n  //   let colsToClear = 
1;\n  //   // Clear the adjacent character if it was wide\n  //   const state = 
this._state.cache[x][y];\n  //   if (state && state[CHAR_DATA_WIDTH_INDEX] === 
2) {\n  //     colsToClear = 2
 ;\n  //   }\n  //   this.clearCells(x, y, colsToClear, 1);\n  // 
}\n}\n","/**\n * Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights 
reserved.\n * @license MIT\n */\n\nimport { ITerminal } from 
'../Types';\nimport { IColorSet, IRenderDimensions } from './Types';\nimport { 
BaseRenderLayer } from './BaseRenderLayer';\n\ninterface ISelectionState {\n  
start: [number, number];\n  end: [number, number];\n  columnSelectMode: 
boolean;\n  ydisp: number;\n}\n\nexport class SelectionRenderLayer extends 
BaseRenderLayer {\n  private _state: ISelectionState;\n\n  
constructor(container: HTMLElement, zIndex: number, colors: IColorSet) {\n    
super(container, 'selection', zIndex, true, colors);\n    this._clearState();\n 
 }\n\n  private _clearState(): void {\n    this._state = {\n      start: 
null,\n      end: null,\n      columnSelectMode: null,\n      ydisp: null\n    
};\n  }\n\n  public resize(terminal: ITerminal, dim: IRenderDimensions): void 
{\n    super.resize(terminal, dim);\n    // Resizin
 g the canvas discards the contents of the canvas so clear state\n    
this._clearState();\n  }\n\n  public reset(terminal: ITerminal): void {\n    if 
(this._state.start && this._state.end) {\n      this._clearState();\n      
this.clearAll();\n    }\n  }\n\n  public onSelectionChanged(terminal: 
ITerminal, start: [number, number], end: [number, number], columnSelectMode: 
boolean): void {\n    // Selection has not changed\n    if 
(!this._didStateChange(start, end, columnSelectMode, terminal.buffer.ydisp)) 
{\n      return;\n    }\n\n    // Remove all selections\n    
this.clearAll();\n\n    // Selection does not exist\n    if (!start || !end) 
{\n      return;\n    }\n\n    // Translate from buffer position to viewport 
position\n    const viewportStartRow = start[1] - terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n    
const viewportEndRow = end[1] - terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n    const 
viewportCappedStartRow = Math.max(viewportStartRow, 0);\n    const 
viewportCappedEndRow = Math.min(viewportEndRow, terminal.rows - 
 1);\n\n    // No need to draw the selection\n    if (viewportCappedStartRow >= 
terminal.rows || viewportCappedEndRow < 0) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    
this._ctx.fillStyle = this._colors.selection.css;\n\n    if (columnSelectMode) 
{\n      const startCol = start[0];\n      const width = end[0] - startCol;\n   
   const height = viewportCappedEndRow - viewportCappedStartRow + 1;\n      
this.fillCells(startCol, viewportCappedStartRow, width, height);\n    } else 
{\n      // Draw first row\n      const startCol = viewportStartRow === 
viewportCappedStartRow ? start[0] : 0;\n      const startRowEndCol = 
viewportCappedStartRow === viewportCappedEndRow ? end[0] : terminal.cols;\n     
 this.fillCells(startCol, viewportCappedStartRow, startRowEndCol - startCol, 
1);\n\n      // Draw middle rows\n      const middleRowsCount = 
Math.max(viewportCappedEndRow - viewportCappedStartRow - 1, 0);\n      
this.fillCells(0, viewportCappedStartRow + 1, terminal.cols, 
middleRowsCount);\n\n      // Draw fin
 al row\n      if (viewportCappedStartRow !== viewportCappedEndRow) {\n        
// Only draw viewportEndRow if it's not the same as viewportStartRow\n        
const endCol = viewportEndRow === viewportCappedEndRow ? end[0] : 
terminal.cols;\n        this.fillCells(0, viewportCappedEndRow, endCol, 1);\n   
   }\n    }\n\n    // Save state for next render\n    this._state.start = 
[start[0], start[1]];\n    this._state.end = [end[0], end[1]];\n    
this._state.columnSelectMode = columnSelectMode;\n    this._state.ydisp = 
terminal.buffer.ydisp;\n  }\n\n  private _didStateChange(start: [number, 
number], end: [number, number], columnSelectMode: boolean, ydisp: number): 
boolean {\n    return !this._areCoordinatesEqual(start, this._state.start) ||\n 
     !this._areCoordinatesEqual(end, this._state.end) ||\n      
columnSelectMode !== this._state.columnSelectMode ||\n      ydisp !== 
this._state.ydisp;\n  }\n\n  private _areCoordinatesEqual(coord1: [number, 
number], coord2: [number, number]): boolea
 n {\n    if (!coord1 || !coord2) {\n      return false;\n    }\n\n    return 
coord1[0] === coord2[0] && coord1[1] === coord2[1];\n  }\n}\n","/**\n * 
Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.\n * @license 
MIT\n */\n\nimport { TextRenderLayer } from './TextRenderLayer';\nimport { 
SelectionRenderLayer } from './SelectionRenderLayer';\nimport { 
CursorRenderLayer } from './CursorRenderLayer';\nimport { ColorManager } from 
'./ColorManager';\nimport { IRenderLayer, IColorSet, IRenderer, 
IRenderDimensions, ICharacterJoinerRegistry } from './Types';\nimport { 
ITerminal, CharacterJoinerHandler } from '../Types';\nimport { LinkRenderLayer 
} from './LinkRenderLayer';\nimport { EventEmitter } from 
'../common/EventEmitter';\nimport { RenderDebouncer } from 
'../ui/RenderDebouncer';\nimport { ScreenDprMonitor } from 
'../ui/ScreenDprMonitor';\nimport { ITheme } from 'xterm';\nimport { 
CharacterJoinerRegistry } from '../renderer/CharacterJoinerRegistry';\n\nexport 
class Rend


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