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The "Hbase/ColumnCaching" page has been changed by Misty:

- Key/Val Cache
+ The HBase Wiki is in the process of being decommissioned. The info that used 
to be on this page no longer applies to HBase. Please update your bookmarks.
- Overall goal: 
-       To early out at as many places as possible.
- Overall structure:
-       The cache is implemented in as an extra step to find the 
requested columns
-       Add early outs in to check if the data needed is returned 
from memCache.
-       Add logger for stats, to see hits and misses in the cache.
- Structure of cache:
-       cacheKey(row+column) -> Value
-       //and maybe row:family -> fullFlag(to indicate that all columns of the 
latest timestamp is in cache)
-       and a hashset with the rows:families that are full
-       cacheKey class with byte[] row, byte[] column
-       and compareTo functions, to sort the inputs, should look like 
HStoreKey, but minimized since there is
-       no need for timestamp and versions and so on, to save memory.
-       //Need a way to remove data from cache, when it is full, easiest 
probably to have a seperate list(FIFO) with just the
-       //keys. 
-       Start with soft references
- Input From:
-       get - memCache
-               Check if key is in the cache, otherwise get it from mapfiles, 
put in cache on the way out
-               Need to check the the number of versions wanted is 1, to use 
the k/V cache
-       getFull(multiple columns) - memCache
-               Check if keys are in cache, otherwise get them from mapfiles, 
put in cache in way out
-       getFull(all columns) - memCache
-               Check if fullFlag is set, get all columns from cache, if set 
abort, otherwise fetch remaining from mapfiles, put them in cache and set flag 
on way out 
-       deleteAll - done via add in memCache
-               Delete row from cache, return ?
-       deleteFamily - done via add in memCache
-               Delete row from cache, return ? 
-       add - memCache
-               Check fullFlag, if set apply all the changes to row, otherwise 
do nothing to cache.     
-       batchUpdate - done via add in memCache
-               Check fullFlag, if set apply all the changes to row, otherwise 
do nothing to cache.
- Things to change: 
-       In MemCache.getFull(), add early out if everything was found in 
memCache, do not need to check snapShot?        

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