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The "GettingStartedWithHadoop" page has been changed by GlenMazza:

Short circuiting the reader to the more up-to-date Hadoop website if case 
he/she was unaware of the tutorials there.

  ## page was renamed from Getting Started With Hadoop
  ## page was renamed from GettingStartedWithHadoop
+ Note: for the 1.0.x series of Hadoop the following articles will probably be 
easiest to follow:
+  * [[|Hadoop 
Single-Node Setup]]
+  * [[|Hadoop Cluster 
+ The below instructions are primarily for the 0.2x series of Hadoop.
  = Downloading and installing Hadoop =
  Hadoop can be downloaded from one of the 
[[|Apache download mirrors]]. You 
may also download a 
[[|nightly build]] or 
check out the code from 
[[|subversion]] and build 
it with [[|Ant]]. Select a directory to install Hadoop 
under (let's say {{{/foo/bar/hadoop-install}}}) and untar the tarball in that 
directory. A directory corresponding to the version of Hadoop downloaded will 
be created under the {{{/foo/bar/hadoop-install}}} directory. For instance, if 
version 0.21.0 of Hadoop was downloaded untarring as described above will 
create the directory {{{/foo/bar/hadoop-install/hadoop-0.21.0}}}. The examples 
in this document assume the existence of an environment variable 
{{{$HADOOP_INSTALL}}} that represents the path to all versions of Hadoop 
installed. In the above instance {{{HADOOP_INSTALL=/foo/bar/hadoop-install}}}. 
They further assume the existence of a symlink named {{{hadoop}}} in 
{{{$HADOOP_INSTALL}}} that points to the version of Hadoop being used. For 
instance, if version 0.21.0 is being used then {{{$HADOOP_INSTALL/hadoop -> 
hadoop-0.21.0}}}. All tools used to run Hadoop will be present in the directory 
{{{$HADOOP_INSTALL/hadoop/bin}}}. All configuration files for Hadoop will be 
present in the directory {{{$HADOOP_INSTALL/hadoop/conf}}}.

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