Author: tomwhite
Date: Thu Dec 20 15:54:30 2012
New Revision: 1424546

MAPREDUCE-4806. Some private methods in JobTracker.RecoveryManager are not used 
anymore after MAPREDUCE-3837. Contributed by Karthik Kambatla.


Modified: hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/CHANGES.txt
--- hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/CHANGES.txt (original)
+++ hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/CHANGES.txt Thu Dec 20 15:54:30 2012
@@ -354,6 +354,9 @@ Release 1.2.0 - unreleased
     MAPREDUCE-4860. DelegationTokenRenewal attempts to renew token even after
     a job is removed. (kkambatl via tucu)
+    MAPREDUCE-4806. Some private methods in JobTracker.RecoveryManager are not
+    used anymore after MAPREDUCE-3837. (Karthik Kambatla via tomwhite)
 Release 1.1.2 - Unreleased

 Thu Dec 20 15:54:30 2012
@@ -1309,233 +1309,6 @@ public class JobTracker implements MRCon
       return ret;
-    private JobStatusChangeEvent updateJob(JobInProgress jip, 
-        JobHistory.JobInfo job) {
-      // Change the job priority
-      String jobpriority = job.get(Keys.JOB_PRIORITY);
-      JobPriority priority = JobPriority.valueOf(jobpriority);
-      // It's important to update this via the jobtracker's api as it will 
-      // take care of updating the event listeners too
-      try {
-        setJobPriority(jip.getJobID(), priority);
-      } catch (IOException e) {
-        // This will not happen. JobTracker can set jobPriority of any job
-        // as mrOwner has the needed permissions.
-        LOG.warn("Unexpected. JobTracker could not do SetJobPriority on "
-                 + jip.getJobID() + ". " + e);
-      }
-      // Save the previous job status
-      JobStatus oldStatus = (JobStatus)jip.getStatus().clone();
-      // Set the start/launch time only if there are recovered tasks
-      // Increment the job's restart count
-      jip.updateJobInfo(job.getLong(JobHistory.Keys.SUBMIT_TIME), 
-                        job.getLong(JobHistory.Keys.LAUNCH_TIME));
-      // Save the new job status
-      JobStatus newStatus = (JobStatus)jip.getStatus().clone();
-      return new JobStatusChangeEvent(jip, EventType.START_TIME_CHANGED, 
-                                      newStatus);
-    }
-    private void updateTip(TaskInProgress tip, JobHistory.Task task) {
-      long startTime = task.getLong(Keys.START_TIME);
-      if (startTime != 0) {
-        tip.setExecStartTime(startTime);
-      }
-      long finishTime = task.getLong(Keys.FINISH_TIME);
-      // For failed tasks finish-time will be missing
-      if (finishTime != 0) {
-        tip.setExecFinishTime(finishTime);
-      }
-      String cause = task.get(Keys.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID);
-      if (cause.length() > 0) {
-        // This means that the this is a FAILED events
-        TaskAttemptID id = TaskAttemptID.forName(cause);
-        TaskStatus status = tip.getTaskStatus(id);
-        synchronized (JobTracker.this) {
-          // This will add the tip failed event in the new log
-          tip.getJob().failedTask(tip, id, status.getDiagnosticInfo(), 
-                                  status.getPhase(), status.getRunState(), 
-                                  status.getTaskTracker());
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    private void createTaskAttempt(JobInProgress job, 
-                                   TaskAttemptID attemptId, 
-                                   JobHistory.TaskAttempt attempt) 
-      throws UnknownHostException {
-      TaskID id = attemptId.getTaskID();
-      String type = attempt.get(Keys.TASK_TYPE);
-      TaskInProgress tip = job.getTaskInProgress(id);
-      //    I. Get the required info
-      TaskStatus taskStatus = null;
-      String trackerName = attempt.get(Keys.TRACKER_NAME);
-      String trackerHostName = 
-        JobInProgress.convertTrackerNameToHostName(trackerName);
-      // recover the port information.
-      int port = 0; // default to 0
-      String hport = attempt.get(Keys.HTTP_PORT);
-      if (hport != null && hport.length() > 0) {
-        port = attempt.getInt(Keys.HTTP_PORT);
-      }
-      long attemptStartTime = attempt.getLong(Keys.START_TIME);
-      // II. Create the (appropriate) task status
-      if (type.equals( {
-        taskStatus = 
-          new MapTaskStatus(attemptId, 0.0f, 
-                            TaskStatus.State.RUNNING, "", "", trackerName, 
-                            TaskStatus.Phase.MAP, new Counters());
-      } else {
-        taskStatus = 
-          new ReduceTaskStatus(attemptId, 0.0f, 
-                               TaskStatus.State.RUNNING, "", "", trackerName, 
-                               TaskStatus.Phase.REDUCE, new Counters());
-      }
-      // Set the start time
-      taskStatus.setStartTime(attemptStartTime);
-      List<TaskStatus> ttStatusList = new ArrayList<TaskStatus>();
-      ttStatusList.add(taskStatus);
-      // III. Create the dummy tasktracker status
-      TaskTrackerStatus ttStatus = 
-        new TaskTrackerStatus(trackerName, trackerHostName, port, 
-                              0 , 0, 0, 0);
-      ttStatus.setLastSeen(clock.getTime());
-      synchronized (JobTracker.this) {
-        synchronized (taskTrackers) {
-          synchronized (trackerExpiryQueue) {
-            // IV. Register a new tracker
-            TaskTracker taskTracker = getTaskTracker(trackerName);
-            boolean isTrackerRegistered =  (taskTracker != null);
-            if (!isTrackerRegistered) {
-              markTracker(trackerName); // add the tracker to recovery-manager
-              taskTracker = new TaskTracker(trackerName);
-              taskTracker.setStatus(ttStatus);
-              addNewTracker(taskTracker);
-            }
-            // V. Update the tracker status
-            // This will update the meta info of the jobtracker and also add 
-            // tracker status if missing i.e register it
-            updateTaskTrackerStatus(trackerName, ttStatus);
-          }
-        }
-        // Register the attempt with job and tip, under JobTracker lock. 
-        // Since, as of today they are atomic through heartbeat.
-        // VI. Register the attempt
-        //   a) In the job
-        job.addRunningTaskToTIP(tip, attemptId, ttStatus, false);
-        //   b) In the tip
-        tip.updateStatus(taskStatus);
-      }
-      // VII. Make an entry in the launched tasks
-      expireLaunchingTasks.addNewTask(attemptId);
-    }
-    private void addSuccessfulAttempt(JobInProgress job, 
-                                      TaskAttemptID attemptId, 
-                                      JobHistory.TaskAttempt attempt) {
-      // I. Get the required info
-      TaskID taskId = attemptId.getTaskID();
-      String type = attempt.get(Keys.TASK_TYPE);
-      TaskInProgress tip = job.getTaskInProgress(taskId);
-      long attemptFinishTime = attempt.getLong(Keys.FINISH_TIME);
-      // Get the task status and the tracker name and make a copy of it
-      TaskStatus taskStatus = (TaskStatus)tip.getTaskStatus(attemptId).clone();
-      taskStatus.setFinishTime(attemptFinishTime);
-      String stateString = attempt.get(Keys.STATE_STRING);
-      // Update the basic values
-      taskStatus.setStateString(stateString);
-      taskStatus.setProgress(1.0f);
-      taskStatus.setRunState(TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED);
-      // Set the shuffle/sort finished times
-      if (type.equals( {
-        long shuffleTime = 
-          Long.parseLong(attempt.get(Keys.SHUFFLE_FINISHED));
-        long sortTime = 
-          Long.parseLong(attempt.get(Keys.SORT_FINISHED));
-        taskStatus.setShuffleFinishTime(shuffleTime);
-        taskStatus.setSortFinishTime(sortTime);
-      }
-      // Add the counters
-      String counterString = attempt.get(Keys.COUNTERS);
-      Counters counter = null;
-      //TODO Check if an exception should be thrown
-      try {
-        counter = Counters.fromEscapedCompactString(counterString);
-      } catch (ParseException pe) { 
-        counter = new Counters(); // Set it to empty counter
-      }
-      taskStatus.setCounters(counter);
-      synchronized (JobTracker.this) {
-        // II. Replay the status
-        job.updateTaskStatus(tip, taskStatus);
-      }
-      // III. Prevent the task from expiry
-      expireLaunchingTasks.removeTask(attemptId);
-    }
-    private void addUnsuccessfulAttempt(JobInProgress job,
-                                        TaskAttemptID attemptId,
-                                        JobHistory.TaskAttempt attempt) {
-      // I. Get the required info
-      TaskID taskId = attemptId.getTaskID();
-      TaskInProgress tip = job.getTaskInProgress(taskId);
-      long attemptFinishTime = attempt.getLong(Keys.FINISH_TIME);
-      TaskStatus taskStatus = (TaskStatus)tip.getTaskStatus(attemptId).clone();
-      taskStatus.setFinishTime(attemptFinishTime);
-      // Reset the progress
-      taskStatus.setProgress(0.0f);
-      String stateString = attempt.get(Keys.STATE_STRING);
-      taskStatus.setStateString(stateString);
-      boolean hasFailed = 
-        attempt.get(Keys.TASK_STATUS).equals(;
-      // Set the state failed/killed
-      if (hasFailed) {
-        taskStatus.setRunState(TaskStatus.State.FAILED);
-      } else {
-        taskStatus.setRunState(TaskStatus.State.KILLED);
-      }
-      // Get/Set the error msg
-      String diagInfo = attempt.get(Keys.ERROR);
-      taskStatus.setDiagnosticInfo(diagInfo); // diag info
-      synchronized (JobTracker.this) {
-        // II. Update the task status
-        job.updateTaskStatus(tip, taskStatus);
-      }
-     // III. Prevent the task from expiry
-     expireLaunchingTasks.removeTask(attemptId);
-    }
     Path getRestartCountFile() {
       return new Path(getSystemDir(), "");

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