Hi, Any thoughts on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAPREDUCE-6893
In org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.MultipleOutputs#getContext method I have planned to provide some override keys in configuration and set values for those override keys as per the named output. for example: we have two named output "schema1" and "schema2" for schema1 we want the value of key "schema" as "int" while for schema2 it should be "string". so we can provide config as "multioutput.overrideKeys= schema" "multioutput. schema1.schema=int" "multioutput. schema2.schema=string" and while creating context in getContext config for schema1 will resolved to "schema=int" and for schema2 it will be "schema=string" Similar to : * String[] overrideKeys = configuration.getStrings(MO_PREFIX + ".override.keys");* * if (overrideKeys != null) {* * for (String key : overrideKeys) {* * configuration.set(key, configuration.get(MO_PREFIX +nameOutput+"."+ key), configuration.get(key));* * }* * }* Thanks -Piyush