I have updated meetup:
On Jun 28, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Sanjay Radia wrote:
On Jun 28, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Sanjay Radia wrote:
We have a room confirmed from 10-3pm on Friday July 1st at Yahoo's
sunnyvale campus.
Will update the
On Jun 28, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Sanjay Radia wrote:
We have a room confirmed from 10-3pm on Friday July 1st at Yahoo's
sunnyvale campus.
Will update the meetup page shortly so that folks can register.
Given that this is the friday before a long weekend, a number of
folks have asked for an
We have a room confirmed from 10-3pm on Friday July 1st at Yahoo's
sunnyvale campus.
Will update the meetup page shortly so that folks can register.
On Jun 7, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Owen O'Malley wrote:
We are planning to have a Hadoop developer meetup in Sunnyvale
during the d
There is also a Pig user meetup the day after:
On Jun 7, 2011, at 2:01 PM, Shrinivas Joshi wrote:
Hi Owen,
If possible, could you please send the list of events surrounding
Summit that might be interesting to summit attendees?
Hi Owen,
If possible, could you please send the list of events surrounding Hadoop
Summit that might be interesting to summit attendees?
The two I know of are BigDataCamp
http://bigdatacamp-santaclara-2011.eventbrite.com/ happening the day before
and HBase Contributor day at Y! happening the day a
We are planning to have a Hadoop developer meetup in Sunnyvale during the
day on July 1, which is the Friday after the Hadoop Summit. We are thinking
about holding it in the morning, since it is a Friday before the long weekend.
(Thursday is fairly occupied with other meetings around the