Re: native folder not found in hadoop-common build on Ubuntu

2017-08-31 Thread Ping Liu
Thanks Allen for the information. No wonder I got it on Windows automatically. By the way, with John and Ravi's help, I was able to have it work now by installing CMake as well as Zlib (I already had Protobuf installed before). Thanks everyone!! Ping On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 7:03 PM, Allen Wi

Re: native folder not found in hadoop-common build on Ubuntu

2017-08-31 Thread Allen Wittenauer
Just to close the loop on this a bit ... Windows always triggers the 'native-win' profile because winutils is currently required to actually use Apache Hadoop on that platform. On other platforms, the 'native' profile is optional since their is enough support in the JDK to at least do

Re: native folder not found in hadoop-common build on Ubuntu

2017-08-31 Thread Ping Liu
Hi Ravi, John, Thanks! Yeah, it's the first profile. Now as I tried the build with -Pnative, I saw the build failure. It complains for cmake. It's also a requirement specified in BUILDING.txt that John pointed out. Thanks!! Ping On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 4:03 PM, Ravi Prakash wrote: > Ple

Re: native folder not found in hadoop-common build on Ubuntu

2017-08-31 Thread Ravi Prakash
Please use -Pnative profile On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 3:53 PM, Ping Liu wrote: > Hi John, > > Thank you for your quick response. > > I used > > mvn clean install -DskipTests > > I just did a comparison with my Windows build result. winutils is missing > too. > > So both "native" and "winutils" fol

Re: native folder not found in hadoop-common build on Ubuntu

2017-08-31 Thread Ping Liu
Hi John, Thank you for your quick response. I used mvn clean install -DskipTests I just did a comparison with my Windows build result. winutils is missing too. So both "native" and "winutils" folders are not generated in target folder, although it shows BUILD SUCCESS. Thanks. Ping On

Re: native folder not found in hadoop-common build on Ubuntu

2017-08-31 Thread John Zhuge
Hi Ping, Thanks for using Hadoop. Linux is Unix-like. Hadoop supports native code on Linux. Please read BUILDING.txt in the root of the Hadoop source tree. Could you provide the entire Maven command line when you built Hadoop? On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Ping Liu wrote: > I built hadoop-c

native folder not found in hadoop-common build on Ubuntu

2017-08-31 Thread Ping Liu
I built hadoop-common on Ubuntu in my VirtualBox. But in target folder, I didn't find "native" folder that is supposed to contain the generated JNI header files for C. On my Windows, native folder is found in target. As I check the POM file, I found "native build only supported on Mac or Unix".