Please find attached a sample configuration file for Jakarta Commons
Messenger that has been tested against ArjunaMS 4.0.  

Kind regards,

Dr Thomas Rischbeck 
Messaging Solutions Architect
Arjuna Technologies Ltd 
Nanotechnology Centre - Herschel Building 
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU 

Tel: +44 191 243 0673 
Fax: +44 191 243 0677 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE manager SYSTEM "messenger.dtd">

|| Sample configuration file for use with ArjunaMS 4.0.

   <messenger name="topic" jndiDestinations="true">
      <jndi lookupName="ConnectionFactory" topic="true">
   <messenger name="queue" jndiDestinations="true">
      <jndi lookupName="ConnectionFactory" topic="false" transacted="true" cacheProducers="false"

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