
I'm using httpClient 2.0.1 stable version on JDK 1.2.2. My class is
coded similar to tutorial example. I've coded static method called
"postData(...)" which instantiates HttpClient and executes the post
method to one perticular URL. The "postData(...)" method/class is
called from a non-Java platform using custom tags.

This seems to be working fine under low loads. But I'm not sure if I'm
using HttpClient package correctly.

Please clarify the following.

1) Do I need to instantiate "HttpClient" only once? (using Singleton).

2) Can I use MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager in this scenario?
Since I'm hitting only same host all the time, I do not know how to
use this. Could you please give an example. (I want concurrent user
requests executed in multi threading manner. )

Thank you, 

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