On Jul 19, 2007, at 11:19 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:

Here are some open JIRAs I think we can close:

DBCP-194 BasicDataSource.setLogWriter should not do createDataSource
DBCP-102 setReadOnly & setAutoCommit called too many times
DBCP-97 setAutoCommit(true) when returning connection to the pool
DBCP-212 PoolingDataSource closes physical connections

+1 and thanks for verifying 97.

DBCP-209 Is DataSource.getConnection(user, pass) working the way it
is suppose to?
User should be using either SharedPoolDataSource or the
DBCP-53 commons dbcp does not supports Firebird DB
Torque bug or misconfiguration by user.


Won't fix
DBCP-115 allow to set >= 6 parameters to do non-global SSL
Request for mysql specific feature
DBCP-152 add a socketFactory attribute to BasicDataSource (to allow
SSL "thread"-safe)
Request for mysql specific feature


If you grant me DBCP JIRA karma, I can make these changes myself. I'm a JIRA admin, so you just need to grant me karma here (email) and I can add the permission to JIRA myself.


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