On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 02:09 AM, Gavin McPhee wrote:

I had previously raise a bug report that the PropertyUtils class doesn't
recognise "normal" properties on a DynaBean (see
http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17036). This has been
closed without action for very valid reasons, however, I am sill after a
mechanism to access bean properties that are methods and not just object
instances (as is the current BasicDynaBean implementation).

As an example, I may wish to have a method such as public Long getUpTime(
(which has to calculate its result) and access this method from the
PropertyUtils class.

I believe that this could be done by modifying the BasicDynaBean
implementation or by creating a DynaBean implementation to allow for the
registration of a user defined getter and setter methods for individual
properties. This mechanism would not break any current DynaBean and
PropertyUtils implementations.

hi gavin

this seems like the right way go about this.

this isn't a really big itch for me but if you wanted to submit a patch and some test cases, i'll gladly take a look. see http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/patches.html.

- robert

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