On Saturday, December 7, 2002, at 06:50 AM, Costin Manolache wrote:


There is also the issue of statics ( which become very visible when
you move stuff to the top loader), and the issue of security - which is
particularily important for beanutil and probably in collections
( i.e. - if things are cached - can an application access other
application's data ? Is there any thread that may change the
security context ? )
(now is probably a good time to raise something that's been in the air for a little while.)

at the moment, beanutils is composed of static methods. the caching is also static.

one effect of this is that there is only one global set of converters. another is that the cached data has to be shared globally.

it might make more sense to have concrete objects. caches and other data would be stored with each instance. the current static methods would then call a static instance.

users would then be free to continue to use the convenient static methods or they could create an instance and use that instead.

- robert

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