I definitely consider this 'in scope'. It is a key part, and will have
multiple implementations

- Method + Object (simple reflection)
- Property object (Joda)
- own storage (non Class implementation, eg. ResultSet wrapper)


From: "Steve Downey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Delegator is a bound method reference. Triggering the delegator causes a
on a particular method on a particular object. The triggerer doesn't need to
be aware of either the object or the method.

There's also a variant that can delegate the call to many objects.

Berin said this was inspired by the C# construct, which means that it's
related to the Microsoft J++ extension. Anders Hejlsberg introduced it as
part of the framework he implemented. Anders was also the original architect
of Borland's Delphi. An interesting interview with him is here:


(I posted this before, when Berin proposed it)

On Friday 25 October 2002 10:07 am, Dmitri Plotnikov wrote:
> Berin,
> Could you give us a synopsis of what Delegator is or a pointer to a doc
> where it is described.
> Thanks,
> - Dmitri
> --- Berin Loritsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Scott Sanders wrote:
> > > All,
> > >
> > > I took the liberty of creating the clazz proposal with my proposal
> >
> > generator (it worked great BTW).
> >
> > > I copied MethodUtils from BeanUtils as an initial class, but it
> >
> > does not have to stay there.
> >
> > > I copied in some of Stephen's proposal from commons-dev into the
> >
> > PROPOSAL.html.
> >
> > > Nothing is set in stone, feel free to change it all.  Just wanted
> >
> > to get something started that wasn't reorg email :)
> >
> > Is this where the Avalon team's Delegator stuff would go?  If so, are
> > you
> > interested in it?
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > "They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
> > safety
> >   deserve neither liberty nor safety."
> >                  - Benjamin Franklin
> >
> >
> > --
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