Hi Paulo, many thanks for this introduction to commons-configuration ! I think we may link your article from the [configuration] web site.

Just a minor correction though, the <dom4j> configuration is no longer used, it has been removed from 1.0 and replaced by <xml>. Also you may be interested to know that we plan to interpolate the variables directly in the configuration descriptor (config.xml), thus a single file could be used for all your environnements. It will look like this :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <properties fileName="configuration\${env}\env.properties" />
  <properties fileName="configuration\hello.properties" />
  <xml fileName="configuration\author.xml" />

Emmanuel Bourg

Paulo Caroli wrote:
Dear developers,
The following javaworld article uses commons configuration as its configuration api.
It is a pleasure to bring more publicity to this great piece of work.
Congratulations for your projects and success!

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