On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 16:26, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
> [-1]
> Um, I'm not too clear on this one, how is calling 
> MathUtils.isPositive(d) clearer than (d >= 0)?

[+0], Mark, if I follow the discussion correctly, the concept isn't
trying to ascertain if a given number is greater than or equal to zero. 
I believe that the discussion revolved around the mathematical concept
of "Positive".  Is a given number "positive" is a different question
from is a given number greater than or equal to zero - depending on your
specific definition and needs.

An application that needs to test for a Non-negative numbers, would
benefit from a isNonNegative method.  Even though, the function simply
contains d >= 0.  MathUtils.isNonNegative( 3 ) is conceptually different
from 3 >= 0.  Personally, I would choose, "3 >= 0", but if a programmer
wished to invoke that operation via MathUtils.isNonNegative to attain a
sort of conceptual "purity", I don't think this is our decision to make.

> I included Al's functions because they were a little more complex than 
> that, they provided different return type when dealing with different 
> evaluations. Of course these could be captured inline quite easily as 
> well with examples like:
> d >= 0 ? 1d : -1d
> d > 0 ? 1d : -1d

I'm not sure why that function would not return a boolean primitive,
anyone have any good reasons not to?

> definitely reinvents the wheel in a very big way. I think in general its 
> best to keep static functions in MathUtil's that simplify complex 
> calculations like factorials.

Again, I can see someone wanting these functions if one wants to be
absolutely sure that they are complying with strict conceptual
definitions in a very large system.  I don't personally have a need for
isPositive, but that isn't to say that Al hasn't found a good reason to
use them in the past.  

Al?  what was the motivation here?


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