Hello everybody!
I don't know if it is usual to address the developers in this manner, but I
saw no other chance on getting in touch.
I have read about this bug in the bugzilla
<http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24204>  !
That is truely something that I also would like to use. Therefore I'd like
to know, if there is any progress made on this?
Or is there perhaps any way that I could contribute to this issue (I'm
pretty much into Java, so I see any chance for that)?
I'm using Struts in a webapp and the users for that system already said that
they might by uploading ~100MB files.
So I'd like to keep them from getting clickery by displaying some
Thx, Tim

Tim Adler, Abt. SDA1
Adress Management Solutions
AZ | Direct
Carl-Bertelsmann Straße 161s
D-33311 Gütersloh

Tel.: 05241/ 80 - 89574


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