Kim van der Linde wrote:
I think I am a typical math only user and developer
and I just joined the e-mail lists. The last days, I
seriously contemplated on leaving both lists because
of the use amout of completly irrelevant bullshit that
passes by every morning and during the day on my
computer. I have better things to do. I still give it
a few days, basically to find out whether people are
good enough to put [math] in the header always. If so,
I can filter, but my experience with other mailing
lists is that people forget sometimes....

I have experimented with a combination of procmail and bogofilter (basically the same a spam filtering) in order to improve automatic classification, with encouraging results. There are further ideas yet to be explored.

Unfortunately, this is a complex setup, not ready for
the common user. Better mailing list subscriber support
including automatic filtering for lists covering
multiple topics of interests really needs to be build
into the mail client. So much to do ...


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