> From: Manoj Kasichainula [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 12:43 AM

> On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 08:58:28AM -0700, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> > Last week, the COMMONS-DEV mailing list voted to change our charter, such
> > that the jakarta-commons-sandbox repository would be available to all
> > Apache committers, rather than just all Jakarta committers.  This mirrors
> > what was done with Gump a while back.  Karma can be handled the normaly
> > way, but there is one remaining issue.
> > 
> > Because not all of the new committers will be in the "jakarta" group, it
> > seems like the simplest thing to do is change the group owner of this
> > repository (and all its files) from "jakarta" to "apcvs" so that everyone
> > has the appropriate permissions.  Could this be done, please?
> I forget... jakarta-commons is part of the ASF commons now?

No.  Jakarta-commons is still a project in its own right.

> Does the Jakarta PMC or anyone else need to be cc:ed on this request?

Yes [the Jakarta PMC].

> We generally need the appropriate pmc cc:ed on a request, and to an
> un-jakarta-trained eye, it looks like the jakarta pmc.

Correct.  Note though that I'd like to see this discussed on infrastructure@
aswell, since this seems like a new 'sandbox' idea that previously was shot
down by several people on community@ (or was it reorg@).  We already have the
committers cvs module, which is rw to all.


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