Dear Friends,

I'm using the HTTP Client in a pool of connection. I have created a 
class that manage a list of URL. For example: i have a list of 100 URLs 
of diferent hosts. I want to retrieve all this urls but i don't want 
to do this in a sequencial mode. I want to put  some connections in a 
paralel mode. Like for example... I want 10 connection in paralel... 
Then, when a connection finish an other starts. I want to use this in a 
meta engine to retrive documents in Web.

My problem is that httpclient is raising many exeptions of connection 
timeout. I'm running my application in  super fast internet provider 
and it's not normal these time outs.

Does the httpclient manage a pool of connection like that ?
Does httpclient works well in a multithead mode ? How can i manage a 
list of url with a great performance ?

Can you help-me?

Thanks very much

Thiago Costa

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