
I have the following problem.

I have a jsp servlet which is both server and client (using httpclient)

The client code performs a POST to another servlet on the same server. 
I am trying to keep that POST part of the same session that the servlet
is working in, so that the second servlet has access to the same session
data as the first.

I thus need to (I think) set a cookie containing JSESSIONID, and the
current session id, which I have.  I cannot, however, find any sample
code of setting a cookie in the client request (though the docs say it
can be done)

Does anyone have an example I can look at?

        Chris Picton | PGP Key ID: 9D28A988 (wwwkeys.pgp.net)
 Solutions Developer | PGP Key Fingerprint:
     Tangent Systems | 2B46 29EA D530 79EC D9EA 3ED0 229D 6DD6 9D28 A988
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