This problem got solved when I pass the HostConfiguration object in the
"executeMethod" method. Looks like it's redundant, but did get rid of
the exception!

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/9/2003 8:46:03 PM >>>

On Tuesday, June 10, 2003, at 07:24  AM, Zulfi Umrani wrote:

> Following code throws IllegalArgumentException: host parameter is
> Does any one know why?

Because the host parameter is null...  somewhere, somehow.  When 
reporting an exception with any Java product, please include the full 
stack trace of the exception so that we know where to start looking.  
You also need to tell us what version your using both of the JRE and 
the product as well as what OS you're running on.  (Including sample 
code is great, thanks!)

With HttpClient there's even more useful information you can extract as

well in the form of a debug log.  You should take a look at which

outlines the steps to take when you have a problem with HttpClient.  In

particular take a look at the logging guide at u 

With that information we're likely to be a lot more helpful.


Adrian Sutton.

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