On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Chris McKenna <cmcke...@sucs.org> wrote:

> So what is "appropriate for children"?

How about - 'not likely to get the student at a typical high school
sent to offfice for sexual harrassment, inappropriate usage of school
resources, or the website as a whole blocked in typical software.
Would not result in the firing of a teacher if they were to distribute
the image to the children.  Would not have criminal or legal
ramifications if you brought the image to the school and began
distributing it the children.'

> And whose "common sense" do we
> choose - it seems that in your opinion it is common sense that this image
> is not appropriate, yet in mine it is fine. Neither of us are alone in
> our opinions. Whose opinon is correct?

If by showing the image to children in a public school setting there
could likely be legal ramifications (going to jail, getting placed on
a sex offender list), then chances are - common sense would dictate
that it is inappropriate for children and by extension inappropriate
for the front page of commons.

Tom M.

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