SPARC and the Open Access Initiative are running an annual contest to
find the best video by students about open access (the limited
scholarly version).   The best entries will win ... that epitome of
free culture ... an Apple product.  Mmm.

Would there be value in having these videos on Commons?


Jennifer McLennan
(202) 296-2296 x 121
jennifer [at] arl [dot] org

Entries invited for the 4th Annual Sparky Awards

Washington, DC – The importance of the student stake in opening up
access to scholarly research will be highlighted in Open Up! – the
fourth installment of the annual Sparky Awards student video contest.
Calling on students to articulate their views in a two-minute video,
the contest has been embraced by campuses all over the world and has
inspired imaginative expressions of student support for the potential
of Open Access to foster creativity, innovation, and problem solving.

Open Access is free, immediate, online access to the published results
of scholarly research, combined with the rights to be able to use and
re-use them in the ways that should be possible in the digital space.
Students have been leaders in the creative re-use, remix, and mash-up
of material across the digital realm, and have a fair expectation that
scholarly research should be equally, legally accessible to help
advance their scholarship and ensure the quality of their education.

Students are uniquely positioned to advance Open Access. Through their
publishing, copyright, and policy choices, students – along with
faculty and administrators – can make Open Access to institutional
research outputs and wider access to the whole scholarly record a
reality – today.

Open Up! calls on students to let the world know they support Open
Access and to say why. This year, entries are invited to four

1. Animation – Drop into the media lab and master that illustration software!

2. Speech – Just say how it is. Skip the fancy editing and use your
120 seconds to tell campus viewers in your own eloquent words why Open
Access matters to you.

3. Remix – Mix it up. Re-use video, music, images and remix with your
own content to create your unique vision of the importance of Open
Access. Content must be re-used legally.

4. People’s Choice – The People choose! Sparky Award entries are
opened up for public vote.

Winners will receive an iPad, iPhone, or iPod and a fabulous "Sparky
Award" statuette. The award-winning videos will be announced in
conjunction with the American Library Association Annual Conference
and a Campus MovieFest Regional Finale, and will be widely publicized
by the sponsoring organizations at public events across North America
throughout the year.

The Sparky Awards are an opportunity for faculty to enhance classes,
as well as for libraries to promote services -- including media
services or information commons, where students can edit video, browse
media, work collaboratively, and develop a good understanding of
copyright. Libraries everywhere are encouraged to host local
installments of the contest.

Entries in the international Sparky Awards competition are now being
accepted and must be received by 12:00AM Eastern time on May 27, 2011.
To be eligible, videos must be freely available on the Internet and
available for use under a Creative Commons License.

The Sparky Awards are organized by SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and
Academic Resources Coalition) and co-sponsored by: the Association of
College and Research Libraries, the Association of Research Libraries,
Campus MovieFest, the Center for Social Media, the New Media
Consortium (NMC), the Open Video Alliance, Penn Libraries, the Right
to Research Coalition, Students for Free Culture, the Student PIRGs,
and SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition).

For full details, visit the Sparky Awards Web site at

# # #

THE SPARKY AWARDS are organized and sponsored by SPARC (Scholarly
Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), an alliance of academic
libraries and research institutions working to build on the
opportunities created by the networked digital environment to advance
the conduct of scholarship. Membership in SPARC is open to libraries
of all sizes. For more information, visit

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