great guys, please put your documentation of trying this onto the wiki.


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 3:55 AM, Jan Tuennermann
<> wrote:
> I think ROS would not be a benefit for the OpenMoko as a phone, it makes it
> very attractive for application in robotics or other controlling
> applications.
> The minimal processing power is a problem when compiling. Compiling the base
> system took a whole night and when ever I compile a new ROS package, ROS
> will automatically compile any packages the wanted want depends on and make
> the phone unusable for hours while compiling. I think I need to look into
> cross-compiling.
> I also think there are some optimizations on the ROS side possible. For
> example, there is a lot of logging going on. I think it can be turned off...
> A slim linux would be good, but it must be ensured that all the base
> dependencies can be satisfied (boots, OpenCV, etc.). Also one of the
> advantages of ROS is, that there are thousands of communities packages
> available that have individual dependencies.  For example, the gpsd_pacakges
> I tried to install will tell the rosmake tool that it depends on gpsd and
> (on debian) it will automatically you apt-get to pull and install the
> package. (However, this did not work for unknown reasons on the QtMoko
> installation, which I had switched to debian squeeze source).
> I also needed to override the OS identifcation with an environment variable
> 'export ROS_OS_OVERRIDE=debian:squeeze', because QtMoko was providing some
> other identification.
> So I think it should use the debian repos, to make as many packages
> available as possible.
> A good thing would be a pre-compiled version already installed properly in
> the file system ready to copy on SD, boot and go! All the phone
> functionality could be stripped out, just starting a blank Xserver where
> graphical ROS-nodes can show there widgets. I would have one phone SD and
> one robot SD card then, and never again the phone would ring while it drives
> around on the robot ;)
> Jan
> Am 19.04.2011 10:27, schrieb RANJAN:
> Will be really an awesome and exciting idea..But having to port it properly
> and use the minimal processing power on FR and to decide whether one should
> design a minimal linux specifically to support ROS etc would be some key
> points to begin with..
> Sincerely
> Ranjan
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 1:10 AM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
> <> wrote:
>> I think this can also be of interest to the Openmoko community.
>> Am 19.04.2011 um 09:46 schrieb Jan Tuennermann:
>> Ron,
>> thanks for forwarding.  ROS (Robot Operating System) is a kind of meta
>> operating system. It does not really handle OS functions, also it is not
>> real time. It's a great concept that boosts development in the robotic area.
>> It is based on a publisher / subscriber paradigm; you implement your
>> software as node which will publish and receive messages. For example, if
>> you wrap a face detection algorithm or something in a ROS-node, it would
>> subscribe to image messages and probably publish a custom message with
>> coordinates of a face, or maybe another image with the face marked. This
>> node can now receive images from any node that publishes images. For
>> example, a webcam-node. Or a node that loads test-data from hard drive or
>> maybe from a 3D-Simulator. Also, there are a lot of components that already
>> come with ROS. So if we wanted to display the image with the face marked in
>> it, we would just need to make an image_view node (comes with ROS) to
>> subscribe our images. More complex components can display 3D point-clouds
>> (for example from a laser range finder), etc.  ROS nodes register with a
>> master and they don't need to be on the same machine, as they can
>> communicate over network.
>> Right now I'm trying to get a gpsd_client node to run on the OpenMoko. On
>> a remote PC a gpsd_viewer node will run, subscribing gpsFix messages which
>> it will use to display the Moko's location in a map from the OpenStreetMap
>> project. I'm planning to connect the Moko to a micro- controler which then
>> controls a RC-car. I tested this before, so I'm optimistic that I will get
>> it working. When it works I might add a X-Box kinnect, which is already
>> supported by ROS to capture 2D and 3D visual information to enable the
>> RC-car for autonomous driving.
>> best regards,
>> Jan
>> Am 19.04.2011 01:14, schrieb Ron K. Jeffries:
>> sending this item along seen on the ROS list.
>> Not sure if OpenMoko folks have already seen it.
>> A future board similar to SIE nee SAKC would
>> benefit from a real time OS. This one [ROS]
>> appears to be open and free and widely supported.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Jan Tuennermann <>
>> To:
>> Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 09:28:02 +0200
>> Subject: [ros-users] ROS running on Neo Freerunner
>> Hi everyone,
>> I spent some time on the weekend to get ROS diamondback running on the
>> OpenMoko smart phone Neo Freerunner. With it's WiFi,  GPS, Accelerometers
>> and Linux capabilities it might be an alternative for robot projects where a
>> netbook is to large or to heavy.
>> I put an installation guide here:
>> I was not really sure where to put it, as it is not really a tutorial and
>> also no stack description. So if the place is inappropriate, it would be
>> nice if someone could move it.
>> Jan
>> ---
>> Ron K. Jeffries
>> --
>>  M.Sc. Jan  T U E N N E R M A N N   _________________________________
>>                                               University of Paderborn
>>                                        Faculty of Computer Science
>>                                Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
>>                                                               GET Lab
>>  phone: +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 2219                         Pohlweg 47-49
>>  fax:   +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 3238                     D-33098 Paderborn
>>                                       Faculty of Cultural Sciences
>>                                           Department of Psychology
>>                                                             PsyLab
>>  phone: +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 2907                  Warburger Straße 100
>>  fax:   +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 3528                          D-33098 Paderborn
>>  email:
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> --
>  M.Sc. Jan  T U E N N E R M A N N   _________________________________
>                                               University of Paderborn
>                                         Faculty of Computer Science
>                                Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
>                                                               GET Lab
>  phone: +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 2219                         Pohlweg 47-49
>  fax:   +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 3238                     D-33098 Paderborn
>                                        Faculty of Cultural Sciences
>                                            Department of Psychology
>                                                              PsyLab
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