IIRC, the "custom cable" is actually part of the charger, i.e. charger and cable is one unit.

If you think about it, this makes sense: If the cable were a separate unit, you might plug the cable by accident into a charger (or worse, your laptop) that could not deliver 1 Amp, the phone would think it was hooked up to our custom charger and would start sucking 1 Amp. At best, it wouldn't work, worse, it would damage your charger, worse yet, it would damage the USB circuitry in your computer, very worst, it would start a fire.

So the only safe place to install the custom ID resistor is in a charger or charger+cable assembly that is known to be able to safely source 1 Amp.

I will document how to create such a custom cable, and I will provide sources and part numbers for the connectors, but users will have to be careful that this cable isn't inadvertently used with a charger not capable of providing 1 Amp.


Marco Trevisan (Treviño) wrote:
Lowell Higley ha scritto:
1) include the custom (closed) cable or at least make it an option

I do agree with this... Also if the cable is sold only by Openmoko it should be there, since it's a so important thing for using the phone as a "standard phone" (I not always have my PC around, and neither I should have electronics knowledge to build my own cable).

If some people doesn't agree with its "philosophy", he could simply choose not to include it on the pack, or simply, to resell it...
Imho it would be a too "closed" view, btw!

2) ensure the manual includes that a standard USB cable will work. Be sure to list the limitations of said cable. (I think the wiki has this but it needs to be in the docs that go with the phone.)

Ok, this could be a workaround, but just a workaround for me...

3) publish the pinout / construction of the custom cable. Maybe publish the BOM and your source of those items. Perhaps a 3rd party could make a small ebay fortune out of this item.

Of course for keeping up our idea and to help who loves self-making you'll have absolutely to publish these informations!

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