I think this is the most important FOSDEM Devroom for Openmoko users and 


Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

> Von: Henri Bergius <>
> Datum: 14. Dezember 2011 10:48:33 MEZ
> An:
> Betreff: [FOSDEM] Call for presentations: Open Mobile Linux at FOSDEM 2012
> Hi,
> At FOSDEM 2012 we will have a devroom related to Open Mobile Linux.
> Our primary goal is to facilitate meetups, collaboration and awareness
> between different projects and communities within Open Mobile Linux
> and provide a place to present directions, ideas and your projects
> themselves.
> By Open Mobile Linux we mean any open source projects revolving around
> typical non-desktop/server Linux, such as handsets, tablets, netbooks
> or other creative uses. Examples of such projects could be Qt5, Mer,
> MeeGo, Android, webOS, Plasma Active, Tizen, Boot to Gecko, SHR and
> other related projects.
> We have the room AW1.120 with 74 seats, a video projector (VGA),
> wireless internet on Saturday 4th February for a total of 8 hours.
> The format we will be utilizing is lightning talks of length 15
> minutes with 10 minutes of questions, 5 minute changeover to next
> speaker. Our goal is about 15 talks during the day.
> The motivation is that after each talk, you and your project will be
> visible to the rest of the Open Mobile Linux community and further
> deeper discussions into your topic with your peers can continue
> outside the devroom.
> Please send a short biography and an abstract for your talk to
> by Dec 31st 2011, and we'll get back to you at
> latest January 7th.
> -- 
> Henri Bergius
> Motorcycle Adventures and Free Software
> Jabber:
> Microblogs: @bergie
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