What about having SHR, QtMoko, hackable, FSO etc. share
one session? Maybe sort of a round table?

Something like "Community driven Distributions for Smartphones"

Who would like to represent his/her project? Who would like
to moderate?


Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

> Von: Wouter Verhelst <wou...@debian.org>
> Datum: 11. November 2011 12:17:11 MEZ
> An: fos...@lists.fosdem.org, distributi...@lists.fosdem.org
> Betreff: [FOSDEM] Cross-Distribution devroom: Call for Participation
> Hi,
> Now that the word is out on the list of accepted devrooms, we can sure
> expect many calls for participation from the many devrooms on this list.
> Let me be the first (I hope):
> There will again be a cross-distribution miniconference at FOSDEM this
> year. People or distribution projects who are interested in joining it
> are hereby invited to communicate that desire.
> For practical purposes, I would like to request that one person steps
> forward from each involved distributions devroom, so that we can list
> the participating projects on our website (as during previous years),
> but also so that I have some contact within each project in case it's
> needed.
> People interested in holding a session should let that intention be
> known on the distributi...@lists.fosdem.org mailinglist, with the
> following information:
> - Their name
> - A (short) bio, to be put on the website along with their speaker name
> - (optionally) a picture of themselves
> - The title of their session (which will go on the website and in the
>  booklet)
> - A (short) abstract describing the session in further detail.
> - The desired approximate duration for the session.
> Sessions can be talks, round tables, BoFs, or any number of other things
> that could generally benefit from an audience of distributions
> developers. In the case of BoF or round table sessions, note that I will
> still consider the submitter to be the 'speaker', though their role will
> probably be more something of a moderator.
> The deadline for submissions is December 22nd.
> -- 
> The volume of a pizza of thickness a and radius z can be described by
> the following formula:
> pi zz a
> _______________________________________________
> FOSDEM mailing list
> fos...@lists.fosdem.org
> https://lists.fosdem.org/listinfo/fosdem

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