[Version en français au bas]

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AFRINIC Communications


Chers tous,

Le système de registre Internet régional (RIR) suit avec succès un modèle 
d'autorégulation du secteur ouvert à toutes les parties intéressées. Le 
processus d'élaboration des politiques liées aux ressources de numéros Internet 
utilise des réunions publiques et des listes de diffusion ouvertes. 

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Communications d’AFRINIC 

> On 27 Oct 2020, at 13:18, Elad Cohen <e...@netstyle.io> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I already provided a response to Coconut Guilmette long time ago in RIPE 
> (apologize in front of everyone for name calling, but he started it):
> https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/anti-abuse-wg/2020-April/005662.html 
> <https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/anti-abuse-wg/2020-April/005662.html>
> Let me comment on anything that Ron wrote:
> ----
> Elad Cohen is the Donald Trump of the Middle East.  He is a pathological
> liar, a con man, and a thief.
> ----
> "Donald Trump" ? LOL. You are the one which is more similar to Donald Trump, 
> both visually with your hair and with your views.
> Regarding all the characteristics that you wrote, too bad that I cannot sue 
> you because you have nothing and that is the only reason that you are being 
> used by the illegal anonymous organizations "The Spamhaus Organization" and 
> "Ops-Trust" to be their front person, but no worries - because anyone that 
> did repeat you will be sued and the company of anyone that did repeat your 
> false proofless narrative - will be sued.
> ----
> Much evidence exists to support this viewpoint, and somewhat less than
> all of that evidence has yet been seen by the public generally, and/or
> by the AFRINIC community specifically.  (I am informed and believe
> however that current AFRINIC management is already well and truly aware
> of much of this additional evidence.  All of it shall quite certainly
> be made public in due course.)
> ---
> Go ahead, Coconut Guilmette and show that "evidence". Instead of just writing 
> a false narrative and letting other people repeat you and to let them absorb 
> the future lawsuits.
> ----
> Even in lieu of that additional evidence, it should already be plain
> and clear to all that Mr. Cohen has made, and continues to make, the
> most outrageous and unbelievable claims, backed up by exactly -zero-
> hard evidence whatsoever.  He claims to have *somehow* purchased
> enormously vast gobs of valuable IPv4 legacy address space, from some
> unidentified party, while stedfastly refusing to name the party in
> question, or to produce a single shread of documentary evidence
> supporting his utterly outlandish claims.
> ----
> "Even in lieu of that additional evidence" - "evidence" which is only in the 
> head of Coconut Guilmette. Coconut Guilmette - can you please confirm or deny 
> if you ever took any mental medicine ?
> "most outrageous and unbelievable claims" - Please forgive me Coconut 
> Guilmette, for pursuing legal justice.
> "backed up by exactly -zero- hard evidence whatsoever" - What a coconut...
> "He claims to have *somehow* purchased enormously vast gobs of valuable IPv4 
> legacy address space, from some unidentified party" - Where did I claim it 
> exactly and what did I claim exactly ? 
> "while stedfastly refusing to name the party in question" - I don't see your 
> mob friends which are terrorizing the whole hosting industry as a legal 
> authority.
> "or to produce a single shread of documentary evidence supporting his utterly 
> outlandish claims" - Same as my comment above.
> ----
> This is a game that we here in the U.S. are already quite familiar with.
> Critics of Mr. Trump's almost unbroken stream of ludicrous and outlandish
> claims, about his wealth, about the true source of his bank loans, and
> about numerous other of his superfically ridiculous claims have been
> begging Mr. Trump for over four long years now to produce his tax returns
> for public inspection, just as all other Presidents and presidential
> candidates have done here in the U.S. for that past 60+ years now.  To
> date, those many requests have never been honored.  Rather, Mr. Trump
> is always finding some new lame excuse for keeping his dirty little
> secrets secret.  And those excuses change from day to day.
> ----
> Wtf I am related to your president ?
> If you entered it, as far as I see, your president is not very decisive 
> towards right wing groups, very similar to your racist and stereotypical 
> views about groups of people as can be seen in your quotes  in the links 
> which appear in my response in RIPE (which is linked in my first paragraph 
> above). Ronald stop acting like you are openminded and a Democrat, because 
> your quotes in my RIPE response, clearly show that you are not. Since then, 
> your stereotypical mindset didn't stop, and you also called all the people of 
> Africa as "bird brain" here in Community-Discuss, this is a complete disgrace 
> that anyone is letting you to keep spreading your hate.
> ----
> So it is also with our Mr. Cohen.  Ask him to produce even a single shred
> of evidence to support his claims to rightfully own several millions of
> dollars worth of legacy AFRINIC IPv4 address space and he evades, delays,
> and gives excuses.  I suspect that at any moment Mr. Cohen may likewise
> claim to be the rightful owner of the gold fillings in my own teeth while
> likewise producing zero evidence to support that equally absurd claim.
> ----
> "Ask him to produce even a single shred of evidence to support his claims to 
> rightfully own several millions of dollars worth of legacy AFRINIC IPv4 
> address space and he evades" - I evade? who are you? a Coconut person part of 
> illegal organizations which are terrorizing the whole hosting industry 
> worldwide?
> "delays, and gives excuses" - WTF ? I delay ? did I ever delay you ? go 
> immediately take care of your pores because they are impacting your mind !!!
> "I suspect that at any moment Mr. Cohen may likewise claim to be the rightful 
> owner of the gold fillings in my own teeth while likewise producing zero 
> evidence to support that equally absurd claim" - So anyone in the world that 
> own anything need to come to Coconut Guilmette and to prove it ? (Coconut 
> Guilmette, we have something which is called a legal system, in contrary to 
> the mob-like illegal anonymous organizations that you are part of them, I 
> will not let anyone to terrorize me, no matter how much pus your pores will 
> secrete)
> ----
> Furthermore, Mr. Cohen evidentally isn't even man enough to post here a
> copy of the legal complaint that he has allegedly filed against AFRINIC.
> He posts here, trying to persuade the AFRINIC community that AFRINIC
> management has done something wrong by simply taking back what he and
> his cohorts have stolen, and yet at this moment he is simultaneously
> pursuing a legal attack against AFRINIC, and thus also against the very
> same community that he is trying to persuade.  It may be too obvious to
> even need saying, but I'll say it anyway:  Mr. Cohen has a funny way of
> trying to gain allies for his personal financially-motivated jihad.
> ----
> "isn't even man enough" - I'll stop to reply to that paragraph at that point 
> if that is the level of Coconut Guilmette expression.
> ----
> What we *do* know about Mr. Cohen, and what there *is* hard documentary
> evidence to prove, is that he provided to various parties a number of
> clearly forged LOA documents as he was attempting to obtain routing
> for various parts of his stolen empire.  The evidence is so clear and
> compelling that Mr. Cohen hasn't even bothered to try to dispute it.
> ----
> Again, too bad I cannot sue you because you have nothing, but no worries, you 
> "convinced" enough parties with your proofless narrative to repeat after you 
> that lawsuits will come to them and to their companies for their expressions.
> ----
> But then again, why would he?  Anyone who spends at least two minutes
> looking at the documents in question can readily see the obvious, i.e.
> that the signatures and the "official" stamps on those documents are
> the results of a quick-and-dirty cut-and-paste job in PhotoShop.  As I
> have previously noted elsewhere, these forgeries are so inept and silly
> that no self-respecting forger would even try to use such documents, or
> try to pass them off as genuine.
> ----
> Coconut, go clean your pores. It will help you think straight.
> ----
> Mr. Cohen does not wish to talk about those blatantly forged documents.
> Nor does Mr. Cohen wish to talk about the five abandoned legacy /16 blocks
> in the APNIC region that I caught him red-handed squatting on last year,
> i.e. the,,,,
> and blocks, the first of which being the rightful property
> of none other than the Australian national government.  And of course,
> Mr. Cohen does not which to talk about his pending lawsuit against AFRINIC,
> nor does he wish to post here a copy of his legal filing in that case
> so that members of this community could know, first-hand and precisely,
> what he is even suing AFRINIC for.  (For all anyone here knows, Mr. Cohen
> may be suing AFRINIC merely over some unfortunate dog bite incident.)
> ----
> Due to your narrative, AfriNIC took the actions that they took and now being 
> sued, people expressed themselves after you (because you look Genuine in your 
> writing, only look) and they will be sued, when your mob-friends of the 
> illegal anonymous organizations "The Spamhaus Project" and "Ops-Trust" will 
> reveal all of their identities and will also reveal any requested document 
> for any of their companies - you will have the justification to ask the same 
> from me. If they are not doing it - then go clean your pores.
> ----
> Just like our Mr. Trump, Mr. Cohen is also long on retoric and grievances
> and short on specifics and evidence.  At the drop of a hat, and at every
> opportunity he bleats that he is the unfortunate and guiltless victim
> of some unseen secret cabal, which apparently now includes AFRINIC,
> all of whom are conspiring together to deter him from his mission of
> gathering unearned wealth unto himself, presumably so that he can
> ascend to his rightful place among the upper echelons of wealthy society
> in Israel.  And as with our Mr. Trump, it is apparetly of no concern
> whatsoever to Mr. Cohen who he has to step on or who he has to steal
> from in order to pursue his hoped-for riches.
> ----
> "Mr. Cohen is also long on retoric and grievances and short on specifics and 
> evidence" - Aren't you an unsuitable person which is writing long messages 
> online and isn't I the person which is suing  (with evidences) ???
> "short on specifics and evidence" - Coconut, do you believe that in the legal 
> case I wrote "it is mine" or provided evidence?
> "of some unseen secret cabal" - See my message below after all of my comments 
> to you.
> ----
> I need to be clear about this.  Mr. Cohen appears to bemoan the fact
> that AFRINIC has, at least in some instances, taken back control of
> -just- the WHOIS records and also, hopefully, the reverse DNS
> delegations for at least some of what Mr. Cohen and his various
> partners in crime have stolen.  From where I am sitting, AFRINIC has
> not done this either thoughtlessly nor even terribly expeditiously.
> Quite the opposite in fact.
> ----
> I need to be clear about this, it is not enough for Coconut Guilmette the 
> legal case that he created against AfriNIC and against anyone (and the 
> company of anyone) that repeated after him, Coconut Guilmette (and his mob 
> friends) are trying very decisively to push AfriNIC to take actions that from 
> them AfriNIC will not be able to recover financially in the legal case that 
> will be related to them. The community should know to what Coconut Guilmette 
> is trying to lead - proof-lessly and evidence-lessly only because of his (and 
> his mob friends) revenge against me.
> ----
> I continue to be dismayed and disheartened at the glacially slow pace at
> which AFRINIC management has elected to remediate these self-evidently
> bogus and clearly fradulent entries in the data base.  The unfortunate
> and utterly unnecessary delays that AFRINIC management has applied to
> what should have been some quite simple and straightforward data base
> corrections have allowed Mr. Cohen and his cohorts more than a full
> additional year of ill-gotten gains, earned on the backs of these stolen
> blocks, and as an additional reward for deceit and theft.  (He is still
> profitably sub-leasing a great deal of IPv4 space in these stolen blocks
> to various parties, even as we speak, specifically with the aid and
> assistance of the Hong Hong based AS18013 and its freshly-minted made-
> to-order cousin, AS137951.)
> ----
> The only fraudulent entries are the ones in your twisted mind.
> ----
> It has been entirely apparent for more than a year now that AFRINIC
> management and the AFRINIC board are all far more concerned with
> protecting their own asses, legally speaking, than they are in thwarting
> this ongoing criminal profittering or in simply doing the obviously
> Right Thing.  The provably fradulent changes made to to the AFRINIC
> WHOIS data base could have been and should have been un-done the moment
> they first became known.  Instead, management and the board have elected
> to take the path of least resistance, and to insist on their right and
> (alleged) obligation to do absolutely nothing unless and until the
> various and several legal representatives of the numerous long-dead
> companies that are the rightful owners of these legacy blocks show up
> on AFRINIC's doorstep to complain about these many and obviously
> related thefts.
> ----
> Coconut, using more words doesn't make them true, and repeating a lie over 
> and over doesn't make it true either. You wrote that you have evidence ? I 
> beg you to show it, if you are not showing your "evidences" - then go clean 
> your pores.
> ----
> It is not necessary and should not be necessary for dead companies to
> rise from the graveyard of corporations to haunt the living into simply
> seeing what is obvious, plain, and right in front of their faces.  Nor
> should it be necessary for corporate zombies to rise from the dead to
> motivate the living to respond to blatant thefts intelligently and
> promptly.
> ----
> Use Alvera to clean your pores, it will do miracles to you.
> ----
> AFRINIC should at long last complete its work on these matters, un-do
> the remaining frauds in the data base, and stop rewarding this ongoing
> criminal enterprise. The fact that it has so far failed to do so, even
> after more than a year of dawdling, will no doubt be a comfort and an
> inspiration to the next wave of crooks, con men, and charlatans who
> will in future see some hole, some new ploy, or some fresh opportunity
> to also and likewise defraud the slow-acting and slow-witted AFRINIC.
> ----
> Coconut Guilmette, without any proofs, only with words of lies, is keep 
> trying to push AfriNIC to take more actions that will lead AfriNIC to point 
> that it will not be able to pay all the damages in a court trial and AfriNIC 
> will have to be closed due to it.
> ----
> You may be forgiven for being perplexed at why an allegedly Hong Kong
> based ASN is routing all and only IPv4 address blocks that all have little
> South African national flags next to them in the above display.  More
> significantly, you may also wonder why a great many of these blocks
> have little green check marks next to them, indicating an "authorized"
> route.  The reason for this, in at least some cases, is that not only
> has AFRINIC management utterly failed to un-do the fradulent WHOIS data
> base entries that were already known about and publicly reported on LAST
> YEAR, but also and even worse, AFRINIC management has failed to prevent
> Mr. Cohen from -continuing- to make fresh fradulent entries in the AFRINIC
> data base, even into the current calendar year, for example, this one:
> route:
> descr:          Route-object
> origin:         AS18013
> mnt-by:         MNT-SCS
> changed:        info@afri.holdings <mailto:info@afri.holdings> 20200126
> source:         AFRINIC
> I look forward to the day, if ever, when AFRINIC will decide to stop
> allowing itself to be used by Mr. Cohen like a woman of the streets.
> To say that this lack of care is shameful would be an understatement.
> ----
> Coconut, there is something called laws and order, it is so a Coconut person 
> cannot go ahead and shame and spread lies and make provocations and then 
> destructive actions will be based on it (without any justice), in our world 
> actions are taken based on evidences and proofs, to remind you - I wasn't 
> sued not by a single entity, I was the one that initiated lawsuits and I will 
> win in them all. Also anyone that repeated after your words will be sued as 
> well, including their companies, you know exactly who you are.
> Ronald, I'll end with a personal note, you remember how I figured who the 
> spamhaus member was flamed everything inside spamhaus ? (to hurt and to 
> damage me because of business competition, because he is an employee of 
> business competitor GeoEdge)
> So I also figured who you are... because someone commented to you in Nanog, 
> the commentor called you antisemitic (someone which is not related to me) and 
> he also used the word "pores" in relation to you, and then he received a 
> reply (from one of your "Ops-Trust" mob friends) that the he obviously knows 
> you... Ronald, your identity is in old scriptures, do you know what is 
> written about you there ? that you are the most evil creature that ever 
> walked upon earth. That you don't stop lying and decepting and that you are 
> directly connected to the ancient snake.
> I never saw you Ronald and never saw a picture of you, but I will bet by 100% 
> that you match one-by-one to the following characteristics that are written 
> in old scriptures regarding the most evil creature that ever walked on earth 
> and that lies and deception are combined in it according old scriptures:
> You are blond.
> You are bald.
> One eye of you is bigger than the other.
> One arm of you is bigger than the other.
> You have leprosy in your forehead.
> Your right ear is blocked and the left ear is opened. (it is written in old 
> scriptures: that when a person is coming to you to tell good things about 
> people you give him the blocked right ear, and when a person is coming to you 
> to tell bad things about people you give him the opened left ear).
> Now, Ronald, after I figured who you are, will you deny it ? will you send us 
> pictures of you and health report to deny it ?
> You are the lawless one, Ronald Guilmette.
> -----
> Let me also repeat for all the "Legacy Resource Holders" - AfriNIC in the 
> legal case are trying to take control hiddenly and secretly on all the legacy 
> netblocks, meaning to force all of AfriNIC policies on any legacy netblock 
> and on any legacy netblock holder, even when RSA is not signed. In 
> contradiction to to the content in AfriNIC own "Legacy Resource Holders" 
> webpage:
> https://afrinic.net/membership/legacy-resource 
> <https://afrinic.net/membership/legacy-resource>
> Kind Regards,
> Elad
> From: Ronald F. Guilmette <r...@tristatelogic.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 3:42 AM
> To: community-discuss@afrinic.net <community-discuss@afrinic.net>
> Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Notice to all the legacy netblocks holders 
> in AfriNIC
> Elad Cohen is the Donald Trump of the Middle East.  He is a pathological
> liar, a con man, and a thief.
> Much evidence exists to support this viewpoint, and somewhat less than
> all of that evidence has yet been seen by the public generally, and/or
> by the AFRINIC community specifically.  (I am informed and believe
> however that current AFRINIC management is already well and truly aware
> of much of this additional evidence.  All of it shall quite certainly
> be made public in due course.)
> Even in lieu of that additional evidence, it should already be plain
> and clear to all that Mr. Cohen has made, and continues to make, the
> most outrageous and unbelievable claims, backed up by exactly -zero-
> hard evidence whatsoever.  He claims to have *somehow* purchased
> enormously vast gobs of valuable IPv4 legacy address space, from some
> unidentified party, while stedfastly refusing to name the party in
> question, or to produce a single shread of documentary evidence
> supporting his utterly outlandish claims.
> This is a game that we here in the U.S. are already quite familiar with.
> Critics of Mr. Trump's almost unbroken stream of ludicrous and outlandish
> claims, about his wealth, about the true source of his bank loans, and
> about numerous other of his superfically ridiculous claims have been
> begging Mr. Trump for over four long years now to produce his tax returns
> for public inspection, just as all other Presidents and presidential
> candidates have done here in the U.S. for that past 60+ years now.  To
> date, those many requests have never been honored.  Rather, Mr. Trump
> is always finding some new lame excuse for keeping his dirty little
> secrets secret.  And those excuses change from day to day.
> So it is also with our Mr. Cohen.  Ask him to produce even a single shred
> of evidence to support his claims to rightfully own several millions of
> dollars worth of legacy AFRINIC IPv4 address space and he evades, delays,
> and gives excuses.  I suspect that at any moment Mr. Cohen may likewise
> claim to be the rightful owner of the gold fillings in my own teeth while
> likewise producing zero evidence to support that equally absurd claim.
> Furthermore, Mr. Cohen evidentally isn't even man enough to post here a
> copy of the legal complaint that he has allegedly filed against AFRINIC.
> He posts here, trying to persuade the AFRINIC community that AFRINIC
> management has done something wrong by simply taking back what he and
> his cohorts have stolen, and yet at this moment he is simultaneously
> pursuing a legal attack against AFRINIC, and thus also against the very
> same community that he is trying to persuade.  It may be too obvious to
> even need saying, but I'll say it anyway:  Mr. Cohen has a funny way of
> trying to gain allies for his personal financially-motivated jihad.
> What we *do* know about Mr. Cohen, and what there *is* hard documentary
> evidence to prove, is that he provided to various parties a number of
> clearly forged LOA documents as he was attempting to obtain routing
> for various parts of his stolen empire.  The evidence is so clear and
> compelling that Mr. Cohen hasn't even bothered to try to dispute it.
> But then again, why would he?  Anyone who spends at least two minutes
> looking at the documents in question can readily see the obvious, i.e.
> that the signatures and the "official" stamps on those documents are
> the results of a quick-and-dirty cut-and-paste job in PhotoShop.  As I
> have previously noted elsewhere, these forgeries are so inept and silly
> that no self-respecting forger would even try to use such documents, or
> try to pass them off as genuine.
> Mr. Cohen does not wish to talk about those blatantly forged documents.
> Nor does Mr. Cohen wish to talk about the five abandoned legacy /16 blocks
> in the APNIC region that I caught him red-handed squatting on last year,
> i.e. the,,,,
> and blocks, the first of which being the rightful property
> of none other than the Australian national government.  And of course,
> Mr. Cohen does not which to talk about his pending lawsuit against AFRINIC,
> nor does he wish to post here a copy of his legal filing in that case
> so that members of this community could know, first-hand and precisely,
> what he is even suing AFRINIC for.  (For all anyone here knows, Mr. Cohen
> may be suing AFRINIC merely over some unfortunate dog bite incident.)
> Just like our Mr. Trump, Mr. Cohen is also long on retoric and grievances
> and short on specifics and evidence.  At the drop of a hat, and at every
> opportunity he bleats that he is the unfortunate and guiltless victim
> of some unseen secret cabal, which apparently now includes AFRINIC,
> all of whom are conspiring together to deter him from his mission of
> gathering unearned wealth unto himself, presumably so that he can
> ascend to his rightful place among the upper echelons of wealthy society
> in Israel.  And as with our Mr. Trump, it is apparetly of no concern
> whatsoever to Mr. Cohen who he has to step on or who he has to steal
> from in order to pursue his hoped-for riches.
> I need to be clear about this.  Mr. Cohen appears to bemoan the fact
> that AFRINIC has, at least in some instances, taken back control of
> -just- the WHOIS records and also, hopefully, the reverse DNS
> delegations for at least some of what Mr. Cohen and his various
> partners in crime have stolen.  From where I am sitting, AFRINIC has
> not done this either thoughtlessly nor even terribly expeditiously.
> Quite the opposite in fact.
> I continue to be dismayed and disheartened at the glacially slow pace at
> which AFRINIC management has elected to remediate these self-evidently
> bogus and clearly fradulent entries in the data base.  The unfortunate
> and utterly unnecessary delays that AFRINIC management has applied to
> what should have been some quite simple and straightforward data base
> corrections have allowed Mr. Cohen and his cohorts more than a full
> additional year of ill-gotten gains, earned on the backs of these stolen
> blocks, and as an additional reward for deceit and theft.  (He is still
> profitably sub-leasing a great deal of IPv4 space in these stolen blocks
> to various parties, even as we speak, specifically with the aid and
> assistance of the Hong Hong based AS18013 and its freshly-minted made-
> to-order cousin, AS137951.)
> It has been entirely apparent for more than a year now that AFRINIC
> management and the AFRINIC board are all far more concerned with
> protecting their own asses, legally speaking, than they are in thwarting
> this ongoing criminal profittering or in simply doing the obviously
> Right Thing.  The provably fradulent changes made to to the AFRINIC
> WHOIS data base could have been and should have been un-done the moment
> they first became known.  Instead, management and the board have elected
> to take the path of least resistance, and to insist on their right and
> (alleged) obligation to do absolutely nothing unless and until the
> various and several legal representatives of the numerous long-dead
> companies that are the rightful owners of these legacy blocks show up
> on AFRINIC's doorstep to complain about these many and obviously
> related thefts.
> It is not necessary and should not be necessary for dead companies to
> rise from the graveyard of corporations to haunt the living into simply
> seeing what is obvious, plain, and right in front of their faces.  Nor
> should it be necessary for corporate zombies to rise from the dead to
> motivate the living to respond to blatant thefts intelligently and
> promptly.
> AFRINIC should at long last complete its work on these matters, un-do
> the remaining frauds in the data base, and stop rewarding this ongoing
> criminal enterprise. The fact that it has so far failed to do so, even
> after more than a year of dawdling, will no doubt be a comfort and an
> inspiration to the next wave of crooks, con men, and charlatans who
> will in future see some hole, some new ploy, or some fresh opportunity
> to also and likewise defraud the slow-acting and slow-witted AFRINIC.
> Regards,
> rfg
> Ref:
> https://bgp.he.net/AS137951#_prefixes <https://bgp.he.net/AS137951#_prefixes>
> You may be forgiven for being perplexed at why an allegedly Hong Kong
> based ASN is routing all and only IPv4 address blocks that all have little
> South African national flags next to them in the above display.  More
> significantly, you may also wonder why a great many of these blocks
> have little green check marks next to them, indicating an "authorized"
> route.  The reason for this, in at least some cases, is that not only
> has AFRINIC management utterly failed to un-do the fradulent WHOIS data
> base entries that were already known about and publicly reported on LAST
> YEAR, but also and even worse, AFRINIC management has failed to prevent
> Mr. Cohen from -continuing- to make fresh fradulent entries in the AFRINIC
> data base, even into the current calendar year, for example, this one:
> route:
> descr:          Route-object
> origin:         AS18013
> mnt-by:         MNT-SCS
> changed:        info@afri.holdings 20200126
> source:         AFRINIC
> I look forward to the day, if ever, when AFRINIC will decide to stop
> allowing itself to be used by Mr. Cohen like a woman of the streets.
> To say that this lack of care is shameful would be an understatement.
> _______________________________________________
> Community-Discuss mailing list
> Community-Discuss@afrinic.net
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