I have to agree that this community board is better suited to discussing garden issues than personal attacks.

E-mail and board posting, by it's impersonal nature, can unwittingly lead to vitriolic verbiage that nobody would normally say to another's face. This has been a problem in my garden for a while and it has come to the point that, as garden president, I will not advance community discussion by e-mail anymore. It quickly degenerates into name calling if the topic is the slightest bit controversial. I tell people to come to the monthly meeting or if they can't be there, have someone represent their opinion. I will only use e-mail for one-on-one communications or important announcements.

In defense of Edie Stone and Greenthumb, she is running an underfunded organization that is answering to a very large bureaucracy (Edie, please correct me if I say something inaccurate). She has always treated the 6 & B Garden with respect and courtesy. Our gardens are an example of the people taking over from government and private ownership and creating a community service. The gardens are an anomaly in the structure of the city and in a society that reacts fearfully to community ownership, it's going to be a hard trek to finally secure the gardens permanently. In some ways it's amazing that we are where we are now. Every major move Greenthumb (and Parks) is taking now is a step into uncharted territory. The insurance problem was an example. I say "was" because I don't see a problem anymore. Yes, I expressed the garden's discomfort with the handling of communication but we see it as something that's now in the past. Edie is on our side, we have to work together or watch another beautiful part of our city go down the drain of commercialism and blind profits..

Boards like this are great. Gardeners don't have enough opportunity to interact with each other in their own city much less with gardeners from around the country. Let's keep this board working in a positive way.

William Hohauser
6th Street & Avenue B Garden
New York City

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