Dear Sir,

I am a Malaysian who has been following the activities of Community
Gardeners for more than a year. While actively doing my own gardening or
more specifically supervising gardening since at 67 I feel that physically I
am not able to do most of the heavy chores, on my 9 acre farm, my main
interest in following your activities is also to gain insight as to how to
courage other Malaysians to take up gardening for recreation.

Before I initiate any action in that direction, I do not wish to duplicate
the effort if there is already someone or an organization doing that. Has
there been an approach made to you from Malaysia indicating that such a move
is in the offing.

Best regards,

Mohamed Saufi.

-------Original Message-------
Date: 09/09/05 01:01:07
Subject: community_garden digest, Vol 1 #2211 - 3 msgs
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