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Guest Columnists: Take a bite out of climate change 
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 
Think "greenhouse gas" and we envision automobile exhaust, smokestacks and 
record heat waves. Driving less and being more energy efficient is on the minds 
of many concerned about climate change. Rarely mentioned among the factors 
contributing to global warming is the food at the end of our forks.

The "inconvenient truth" about how our food is produced, processed and 
distributed is that it requires massive quantities of fossil fuel-based inputs 
-- including petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides. The industrial farming 
model that dominates today releases 265 million metric tons of CO2 into the air 
and degrades the soil, impairing its ability to absorb carbon from the 
atmosphere. Substantial energy and natural resources are used to process and 
package food before it's shipped -- burning more oil -- to get to restaurants 
and supermarkets.

With the average American meal traveling 1,500 miles before it reaches a plate, 
a University of Michigan study shows our food system consumes 7 calories of 
fuel for every calorie of energy we get from our food. Not all the food that's 
produced makes it to our plates. Almost 65,000 tons of food was thrown away by 
Seattle area businesses in 2004. Twenty percent to 30 percent of that food was 
perfectly good. The costs are much higher than a guilty conscience.

Although our food system contributes to climate change, global warming 
threatens agriculture. Triple-digit heat waves this year caused Oregon 
blueberry crops to dry up; livestock in California to drop dead. Fruit and nut 
crops could be damaged when blossoms open before insects arrive to pollinate 
them; fruit trees may produce weaker crops because of fewer cool nights. 
Irrigation water is drying up as mountain snows melt earlier, leaving fields 
dry by midsummer.

King County Executive Ron Sims and Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels are national 
leaders in addressing climate change. The mayor's Green Ribbon Committee worked 
with Seattle's Office of Sustainability and the Environment to produce the 
Climate Action Plan, targeting specific sectors for reducing greenhouse gas 
emissions. The Action Plan mentions the need to promote sustainable 
agriculture, but stops short of addressing the problems in our current system. 

Changes in our food system could reduce significantly the impact on climate and 
also would give us a more secure food system that's beneficial to our health, 
the environment and our economy. Overhauling wasteful, inefficient ways 
requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach. Communities across the 
nation are establishing food policy councils to provide the expertise and 
collaboration necessary.

In our area, 15 volunteers from various parts of the food system formed an 
ad-hoc Seattle-King County Acting Food Policy Council this year. We hope the 
city and county will endorse and welcome a permanent council into the planning 
structure and include our food system in climate change policies.

Meanwhile, each of us can make a difference by buying food at farmers markets, 
direct from farms, or through community-supported agriculture programs, and 
patronizing restaurants that serve local, seasonal fare. Eating more locally 
and sustainably grown food is a delicious way to take a bite out of climate 

Pablo Monsivais is a research fellow at the University of Washington. Mary 
Embleton is executive director of the Cascade Harvest Coalition. Both are 
members of the Seattle-King County Acting Food Policy Council.

? 1998-2006 Seattle Post-Intelligencer 

Laura Raymond
P-Patch Program
(206) 615-1787

We've Moved! Please note our new address:
City of Seattle
Department of Neighborhoods
700 5th Avenue Suite 1700
PO Box 94649
Seattle WA 98124-4649

Fax: 206-233-5142 

Thanks for your time,
Sandy Pernitz
Community Garden Coordinator
P-Patch Program/Dept. of Neighborhoods
"I thought I was coming to learn about gardens, and instead I learned about 
life, and the importance of community and interdependence."  Kolmi Majumdar
Department of Neighborhoods
PO Box 94649
Seattle, WA 98124-4649
sandy.pernitz at
office location: 700 5th Avenue Suite 1700

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