-----Original Message-----
From: Frey, Linda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 11:39 AM
To: John Verin
Subject: OG: Water

Dear Paco John

Thank you for your interest in ORGANIC GARDENING. Recent reports caution
that some shingles are treated with chemicals to inhibit moss growth, and
that such chemicals could leach from the shingles. Thus, we are advising
caution in using runoff water from asphalt-shingled roofs. 
In every issue of OG, you'll find specific guidance on how to "do it
yourself" the organic way. To subscribe, call 1-800-666-2206 or visit

Happy gardening!
Linda Frey
Readers' Service

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 2:20 PM
Subject: OG Write To Us

Paco John Verin
Philadelphia, PA

Dear Mr. Meyer,
Thanks for your monthly zone updates. I appreciate them a lot. I actually
get both zone 6 and 7 updates, because Philly is zone 6 yet also a heat
sink, so can act like 7.

This piece was in the April zone 6 update:

* You know April Showers brings May flowers. Make the most of this
valuable resource with a RAIN BARREL. Connect one of your downspouts to
the barrel to catch rainfall and you will have a ready supply of
chemical-free water for your gardening needs. You can buy a rain barrel
or build your own.

Paul Rodman
Allen Park, Michigan

I had once learned that roof shingles can leach chemicals, therefore
catching roof run-off is not a good idea, certainly not for food gardens.
Also, in Philadelphia, it is not legal to divert storm water from the
municipal water system, as they need it for the treatment plants. Other
municipalities may have the same ordinance.

My suggestion here is that Mr. Rodman's article have those caveats,
certainly about the chemicals. If someone were to use roof water that had
chemicals, they could point a finger to this article.

Ultimately, I'm quite frustrated with our public and political attitudes to
water (and nature as a whole!). I would love to see non-toxic roofing and
encouragement to put rain water in the ground where it belongs. BTW, Temple
U at Ambler has created very neat "Green Roofs," living plant roofs that
catch rain water and keep home temps steady. www.abler.temple.edu.

Thanks again for your excellent work. I believe organic will be the only way

Paco John Verin
Philadelphia Green Community Gardening


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